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Posts posted by Olox_

  1. Borys, despite his brief acquaintance with Marquis of Myrine, sighed deeply and saluted while looking up at the starry sky "From now on you are looking down on us, from up there. It's a pity that good people leave too soon" He muttered then went back inside the castle

  2. eeYBwBqo8b7Sa35skUD8ozVhvRY7xs_tucmLMVd_Pzll08vP5AEzJdftfUf_rDAAMKblwn08jAX-xTANzmI8fym3INgKfSAC7jVNPiVjIBYV3uBmUmjH3DoOuC_X_Ttbq6QNEe1axr5ub6pOTJVgoIBLDCCX3CXT5ecasimU10GUv5sD1TzJPWw6qfhu

    Kingdom of Lechia









    Depiction of Lech and his two brothers, looking for a place for a new settlement


    The Lechian people derive from the group of Lechitian peoples. According to the so called pre-Lechitian myth, the founders of the three main Lechitian cultures, (Lechian, Ruthian that is similar to the Raevir, and Tschech) came to the continent of Vistulia in search of a place to settle. The second oldest of those three brothers, named Lech has followed a huge white eagle to its nest. That is where he established his first village in order to let the Lechian culture grow. Since that day the Lechitic coat of arms is a mighty white eagle. With an established capital that Lech named Gniezno, the Lechian culture flourished and developed vigorously. The first Lechitic leader established the first state structures and customs but was of pagan faith for it took several decades for him and his people to convert to Canonism, which came from their cultural cousins - the Tschechs.





    Depiction of Prince Mieszko's baptism


    After centuries of slow development, the first monks of the Canonist Church arrived on the continent of Vistulia. According to old documents they were led by Vojtech, of Tschech origin, as Tschechs have accepted Canonism before the Lechians. Thanks to his diplomatic skills, Vojtech convinced Mieszko to accept baptism, marry a canonist Tschech princess, and at the same time incorporate Lechians into the canonist community. As a new ruler within the canonist church, Mieszko united the Lechian tribes and conquered far more land than any of his ancestors. The country stretched from the sea in the north to the mountains in the south. Vojtech, who stayed at Mieszko's court for some time has crowned him as a prince, as Mieszko found himself unworthy of  being a King. This gave rise to the first dynasty of Lechia - Piast. As new cultural norms grew, churches were built, a network of stone roads developed and the first church structures were established in the capital. Unfortunately, the times of peace passed after the missionary Vojtech's expedition to the northern tribes, who bestially murdered him and quartered his corpse. Mieszko still remembered Vojtech's merits and set off to the north to fight for justice. The soldiers of Mieszko had no mercy on the pagans and slaughtered the population of the local settlements in the same bestial manner while imposing the Canonist faith on the survivors. Despite the long process of converting the Lechians to the true faith, which sometimes met with armed resistance from the native believers, Mieszko's reign is remembered as decades of peace.






    Depiction of Boleslaw and his sons, arriving at Krakovia


    The times of Boleslaw the First echoed among the Lechitian tribes. Immediately after his coronation, he began a period of conquests, and greatly expanded the dependent territory of Lechia. As the first of the Kings, since his father did not accept the title of the King of Lechia, he ordered to make a sword intended for coronation of further Kings, and a Crown decorated with many precious gems.  The sword called "Szczerbiec" ("Chipper") played a significant role in the reign of Boleslaw and later his sons, as it became a symbol of Lechian nationalism and a sign of victory over foreign powers. Legends say that it took its name from the moment when Boleslaw chipped it against the gate of the capital city of a neighbouring state, to mark Lechitic annexation of the border areas. Unfortunately, he did not enjoy his reign long after this event. King Boleslaw died three years later of an unspecified illness. 


    For Lechia there came a time of sorrow, as Boleslaw had many sons and each of them claimed his father's crown. Having divided the country into parts, a fratricidal struggle for the crown of Lechia began. The eldest of the brothers, Mieszko III occupied the capital and held it for many years. The brothers from the western, northern and eastern parts meanwhile held talks about a new order after the end of the civil war. The quarrelling brothers chose as ruler someone who had never known a taste of power - Kazimierz, the youngest of the brothers, who ruled over no province. Mieszko III, faced with the overwhelming power of the united brothers, renounced the crown and the Bishop of Krakovia crowned Kazimierz as the new King of Lechia. The times in which Kazimierz reigned were the best in the history of his family. He rebuilt the destructions of the civil war, developed the monetary system and established the first university in Lechia. He died at the age of 70, leaving no male descendant.






    Depiction of Wladyslaw proclaiming the Union


    After Kazimierz's death, the only person of his blood was his daughter Hedwig. She married a powerful leader of a neighbouring country, and united the two countries in a personal union. Despite the power of the great state, pagan tribes still lived in the north and invaded the lands of Lechia. To remedy this, Wladyslaw, for that was the name Hedwig's husband, called upon the help of the strong Waldenian Order. He was unable to foresee the cunning and guile with which the Knights operated, and allowed them to occupy the land of the pagans so that they could continue to help the Lechians spread Canonism. Soon after, the knights turned on Wladyslaw and formed an alliance to help them conquer the lands dependent on the Jogailan dynasty. 


    At that time, there was great social unrest in Lechia, with tendencies calling for the introduction of sanoism, priorism but also absolute power in the government. There were many clashes between Lechitic priorists and sanoists, who had two different concepts of the state. The Sejm (the equivalent of the Duma in Haense or the parliament in Oren) rejected all attempts to reform the state, thus stagnation deepened and Lechia was exposed to blows from the outside. The powerful alliance formed by the Waldenians, and the neighbouring powers as well as, the constant skirmishes with them caused the disintegration of the state. Lechia has not appeared on world maps since then, yet the people still remember their roots and will never abandon them.







