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Posts posted by Diogen

  1. 10 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

    Read your piece again properly, there's quite a few sections that contradict one another since you've tried to Frankenstein multiple lore posts and your own ideas into a single thread.

    But do they?

    Also where?


    As for the frankenstein, that’s true. It’s not a complete rewrite where I’m changing everything about ghosts, they just needed some polishing and cleanup/fixing to a lot of their parts, and some others have been completely rewritten.

  2. 1 hour ago, Brazilianski said:



    Uneeded and would probably be best to be re-written by someone who understands spectres and knows that they aren’t just edgy emo transparent things running around.

    Literally aren’t edgy emo transparent things running around. Just depends on how you RP the ghost, I tried to make it so the ghosts don’t have to “be like that” or “do only those things” and kept the options open so people’s RP as ghosts could have quite a variety depending on what they do, as long as it follows the base rules of a ghost, and depending on the type of ghost they are too, to either be more inclined to be peaceful or chaotic.


    I mean, you can literally get your ghost to possess a wooden doll and dance for minas in cities, it’s not only about being “edgy” and scaring people. Lots of options to choose from.


    Not just that, but all of the powers that I listed are already existing powers for ghosts. The only thing I did was add more detail to them, give more and better redlines, balance things out and weaken some stuff. Ghosts already can do all that in this current (old) lore, but better.


    But yes, besides that, got my CA accepted, haven’t been RPing anything besides a ghost and haven’t really gotten my CA revoked so far. Maybe because I understand how ghosts work and actually play them as they are supposed to? Just maybe?


    Thanks for the feedback ^^

  3. Thanks Killmatronix.


    Alright, feel free to refresh your pages now. Removed the cleric parts, and added this here:


    “The ascended, for example, have been known to deal with the undead, and can be very capable of dealing with them if a ghost is powerful enough to need one. Though, they could always be dealt with by just any person, as long as they have the gold to protect themselves and to drive them away. Ghosts aren’t killers, so driving them away is definitely possible without having to worry too much.


    Hopefully that’s mundane enough.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Dardonas said:


    So this caveat you linked is technically still lore, but most people do not roleplay ghosts in this manner anymore.  Whether that is considered powergaming or not technically, at this point it has been mostly done away with in how people roleplay so I wouldn’t stand by keeping it.



    One of the big issues with invisibility nowadays is that it can be done instantly to avoid consequences and spy on roleplay.  I think its a good step to introduce emote count to this, but I would suggest it as 3 emotes across the board.


    This is a bit vague.  Ghosts are already limited in power in the first place and things don’t always break evenly.  I would opt just to make it straight up demanifest a ghost if their host is destroyed.


    This is a bit of a buff.  50KG is quite heavy, all considering a ghost lacks a weightless form.  While ghosts do need some more flavorful things to do besides be invisible and watch roleplay, putting them forth with the capacity of an average telekinesis wielding mage would is making a ghost more combative of a creature.



    Overall, I don’t think its a bad idea to start getting ideas for where to take ghosts, but I think that your rewrite needs more fleshing out and more development into some of the abilities, background and redlines since it largely seems to just take existing lore and update it with some pretty large buffs.  While I listed some of the things that stuck out to me, there are a few other things such as the weaknesses to only aurum or an aversion to holy mages.  One of the things the LT have been moving towards in regards to Holy magic versus Dark magic is making Holy magic and gold the only ways to take out dark creatures, so it would be something to consider tweaking if you move forward.  A



    As well, another issue I had—though not particularly that every piece needs this element—was a lack of background lore and history "fluff."  Not having that sort of thing probably wouldn't outright get a piece of lore denied, but it's something that nice to include.  Beyond that, I would make mention that gravens should be worked on alongside ghosts.


    Just some thoughts an opinions on your submission, I hope I don't come across as too critical. 

    Thanks for the criticism, I’ll keep it all in mind and edit things as seen fit.


    I totally agree with you on the first part, and actually will get rid of it.


    Though for telekinesis, ghosts have always been like that, it’s not really a buff, I haven’t really changed anything with that. Just gave more detail to what’s already existing. Plus, the problem with ghosts using magic like that is that they actually sacrifice ectoplasm – their own life essence when doing so, and can literally kill themselves just by using magic. Telekinesis can be pretty hard to use, and lifting 50KG just like that is not really something they can abuse without risking their own lives.


    And on the invisibility part, that’s true. 3 emotes is usually what’s required for most ghosts unless they become more powerful in Level 3, where the highest leveled spectres can reach up to 1 emote, to balance things out between each type of ghost, and not many spectres will be able to reach up to 1 emote, since they’ll have to be in a normal and unweakened state. But besides that, I’ve made sure to make is for ghosts give out their position when using different powers to balance things out mid-RP, that way people won’t have the issue of “ghost runs around and throws knives while invisible.”


