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Posts posted by frill

  1. unknown.png


    “Are we not brothers, my base-born friend? Now vote for me, don’t you know who I am?”


    T H E   J O S E P H I T E S   A R E   N O T   T H E   C O M M O N   P E O P L E


    A missive by the P A U P E R   F I S H E R M A N known by N A M E   O F   ‘Curon Pete’.



    Josephite Sir Konrad Stafyr at the convocation of the first Josephite Summit.



    It is the creed of the Josephites to portray the base-born and common voter, bound by their own reason to be a staunch Everardine, as an uncultured brute to obfuscate the fact that the majority of the Josephite party are aristocratic elite. To refer to the Josephite party as “valuing democracy” with a “responsibility today to ensure that no citizen is subject to the vices of malicious powers” is a disingenuous concealing of the fact that through being the chair of the supreme court, two long-serving president pro tempores of the senate and the duke of Helena and chair to the empire, they are themselves these powers. 


    No Haensetian brotherhood levy-man has any “malicious power” over his fellow man, but a nepotised aristocrat is often shunted into a seat of power the moment the silver spoon is removed from their mouth and they begin to form their first words. To insist that the good Everadine common citizen, instead of the Josephite elite, is a threat to these unnamed “civilians” is but to conceal one artifice; the Josephite aristocracy see the Everardines as a challenge to their anciene aristocracy. The Josephite title-hog, the dukes and presidents and tight-wearing “sirs” degenerate and fall from the peak of his own self-handed achievement, having become accustomed and wanting of vanity of titles and patronage for the reason that, swollen with pride because of the honors he had acquired, pride has destroyed his very capacity of understanding of the issues of the common-folk and he instead grows fat on the wealth and titles of empire.


    To say that the Josephite exists out of “love and compassion to the welfare of every individual that calls this Empire their home” is only due to political expediency; with the real men of the empire as firmly Everardine, they must resort to soliciting foreigners and nonhumans to garner votes. There is no honour or politics in their solicitation of support, but the intrinsic acceptance of knowing that they are not the true people of the empire, but instead remain those lucky few that are “tasked” with running it. This “honoring the social obligation of governing and governed.” is but an insistence that the common-man must remain below the unequipped nobility.


    The time of old-empire families running every facet of the judiciary, legislature and government is something that has been reviled by the Josephite elite without the acknowledgement that they too perpetuate this form of governance. But it is due to it now being their personalities in power, not those of the old Pertinaxi-Renatian, that they do not protest. Oren must be an empire for its many, not its few.

  2. Veikko Harjalainen leaves his cabin after reading the poem in his daily letter-reading, his porky old chest swelling with fresh country air and imperial pride to see such a fine poem! He makes note to send a bouquet of flowers to its author, if but only to thank her for the work.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Harrison said:

    the only downside is that EVERYONE will want to use them because ‘’’’’OMG GUNS’’’’’’ 


    if guns get as aggressively clique-locked as every magic (fantasy server btw) then that wont be an issue imo

  4. Just dropping in to encourage everyone taking part in this discussion to keep it as one regarding the lore and not the personality and your gripes of each-other as people. A discussion conducive to improving the lore should, and will be, always encouraged, but anything that drifts into name-calling or schoolyard mudslinging will not be allowed and punishments will be handed out.




  5. Leave the rest for a player report thread, if but only to let you have your keyboards rest for a few minutes.


    This circular arguing is going nowhere and resolving no issues, so please address any grievances formally.





    As much as it offends my sensibilities to see this issue tackled by such an obscure and circuitous skirting of the player report procedure, if this conversation remains civil and conducive to a resolution to your issue, the thread will remain open.


    Anything less, and I will lock it and encourage you as strongly as possible to file a report for the metagaming, moderator interventionalism and all other maligns you’ve listed. There are avenues for redress that you must, in the future, use. Public airing of dirty laundry just leads to needless drama.

  7. If you look hard enough you can find threads from Asulon where people argue the exact same stuff. Eight years on and nothing changed. At least they were far more explicit in it being an OOC cheese to keep certain plugin permissions that are linked to personas linked to your account overall instead of complaining about muh risk of metagaming.


    Make a new card or don't kill off the character.


