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Posts posted by Diogen

  1. [!] Percy sighed, looking at Carolina. "Do what makes you happy. Don't feel guilty for chaining yourself to a man you don't see yourself with. It's your story to write." He said, offering her a smile, despite the unfortunate situation. Where Carolina ran off to, her loyal guard followed.

  2. [!] Missives would be pinned throughout the Silver City

    Knife Ears — conorsmithart: Burial - had a nice chunk of today...

    Citizens of Haelun'or, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the Morgue is full. The drawers are full, bodies still being prepared on the tables, and unknown third parties that had to be immediately cremated to make space.

    I am here to take matters into my own hands and announce a proper burial pyre. To let our old citizens of Haelun'or peacefully move on, to let us grieve over our losses. Regardless of which side they took - the dead should be respected.


    We will be all gathering the next Elven day, and I request that at least during the event, to cease the bloodshed. For both sides to hold a temporary truce, and let us all mourn the death of our people together.


    Let the dead rest.

    -Aurelia, Head Mortician.


    OOC: Tomorrow (Saturday), 5 PM EST

  3. Naele, after hours spent ensuring the injured will survive, finally sits down in the tavern as she gazes out towards the mess in the square.

    "From a trial where people attacked the accused, casted magic within the room, did not listen to the accused and postponed it all after they could not conclude, to a mess of a co-ordination where everyone ran like headless chickens, people faking their ranks in the Sillumir and contradicting orders every passing moment. I am disappointed."

  4. [!] A missive had been passed around and pinned to any bench, stands, walls, or anywhere with a blank slate in the nations of Elvenesse and their allies. [!]


    [!] The missive would read


    “Karin’ayla llir, I am inquiring you to follow me in a journey that shall trek the hinterlands of Evendom, marching through the thick and dim paths to find the wolves of our lands, I expect there to be no casualties… I have spent my lifetime among the forest and know its ins and outs, and have found a lead towards the territory of big, vicious Direwolves. This is where you come in lliran, to assist me and your fellow lliran to slay these beasts plaguing our land.”

    “PS: Bring gear, armour, and anything else to help increase your odds of survival.”



    Saturday 6pm EST 


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