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Posts posted by frill

  1. 2 minutes ago, Harrison said:

    if i chose to withdraw my personal opinion from my question, would it really change the point of my complaints?

    my ‘blogposts’ arent meant to beat down and humiliate the gm team in some great toxic ‘haha harrison got them’ display on the forums for rep, each of these poitns are passionate problems i see on the server and highlight hte main issues i have with the gm team


    I’m not going to drop a “feedback noted” or something on this, but I just want you to know that there’re people in the GM team that agree with the fact that the same issues that you raise exist and that there are some overtures in getting them resolved. Bashing rewriting the rules when they’re a vestigial limb from the P*nisher excel spreadsheet box ticking era that bogs down the staff by being purposefully constructed to have no room for malleability or digression while encouraging the staff to fix how these punishments are handed out is just encouraging the team to put the cart before the horse. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Harrison said:

    what is the point in rewriting the rules again, and further?


    1 hour ago, Harrison said:

    when are you outright scrapping your abyssmal failure of an infraction system?


    There is something toxically fallacious in using both of these outdated talking points as cudgels to beat the GM team with, especially when they conflict eachother so explicitly. Basing your criticisms on a misplaced assumption that the GM team is 100% happy with all facets of the rules and infraction system while also maligning them for trying to fix the system you acknowledge as an “abyssmal failure” does nothing to generate any argument or discourse and simply doesn’t make sense.


    If you’re going to post blogpost screeds at least pick up one consistent argument and run with it, it’s a lot easier and far more conducive to a positive server if you say what you want without complaining that you’re getting it.

  3. Veikko Harjalainen recoils in his armchair as he reads John Arkent try to lecture a priest on morality, his youthful Adunian eyes fixed to his hearth in some apoplexy as he recalls the many things and many people John soiled his desk with during the Harrenite’s tenure as his secretary. 

  4. “Lo, lawyers and senators are truly the confessors of this enlightened imperial age.” Lamented a foppish Harrenite with a monocled eye, the half-orc shoeshine buffing his slippers to a shine giving a few due nods before expectantly shaking a wooden bowl in the direction of the Harrenite, tusked mouth letting out a cough to hint at a gratuity of a few minae for his agreement to the notion. Veikko H- meets this with a point to the tip of his boots and a dual thumbs up.

  5. ***




    10th Amber Cold, 1756.



    THE PLAINTIFFS, pigs et al., hereafter referred to as “farm animals”,
    Represented pro bono by Sir Veikko Harjalainen, Esq.

    The Imperial Cabinet





    1. The plaintiff, farm animals, are Orenian nationals, who were born between 1753-1756 and lived in Helena. They are represented before the Court by Sir Veikko Harjalainen, a lawyer practising in Helena.


    2. Pursuant to sec. 3 of “The Opinion of the Court Regarding the Status of Wonks”, the supreme court of the empire has engendered all sentient animals with legal personhood, mutatis mutandis engendering the aggrieved parties with this personhood.


    3. The empire operates state farms for the production of food for the benefit of its citizens.


    3. The plaintiff, now legally people by virtue of judgement of judge John d’Arkent, are therefore held against their will in these farms.


    4. The empire is subsequently engaging in slavery, and subsequently manslaughter when culling this “livestock”.




    Citing Arts. 1 and 2, 6 § 2, and 7 of Table I of the Lex Criminalis and Arts. 2 and 7 of Table I of the Lex Haraccene, the plaintiff complains about the implication of the State authority in the slavery and death of its citizens.

  6. AS he hears of the news from the yells of churlish newspaper-boys outside of an imperial sauna, the Harrenite whig and financier Sir Veikko H— breaks into rapturous applause and cheers for the empire, much to the disdain of the other patrons of the steamroom.







    I perceive with no ſmall delight that Ms Octavia Amelie Pruvia of Oſtwick haſ indiſputably proved, that women and poor-folk are in every reſpect naturally equal to noble men, not only in mental abilities, but likewiſe in bodily ſtrength, boldneſs and the like.


    But all this, however, is only an approximation to the great truth that there is no ſuch thing as ſuperiority of nature; and that any thing, when minutely and accurately examined, will be found to be of indifferable value and intrinſically equal.


    Animals have long been known to have reaſon and to communicate with one another. If men diligently ſtudied the language of little known ſimple-peoples, ſuch as the Raevir or Illatian, they would find them very intelligible; ſimilarly the languages of animals could be learned if men did bother.


    There are among common men a wealth of anecdotes of loving and intelligent animals: oxen who could count to one hundred, the number of buckets of water each carried daily to the Emperor’s gardens in the forefront of Novellen; elephants who were clever and affectionate, eſpecially to ladies to receive dinner-treats of delicious peanuts; magpies who were natural musicians, and dogs who were natural actors and dramatiſts. 