    (Actually a cute dark elf girl btw ignore Olog in character race slot :3c)

  8. 6 minutes ago, BenevolentManacles said:


    John scratches his chin, 

    “Not only did I not make this ruling, for it was the Emperor’s ruling that I simply make public on his behalf, but the perpetrators did pay the fine. The Emperor’s word is, of course, law.”


    “Get out of my house.” demands Veikko H- as his bedtime legal musing was met with a response from the floor below, goose-down feathers spilling from his padded bedding as he suddenly sits upright in shock.

  9. “John of nowhere makes a legal judgement on matters that have no basis in law and further tries to legislate provision to force his screed to function as a law, disregarding both the senate and sense itself. Any of those mentioned would be a fool to take this seriously, and twice so if they ever pay such a ludicrous fine. Why have senators voting on laws if all you need is one adulterer with a duchy and a gavel?” A Harrenite whig snorts, fingers curling from the paper in disgust as he feels some apprehension at even holding a document so fundamentally offensive to his sensibilities.




    On the ruling of Crown v. Karoly


    Reflections on post-Pertinaxi court judgements in the ”new imperial” system.


    6th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1761.



    It was said that during the era of the late Pertinaxi high-magistrates that their legal rulings - often, admittedly, dramatic beheadings for contrived fictions of law - would not face any publishing beyond the verbal immediacy of the court-room, so they would be a rarefied commodity and difficult to gain knowledge of, thus entrapping unfortunate peasantry into inadvertent violation.


    A legal system that determines legal judgements without expounding any basis in law of these judgements raises a similar tyranny. It is the law that governs, not the intent of the lawgiver nor emotional response of the judge to whatever sordid affairs are being discussed in his court. Although there is a brief moment for moralising, this is a moment wholly possessed by the lawgiver-senator in the promulgation of the law, it is the necessary duty and binding compact of the judge-and-law to interpret the law with an emotionless textualism. It was the intent of the framers of the edicts of Alexander II to form a government of laws, not a government of men and personalities. It is by virtue of the mutual agreement that men may intend what they will, but it is only the law that these men enact that has any binding authority. To devote the majority of a legal judgement to espousing an emotional diatribe with regards to the reception of some verdict instead of expounding the basis in law of this judgement is a legal misstep and an anachronism at the highest level of imperial legislature.


    The precedence, now, for the highest court in the land to fill the majority of its judgement with a diary entry that waxes lyrical about the sacrosanct burden of the court as “something to be disagreed with” and interdepartmental government politics unrelated to the case at hand is disappointing for legislators within the senate and the parties involved alike. It is a surety that an analysis of the legal argument and basis-in-law of the eloquent John Everard Pruvia’s arguments would have been both good legal study and a tool for future barristers. I can only see the removal of such as either a person attack on Pruvia or a political one on the state that referred to the prosaic judge as one of “ineptitude and failure”.


    I do hope Pruvia, Adler, et al. are issued an apology and a more useful judgement of law than the glib fact that the court “elected to acquit” is issued. 

  11. Where is the judgement for The Crown v. Karoly?


    It has been rendered the solemn duty of the Supreme Court of the Holy Orenian Empire to render a judgement for The Crown v. Karoly.


    Did the framers of the edicts that established the then-nascent judicial system expect for judgments to be ruled without any publication or documentation of them? Unlike the other cases of such a court system that have a written catalog of events and proceedings to enable further judicial action and study at countless imperial places of education, it appears that the supreme court does not care of any original intention of the judicial system: the judgement delivered but only to those in the room at-time, the jurisprudence and case-law of such a decision being limited temporally and physically, such judgement muted outside the walls of the court-house.


    Judgement of the highest court of the land, then, should not be a folly rarefied by time and place. It is a thing of importance and should be published for viewing, study and preservation by more parties than the paltry few in the strangers’ galleries of the court.


    From the legal personhood of farm-animals and the hidden trials of the Supreme Court, historians will acknowledge that we live in interesting times of law.

  12. A malcontent whig chokes on a biscuit-crumb as he sees legal conclusions used in a statement of facts in the filing of a subpoena by the state itself.  Queerer itself that the only witnesses summoned are state employees, civil servants and wood-elvenesse state army auxiliaries. Giving the nib of his quill the most lazy of moistens, he considers advising the churchman to practice his pre-hanging neck-stretching as all conclusion had foregone. Closing the lid of his biscuit-tin he notices a most darling pastoral painting of cockle-pickers working the Leuvaarden coast and soon forgets about the folly entirely.