    Depiction of Lechian warriors going on a hunt


    Lechians are known for their fighting stubbornness. This is due to their culture, which grew up on warrior values because of the many threatening neighbours around their state when it still existed. Young Lechians were trained from the age of 16 to become infantrymen, archers or horsemen. Women could also train if they wished to, but they usually stayed at home and took care of the hearth and home. Among Lechitic soldiers the highest value is honour, which should never be tarnished. There are many chronicles about the heroic deeds of the Lechians in their fight against the invaders, especially about the skill of their cavalrymen, who, with much smaller numbers of troops, were able to destroy the Waldenian armies with very few losses. Lechitic troops were usually lightly armed with spears, short swords and shields, or short bows. There were also heavy regiments, such as the famous Husaria. The Hussars were an elite cavalry unit serving the Kings of Lechia. Known for their ornate armour and wings made of eagle feathers, they wreaked havoc on the battlefields.



    Depiction of Husaria





    Depiction of Lechian landscape


    Lechia was mainly located in the lowlands, which favoured the development of agriculture and peasant culture. The first Lechitic Kings issued various privileges for the peasants in return for their hard work for the homeland. The Lechitic peasants mastered the so-called three-field system on the basis of which all farms, private and state, operated. In the fields, peasants worked from dawn to dusk, in every season except winter. They worked hard at harvest time, and 1/3 of the harvested crop was to be given to the local overlord - a baron, count or duke. Local peasants were also very fond of animal products, so they bred a variety of pigs, cows and sheep from which they could obtain the materials they needed. A highly prized product among the middle class was bee honey. Only trained peasants were allowed to own and run an apiary and extract honey from it for personal and commercial use. Another highly popular occupation among the villagers was brewing. Many peasants were employed in private breweries where they produced high quality alcohol in the form of beer, vodka or wine. One of such brewery brands is Harnaś Brewing Company, owned by House Jazlowiecki. 



    Depiction of a Lechian town


    Cities founded by various Lechitic noble families were usually located on hills, slopes or cliffs, where danger could come from one side. The wealthier towns were surrounded by a wall, usually made of stone or bricks, and there usually was a drawbridge leading to the gate with at least one tower. In every town there was a church or chapel where local people could worship God and pray for a successful harvest. The houses of Lechitic families were made of stone, wood and thatch as a roof, as these were commonly available raw materials. Wealthier families from the middle and high nobility could afford to build houses from more expensive materials such as white stone or expensive varieties of wood, unattainable for ordinary peasants. It was not very often that you could see noble houses within the walls of cities, as high ranking families usually had their own estates that operated independently. The same applied to the castles of local rulers. They were usually solitary standing on advanced rock formations where it was difficult for enemies to get to during an attack.


    Landscapes for RPG Kingdom come Deliverance

    Depiction of a Lechian castle


    A typical Lechitic castle was surrounded by a thick wall made of stone bricks and was dominated by the roofs of towers and the main building where the throne room and the feast hall were located. In the castle there was usually a small chapel, and in front of the bridge leading to the castle there was a small settlement for the castle workers - guards, priests and officials. A life in a noble keep differed from village life, as there the king's representatives came and there the future of the region was debated.






    Depiction of a Lechian monastery


    Lechians are a people proud of their religious affiliation. Processions and solemn masses for the homeland and the king were very common during the time of their state. The king, according to official state propaganda, had authority from God, and additionally filled important places in the government with church officials. The most important seat of the church in Lechia was Krakovia where the Archbishop resided. There was also the cathedral of the Virgin, where the kings of Lechia were crowned. The Church in Lechia strictly outlined the rules of morality and punished the disobedient. Despite this, the church was highly respected by peasants, the middle class and the nobility. Many Lechians turned away from the church when they secretly formed alliances and agreements with the Waldenians regarding their position after they occupy these lands. Today, despite the diaspora in which Lechians live, the church still plays a significant role in their lives





    Depition of Krakovia before an upcoming fair



    Originating from the provincial part of Lechia - Dożynki (in common the Harvest Festival) played a great role in the life of small towns and villages. Dożynki were a special time of the harvest where people gathered in squares or clearings and set up poles with colourful streamers, tables with white tablecloths and surrounded everything with bales of hay. In the middle, a bonfire was lit over which meat bought by the peasants to celebrate the success of this year's harvest was roasted. On the tables, however, there were colourful vegetables and fruit, and everything in the theme of the harvest.


    Drowning of Marzanna

    Drowning of Marzanna was an important part of the Lechian folklore. When winter ended and spring began, children from towns and villages made puppets stuffed with hay and decorated them to resemble women. Drowning the puppet in the river, or sometimes burning it, symbolised the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. The death of Marzanna was to symbolise the passing of the month associated with death and the arrival of new life in spring.


    Night of Kupała

    Lechian customs and rituals related to the Kupała Night were supposed to ensure health and fertility. Fires were lit, in which herbs were burned. Various kinds of fortune-telling and dancing took place during the joyful games. Girls would throw garlands with lighted candles into the rivers. If the garland was fished out by a bachelor, it meant a quick marriage. If it floated, the girl would not marry soon. If it burned, drowned or became entangled in rushes, it boded ill for old age. It is thought that these are probably the remains of old pagan spring rituals, that Lechians have incorporated into their culture after converting to Canonism.




