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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Diogen

  1. Mèlawen's daughter has finally found herself a cute outfit to attend her parents' wedding. Counting the days as she watches people cope and seethe because they could not land a relationship with either of her cool parents.

  2. In these current times of war, death has become an extremely common occurrence. Friends, family and even loved ones passing.

    But what is most alarming, is the lack of funeral homes, the lack of mortuary services - and this is where we come in.




    Our Services include:

    -Cleaning up crime scenes

    -Cleaning bodies and preparing them for funerals


    -Full autopsy and written examination of the body available on request in the case of an investigation

    -Any other method of preparation or cleaning upon request

    -Funeral hosting and preparation of the area

    -A wide selection of coffins




    We are willing to prepare both the deceased and the funeral based on their religion and culture. In case of any specific ritual, method of preparation and/or room decoration, this can all be hashed out in private.


    Prices are all negotiable and vary on a client-to-client basis.


    For more information, contact Naele by bird, or visit our funeral home in Lubba's Keep.

     (OOC: Diogen#5338 if I’m offline)

  3. 43 minutes ago, drfate786 said:

    Edit: The staff doesn't give a shit, they'll write an apology post and let it repeat again six months from now. They have no control over this just as you have no control over them.

    ok bro

  4. Great topic, and I'm pretty sure all ghost RPers including myself unanimously agree that Fear RP is very underplayed.
    Though funnily enough, as I seem to be playing a passive Spectre that doesn't seek to harm nor haunt anyone, but more-so focusing on her goals which are pretty kind-hearted in nature, I have noticed that a lot more people RP fear just by witnessing the creature that she is despite never having any intentions to harm them, but at the same time they don't seem to RP fear when encountering a poltergeist or any other dark, twisted creature?
    Unsure of the reason behind it exactly, but I'm glad fear RP is being talked about now. My one solution to having good fear RP is to simply be picky with who I RP with, and so far so good. Saved me tons of headaches.

  5. UuJ6EraArH6dfnUOZutu_1XivEhuTE3N5CtKt_3H355GjPtdJumJ_i6sxywDQPQFerZS0V7hdeouqb_vFHzDSEoJA8-unXLxGI-gMJT7UP3ugkDiYiy2JOuSOXJy9TAAw_u7GWWN=s0


    4th of Snow's Maiden, Year 46 of the Second Age


    To summon Elheial’malauriran


    Our city is burning, impurity staining the walls we once called silver. 

    The Blessed Bastion is growing stagnant, silver blood departing the city of the Silver Elves


    My beloved kin, citizens of the Blessed Bastion of Haelun’or, 

    It is time a start working together to ensure the prosperity of our bastion and the continuance of our kin. It is time we once call someone Maheral, the most pure. 

    Only the Maheral may offer us the guidance, the wisdom of Larihei herself we need.


    Thus, we call upon elheial’malauriran,

    We urge you to heed to our cry for help, we are lost, Malauriran. We are without the wisdom of the Maheral, we are surrounded by impurity only they may conquer. 

    We ask that the leaders of the former meet at the soonest possibility, to deliberate and to anoint the new Maheral. 




  6. OOC Information:

    MC Username: iDiogen

    Discord Tag: Diogen#5338

    Magics Currently Studying : Air Evocation

    Magics Currently Teaching (If so how many students, if any, for each?);: N/A


    IC Information:

    Your Name: Astraea Len'irrin

    Your Race: High Elf

    Your Age: 111

    Nation of Residence: Haelun'or

    Reason you wish to to join the circle: To meet mages like her and better her understanding to it

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Astraea Len'irrin


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Chiyo Osser


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


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