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Posts posted by Maclunkey

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    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Blood magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Blood Magic is one of dark origin, finding power in a metaphysical energy labeled “Genus”. This quintessence is found in the blood of those who possess greater souls, necessitating ritualistic sacrifice as a common theme. Though the power of this energy is widely variable and massively powerful, the practice of Blood Magic by any mortal entity ensures a two OOC year PK clause on those who practice it. This will also incur mental and physical ailments upon the dark mage practicing such, worsening over time. Among these are vulnerability to disease, potential muscle loss, and a series of paranoia-based disorders. 


    Blood Magic requires [1] slot to practice, though a second slot can be taken in order to further one’s practice of the magic. A blood mage is originally awakened through the use of a bloodshard, which is a conjured stone of potency that will, upon contact, cause the receiver to be forcefully attuned to their own genus and blood flow. This is often accompanied by searing mental imagery and temporary overstimulation of the senses, ending in the recipient being forever changed.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Bloodbending is a diverse section within Blood Magic, ranging from cantrip-esque Hemorrhaging, all the way to the intense and holistic evisceration of an individual as a form of execution. In essence, Bloodbending is focused upon reaching out to the genus within another, manipulating it in a variety of manners. Spells in this sect include: Augmentation, Hemorrhaging, Scabbing, Siphoning, Tearing, Invoke Ignorance.


    Rituals within Blood Magic are of great variety, and are the larger of the two sections. These rituals are based on the leveraging of Runes, which are typically inscribed with the aforementioned genus-filled blood. Such a variable selection of spells can be further divided into four sections:


    Elemental rituals: These sordid rites are based upon the application of Elemental Runes to the environment, objects, and even living beings. Such will impart effects mechanical or aesthetic upon the altered presence, taking form similar to the rune chosen. This section consists of Ensorcell Flesh and Ensorcell Material.


    Summoning rituals: Rituals of summoning utilize transportation in one way or another, where one might beseech a being or object, or craft a portal to another realm. Due to the extreme complexity of communicating with one specific entity across the entire cosmos, runes are used to filter down that which is affected. This section consists of Embark and Hail.


    Creation rituals: Creation rituals are based on just their namesake, Creation. Whether this is living or non-living is of no matter to the rituals of this section, and often this tows the line between the two finely. Such rituals almost always end in the production of some sort of MArt, bearing its own unique effects. This section consists of Quiet and Invent.


    Force Rituals: Rituals of Force act most often as catalysts. They are powerhouse rituals that often bring about great, cataclysmic change in the world around them. Whether it be a firestorm or an unending spell, Force Rituals are often the most dramatic of all Blood Magic. This section consists of Call Calamity, Spiritspell, Sealing, Engorge, and Gilding.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    [!] Before that grand sacrifice of the fell Fjarriagua did Hak sit, bowing upon the blessings that had been bestowed to him. The crackling flesh of the being was fresh, and the throb of genus resonated strongly from its potent blood. With his rite of worship complete, Hak soon withdrew a blade and pried off a portion of the ceramic-esque skin, watching as the icy blood flowed.


    [!] Hastily yet methodically, he dipped his bare fingers within the impromptu palette and began inscribing strange shapes upon the stone flooring. A grand circle came first, and with it a cup in the top right. This cup became the focus thereafter, a runic assembly painted within it in a shape similar to three mountains lined in front of one another. To those wizened, these would appear as Mortality and Water, respectively.


    [!] He continued then, inscribing in two other points of the circle to form a triad. These two appeared similar, with the former being a much more dramatic and wide version of the first. As the three points were culminated, one could recognize them as Flesh and Power, should they have knowledge of them.


    [!] “Lie down.” he spoke reverently, ushering his comrade to a prone position atop the freshly inscribed blood circle. As the cohort laid upon such, Hak began to trace in that same blue blood a rune most familiar. It was the same as was drawn within the rune of Mortality’s cup, similar to three mountains of varying height.


    [!] Alas, the time finally came and Hak’s dagger was drifted to his own palm, where a long incision was crafted. Red mixed upon blue as he pressed his palm to the circle…


    [Roll: 17/20 (T5) = Success!]


    [!] With a burst of blue gleaming out from the ritual circle, mists began to trace outward. Bizarrely, such a mist was red in likeness to Hak’s own blood, and the haze soon drifted upward into frothing spikes of intangibility. With a final heave did they surge forth and pierce into that rune of the cohort’s back without any physical affliction, and drew themselves impossibly dense within it. 


    [!] Once the genus had all been stripped from the circle, Hak bid for his accomplice to stand. It was the latter’s hair that had shifted, flowing upward and everywhere as if it was submerged underwater.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] The elder gazed outward upon the boy from bleak, lifeless eyes that seemed drained of all their once-jubilance. He uttered then with grandiose weight, ushered in by intonation of a husky bellow. “Attune yourself, boy. Nullify your physical senses, they will only hamper you. All that you feel, imagine it a pool. Look inward to your own heartbeat, and gauge its wakes.”

    [!] Alas, the boy did as was asked. The sensation of blood was still fresh in his novitiate practice of the occult art, and so it took a few moments for him to completely drown out all else. Slowly, the sound in his ears was turned to unfocused buzz as he trained his mind upon himself and felt the very wakes of his heartbeat. The gentle beats of Genus that flowed with it were unmistakable tick marks.


    [!] The elder continued his gaze upon him, and continued once he was convinced the boy had done his task “Now. Just as you flutter out wakes, so too shall another. Move from yourself, and feel the differential between presence and absence.”


    [!] So the boy followed as was asked, focusing upon an area unoccupied. As the sensation of genus was entirely non-existent, he began to pan to the masterful priest and sensed what seemed like an overwhelming difference. His eyes widened in revelation.


    [!] “So you see then, boy, how exactly tuned you can keep your sense.” the elder intoned. “Now, still utilizing the thought process of a pool of water, swipe my wakes aside with your own. Just as they may collide physically, ours may interrupt one another.”


    [!] Of course, he obliged. With a movement of his body as an accidental physical response to moving what he imagined was a wave, the boy reached out a metaphysical hand to the elder’s own genus. A thrash was undergone by he in the act, and the elder felt a forceful flutter in his heart.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Firstly, the magnitude of the powergaming incident should be gauged to determine whether such should be immediately reported to moderation, or if simple reprimanding/monitoring would suffice. I am responsible for my students, and as such a proper explanation of the spell or ability in question would be a necessity to mitigate or assuage powergaming before or after an incident. If it is a lesser occurrence, especially if there is no opposing party in the situation, a student can be given a description of the ability, how they incorrectly used it, and what a proper usage in the scenario would be.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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