    The Day Before Kleckas Battle

    Depiction of  City of Krakovia, seat of House Jazlowiecki in the Margraviate of Lvinsk


    Although centuries have passed since the fall of Lechia, the spirit of the Lechians has never died. The first verse of their favourite patriotic song says "Jeszcze Lechia nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy" - "Lechia is not yet lost, as long as we live". The most widely known family that still maintains the Lechitic legacy and culture to this day is House Jazlowiecki. It first became famous for the military genius of the founding fathers of the family - Aleksander Batory and Mikhail Svarogovich, who fought alongside Wilheim and Tylos Barclay, as well as Bogdan Canoslav in the War of Two Emperors. After many years of separation, the two brotherly families of Batory and Svarogovich were united under one banner. To this day, memories of nearly 200 years ago are still vivid among family members. After decades of effort, the Lechians have finally won a place to live where they could propagate their culture and traditions in harmony. The Margraviate of Lvinsk, was a refuge for Lechians, where everyone was welcome, native or foreign. Under the rule of Venerable Borys Jazlowiecki, the first Margrave of Lvinsk, and August Jazlowiecki, the first Baron of Triglav - the Margraviate constantly developed. After the fall of Savoy, Jazlowieckis decided to take their fate in their hands and openly asked King of Oren, Frederick I about the possible relocation. Thanks to his wife being a Savoyard, and the prestige their family earned through the years in the southern realm, King Frederick didn't even think but allowed them to settle in the western part of his Kingdom. Under the rule of Margrave Jazlowiecki, the Lechian culture was safe and ready to flourish once more under a new banner. After years of prosperity, came the Harvest Revolution, which drove the Lechians from their home. The treacherous de Vilains, whom the Jazlowieckis saw as friends, deprived them of their home. But GOD watched over them and crushed the oppressors that drove them out of Eagle's Retreat. Thanks to the pious Prince of Merryweather, Ottomar II, into whose hands the land that once belonged to Grodno fell, through goodwill and respect was returned to its rightful owners. From this moment onwards, the House of Jazlowiecki became an integral part of the United Kingdom of Aaun.




    Lvinsk, Grodno, Warsovia, Triglav, Wolavia & Viska

    Coats of Arms





    The Jazlowieckis currently reside within their castle of New Warsovia in the Principality of Merryweather.

    Map how to get to Merryweather from Lowlands Hub:








    Depiction of traditional Lechian noble outfits


    Sarmatism is a culture developed by the Lechians during the Jogailan rule. It presupposed a golden liberty for the nobility, which allowed them to meddle in the interests of the kingdom without the right of intervention by the King. The nobility would gather for Legislative Sejm, which allowed for new laws, reforms or even the writing of a constitution. However, the Golden Liberty assumed a right of veto on the part of anyone in whose veins noble blood flowed. The representatives of the high nobility bought off the lower-born and less wealthy nobles to vote no and use the veto, which broke up the sejm and prevented state reforms. Very characteristic was the nobleman's dress worn during Sejms, called Kontusz, and sabres or maces at its belt. Golden Liberty also had other drawbacks. The nobility, enjoying a high degree of autonomy, built their manors in forested retreats around which stretched hectares of land subject to them. The manorial system developed by the Lechian nobility was based on the principle of serfdom, that is, the forced and enslaved labour of peasants. Farmers were not allowed to leave their lord or his land under any circumstances, and were only exempt from work on church and national holidays. Multigenerational families poured their sweat and blood on the land of the Lords, getting nothing in return. The end of Sarmatism and Golden Liberty is marked by the fall of Lechia and a peasant uprising, which in its fury slaughtered and hanged the Lords mercilessly. 






    The songs of the Lechians are very distinctive. Their music is usually grave, but there are also more cheerful songs, to which you can dance despite the message. This state of affairs stemmed from years spent in the diaspora - scattered to the ends of the world, with no place to live. Without a piece of land, a homeland to call their own and with fading sense of independence, the Lechians carried the light of Lechia in the form of poems, books and, first and foremost - songs. What did the Lechians write songs about? There were many themes - love for a girl, love for the homeland, grief for the homeland or a call to arms in an attempt to reclaim lands seized by invaders. The music is usually played on the piano or violin, as these were instruments considered highly esteemed in the circles of Lechia's upper nobility. One of such songs is "Warszawianka" or in common "The song of Warsovia":




    ‘Tis the day of blood and honour

    Let it break our bloodstained chains!

    Like a dragon our white eagle

    Looking straight has soared above

    and excited with this hope

    calls upon us from above:

    Raise oh Lechia! Break your shackles!

    It’s your triumph or your death!



    Hey who’s Lechian grab your weapon

    Lives our freedom, Lechia lives

    With this word of pure excitement

    May our trumpet always sound

    May our trumpet always sound



    Dearest Lechia all your children,

    are in better place today,

    since those days when all their battles

    were fought in Savoyard name

    they have waited for two decades

    sent across all human lands

    today Mother, who will fall

    in thy bosom shall be found





    Sound oh bugles, roar oh canons

    Forward children join the fight

    Led by honour and our glory

    Triumph gleams in steel so fine

    Soar our eagle, high above us

    Spread our glory, Lechia’s might

    Those victorious shall gain freedom

    Those defeated gained it now.





    Words of some other Lechian songs can be found below:


    Lechian Anthem: Gaude Mater Lechia - Rejoice Mother Lechia


    Gaude, mater Lechia,    
    prole fecunda nobili.    
    Summi Regis magnalia  
    laude frequenta vigili.

    Summi Regis magnalia  
    laude frequenta vigili.



    Rejoice, Mother Lechia,

    rich in such noble offspring.

    The Highest King's great works

    glorify with constant praise.

    The Highest King's great works

    glorify with constant praie.