  13. 1881756120_fedres.png.ee727217ae8ccbbbfeb6134b3966a80d.png



    Issuance of Imperial Reserve Papers


    6th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1759.


    It is a fortuitous situation that allows the imperial date to align so well with the launch of a financial venture, the exploits of St Tobias being something extolled to children at bedtimes and studied in depth by scholars. By virtue of some divine altruism I can only hope that the issuing of this commodity-backed paper, especially in payment to most government professions, can help the Orenian people thrive. The mind boggles to think why senators haven’t been paid yet, anyway.


    Regardless, it’s something of a red letter day, as the remit of “miniscule few thousand minas” that the reserve commenced with has snowballed as intended, with a quarter-million minae backing these notes.


    Warden of the Imperial Reserve, Sir Veikko Harjalainen, KM



    The Imperial Model


    For the exercise of certain rights it is necessary to have possession of a paper.


    Already exist are commercial papers of a "personal" nature - corporate paper; embody a right of membership in an association of capital, such as shares in corporate stock, tickets to access the imperial mine, etc. Therefore a “public” commercial paper embodying a right of promise of payment for minae futures, embodying a right of membership in an association of state-person capital, can exist.


    I propose that the imperial reserve issue an unsubordinated promissory paper. The paper serves as the writing of the paper, signed by the maker, unconditional in promise to pay. The amount would be fixed to 100 minae and payable on demand to the bearer of the note.


    Through the issuing of these notes and the usage of them as currency for payment of housing taxes, the government can stimulate its own economy through internally paying with these notes. Public works, government employees, soldiery et al. being paid in these promissory “tax slip” notes stimulate the internal economy without any risk of interference from any external party (beyond forgery or duplication of the notes).


    Once this sub-market is partially established it would be prudent to increase the pricing of housing etc. to force people to buy into the system with their personal minae in conjunction with their state “pay”, with little-to-no increase of actual mina expenditure from government employees.



    The failings of other models


    The Norlandic model of “reichsmarks” (sic) issued by the state and used as a mandatory scrip for all trade reduced trade entirely due to the impossibility of traders and vendors etc. to liquidate these reichsmarks to do external trade. By limiting it to nonpersonal models that already use the paper system, such as house rental, there is little loss to traders and merchants. People will refuse to use a financial ecosystem that they cannot leave.


    Trying to achieve some autarkic microeconomy that is impossible to escape from and required consistent and constant personal interaction for all trade leaves people frustrated and unwilling to engage with the model. 





    The reserve will replace the majority of tax slips with these promissory notes, continuing to follow the current tax-based housing payment system but with the previous slips replaced with the new reserve notes. Notes are issued with 1|100 equivalence to the mina.


    Following recent events there will be no loans offered by the reserve bank to citizenry.

  14. Subpoena for;




    12th Godfrey’s Triumph, 1759.

    THE PLAINTIFF, Peter de Sarkozy,
    REPRESENTED BY Sir Veikko Harjalainen, Esq.

    Joseph Clement Videnz-Novellen



    Lex Harracene Table IV §1 “On Defining Obligation,” Art. 2.
    Lex Harracene Table V §1 “On Consent,” Arts. 2, 5.
    Lex Harracene Table V §3 “On Interpretation,” Arts. 1.
    Lex Harracene Table V §4  “On Rescission and Nullity,” Arts. 1, 3, 8.


    The plaintiff requests a peremptory disqualification of John d’Arkent as potential presiding judge due to having financial interests in the outcome of the case as party to a subsidiary contract of the one contested.



    By way of a loan contract, 14 000 minae was transferred to the imperial treasury in name of Joseph Clement Videnz-Novellen. This was a verbal contract with financial statements within the treasury ledger showing this payment as “-14,000 for Helena Extravagance [CONFIRMED]”.


    The loan has not been paid in three years since reaching maturity.


    The plaintiffs request settlement of the debt.




    Through the lack of payment of the debt on the loan reaching maturity, this is a breach of contract under imperial law.




    WHEREFORE plaintiff respectfully requests repayment of the debt in excess of 14 000 minae and further attorney fees, costs, and interest of 5% of the original loan amount and for such other and further relief that the Court deems just and proper.

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