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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. “Thank you, the debate for the position of Okarir’nor shall be declared finished! Candidates, you may take a seat with the rest of the candidates.” Usamea would for the millionth time speak out, however this time the elfess seemed to yawn after. It was evident this poor worker was growing tired “Next up, Okarir’hiylun! I would like to invite Ms Kolvar Trafina and Rune of Ahad, you may begin in that order with your opening statements! 

  2. Would receive a question from the citizens via a courier, the elfess waving it in the air for a while to show everyone that indeed it was not her own "To the citizenry of Haelun'or, I ask the okarir'nor candidates if they'll be able to answer a housing issue that i've seen in the recent valah years within the city. The issue being the talonnii manors being used as a collective house for non-talonnii citizens alike. As you're aware behind closed walls the purity of our nation is something we need to keep in line and the dichotomy of lewdness in check, specifically article one: Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or shall not participate in physical fraternization outside of marriage, or if those of same-sex, article six: The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or shall not participate in intimate fraternization of a homosexual nature. My question follows the statement to ask, are you wishing to absolve talonnii designated housing to be only talonnii or leave it as it currently is risking the two articles mentioned above to be a prominent issue in the state?" The elfess finished, seemingly interested in the topic.  “Mr Hyptos, if you would answer first!”

  3. “And as such, the debate between elOkarir’san candidates shall be declared ended! I offer you my gratitude for the very entertaining debate, candidates! You may go take a seat by the end of the dais” The An’asul babbled what she could, her mouth filled with popcorn that was mushy from all the tea she was drinking. A truly horrendous thing to witness “I would like to invite our next candidates for the position of Okarir’nor! Welcome Mr Pamphilos Hyptos and Ms April Viradi…ah pardon, Ms April Valwynn! You may begin with your opening statements and as always, ladies come first as Larihei intended! Ms April Valwynn the floor is yours!

  4. “Oh Larihei what a spectacle! This is truly the nature of us Mali’thill, forever partaking in seasonal depre… debate, I mean debate!The elven female stood up from her seat, awkwardly correcting herself before speaking  “And as such it shall continue, I have received a question from our beloved Mr Evo’lur Tartarus and it reads

    Both candidates here show no formal resume or prior diplomatic skill, as i'm sure lady Usamea knows it is a difficult task having a short term themselves. How would both candidates offer diplomatic security to not have further war raged on the people of this city? I myself, as with my daughter don't have much insurance on either canditate. I do understand as lady Usamea addressed a discussion has happened with Ebonwood, evident in the embassy which shows improvement of relations that they've been able to aqcuire with the aid of the Okarir'mali aiding in diplomatic assurance. That brings the second question on how would you differ from this tactic or will you follow in lady Usamea’s lead

    — “Oh now, rather kind words “ Usamea would pause as she read the paper —  in offering mali'thil to bridge relations to nations?’ “ She would continue her speech, taking a small sip of whatever beverage was presented before her by the sponsors of this debate “Ms Valwynn if you may!” The Laurir would tell

  5. “Once again we witness competent candidates, a shame only one may take upon themselves the mantle of elOkarir’san.” The Laurir cleared her throat before she began to speak “As with the precious candidates, you may now ask questions from one another however you may respond before you ask your question. Mr Miravaris may go first and Ms Valwynn after that. I would also like to invite the citizens to forward me any questions they might have to the blessed candidates.” Usamea looked around to the gallery, gazing upon the citizens to see whether anyone would be intrigued to wish for more insight. 

  6. “And so it is concluded. The citizens at this time have not delivered any questions to me so we may move forward! Okarir’maehr candidates, you may take a seat by the back of the dais” Usamea would state as she browsed for a clear page on her notebook “I would like to invite the Okarir’san candidates to the front! A’eollaja Ello’janna-Valwynn and Arasdir Miravaris! You are both seen and recognised as eligible candidates for the position of Okarir’san. I would like you both begin with your opening statements, A’eollaja may go first” The moderator fell silent as the candidates walked to the front, gazing at the duo as they went. 


    And at this time we’re hitting a little pause due to time zones and the human body’s requirements for sleep. We’ll continue in the morning once everyone wakes up! 


  7. ”Ahern Ito nae’leh candidates, your speeches were all Impeccable” The moderator stated, looking around as the ever so interested crowd followed the debate from the gallery “I would now like to invite you all to ask questions from one another, each candidate is given one question and one rebuttal. Please ask the questions from both candidates on your turn. Mr An’asul, you may go first, then Sullas and Visaj. Rebuttals may be given once everyone has asked their inquiries.” Usamea elected, the girlboss sipping her Starbox™️ caramel macchiato. 

  8. “I welcome you candidates, Haelun’or sees you and recognises you all as eligible candidates for the position of Okarir’maehr. I would like to invite you to start with your opening statements, each candidate having their turn. You may begin in the order you arrived to the dais.” Usamea, the moderator of the debate spoke, a cup of Starbox coffee presented before her. The elfess would sip the delicious caramel macchiato as she began to take notes.