    Duma Rycerska - Pride of Chivalry


    Lechitic lyrics:


    Powiedz, wdzięczna kobzo moja,
    Umie-li co duma twoja?
    Cóż może być piękniejszego
    Nad człowieka rycerskiego?
    Cóż nad pograniczne kraje
    Kędy, skoro lód roztaje,
    Ujrzysz pola nieprzejrzane,
    Młodą trawą przyodziane.
    Ujrzysz dąbrowy rozwite,
    Ujrzysz ptactwo rozmaite,
    Zwierzu stada niezliczone
    I ryb roje niezłowione.
    Gdzie czasem wieśniak ochoczy
    Łowiąc sieci swoje toczy,
    Albo na straż wyprawiony
    Strzela źwierz strzelec ćwiczony.
    Lub przez niemienione progi
    Dnieprowy kozak ubogi
    Czółnem płynie nie bez strachu,
    Chudoju żyw sołomachu.
    Husarz zasię w mocnej zbroi
    Warownym obozem stoi,
    Który po szczupłym obiedzie
    Straż zarazem swą zawiedzie,
    W tym próbuje w kole koni,
    Lub kopiją pierścień goni,
    A kiedy zaś trwoga przyjdzie,
    Z trzaskiem z obozu wynidzie,
    Pod świetnymi chorągwiami,
    Głośny trąbą i bębnami,
    Bieży pochylony lasem
    Dla sławy, dla zysku czasem.
    Tam młódź harce swoje zwodzi,
    A zaś we krwi często brodzi,
    Pałasz kładzie w poszwę krwawy,
    Cedząc zaś krew za rękawy.
    Drugiego też bystra strzała
    W sercu skrwawionym ostała.
    Trzeci końmi podeptany
    Polega czasem bez rany.
    Za tym jedna przełomiona
    Nazad ustępuje strona,
    A zwycięzca niebłagany
    W tył srogie zadaje rany.
    A w tym do łupu zebrane
    Rycerstwo zaś spracowane
    Obraca się z trudu swego,
    Dając chwałę Bogu z tego,
    Dziękując czasem z wygrania,
    A podczas też więc przegrania.
    Na jakąż więc stronę stanie,
    Bądź zawsze pochwalon, Panie.
    Boże, który masz w swej pieczy
    Ludu rycerskiego rzeczy,
    Chudy żołnierz prosi Ciebie,
    Odpłać mu te nędzę w niebie.


    Common lyrics:


    Say, my grateful bagpipes,
    Know what your pride is?
    What could be more beautiful
    Than a man of chivalry?
    What could be more beautiful than border countries
    Where, when the ice is melting,
    You will see the fields unseen,
    With young grass.
    Thou wilt see the oaks,
    Thou wilt see a variety of birds,
    You'll see flocks of animals
    And swarms of fish.
    Where sometimes a country bumpkin
    Fishing with his nets he rolls,
    Or on the lookout
    A practised archer shoots.
    Or through silent thresholds
    Eastern poor Cossack
    In a dugout canoe sails not without fear,
    Eats his self-prepared food.
    A hussar in strong armour
    Stands in a fortified camp,
    Who after a slender dinner
    Will let his guard down at the same time,
    He tries in the horse circle
    Overcome the ring around him with a copy
    And when fear comes,
    He will leave the camp with a clatter,
    Under splendid banners,
    Loud with trumpet and drums,
    He runs through the forest
    For fame, for profit sometimes.
    There the young people are playing their tricks,
    And often wades in blood,
    He puts his scabbard in a bloody sheath,
    And straining blood from his sleeves.
    The other, too, a sharp arrow
    In his bleeding heart it stayed.
    The third trampled by horses
    Sometimes lies without a wound.
    And then one defeated
    Immediately gives up its position
    And the victor unmercifully
    Into the back he inflicts severe wounds.
    And in this to the booty gathered
    And the knights in pain
    And the knights are working hard,
    Giving glory to God for it,
    Sometimes giving thanks for their victory,
    And when they have lost.
    Whichever side they stand on,
    Be praised always, O Lord.
    O God, who art in thy care
    The knightly people's things,
    The lean soldier begs thee,
    Repay him this misery in heaven.




    The Camp Prayer (one of the few songs you can sing along in common)


    Lechitic lyrics:


    O Panie, któryś jest na niebie, 
    Wyciągnij sprawiedliwą dłoń.
    Wołamy z cudzych stron do Ciebie 
    O własny dach i własną broń. 

    O Boże, skrusz ten miecz, co siekł nasz kraj, 
    Do wolnej Lechii nam powrócić daj,
    By stał się twierdzą nowej siły, 
    nasz Dom, nasz Dom. 

    W poszumie drzew, błogosław, Panie, 
    Przysięgę naszą we dniach prób.
    Cokolwiek zdarzy się i stanie, 
    Nie damy Lechii, to nasz ślub.

    O Boże, skrusz ten miecz, co siekł nasz kraj, 
    Do wolnej Lechii nam powrócić daj,
    By stał się twierdzą nowej siły, 
    nasz Dom, nasz Dom. 


    Common lyrics:


    Our Father, Thou which art in heaven, 
    Stretch forth to us Thy righteous hand, 
    ‘Cross foreign lines we call upon Thee, 
    For Lechian homes and Lechian lands.

    O take away the sword which on us lies, 
    On Lechia let the dawn of freedom rise, 
    Bring strength to our beloved nation; 
    our Home, our Home. 

    O Father, in the wind we hear Thee, 
    Bless Thou our oath in days of strife: 
    Oh, come what may and come what must be, 
    for Home we’ll gladly give our lives.