    An orchestra of magpies and an acting troupe of dogs could provide much public entertainment if placed ſtrategically in the ſquare of the city, and their wages, because animals care not for money, could be used to increaſe the imperial coffers.


    And thus has been proved, as theſe animals and beaſts are equal to men in many capacities, it only now remains to demonſtrate the same great truth of equality of men and women to be shared with men and beaſts. The diſtinction between claſses of intelligent creature muſt be entirely subverted, subordination aboliſhed, and all matter of education be common to all.


    To allow oxen and other beasts of the field right of education will turn these beaſts into productive members of ſociety, and laſtly, it is everyone's GOD given right to attend school and have baſic knowledge of the world and religion.


    Funding is important for any government eſtablishment, I propoſe that the government should fund these ſchools in Helena, for it would be cruel and unfair for a beaſt that cares not for the weight of coin to shoulder a financial burden that is not of its realm of sophiſtic interest - natural-philoſopher I am, I have yet to see a horſe pay tax and doubt they would be willing to diſcuſs the proſpect.

  8. Veikko H—, profound legalist and man-of-letters, is tucked in bed with the warmest of goose-down blanketry his pocket could afford. A reading-glass in the grips of his porcine fingers (growing fat from the power of the legal profession, not the gout, he hopes), he begins to scan his eyes over the document. His face souring and moustache curling in kind, he mumbles aloud to himself;


    “A poor thing to see, punishments still wholly pecuniary in times as these. To make the job of the magistrate to punish these sinful instead of the observation of the laws is a perverse hubris. It should be a duty to honour God instead of revenging him, lest you’re conflating the judge with God himself. A piastic hamlet judge is not one of the Exalted.”


    Patting the pockets of his sleep-suit he finds his bedtime writing quill, metal nib luckily not painting the breast of his pyjama with damp ink. He begins to write a piecemeal replication of his thoughts to his dear uncle.

  9. “Angry- at dresses.” Sir Veikko Harjalainen, KM and man-of-letters hums with some confusion before using giving his facsimile of the missive a two-fingered fold, tucking it into the bottom drawer of his bureau for the eventuality he would need it to woo a woman of intellect.

  10. Spoiler






    The passing of the Pontiff.

    Pontian III, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon,

    1682 - 1752


    There was still the same atmosphere of menacing silence in the monastery, in the centre of which lay the bleeding body of the old pontiff, fingers curled to grip onto whatever last vestigial strands of life he could be afforded.


    “Deo gratias” he said in the aged Flexio tongue of the church that was his life in his late years; and after drawing a final breath as many men had done before, he began to think only of prayer and the world next. An oppressive silence prevailed; the flickering candles filled the monastery basement with their clear light. The martyr passed with little protest.


    There had been little to the man’s life beyond the strict auspices of faith, each mystery and sacrament filling his heart with only thankfulness on each ministry. To have his heart rendered from his flesh would be an ironic detail that the man would appreciate if not for his own position as unwilling subject.


    If it were not for the lack of glimmer behind his staring eyes and the riddling of stab-wounds to his torso, the collapsed body of Pontian III would have been mistaken for somebody in deep thought, or some riddling catalepsy where there was some conscious whirring and the ticking of the mind buried deep beneath the chitinous veneer of an old body locked rigid.


    When his austere cardinal came hours later he stood amazed at such a desecration of God's house, and the man could not venture to read any prayer there beyond one of repose. The church remained standing as it was, with more men responsible for this sin than not standing aside the windows and doors to glean the most minimal of glimpses of the affairs inside.


    But being aware that he could not say any more to his former brother of faith, Boniface Cardinal Villavia got up cautiously and went out, swaying to the right and left in order to find a guard or some man-at-arms within the city.


    They arrived quickly.









    The  8th of Horen’s Calling, 1752.

    HIS HOLINESS PONTIAN III High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…













    Shall such grace be vainly given?


    Dearly beloved, it is from the houses of the faith where the Church’s tradition speaks to the laity. In the Scroll of Auspice, it is Godfrey who spoke of us Men among this realm where “we are born from the ashes of the old kingdom of Oren. We are the heirs to Horen and have continued him by this empire”. In the words of this beautiful scroll does Godfrey remind us that our shared home is like a sister with whom we share our life and our empire a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “And Godfrey set aside the Throne of Man for a holy purpose, consecrating it to GOD.” so continue the scroll, all achievements of Godfrey begotten from his devotion to the faith.