  9. js9hjA-K3fza4sR7FYu42CO4EXDYzGOncV7Runn2k6_hKSRikxL6TDJXtkEzgLOxj-t6t_Gdal2IQQVu2Vd5nygEhp_BOluqukaPIcRQqLqm4HIgp1KBIrj4VuajZlNYvItUTp9g




    {Art by M-Wojtala}

    To debate, tradition and silver

    An Announcement to the Silver State of Haelun’or


    As Issued from the office of the Maheral

    3rd of The First Seed, Year 67 of the Second Age


    If there were to be a choice, I would say remove power from the council. Do not let them have any more. It is simply too dangerous, and a repeat of what occurred under that Sohaer may lead to our race's utter extermination. We all know there are barbarians who would be glad to see it done. 

    - Malaurir Lucion Sullas





    Our blessed bastion is as strong as it weakest link, thus progress must always be safeguarded. As we have many times before, the time has come to choose which citizens we wish to be responsible for directing the future of our people. The labors they face will be great, and they will not prevail without a true will to further Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya. 


    All those that have nominated themselves for the seats of Okariran shall debate, show the citizens why they are worthy of such a seat. These debates may include topics relating to the duties of a certain Okarir to the current political climate of Haelun’or to Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. 


    Good luck Mali’thill, may the odds be ever in your favor. 


    The vacant position alongside their respected candidates are as follows:



    Leithedir An'asul & Elarhil Sullas & Tiuthwyn Visaj



    A’eollaja Ello’janna-Valwynn & Arasdir Miravaris



    Pamphilos Hyptos & April Valwynn



    Kolvar Trafina-Valwynn & Rune of Ahad



    Maheral Elesia Elervathar


    On behalf of elHeial’thilln,

    Laurir Usamea An’asul












    [!] As the missive was posted, the Laurir would speak the contents of the missive within the citadel, filled with Mali and lessers alike. Candidates seemed to be busy with going through their notes, socializing among the citizens. 


    “First, we begin the debate between the Okarir’maehr candidates. I advise the citizens to remain quiet and send all question to me on a paper via the courier that stands by the entrance.” Usamea would speak, inviting the candidates to the dais. 



    Please do not comment unless you are a candidate. If you have any questions to the candidates, please direct them to me aka the moderator of this debate (send me a discord PM with all the questions or a message on the forums!) It's just to keep things simple, organized, and so forth. 

    To keep things simple, each candidate gets one opening statement, one question (two if more than two candidates), and one rebuttal (two rebuttals if more than two candidates), answering questions from the citizens has no limit.  Question from the citizens have to be directed to all candidates so candidate-specific questions will not be allowed. 

    Also, I will comment on this post when we move from one okarir seat to another so do not comment before I declare the debate open for the specific okarir seat you have nominated yourself for!

    Lastly, this debate is happening in the citadel of Haelun'or meaning it can be considered metagaming if you comment on this on a character who would not have a reason to be in the citadel. I will also request moderation to hide all comments that break the IRP rules of this debate (aka commenting unless you're a candidate).


  10. akxSmlHIxrKyvWT_4YADUCXPRFox4NyYA9mGW5eErsyZ92_sJWodpfjPfR2RkI-B-jbaOyUql_rkzbtyJgsSk9UWjUi8eV3bq6h-01ZxbpyGrCcizWlHDWGDskeP16WHJ5S6nT8Z





    {Winter Caravan by Aleksandra Medvedenko}


    On domestic and international trade

    An announcement from elOkarn akaln’leh


    As issued by Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul

    21st of Malin’s Welcome, Year 66 of the Second Age




    “Our Bastion’s wealth and security depend upon our ability to control and regulate trade, even if that means at the expense of our lesser associates.” - Silir Uradir



    Haelun’or has been known throughout Her history as the isolated state - from the time of the creation to present day - among the continents we have resided in. Such has been an asset for Haelun’or as we remain self-sufficient, we are not dependent on any foreign nation when it comes to exports and imports. Haelun’or has bloomed from the era of Malaurir Dio Astore to the era of Malaurir Elesia Elervathar. 


    To remain progressive it is important to understand the value of external trading, the value of good diplomatic relations between Haelun’or and foreign nations, however not with the expense of ourselves. We must remain vigilant, yet open. 

    I am thus bringing back something created by a former Okarir’san Silir Uradir - the seal of Elemyumiran. This seal will be granted on application basis to merchants that function within the Silver State. We will uphold and protect the rights of our government-approved merchants, who’s caravans will be sealed with the official mark of our Republic in order to ensure safe passage through the borders of the Most Favored allies. 


    We require all trades associated with our nation to be conducted via these marked and traveling repositories. It is by this method that I ask the citizenry to consider supporting the introduction of enumerated goods. When a mali’thill merchant purchases goods to redistribute with a raised price (as is wise and just), or creates goods to sell, they will be required to filter certain textiles and items of interest back through the Motherland to receive the necessary tariffs. Any Silver Merchant would understand that it is their blessed duty to first provide for our Society, not just themselves. Any profit they make, some will go to our capital city (which, due to its elegance and continuation of our kind, is always in need of funds).