    O take away the sword which on us lies, 
    On Lechia let the dawn of freedom rise, 
    Bring strength to our beloved nation; 
    our Home, our Home. 








    All letters of Lechian alphabet


    The Lechitic alphabet consists of 36 characters and resembles the Ruskan and Raevir languages in places. Although these groups did not have much in common, they managed to develop similar words and phrases. Good examples are the words "Good - Dobry" and even the negation "No - Nie". In many books you can find basic words and phrases in this language.


    Example of a Lechitic dictionary



    OOC: Culture is still a WIP





  3. zIiedu1aQsSJr904quNGFizpVytPLS8lFYpcGyQN3wTXmACSdhp3gpgtNDux5bcsJ3f7U-XZWEL5Vm1PGsH6iE2oLUSjDnjLnXLRPxnfzOlCmc4zfh6s6kyNo3_XLuPQS8GKsCy-Z6uhAc930A




    Letter from the Barony of Lvinsk

    On the 22nd of Malin's Welcome, 1847







    Barony of Lvinsk


    To the pious people of Lvinsk and Freimark


    With the completion of the first stronghold of the Jazloviecki family, it is time for celebrations. All people from territories of Savoy, and other human kingdoms, are invited on behalf of Baron of Lvinsk to the celebrations marking the inauguration of the barony. The feast that will be held within the walls of the castle will be partly as a tribute to the past generations of House Jazloviecki, and also as a mark of respect to all those who put their honest work into the construction, and thanks to whom the fortress stands proudly on the golden shores of the south. 





    Crowning of Borys Jazloviecki with the baronial circlet

    The ceremony during which the baronial circlet will be placed on the head of Borys III Jazloviecki by the chaplain of Freimark


    Distribution of the various ranks and titles at Lvinsk court

    The newly crowned baron will remind his men of their duties within the walls of Lvinsk


    Feast in Lvinsk

    When the official part is over, a feast will take place in the castle with endless amount of food and drinks




    Whilst all free men are allowed to attend, special invitations were sent to the following



    His Serene Highness, OLIVIER RENAULT, Prince of Savoy, and his royal pedigree (@Lionbileti)

    His Royal Majesty, SIGISMUND III, King of Hanseti-Ruska, his royal pedigree, and his noble vassals (@Xarkly)


    His Highness, OLIVIER ASHFORD DE SAVOIE, Hereditary Prince of Savoy (@Publius)

    Her Highness, CATHERINE BARCLAY, Countess of Sarissa (@Axelu)

    His Highness, ULRICH VON ALSTREIM, Landgraf von Alstreim, and his royal pedigree (@LithiumSedai)


    Count of Freimark, ERNST BARCLAY, and his noble pedigree (@GoodGuyMatt)


    The Right Honorable, JOHANN BARCLAY, Dual Count of Reinmar-Kretzen and his noble pedigree, and the Brotherhood of St. Karl (@Frymark)


    His Lordship, CESAR II DE RIVERA, Baron of Rivera and his noble pedigree (@Timer)

    His Lordship, DEIMOS VAN DER SAINTE-BLANDINE, Baron of Caer Der Hodden and his noble pedigree (@BogsBinny)

    His Lordship, BALTHAZAR II MARENO, Marquis of Myrine and his noble pedigree (@Mickaelhz)


    MAEHIR, Lord Mayor of Caer Raywyn and the populace of Caer Raywyn (@King_Kunuk)


    BAILIFF of Erwinsburg, Bruce van Brouwen, and all fellow Freimarkish people (@MonkeMan)




    The inauguration will happen after the Freimarkish Moot concludes - 6pm EST


    1. How to get to Erwinsburg




    2. Lvinsk location, top right corner of Freimark's map







    Jego waszmość, Borys Jazloviecki, Baron Lwińska, Hauptmann Freimark, Nadworny Browarnik Savoy

    His Lordship, Borys Jazloviecki, Baron of Lvinsk, Haupmann of Freimark, Court Brewmaster of Savoy


  4. Just like Yugoslavia lost Serbia, LoTC has just lost its best Serb. Good luck out there and watch out for the Ustaša...



    С вером у Бога, за краља и отаџбину!

    Z Bogiem przyjacielu!



  5. Borys walks around the house reading the letter delivered to him a moment ago, standing in front of the portrait of his ancestor - he smiles gently after reading the letter, and raises his head before saying to himself  "My legacy is secured, I have finished, what you started- great-grandfather..." Young baron sighs slightly before giving the portrait of Aleksander I a salute and, folding the letter in half, goes back to spend time with his pregnant wife

  6. WfqaY-MfeHE4J3qsdEqjBrb_f71tuzORPfueQ438mAQ8msRlmuTomgnZRpNnuULOlSb187a6fmojfISp-Z3NcahLhS4hwI9sXa7ICBUbvYs8u0qYmN8tnFycFuiWcYOxOznK-9FCuvzWheYynA freimark_by_olox735_derx0zx-fullview.png



    The wedding of Borys Jazloviecki & Sophia Barclay

    Written on 2nd of Malin's Welcome 1840


    In the sight of GOD, the pair of Borys Jazloviecki and Sophia Barclay are to be wed within the coming days. It is with great joy that we invite all Savoy residents, families, and friends of the newlyweds' families to the wedding ceremony, which will take place in the Basilica of Blessed George of Leuvaarden in San Luciano. After the ceremony, all guests are invited to The Stallion's Stall Inn where the bride and groom will pay for all drinks and food.