    Ghosts have gotten both buffs and nerfs, basically been rebalanced in some way. They now all give out their position when using magic for example, haunts are completely powerless, revenants are somewhat powerless and gain some power over time depending on the revenant, then in Level 3 is where they actually get proper power, differenciating between poltergeists and spectres. Poltergeists have actually been untouched mostly, since in the current lore they can move objects and grab living things which is stated in the wiki, but I’ve slightly weakened them by making it so they need a minimum of 2 emotes when going invisible for the high leveled poltergeists instead of 1, 3 for the not so high leveled ones.


    As for the background lore and history, that’s true, but currently just follows the current ghost lore’s history and lore so far. I’ll see what I can that with that part too.


    Anyways, thanks again for the help!

  5. Yiss, that’s true, Gio. The invisibility system is what made a lot of people complain about the old (current) ghost lore, and I made sure to balance it out by making is so when a ghost performs certain ghost magic stuff, they will be forced to be visible in some way, for example show a cloud of mist where they are, and if they keep going with the magic they eventually turn completely visible, such as when they are using telekinesis, horrorchill, and so on. That way the ghost won’t just stay invisible while throwing knives around and easily 1v10 people.


    Thanks for the feedback ^^

  6. Note: I’m aware that ghosts are already a playable CA race, but I’m offering a rewrite to their currently outdated lore and tried to give as much detail as possible to every part of it to avoid confusion and give people a better idea on how to RP as one.

    And no, it’s not a complete rewrite, and more of a cleanup/fix to their lore, where a lot of parts have been heavily edited, some parts added and other parts nerfed to make ghosts more balanced, and so on.



    Through the lands of Arcas, there are incorporeal beings that haunt locations or people. While most of the time they are translucent, some take colored glows of blue and red, while others simply appear like remains of their former living selves, except in shades of gray. They are called Ghosts, mostly unable to directly interact with the world around them, keeping the same personality as they’ve had in their past life, each one seeking to continue living their lives in this new world of theirs. It all depends on whether or not they’re willing to accept themselves as one of those new creatures, or falling into a pit of darkness for being what they currently are now, those miserable creatures will eventually have to choose a side.

    What Ghosts Are

    There are several different stages of ghost, all of which “evolve” from a base ghost. All ghosts are copied images of souls of dead characters left behind to wander the mortal plain. Ghosts are most often created when a person dies unnaturally or dies without being baptized into a religion. Either way, for whatever reason, a mirror image of their soul is left behind. Some ghosts may find comfort and move on eventually while others never will. Some ghosts choose not to move on, preferring to stay on the mortal plane. Even though they are mirror images of a soul, they are still individuals with individual consciousnesses.


    Can they be PKed?

    Nope, ghosts definitely cannot get PKed unless consent is given, just like the other creatures. They demanifest when ‘killed’, and eventually drift back to their haunt


    Also, another way to get rid of a ghost would be to wrap the item they have possessed in gold, and as long as the gold hasn’t been removed, the ghost will be stuck inside. Note that when this is done, it’s essentially captive RP, so it will be following the rules of when someone is taken captive, and with enough time the ghost can get out of the object unless they decide to stay.

    As usual, they lose the memories of how they demanifested and the events leading to that due to having to follow the rules.


    Evolution of Ghosts


    Level 1 - Haunt


    A haunt is depicted as a black and white ghost with blank, white eyes, no pupils or irises to be seen. And during that time, they don’t realize they are dead, so the ghost continues to ‘live’ as if nothing happened in the first place, going back to their daily tasks, trying to talk to people they usually talk to and essentially trying to implement themselves back into the normal mortal world. Though, due to their nature, the are unable to be seen or sensed during that time, and in turn end up being ignored by mortals. They exist in a sort of delusional haze that is half reality and half constructed of their memories. For example, even though a haunt can’t physically interact with the world, such as lifting objects and so on, an ex-soldier ghost might believe they are still one, and that they actually are holding weapons and interacting with the world at that.


    Though, in time, haunts may begin to break through those delusions that they’re believing and see more the real one, if things they encounter don’t fit in with the delusion. For example, if we go back to the ex-soldier, he’d be totally ignored during training hours and be left alone with no partner, and end up making him feel confused and upset, and begin manifesting in a way mortals can sense, such as noises, sounds and visible entities. They may manifest as strange sounds, voices, or visible entities. Often, they will try to interact with the people they sense around them. However, since the Haunts still believe they are alive, it is difficult to speak to them. They will often speak in delusional and deeply confused ways. Their voices are often distorted and vague. They will often refuse to accept the idea that they are dead. They will interpret most new information within the framework of their delusion. For instance, the soldier will believe that no one likes him anymore and feel more of an outcast, instead that he’s just dead and no one can sense him anymore.