    During times of conflict it is important we remain open to dialogue and diplomacy, the usage of swords and spilling of blood is but actions of the uncivilized. One must always seek diplomatic resolution to conflicts, even when the swords have already been raised. On this note, I am letting the representatives of the Dual Principalities of Fenn and Nor’asath, the Crown of Elvenesse and the Ebonwood Principatus know that Haelun’or still remains open to dialogue and diplomacy– violence should never be the answer. However for now, all trade between Haelun’or and the aforementioned settlements shall be ceased until further notice. We implore the nations to reach a diplomatic resolution. 



    Okarir'akaln Usamea An’asul












    Thank you @Ixli! Used your post as reference for this one :) And Always thanks to @rekofor the Haelunorian art <3








    {Art by KlausPillon}


    elOkarn Akaln’leh

    The Treasury of Haelun’or


    As notarized by elOkarir’akaln Usamea An’asul

    20th of The Deep Cold, Year 65 of the Second Age



    The Office of the Okarir’akaln (Mali’san: elOkarn akaln’leh) is the branch of Silver State’s Government responsible for the Motherlands fiscal and economic affairs. elOkarn akaln’leh duties and trifold: to sustainably manage the Silver Treasury, maximize revenue and control expenditure; to promote and advertise employment opportunities within the Silver State; and to manage, and where necessary distribute, the states resources. The Okarir’akaln also has the duty to oversee foreign trade and upkeep diplomatic relations in accordance with elOkarir’san. 






    As prescribed by Chapter III of the Silver Constitution, the Okarir’akaln shall be the States foremost authority on monetary and economic matters. Their duties include calculating tax rates and property pricing within the lands of the Silver State of Haelun’or, to arrange the payment of wages to public bodies such as the Sillumiran, and management of the bank of Haelun’or. It is within the foremost duties of the Okarir’akaln to ensure the economic prosperity of Haelun’or. As the Okarir’akaln also serves within elHeial’thilln there are vast amounts of different responsibilities such as legislation. 




    The tilruiran serve as the hands of the Okarir’akaln – their duties are to assist the Okarir’akaln in all manners regarding their institution. These duties vary from ensuring the employment of all citizens of Haelun’or, partaking in diplomatic meetings on behalf of the Okarir’akaln, in accordance with the Okarir’san to overseeing the monetary matters of Haelun'or. Tilruiran are appointed and removed within the discretion of the Okarir’akaln. 


    Guild Master


    As part of the Okarn akaln’leh, the Guild Masters are responsible for running their respected branch of the okarn akaln’leh. There are currently three different collectives, having vast amount of duties – the Guild Masters represent the office of the Okarir’akaln in all duties within the jurisdiction of their collective. 


    Master of Agriculture


    Master of Labour


    Master Artisan







    Employed as assistants to the tilruiran, Auditors act as general advisors and aides who work on the core functions of the Office - such as management of the Silver Bank, maintenance of ledgers and taxation - and various projects the Office may undertake, such as trading ventures. Additionally, a key role of Auditors is advisory in helping the Okarir’akaln think of new financial ventures to better the States finances. Owing to the complicated nature of the State’s coffers and economy, multiple opinions advising the the Okarir’akaln on economic matters are essential.




    The Bank of Haelun’or



    The Silver Bank of Haelun’or functions directly within the jurisdiction of the Okarir’akaln, administrated by them. The BOH will be established in order to better allocate the resources and finances of Haelun’or. The BOH will offer a few services in the beginning, to assist the citizens were they to request such. 


    - The BOH offers storage units for agreed pricing – residents may use this service

    to securely store their valuables. 


    - Money deposits are available free-of-charge for anyone hoping to store their domestic and foreign currencies

    within the vaults of the BOH.


    - Loan services are offered to citizens to allow them more financial freedom. Loans

    are to be requested directly from the Okarir’akaln. 


    Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul













    Thank you @HogoBojoI used one of your posts to make mine and took some liberty to do some edits! And  @rekofor the magnificent Haelunorian art <3


  12. “I am sure the Uruk of Haelun’or would be more than glad if one of their own would reside within our walls with them. It is a shame innocent beings are discriminated against for simply being what they are.” Said a Haelunorian high elf, Usamea An’asul as the missive found its way to her. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Ramon said:

    what meme am I?



    4 hours ago, satinkira said:

    What meme am I 




    3 hours ago, grnappa said:

    Hit me with it bruv



    3 hours ago, MailC3p said:

    What meme am i?



    3 hours ago, Dyl said:

    I’ve been told I’m a living meme, so do



    2 hours ago, TreeSmoothie said:




    2 hours ago, HogoBojo said:

    I’m concerned yet curious at what your pick will be. 



    1 hour ago, mika1278 said:

    tis I
    What memery can happen today?


    1 hour ago, mika1278 said:

    tis I
    What memery can happen today?


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