    (OOC: Saturday, October 2nd, 6:00pm EST)




    Special Invitations are sent out to the following:


    The families of The Bride and Groom:

    House Jazloviecki

    Holy Sir August Jazloviecki @Mykei

    Romilda Buckfort-Jazloviecki @Gopnik Is Poggers

    Jan Mieszko Jazloviecki @___South___

    Oktawian Jazloviecki @scretch

    Fiodor Jazloviecki @Remaclus

    Jindrich Jazloviecki @PecenyRohlik

    Feliks Jazloviecki @Nn_Xavier_nN

    Zofia Jazloviecki @Sawona


    House of Barclay von Freimark

    TRH Catherine Barclay, Countess of Sarissa @Axelu

    Ernst Barclay @GoodGuyMatt

    Jurgen Barclay @argonian

    Volmar Barclay @rep2k

    Christoff Barclay @MCVDK

    Emmeline Barclay @tayladoh

    And their Issue.


    House of Barclay von Rienmar

    TRH Johann Barclay, Dual Count of Reinmar-Kretzen @Frymark

    Margot Barclay @MildStatic

    Erhard Barclay @rep2k

    Amadeus Barclay @Wolfey34

    Ser Reinhardt Barclay KC @Capt_Chief26

    Cedric Barclay @Tetho

    Clarisse Barclay @MildStatic

    Emil Barclay @Liokv

    Klaus Barclay @Fionn__TWG

    Adrianna Darkwood née Barclay @CopOwl

    Antonius Barclay @Javert

    Lorenz Barclay @Diaolos

    Edmund Barclay @Coolcod77

    Natalya Barclay @MotherLay

    Adele Ludovar née Barclay @Weebmaster36

    Mariya Barclay-Vyronov @EnderMaiashiro

    And their Issue.



    House of Ashford de Savoie
    HSH, Olivier Renault Ashford de Savoie, Prince of Savoy @Lionbileti
    HSH, Adeline Lorena Ashford de Savoie, Princess of Savoy @Spicii
    HH, Louis Maximilien Ashford de Savoie @Proddy
    HH, Leufroy Renault Ashford de Savoie @Vukarism
    HH, Athenais Olivienne Marie Ashford de Savoie @Dasdi
    Laurene Henriette Ashford de Savoie @Alexi_
    Claude Elisabeth Ashford de Savoie @amyselia
    Eugenie Cecile Ashford de Savoie @sunflowerist
    And their Issue.


    House of Barbanov

    HM, Sigismund III Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska @Xarkly

    And their Issue.


    House de Joannes
    HSH, Leopold de Joannes, Prince of Sedan @Dogged
    HSH, Margaret Mariya, Princess-consort of Sedan @latte
    And their Issue.
    House of Alstreim

    TRH, Ulrich Lothar von Alstreim, Landgrave of Alstreim @LithiumSedai
    And their Issue.


    House of Ashford de Rouen
    HGE, Edmond Leonard, Baron of Blackwald @Emery
    Robert Guy Ashford de Rouen
    Adrian Tobias Ashford de Rouen
    And their Issue.


    House of Rivera
    TRH, Cesar II de Rivera, Baron of Rivera @Timer
    And their Issue.


    House of Alstion
    HE, William Corwin Alstion @Caranthir_
    And their Issue.


    House of d’Anpalais
    Conzstanzo d’Anpalais @Cobbler
    And their Issue.


    House of Basrid
    HE, Darius Basrid @Monomakhos
    And their Issue.


    House of Rochefot
    Holy Dame Helena Rochefort @TheIchorDruid

    And their Issue.


    House of Rothesay
    HE, Peter Margaret Rothesay @DelaneyG
    And their Issue.


    House of Bishop
    Erwin Bishop @Lomiei
    Franz Bishop @ZebedeeDougalSKM
    August Bishop @Keegan7om

    Adelina Bishop @ohbother1

    Helena Bishop @discojazz
    And their Issue.


    House de Brellad
    HE, Mattis Tomas de Brellad @Malaise
    And their Issue.


    House de Orsella
    HL, Selvia de Orsella @Kiiwi
    And their Issue.


    House of Mareno
    Cyrus Mareno @Mickaelhz
    Jace Mareno @D A N N Y
    Stavros Mareno 
    And their Issue.
    House of Helane
    Aspasia Magdalena Helane @saintmary
    Caterina Louisa Helane @Autty
    And their Issue.


    House of Ashford de Bar
    Giuseppe Luigi Fabio Eugino Ashford de Bar 
    Raymond Adhemar Ashford de Bar @Endovelicus
    And their Issue.


    Esheveurd Brigade

    Lord Marshal Joseph Brandt @Caelria

    Armsman Franz Wilheim @Borin

    And other soldiers of the Brigade


    W imię Boże,

    Baron of Lvinsk, Hauptmann of Freimark, Patriarch of House Jazloviecki, Borys


    Fair Lady of House Barclay, Sophia






  7. Borys looks at the paintings in his house that he took from Providence. In one of them he notices Tobias, whose departure he had heard about  "Everyone leaves sometime eh? Too bad the good ones leave too often." He said and, smiling slightly, went to mind his own business



    The history of me and my family began so long ago that the majority of the inhabitants of Karosgrad do not remember who my ancestors were. I, Aleksander Jazloviecki, am a representative of the third generation of the Jazloviecki’s, once Batory’s. Three generations of my family have served as loyal soldiers to the kings of the Barbanov dynasty. In the days of my beloved grandfather, my family was respected among the townspeople of our former capital - Old Reza. It is clear to me that there have been some disagreements throughout over 70 years of history. Mistakes that have definitely changed the course of the story of my life. I am not afraid to admit that my late father, once known among Haeseni soldiers as Aleksy Batory, betrayed all his ideals and renounced the homeland for which my grandfather and many of my relatives fought in the War of Two Emperors. With this in mind, the first step to redress my father's actions was, inter alia joining the HRA a week after our arrival at Almaris. However, knowing the seriousness of my father's actions, I would like to dedicate myself even more to the Haeseni case by running for a seat in the Royal Duma. 




