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Posts posted by Olox_

  1. zs6PlT8fOVJpPfjGjUiEiRXIwCNqQGbzqEzrbnBhgHBi_wK21VwEQWcIIPyGQxfvjEtx0Win3S_lYqHJ7WZLJiAsaBgyoEnpZKbQvaK9NnbIIDLWAzzV6sbau7yGe65JVypEGImr4s7ZlKwmLA


    Official statement of House Jazloviecki on Prince Lucien's claim to the throne

    Penned on 20th of Snow's Maiden 1857, by Count Borys III Jazloviecki





    Not so long ago, my family rejoiced at the election of Fiodor as the High Pontiff, and a few days ago my promotion to Lord Commander of Savoy. Unfortunately, there are always worse days amidst the joy. These have just come over Savoy and her vassals again. Today I received the sad news of the death of our beloved Princess Catherine, peace be upon her soul, and of a plot by the Savoy Council. It would not be the best step if we allowed traitors to ruin what we have been building for over 20 years. Just as in the situation of the schism, which is still echoing, we must take a stand worthy of a noble family. We have sworn our friendship to the family of Ashford de Savoie, so we will stick to what we have promised and our swords shall be used for the good of their cause. If necessary, the forces of the Eagle's Watch will assist the allied armies in their fight against the traitors. In addition we extend a fraternal greeting to all the allied forces, in particular House Barclay von Freimark and House Barclay von Reinmar, as well as the Haense forces who have supported their brothers in faith in the face of danger not for the first time! 


    We Jazlovieckis are a family of farmers, craftsmen and soldiers who value peace and honour. We firmly believe in the possibility of a peaceful solution to the conflict - but if a peaceful solution to the conflict is not possible, we should fight with honour and a chant on our lips just as our ancestors did in the War of the Two Emperors alongside our allies. We shall and will not rest until the enemy is driven out, and our southern land is at peace.







    W Imię Boże,

    His Lordship, Borys Jazloviecki, Count of Lvinsk, Lord Commander of Savoy, Marshal of The Eagle's Watch, Court Brewmaster of Savoy



  2. zs6PlT8fOVJpPfjGjUiEiRXIwCNqQGbzqEzrbnBhgHBi_wK21VwEQWcIIPyGQxfvjEtx0Win3S_lYqHJ7WZLJiAsaBgyoEnpZKbQvaK9NnbIIDLWAzzV6sbau7yGe65JVypEGImr4s7ZlKwmLA




    Penned by Baron of Lvinsk, Borys Jazloviecki - son of  late Aleksander III, previous Patriarch of House Jazloviecki

    on 8th of Snow’s Maiden 1851 in Jazloviec Keep






    Aleksander III Jazloviecki


    On the night of the 7th of Snow’s Maiden 1851, Aleksander III Jazloviecki, the previous patriarch of House Jazloviecki, left this world letting out his last breath. His closest family stayed by his bedside - his beloved first-born son Borys with his own children Julian, Aleksander and Anastazja, his daughter Zofia, as well as his two other sons - siblings Feliks and Oktawian. Other family members - August, Fiodor, Jindrich, Ciechoslaw, Henryk - also gathered to say goodbye to a family member. Old Lechian died moments before sunrise, and began his pilgrimage to the place where he would meet all the Jazlovieckis.


    Brief story of Aleksander III


    Born in Arcas around 20 years before people left the continent. As a young man, Aleksander followed Haense, and sailed to Almaris. Like his ancestors, he enlisted in the Haeseni army, in which he served till the end, although because of his age he was no longer able to wield weapons or put on armour. When he was still a young lad he befriended Lord Fiske of the House Vanir and with his help pursued his political aims in Karosgrad. Being just over 30, he became People's Tribune and sat for one term in the halls of Duma. However, he gave up his political career to help his friend and build the fortress that still stands in the hills of Haense today. Although the Vanirs have lost their title, the castle that Aleksander and Fiske built together stands proudly with a black and blue flag flying on its tower. Fiske unexpectedly passed away from the world of the living, leaving Aleksander alone. The 40-year-old man has made a life for himself with a woman of Waldenian origin. It was with her that he had his 4 children. Immersed in his work, the bookkeeper had no time for his family, which he could not forgive himself for the rest of his days. The children grew up and went their separate ways, while Aleksander remained by the side of his dying wife. After her death, he lived in Haense on the money he had put away all his life. Knowing that the end was near, he wrote a letter to his firstborn son to help him relocate to what was now their land.


    As he passed away, Aleksander III felt no fear or regret. He was surrounded by the ones he loved, he saved the good name and the legacy of his family in Haense, fulfilled his duty as a good soldier and was a faithful friend to the very end.






  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aleksander Batory


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Some souls don't leave this world easily, some due to the circumstances of the death or simply their pure will. These souls of the can resurrect after death, in the form of Revenants, fresh and newborn spirits. When they realise they are dead, they may find peace and just accept their fate in order to be a white spirit, or live in eternal pain and misery as black spirits.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Aleksander was a tall man with dark hair, that turned grey overtime. Always kind to strangers, he was a good father, loyal soldier of Haense and a friend to all Haeseni people. Never took off his armour that was proudly on his body till the end of his mortal life.


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    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


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  4. zs6PlT8fOVJpPfjGjUiEiRXIwCNqQGbzqEzrbnBhgHBi_wK21VwEQWcIIPyGQxfvjEtx0Win3S_lYqHJ7WZLJiAsaBgyoEnpZKbQvaK9NnbIIDLWAzzV6sbau7yGe65JVypEGImr4s7ZlKwmLA


    The official statement of the noble House Jazloviecki on the attempted schism in the church, penned by his Lordship Borys III Jazloviecki, Baron of Lvinsk, on 22 Deep Cold 1849 in Jazloviec Keep, seat of House Jazloviecki.


    We are deeply saddened by the fact that his Holiness, Pontiff Everard VI has been deposed and  in exchange,  usurper and traitor to all nations that believe in the holiest Church of Canon has been placed on the papal throne. However, our family, in the face of so much betrayal, will take a stand, in the name of GOD. We take the side of the steadfast defenders of the Church - our brother families Barclay and Alstreim - in their fight against the ungodly decisions of the Empire and its allies. We condemn the events that have recently taken place in the Curia and we ask the ones responsible for all wrong that happened lately, for repentance in God's name. 


    Baronial House of Jazloviecki, would like to point out that this document is not against any side and does not state an open rebellion against the Realm of Savoy, but against the actions of high-ranking people who, out of a desire for power, have lost their minds and turned their backs on God and his church. The Lechian spirit is strong, and equally strong is the zeal for faith that burns within them. In God's name, our family will pray for the swiftest possible repentance of those behind the aforementioned acts, and for the health of the rightful Pontiff  Everard VI, to whom the throne, the papal insignia, and eternal glory are still due for defending the holy church in moments of horror. 








    W imię Boże,

    His Lordship, Borys III Jazloviecki, Baron of Lvinsk, Haupmann of Freimark, Court Brewmaster of Savoy


  5. Borys was sitting in his chair in the office when there was a knock on the door frame from Antoni "Come in friend, what have you brought?" asked the Baron. "Letter from Neuberg, my Lord" said the guard and bowed his head placing the letter on the desk. "From Ernst?" asked Borys with a raised eyebrow. "There is his seal on the envelope, I believe so" replied the soldier and stood at attention as Borys unsealed and read the letter - "It's about time..." said Borys, hiding the letter in a drawer and walking out without a word, leaving Antoni confused in the doorway

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