    During that time, Haunts begin to manifest their powers, but in a really slow and weak way. They may create sounds, or appear visible from time to time, though that’s about all they can do so far, due to them not being aware of their death, and the sounds or visible entities they manifest as are mainly accidental, not something the ghost actually thinks about doing, due to them being unaware of themselves being actually a ghost and instead just a mortal.

    Because of their weak to nonexistent powers, a Haunt’s ghostly aura has no effects, as it hasn’t manifested yet.


    If a haunt manages to realize that they are dead through stable proof that can’t be countered in any way, the haunt will then move on to the next phase.


    Level 2 - Revenant


    Now, this is when the ghost is actually aware of themselves and their current state, and the time where their powers actually begin to manifest, existing as a spirit within the mortal realm. By now, their irises and pupils are visible, though keeping the white/black colours, and all shades in between.


    Due to their nature as a ghost, and now that their delusions are finally broken, they’ll finally realize that they actually can’t feel touch, or smell anything at that. What made the haunts believe was the smell of pie their mother just cooked in the morning for a wonderful breakfast can’t be smelled anymore now that they don’t have any delusions to help them re-create the smell in their mind every morning. Besides that, they also aren’t able to taste anything, obviously. That pie is definitely a no-no for them, only thing they can do from now on is watch other people eat it instead.


    A newly awakened Revenant will have trouble remembering people’s faces, which sometimes leads to them mistaking people that they meet for someone they had a connection with before they died.


    And because of all of that, many Revenants may fall into depression or feel miserable due to the lack of those sensations, along with not being able to directly interact with the world on a physical level, such as being able to grab a piece of pie and lift it up.


    As their powers begin to manifest, a ghost will begin to do the usual ghostly thing, such as shifting between invisible and invisible, shapeshifting, shrieking, making noises such as of a creature or basic instruments and so on, and even floating. However, these powers are extremely difficult to master and may take some years as a Revenant to fully master.


    Though, as a revenant, their powers are naturally weaker than the next stage of ghosts, as they are still manifesting them, and in turn will be harder for them to use those powers. For example, a spectre who could easily fade in and out of visibility, for a mere revenant it would take longer to do.


    As for the ghostly aura, as soon as the Revenant’s powers begin to manifest, so will it too, the aura itself being completely dependant on the ghost’s power. Its effects include sadness, itchiness and a chilly sensation at first, but the longer a mortal sticks around the ghost, the stronger the effects become up to a point completely dependant to the ghost’s powers, as sadness could eventually turn into depression and back luck, chill into a freezing sensation and so on. Naturally, a ghost can feed that aura’s powers to strengthen it, or even decrease the aura’s powers, but both of those actions result in the ghost having to sacrifice their own ectoplasm over time for this.


    A revenant, obviously, still can’t interact with the physical world the same way a mortal can, but they have different way to do things. For example, they can now begin to use telekinesis, up to Tier 3, where a revenant will begin to be able to lift a small object with some effort after enough training. Make sure to check the Telekinesis guide for help about how to use Telekinesis, since there is no difference between a mortal using that and a ghost, besides the fact that a ghost’s eyes don’t change colour and instead when they want to use telekinesis, they instead focus on the object, and it begins shaking in the first emote, then can begin floating in the second emote.

    As expected, every mortal has the laws of physics deeply ingrained in their minds, and so a newly awakened Revenant will have no access to ghostly powers and will still react to things as if it were a physical entity, even if they cannot touch or be touched by anything, which is why a revenant can’t shapeshift or begin floating unless they stop following those laws, which is hard to do, and takes a lot of time.


    Now, once a revenant has manifested their powers, gave everything enough time to be a typical ghost, now comes up for the next part; Level 3. Ghosts in Level 3 are divided between Spectres and Poltergeists, where the former is blue-coloured, latter being red, each with their own differences that will be mentioned later.

    If a revenant accepts themselves for who they have become now, they will be moving on to become a Spectre, and if not, and instead react to it in a horrible way such as with a lot of anger and/or hate, they end up turning into Poltergeists.


    Level 3 - Spectres and Poltergeists


    If the Revenant reacts negatively to their death and cannot be calmed down, they may turn into a Poltergeist. Poltergeists are ghosts consumed by anger and hate. They can be identified by their strong red color, ashy appearance, or completely black eyes. Poltergeists have mastered the ability to force their will onto physical people and objects. They will often throw things, destroy objects, scratch or harm people, or wail or make frightening noises, and are also able to physically touch flesh, living things, such as being able to grab someone, pull them around, choke the living essence out of people and so on.