    I would like to start by saying openly that my aspiration to become a Tribune did not come out of the blue. For as long as I remember, my family has always discussed political issues in our kingdom. Throughout my whole childhood, I have been interested in the affairs of ordinary people like myself and my brothers. You can immediately say that my words are illusionary because of my descent. Yes, it is true that my family is an immigrant family, but is that an obstacle to someone like me representing the townspeople in the Duma? I have also asked many friends and acquaintances whether I should run in the elections. The answer in most cases was YES. 

    As a simple man, soldier, and brother, I understand the hardships of everyday life for ordinary people. I consider the title of the tribune to be a title with great responsibility. Not only for my actions but also for how I will fulfill the will of the people who live in Karosgrad, right outside its walls, but also everyone spread across the country. 

    As mentioned above, I am part of the HRA. Of course, I am aware that I am not the only soldier running for a seat in the Duma, but I think that being part of the army grants me a good point of reference regarding military matters and the sentiments and opinions held there. This, combined with the addition of both economic and political knowledge is a good reason to elect me to the position of Tribune. 

    -=MY GOALS=-


    Weekly distribution of  food for the citizens of Karosgrad

    to keep the people full-bellied!


    Help for elderly people, such as:

    Reduced taxes and proper caretaking.


    If the opportunity arises, begin a series of campaigns to advertise Karosgrad’s shopkeepers 

    across the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.

       Candidate for a Tribune:





    Every story has its beginning and its end. This is what happened to two Lechian families from Arcas. Today, representatives of the two families, Batory and Svarogovich, met to sign the union act of their families.  After many years  spent in Arcas, from the arrival of the two families' great-grandfathers on the continent until today, several decades have passed. From the beginning, both families supported each other in time of happiness, as well as in time of despair. Eventually, after long years, both families came to the conclusion that it is time to form one strong and united family from the two sister families. The gathered family members had many proposals for a new family name, but they have chosen Jazloviecki.


    Meeting’s final decisions:


    - From now on, the Batory and Svarogovich families are united under name of Jazloviecki

    - The family keeps its previous model (patriarchy). 

    - From now on the leadership will be shared, all Jazlovieckis will decide on the family's steps. 

    - Family's main goal is to uphold Lechian values in the continent.

    - Families have picked a new coat of arms.

    - Family colours are defined to be gold, black and red





    Jazloviecki Crest



    Signed on the 9th of The Amber Cold 1790, in Arcas by:

    Aleksander III Batory

    Gnievomir Batory

    Vojtech Batory

    Mikhail-Gnevosh  Svarogovich

    Stefan II Svarogovich


    Re-signed on the 1st of The First Seed, year 33 of Second Age by:
















  10. bKlgI_3vK3DoFtJwd1GhD_j4knXjslHHjyyQ1RiEymOp-tNcXrKoCgpN6twk0xEp7aWxWMv55SQolksbeTp-XE_r_2R7FDVts4bDZq0iJ4Pu2tVvmT-yOrrFn-bQJFOC4_Dg-1xYUBeOEjJ432vVitUgmTF423gJvZsmhvsm0De69thYjcScTN9yiF978w

    ᛥᛜᛝᛜ RODNOVERY ᛜᛝᛜᛥ





    Rodnovery is a polytheistic religion practised by Proto-Lechians, with a focus on the worship of many gods and, above all - nature. The Old Gods were worshipped hundreds and perhaps even thousands of years before the Lechitic rulers converted to Canonism. Followers of this ancient religion believed that the Allfather Triglav created man from clay in the likeness of his sons Perun, Svarog, Jarilo and Weles, and by giving human beings life, he was calling them on a lifelong mission to worship him and the other deities, so that on the day of their death they would wake up in Navia, where the living are not permitted to enter. Proto-Lechians gathered in forests, mountains, in the fields or on the beaches of the seas to worship their Gods and and offer them sacrifices. The offerings made on the altars varied, and depended on the deity worshipped at the time. It could have been grain, it could have been fruit, animals, handcrafted items or sometimes infidels. Rodnovery became so ingrained in the culture and minds of the ancient Lechians that it took long years of cruel conversion by foreign missionaries to eradicate this religion from their land. However, no one said it was gone permanently...



    ᛜᛝᛜ MAJOR DEITIES ᛜᛝᛜ


    ᛜ TRIGLAV 


    Triglav - The Allfather

    Symbol - The Ancient Oak

    Association - Nature and living creatures 


    Triglav is the creator of the human race and of all living creatures. In Lechitic beliefs, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent - he oversees the balance of good and evil. The greatest of the pantheon of deities, as his love for the world gave birth to four sons - Perun the god of lightning and war, Svarog the god of craftsmen and blacksmiths, Jarilo god of the harvest and fertility and Weles the god of the underworld and the night. In honouring him, Lechians often decorate the outspread oak trees with beautiful ribbons, paint them in different colours and dance when they light bonfires around them.