    The heart of the empire and thus the faith did cry out because of the irresponsible use and abuse of the power that GOD has endowed us. We have come to see ourselves as the lords and masters of the empire, using the auspices of its offices for sport as wanton boys instead of shepherds of the realm. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin and an absence of the same communion with GOD, has struck.


    In coming to mind the martyrdom of Bl. High Pontiff Jude I among his flock we are reminded once more that the threshold of the church is no place immune from tragedy. It is with the grand fire of the Basilica of the Final Revelation that we do realise that tragedy within the house of GOD is purposeful, as those of the cloth are like to note it as intervention divine.


    To achieve reconciliation with the holy purpose of the church we must examine GOD’s creation and acknowledge the ways in which we have harmed it or failed to act to preserve it.


    The Church will learn from the burning of its basilica and further wishes to offer the sacrament of reconciliation for those souls so lost as to be responsible for the flames, the commission of a Humbertine monastery aside the site to ensure that the basilica is never without a steward for the worshipful lost.




    Dearly beloved, the church is only stronger for the faithful who do offer themselves in service times of need, those soldiers of Canonist faith who embody the virtues of the canon and the altruistic crux of our faith. There have been few men in recent times who have been named Knights of the Canonist Church, a Holy Ser to serve among our communion. In the spirit of Blessed Lendus, we grant this holy warrior of a martyr of the faith long deceased, to be returned on the keeper’s death, so he may keep his vocation close to memory and to protect the fallen and to guide those lost. And so we dub;


    ADRIAN OREL a Holy Ser of the Canonist faith. We afford him the ashen urn of BL. UTHOR SILVERBLADE, companion to the Ex. Godfrey and a virtuous grand knight.




    Dearly Beloved, there are a number of delegations by which a cardinal may be sent from the side of the High Pontiff. A nuncio is a diplomat carrying with him the authority of the High Pontiff in matters of foreign affairs, in the pursuit of some particular or general purpose. With this in mind, the High Pontiff does see it expedient for the health of the church to endoff his curia with the following obligations as nunciates of the faith;


    JASPER CARDINAL RENZFELD as nuncio to the court of the Holy Orenian Empire.


    RODRIGO CARDINAL AVALAIN as nuncio to the court of the Kingdom of Curonia.




    Dearly beloved, a political heart of a state is one without a moral core. This atheistic blackening of the sensibilities of legislature invokes a cult of worship of men instead of divine. It is the wish of the church to have a sui generis seat within the imperial senate to allow it to exert a moral influence on jurisprudence once more. 


    It is the wish of the mother church for Alexander Frederick Alstion, priest of the church, to hold this seat in the first instance.





    Dearly beloved, We the Pontificate, in recognition to the merit and factual evidence of cases, do hereby open the following cause for veneration. In line with the Law of the Church, these causes shall be taken up for investigation by the College of Cardinals, and most specifically by the Auditor of the Tribunal. If the causes are found to be just, and pass a vote of majority within the College, they may continue down the path to recognition of blessed status.


    V. HIGH PONTIFF JOHANNES I. A martyr of the faith killed by an apostate who used the venerable pontiff’s desire to minister Canonist rites to lure him to his death.






    HIS HOLINESS PONTIAN III High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD

  12. 10 minutes ago, Qaz_The_Great said:

    It is to shed light on the ineffective system people like you prop up and support because you lack the intestinal fortitude to take initiative and ensure what should happen gets done.


    I understand you’re a new player but I’ll explain why you’re patently incorrect on this point. I would appreciate it if you used politer language and took pause before making statements that can be very easily interpreted as inflammatory.


    Prior to being staff I worked with Pun, then the moderation admin, and many players within the community to overhaul and rewrite the current punishment system, including people who are far more outspoken critics of the staff-team than myself such as @The_Protagonist_of_Lotc . This rewrite was a cohesive and unilateral address of many, many aspects of the ban and warning system that has had no public follow-up or subsequent review due to the sudden exeunt of Pun from the server. That is not to say that staff-members are not working to update this system to make it better fit within the community.


    Following a discussion with members of the staff that prompted my own application to the team, I have been tirelessly attempting to remove the mysterious and arbitrary decisions that occur when administrators step beyond the bounds of the system and ban people with no prior warning nor discussion and for the staff team to work far more stringently both within the framework the moderators are expected and to modify and amend that framework so that situations like this are less likely to occur.


    I recommend you go through my post history to read just how often I’ve been an outspoken critic of the staff team.


    Saying I have no “intestinal fortitude” nor “initiative” when I have joined the staff team to explicitly put my theories into practice beyond long-form forum blogposting is patently false.

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