    Due to their nature, Poltergeists are more drawn to the chaotic sides, and usually begin to haunt people, terrorize them with their powers and cause chaos all around. Though, that isn’t the case for all Poltergeists since ghosts retain the same personality they had from their past life, and instead be just more leaning towards the chaotic side from their nature. A Poltergeist doesn’t always have to be terrorizing people.


    If the Revenant can be calmed or gracefully accepts their new deceased state, they may become a spectre. Spectres are identified by their luminous blue color. Spectres are benevolent or at least neutral ghosts and are mostly harmless. They’ve mastered the ability to float, turn visible or invisible, and change appearance, but they typically do not use these abilities to frighten or disturb anyone. Spectres are less of the harmful side of ghosts, and more of the trickster type, or so to say, and can still be malevolent or playful. They definitely still can haunt and terrorize people like a Poltergeist would be more inclined to in order to feed from people’s emotions, which is no unfamiliar thing to them, but can also draw out different emotions, such as happiness, or even sadness and depression without having to drag out the fear. Where a Poltergeist will for example terrorize someone, traumatize them for life and feed out of the strong emotions they get out of, a Spectre can do the same, bar being able to physically touch the mortal, but can also use their powers for comedic value. Ever heard of a ghostly penguin with halfling feet that can breakdance?


    Ghosts don't have to fit neatly in either box, though. Whether they are poltergeists or spectres, are still individuals and will retain their living personalities even into their third evolution.


    Because the core of a poltergeist is anger and the core of a spectre is peace, the two level 3 ghost types often find each other repellent and try to avoid contact with each other if possible. They do not usually fight one another - simply avoid each other. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. Because ghosts are still all individuals, sometimes individual poltergeists and spectres may not hate each other, and can even interact with each other. For example, a deceased mother and daughter, the mother ending up being a spectre and the daughter a poltergeist, and while still retaining their same personalities and memories from their past life, nothing’s stopping them from still loving each other like they did back then as a family, even due to their differences as ghosts.


    Ghost's Characteristics

    Ghosts of all colors have a strong aversion to both bright light and magegold. If a house is afflicted by an unwanted ghost, the spirit can be driven out with either of those objects.

    Most ghosts, however, are fairly harmless. Since they can be chased out by magegold or light, it is often not worth it to call upon a holy being or shaman. The ascended, for example, have been known to deal with the undead, and can be very capable of dealing with them if a ghost is powerful enough to need one. Though, they could always be dealt with by just any person, as long as they have the gold to protect themselves and to drive them away. Ghosts aren’t killers, so driving them away is definitely possible without having to worry too much. Haunts and Spectres are often not actively malicious. Revenants can be malicious, but not always. Poltergeists are usually the ones that require exorcism, as they are the most actively malicious and actively perform harmful deeds.

    Most ghosts stick to a single place or person when they haunt. Most ghosts will haunt the places and people they remember from their lives before they died. Sometimes, a ghost will haunt an object and move where the object moves. A lot of ghosts do not usually congregate in groups and don't typically have government systems, even though that is completely possible due to ghosts being able to retain their past life’s personality. While ghosts can interact with one another, they are mostly inclined to be solitary.

    When they do congregate in groups, it is usually because something awful has happened. Ghosts are usually created when people die violently or unnaturally. If a large number of people die at once, under certain circumstances, they may form up into an Apparition. In which case, they become extremely dangerous. However, this occurs under specific and unusual circumstances and does not always happen.

    The garden variety ghost can be an annoyance, especially if malevolent, but they are usually solitary and usually easy enough to vanquish. Since they are often attached to specific people, places, or objects, a simple solution to a ghost problem may be just to move away from the place/thing/person the ghost is haunting.


    Ghost Powers




    Finally an explanation to a ghost’s powers, where all of the currently known powers will be explained.


    Spectral creatures have long been known for their curious abilities. Indeed, some are known to be able to change appearance, make shrieking sounds, put out torches and even influence the physical world. Others however seem to lack such powers at all. But what precisely dictates the power of a ghost?


    Ghosts grow in power the longer they are dead, but that is not the only factor which influences them. They grow in power by feeding from emotions. Any emotions at that, as some ghosts would want to go and haunt people, drawing fear from them and growing from that, but other ghosts could instead go for the comedic version of that, drawing happiness and laughter from people, growing from it. Of course, the stronger the emotion, the stronger a ghost becomes due to that. It is definitely possible for a ghost to head down to a warzone, and feed of from all of the emotions going on at once from the people currently fighting, and so on. Indeed, it is their interactions with the living which dictate their power. Interactions with the living draw spirits away from the spirit realm, where their soul would go in death, and draws them closer to the realm of the living.

    While this is never enough to revive them and they will always remain in their spectral form, it does cut them off directly from their powers.


    Therefore it is only ghosts who do not make casual conversation with mortals and only interact indirectly which have such powerful magic. It is noteworthy for the purposes of this lore that indirect interaction extends not to random acts of benevolence or malevolence so long as continual conversation or interaction is held with specific individuals.