    ᛜ PERUN 


    Perun - The god of lightnings

    Symbol - Lightning

    Association - Thunder, war, honourable death


    Perun is the eldest son of Triglav and the most powerful of the brothers. Lord of lightning and war, he is the patron of warriors. Lechians believe that Perun does not take material form, although he manifests himself in the form of a sudden thunderstorm. Being struck by lightning is the greatest insult as it is believed to be a sign of great sin and expulsion from Navia. Popular among pagan Lechians was the legend of an artefact given by Perun into the hands of the faithful - his axe. A weapon of magical power that helped the early Lechians to conquer their lands, but which was lost in unknown circumstances. It was prophesied that the person who would recover the sacred axe would lead the Lechitian tribes (Lechians, Tschechs and Ruthians) to conquer the world known to them. To worship him, Lechians made obelisks and boulders with runes around them around which offerings were made (if it was a boulder, animal sacrifices were usually made on the given boulder).


    ᛜ SVAROG ᛜ


    Svarog - The god of blacksmiths and craftsmen

    Symbol - Fire, hammer, anvil

    Association - Work, fires, weapons


    Svarog is the second son of the all-father, and the most benevolent towards hard-working people. The cult of Svarog was most often manifested among blacksmiths, shoemakers, weavers, coopers, carpenters, etc. His altar was usually the  hearth in a forge where the faithful burned herbs and figurines with his likeness made in his honour. Less frequently, there were stone tables behind which a statue of Svarog stood and on which craftsmen's wares - swords, armour, shields, bows, clothing and the like - were laid. This god, according to folklore stories, takes the form of a simple man who has a habit of spending time together with working people - in a forge or other workplace. Because of this myth, Lechitic craftsmen are very open to strangers so as not to offend their patron with their behaviour.


    ᛜ JARILO ᛜ


    Jarilo - The god of harvest and fertility

    Symbol - Wheat, flowers

    Association - Wind blowing in the field, good weather


    Jarilo is the penultimate son of Triglav and at the same time the patron of fields, harvests and fertility. In some legends, also a deity of good fortune and luck. Like his brother Perun, he does not manifest himself in material form, although his presence is signalled by a breath of warm wind while working in the fields. His blessing gives women fertility and farmers a rich and healthy harvest. He is worshiped in summer and spring when the work in the field is in progress. Its altar is the ground in which gifts - usually flowers, bunches of grain or even food - are buried. His cult was most prevalent in the lowland areas of Lechia.



    ᛜ WELES ᛜ


    Weles - The god of the underworld, life after death and magic

    Symbol - Bear cub, obsidian, moon

    Association - Magic, supernatural phenomena


    Triglav's youngest son is Weles, god of the underworld, life after death and magic. He oversees the passage of human souls from the world of the living to Navia where they will live eternal lives. Revered by the high priests who laid bodies to rest and court magicians (if any were present). His cult was not practised by ordinary people because his presence could only be felt after death as it was he who weighed people's sins and decided whether they would experience the honour of entering the land of eternal life. He only made contact with the human world through educated magicians whom he deemed worthy of hearing his voice. One of the greatest creatures of ancient Lechia was the Great Lechian Bear, to which the figure of Weles was somehow ascribed - powerful but also rarely seen.



    ᛜ MORANA ᛜ


    Morana - The goddess of winter and death 

    Symbol - Snowflake, white swan

    Association - Winter, blizzard


    The only goddess in the main pantheon of gods. Probably derived from other local beliefs, as her figure is not associated with any other deity. Some accounts say that she is the wife of Weles, indicating the wicked nature of Triglav's youngest son. However, most of the faithful rejected her as a possible spouse of the god of the underworld. The lady of death and winter, she never makes contact with people although she manifests her presence in the form of dark silhouettes visible in snow blizzards, which bewilder people and lead them down the path of certain death. She is not worshipped, as she is mostly considered an evil deity.


    ᛜᛝᛜ MINOR DEITIES ᛜᛝᛜ


    ᛜ LESZY ᛜ


    Leszy - Nature warden


    Leszy is an ancient guardian of the forest, created by Triglav in the early years of the world. Placed in charge of protecting nature, he was to protect what was alive. He roams the earth's wildernesses and forests, lifting fallen trees and rescuing animals from poachers' snares. Seen either as a cloud of smoke or in material form - an erect creature with a body formed from numerous roots and a deer skull instead of a head. Classed as a friendly deity, although provoked can kill a person. 


    ᛜ KLOBUK ᛜ


    Klobuk - Patron of the hearth


    Klobuk is one of the good spirits in Lechitic beliefs. He is said to protect the hearth, your house and all of its residents. Often appears as a black cock with red eyes, yet despite his scary appearance Klobuk is regarded as one of the most peaceful house spirits. It is believed that the first sign of Klobuk's protection is finding a singular black feather on your doorstep or on your windowsill in the early morning.


    ᛜ DOMOWNIK ᛜ


    Domownik - Household peacekeeper and patron of kids


    Domownik is a friend of children, as they are said to be the only ones who can see him as they see other people. Adults, on the other hand, can spot him in the corner of their eye, although when they turn away to look at him - he disappears. Caretaker of the house and surrounding areas. He is the children's guardian, watching over their safety and guarding them while they sleep, usually sitting next to the child's bed or cradle. He seems scary to some, yet he is kind by disposition - he cannot speak, but communicates with gestures. He entertains children by playing games with them or even wipes their tears when they cry. Children describe him as an undersized man, with a thick beard and soot-coloured hair and big hairy hands.


    ᛜ BIES ᛜ


    Bies - the embodiment of evil


    Bies is the epitome of all evil. Patron of nightmares and evil spirits sent into the world to oppress people. Depicted as a hairy beast with deer antlers, hooves on the hind legs and sharp claws on the front legs. His eyes shine bright yellow and his mouth displays rows of sharp teeth. According to the myths, Bies lives in a cavern beneath the earth into which he draws sinners, devouring their souls and by doing that - gaining strength. 


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