    It is their mortal behaviours and direct interactions with the living which draw them from their power, not their other actions.


    Invisibility and Visibility: Naturally, ghosts can turn visible and invisible at any time they want, though the rate at which they do so will vary depending on the ghost’s powers and level. It usually takes between 1 to 3 emotes for a ghost to do so, where a spectre being the only one able to go for 1 emote if they are powerful/experienced enough. 2 Emotes are the minimum required for most other ghosts. For example, when a ghost wants to appear and requires 2 emotes to do so, they will have to, for example, emote mist forming in the first emote, where they can use their creativity to describe the shape of the cloud of mist to give a rough image of the ghost that is to form. For 3 emotes, the ghost will have to use the first emote to describe where the cloud of mist is, the cloud itself being just a random cloud, nothing showing the shape of the ghost to come. Second emote is the mist that begins forming into a rough image of the ghost, and finally third emote is where the ghost finally appears.

    Note that ghosts aren’t limited to mist only. They can, for example, change that with shadows, or whatever doesn’t break the lore and just used for the sake of aesthetics.

    To know how quick your ghost can use their visibility and invisibility powers, it’ll be completely dependant on the ghost level and power. For example, a haunt and newly awakened revenant usually need up to 3 emotes. In the later stages of a Revenant they may be able to use 2 emotes to do so, which is about the same for a Poltergeist.

    Keep in mind that even a Spectre and Poltergeist can take up to 3 emotes if they are ‘tired’, being they’ve used a lot of their ectoplasm for certain powers and are somewhat faint-looking due to that.


    Red Lines: -When a ghost is harmed with gold/aurum dust, they will become visible until the dust settles.

    - The weaker the ghost is, the more emotes it will take.


    Aura: Ghosts have a natural depressive aura, which gives off a chilling sensation to people who hang out long enough, sadness, depression, terror, itching and so on, the powers of that aura depending on how powerful the ghost is. For example, a haunt won’t really have much effect on the aura to the point that it can be ignored. Revenants, on the other hand, is where the aura begins to vary in power depending on the revenant. When newly awakened, it’ll be somewhat weak, and take some time before people actually begin feeling sadness and the chilliness. For Spectres and Poltergeists, people who stick around for long enough can begin feeling those sensations, which grow worse and worse over time, giving people a feeling of dread, fear, and can go up to terror and literal violent shaking, which will require quite a high leveled ghost for that.

    Red Lines: -The Aura’s time for it to begin giving effects to people around depends on the ghost’s level and how long the people stick around. A high leveled ghost can easily give people quite an amount of fear as soon as they’re close enough through the aura, but weaker ghosts will need more time for their aura to manifest, and begin with mere sadness and chilliness, which grows from that.

    -A ghost cannot nullify their aura’s effects, but can only weaken or strengthen it by consciously feeding it power by sacrificing their own ectoplasm.

    -The ghost’s chill is different than a normal temperature chill/cold. Claiming that the temperature drops is false.


    Telekinesis:  Ghosts can get up to T3 in telekinesis, which lets them lift small objects with great speed and high technical dexterity. Medium items are also able to be lifted and manipulated by the ghost, though up to 50KGs. Anything heavier will become harder to manipulate.

    Note: If a ghost stops focusing on telekinesis and was made visible because of that, they return to invisibility as soon as they stop focusing without having to go through all of the emotes of going back invisible every time this happens.

    Red Lines: - A ghost doesn’t change eye colours like a mortal does when casting magic.

    -Cannot use Telekinesis on gold and aurum directly.

    -See Telekinesis usual red lines.


    Shapeshifting: Shapeshifting is also one of the ghosts’ main abilities, which lets them change their shapes and looks at will, though will take a couple to a few emotes depending on the ghost’s mastery on Shapeshifting where level 2 ghosts will need about a couple emotes to do so, and level 3 ghosts can shape their body in 1 emote. Note that ghosts don’t need to shape eyes to see, since they are spirits and essentially see in every direction without the need of actual eyes. A ghost can shape themselves into something bigger than they actually are in terms of size, but will grow to look fainter due to that, and can’t take it too far, since they are just re-shaping their own ectoplasm to look a different way, and stretching it out can only be taken so far.

    Red Lines: - They cannot turn into huge monstrosities. They can only stretch their ectoplasm up to a point to shape them to a certain form, but the bigger they become the fainter they will look.


    Horrorchill: One of the more natural abilities of a ghost, but can later on be abused and strengthened by more experienced ones. When a ghost touches someone, they go through them, but that contact alone will cause a chilling sensation to the person the ghost touched, the sensations themselves also varying on the ghost’s powers. Now, as long as the ghost keeps that physical contact, they can begin abusing that power and strengthening it, by making the chill get worse and worse, causing people to feel sadness, depression, terror, fall on the floor and start shaking in fear and yelling for help, cause horrible sensations around the body, for example when a ghost leaves their hand around the victim’s heart, over time the victim could feel something caressing the heart, and the more the contact is left, the stronger the ghost can make it, for example leaving that man feeling as if something’s grabbing his heart, tightening it and pulling it downwards, and so on, essentially mimicking a heart attack.

    One thing to note is that when a ghost begins feeding into the horrorchill, they would begin to manifest in a visible misty-like thing, and if the continue feeding into it they finally become completely visible, due to them not being able to keep their invisibility while having to focus on an entirely different power and feeding it.

    Red Lines: -A ghost cannot reach through any gold while doing this. However, they can reach around it if possible. That said, if someone has significant gold on various parts of their body, the ghost will likely not bother with the risk.

    -While avoiding a ghost, visible or invisible, who is trying to do this is difficult given the nature of a ghost, it is possible. It's not an illusion, where it just happens. If someone sprints away from the ghost, the ghost would have to also chase after them in order to continue the chilling. While horror chills don't take many emotes to perform, as it's simply moving a part of the ghost's body through a mortal's, they are still actions. They aren't attached to the person. They aren't taking host, and so someone can just run away if they're aware that it's a ghost that's doing this to them and not just some other magic.

    -REQUIRES physical contact (as physical as a ghost can be anyway). IE: cannot be done from a range.


    Possession: Another ability the ghosts can use is possession, by diving into an item and hiding inside of it. Unfortunately, they cannot make that item fly around by possessing it. Though, items that have rotatable parts like joints, mechanical arms, and sets of armour can be moved around. For example, a ghost can possess a set of armour, and start moving it around, and can even physically hit people with it. Naturally, all of that will drain one’s ectoplasm so the ghost should be careful about it. Another thing ghosts can possess is a corpse. For example, a ghost can possess a corpse of a sentient being (humans, elves, orcs, etc etc.) and begin to control it, though the looks of that body will begin to change under the ghost’s control, looking somewhat similar to the ghost itself, though still a monstrosity, having somewhat of a colour to it depending on the ghost’s current colour. Problem is, when a ghost does possess a corpse, it will be able to feel through it, and if it has damaged nerves such as a broken hand, gouged eyes and so on, the ghost will feel all that pain, but still be able to see even if the corpse is blind or missing a head.

    Not just that, but they can also possess corpses of animals, but it will end up looking like quite an abomination, as its flesh will be mixed with the ghost’s ectoplasm, ready to be moved around by it.


    Red Lines: -A ghost cannot do this to a holy being of any sort, or someone who practices holy magic. Furthermore, holy wards will keep them from doing such a thing as well.

    -Cannot inhabit warded objects, or objects with more than a meager amount of gold in them. IE: You can inhabit the steel blade of a sword if it has a gold pommel/hilt, but if the sword is laced with gold, no go.

    -If the object is broken, the ghost will, be weakened severely to the degree that the object was broken. IE: Broken in half, the ghost's power is halved. Smashed to pieces, the ghost is barely a whisper on the wind. Eradicated completely by lava or something: The ghost is forced to demanifest.

    -A ghost only has a limited amount of control over the corpse and this scales directly with the level of rot. The easiest way to RP this is to move as if drunk. With every milestone of rot in the body, take another shot of vodka!

    -A ghost corpse cannot look like the actual corpse it was, nor can this illusionary ability be used to truly disguise a ghost. It will always have glowing eyes, and can never be too similar to another player's character.

    -If you are surrounded by gold at any time as a ghost corpse, you'll find it difficult to escape from your host, depending on how much of you is encased. If someone manages to wrap you in gold chain, you're stuck. That said, you aren't particularly weakened physically by this. If someone just throws a gold net over you, and they've done nothing to immobilize you otherwise, you're free to throw the net off of you.

    -You feel pain when possessing an injured dead corpse. You feel pain from being attacked, as well as continuously rotting away. Less in the beginning, but more near the middle and end.

    -No ghost telekinesis is possible while husking a corpse.


    Taking host: Similar to possession in a sense, though far different. The ghost would enter a person's body, and dwell inside of it. Typically for a short period of time or to cause mischief. This is another way to travel. The Ghost would simply reside within a person, likely causing them no end of unease regardless of the ghost's intent. They have no ability to directly control the actions or thoughts of the person they are inhabiting. Taking shelter or host inside of a person of the living provides several benefits to the ghost. First, they are protected from light and to a degree are protected from gold. The host body can come in contact with gold, pass over gold barriers, etc. The flesh acts as an armor to the ghost, though with some drawbacks. Furthermore, they can utilize some of their ghostly powers from within the host. A ghost who has mastered the ability to change its appearance can cause odd illusions on the flesh of the host. They'd never become unrecognizable this way, however. What it would enable is something called 'afflictions of the flesh'. Making the host appear wounded in various ways. Making it seem as if their flesh is rotting, when it truly isn't. They can also utilize ghost telekinesis from within the host body, and will typically do this to shock people or to aid in the protection of a person in the limited way it can. Furthermore, they have a seemingly telepathic connection to the host, due to the ghost being inside the host, and can speak to them that way.

    The drawbacks to taking host are simple, and common sense. If the host has the ghost purged with holy magic it will, at the very least, force the ghost to leave the host and if stronger spells are used, possible demanifest it as well. The host taking wounds from golden weaponry or consuming gold in some way would range from painful to fatal for the ghost as well. It cannot turn invisible while inside the host, and if it is forced outside the host, it will be forced into visibility for a short time (2-3 emotes). Because the ghost's ectoplasm, in a sense, intertwines with the host's flesh and blood, damage to the host in general can be considered damage to the ghost. If the host were to die while the ghost was still inside, they would demanifest as well. The ghost cannot leave the host on a whim, however. It takes 3 emotes to leave the host while in a hostile situation. If the host is weakened substantially by wounds then the ghost would be as well, as their ectoplasm would deplete with the host's life force and blood. This means that they'd be less versatile in  using their ghostly abilities. That said, pain is never felt, only weakness. Furthermore, Ghosts cannot take host in any practitioner of holy magic that would directly harm a ghost if casted upon them. Their ectoplasm simply cannot afford to be broken apart and melded with a host's body when that host's body is saturated in holy magic. Holy wards also work effectively against ghosts taking host as well as having gold armor, necklaces, etc. Gold weapons do not count as they are simply attached to the body, not quite warn. A ghost can simply enter the host from a different angle in such a case. However, anything that is 'around' the body (necklaces, armor, helmets, etc.) will be sufficient to keep a ghost out. *This requires the victim to have a MC representation of their gold item, however. IE: A gold bar at the minimum.


    Red Lines: -A ghost cannot physically control the body of their host. Anything a host does should only ever be in reaction to the ghost's influence. Any ghost attempting to insist a character do something, either in response to a ghost's influence or in an attempt to straight up control the body, is powergaming and unacceptable.

    -One cannot take host in a holy magic user whose magic would harm the ghost in any other circumstance. IE: Ascended, Paladin, etc.

    -Shamans can choose to allow a ghost to take host within them, however cannot be forced into it as other descendants can.

    -Other ghosts and otherwise spectral/incorporeal beings (like gravens, wights, etc.) cannot be taken host UNLESS that being has taken on a husk or something (Ie: a real body.) In order to take host, the host must be of flesh, and must be more than simply bone. IE: a bare boned lich cannot be taken host, however if they have a significant portion of flesh on their bones (Ie: something one could still consider a recognizable body and not just something you'd dig up in a grave) they can be hosted.

    -A person who is wearing something gold (and has a MC item to back it up, ie: block of gold or something) significant (necklace, several rings, bracelets, helmets, armor, etc.) Or a holy ward of sorts cannot be hosted. However, if they simply have an item of gold in their pocket or on their person it's not such a problem.


    Wall and Ceiling Walking, and other Spooky Stuff: Ghosts are able to walk on walls, and in enclosed spaces, ceilings too. Besides that, they can also stick their head through a door, and so on.

    Red Lines: - Walking on walls, ceilings, and even poking their head through a door is all for the      spooky effect for being a ghost, and can not be abused such as literally scaling a wall, or walking through doors.

    - You cannot RP what you cannot do mechanically.




    How Gold and Aurum work on Ghosts




    Gold and Aurum are naturally pretty painful for a ghost, and just hitting them with an ingot of that can hurt a ghost, but that alone won’t insta-kill them, naturally.

    People will find more use of turning them into swords, because cutting ghosts with one is like cutting through air, except that when they do come into contact with the ghost they can do a severe amount of damage depending on where they cut. For example, if they slashed through the ghost’s arm, the can cut the entire part off and the ghost’s ectoplasm is drained away equal to the amount of the arm lost. Of course, a ghost can shapeshift an arm back, but the ectoplasm they lost will still be lost and they will be at a great loss after this.

    Ghosts naturally cannot use their powers on gold or aurum, for example telekinesis.

    Though, things like gold or aurum dust have a whole different way of dealing with ghosts. They don’t necessarily severely hurt the ghost, and instead just give them a little bit of pain, but they are able to turn the ghost visible until either the dust settles or the ghost moves away from the area, which is pretty effective in knowing their location.

    And with that, people can ward themselves from ghost hosting, as long as they have at least something big enough and not negligible (make sure to have an MC representation of it; at least 1 gold ingot)



    Ghost Red Lines:

    -They cannot learn any type of magic besides their own ghostly magic and Telekinesis, which comes naturally and grows up to T3 at most.

    -Ghosts cannot RP what they mechanically can’t do. Emoting your ghost phasing through a door then getting the owner to unlock it for you is not a possibility.

    -Ghosts cannot physically interact with the world the same way a mortal does. Only a Poltergeist is able to move objects around and grab living things without the need to use telekinesis.

    -It takes ingame years for a ghost to move on from Revenant to Level 3, they will have to manifest their powers and either accept themselves as a ghost or react with anger.

    -Haunts do not have access to ghost powers besides visibility/invisibility and noises, and even those are accidental and not thought about consciously. Anything beyond that is a no-no since they aren’t aware of their death.

    -They cannot pass through gold barriers, unless they have possessed something that protects them from it on the way through.

    -A spectre cannot move objects and grab living beings physically like a poltergeist can, and instead have access to 1 emote invisibility, which every other type of ghost can not.

    -A spectre cannot turn into a poltergeist, or vice-versa. Once a decision has been made, the ghost cannot change anymore and will require you to make a whole new ghost if you’d like to have one of the other type.


    Purpose: Same purpose as current ghosts, but this rewrite is mainly because their lore is pretty outdated and was back when holy beings and shamans were plentiful, and people were more equipped to dealing with ghosts. Hopefully this will change that and make it fit more with what is currently going on.




  7. MC Name: iDiogen

    Character's Name: Alethea

    Character's Age: 36


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Undead (Ghost)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Brief explanation of the lore behind a ghost:


    The first stage of a ghost is a haunt, where they aren’t aware of their death, thinking they are still alive, and return to their usual lifestyles. During that time, everything will seem pretty okay to them, and over time, certain things that they wouldn’t expect could happen, for example a character who frequently meets up with their group of friends, and they keep mentioning that the said character isn’t there, and something might have happened to them, but due to the trauma of knowing that they actually died, the haunt will instead look for other explanations as to why that happened, such as the friends playing a trick on the character and so on. Though depending on what happens, the haunt will eventually realize of their death, but that will be only through concrete proof that can’t be argued, such as seeing their own body in front of them.

    After that, comes the stage of Revenant.That is when the ghost will begin to harness the powers of an actual ghost, such as changing appearances, breaking the laws of physics by floating around, popping in and out of visibility and so on.

    Then, there comes final stage, and that completely depends on the ghost’s reaction to what they currently are. The first type of spectre, which is where they’ll accept themselves for who they are, and essentially become harmless beings, aiming to complete the goal that kept them in this world as a ghost. Either that, or the ghost will react in a completely different way, which is through a lot of anger, not accepting themselves for who they are, which is where they begin completely mastering their powers as a ghost, causing harm and chaos around them, hurting people and essentially becoming harmful individuals as they dwell around Atlas.







    Due to her husband suddenly leaving her to fend for herself as he moved on to someone else, and a certain group of bandits pressuring her frequently into giving away every last of her minas to keep herself alive, Alethea couldn’t handle it anymore, throwing herself off the cliff that her house was near to. The first stage of the creature she’s become is a haunt, where she’ll believe that she’s still alive, going back to her normal life of taking trips to different cities, exploring the places around her and being forced  to give the minas to the bandits... Except that they break into her house even though she’ll say she’s there, and then end up finding no one, Alethea believing that she was sneaky enough to avoid them, and possibly run off somewhere else. Over time, she’ll eventually realize that she’s actually dead, maybe after hearing that the bandits recovered her body, and she manages to see her own dead self, or other circumstances, and end up in the stage two, which is the Revenant stage, which is where her powers as a ghost will begin to manifest, such as deciding whether or not she can be seen, shift appearances and seem like she’s floating, and begin mastering the powers of a true revenant, slowly letting to of the believes that have been deeply ingrained in a mortal’s mind.


    Depending on what happens, she could either react to this whole thing with a lot of anger, and end up as a poltergeist, turning red, causing harm to people around herself and essentially causing chaos all around due to emotions, or she could accept herself for what she became, and end up as a spectre, essentially looking somewhat blue, and complete the goal that she became a ghost for, hoping to move on from this life of a ghost once she’s done.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. OOC NAME: iDiogen

    RP NAME: Camille

    Location of home: Morgan's forge, right outta the city but within the territory. Might get a house inside the city later on.

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): Lost the paper after I died in the lava outside of Holm, but I had to buy the citizenship paper to get myself a stall, and the said stall was given to me by Balek. I guess that's proof enough?

    Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 13.42.04.png

  9. MC Name: iDiogen

    Character's Name: Camille

    Character's Age: 26


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Epsilon Hallowfall


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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