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  1. Veris


    I have just deleted the specific references, but I'm afraid now that it will be rejected due to not having enough Lore references.
  2. Veris


    I have no idea how to do this.... who do I contact to gain permission? Or will it be easier to just delete that specific detail?
  3. Veris


    Ok, thankyou.
  4. Veris


    Did it update to include the PowerEmoting definition? If it didn't, I will place it here: PowerEmoting is acting or forcing anothers players turn by stating their reaction in your characters action eg: "Kiljaar fires his bow at <name> and hit them in the side and they fall down." Instead of "Kiljaar aims his bow at <name> and fires" and waiting for the other player to respond using a dodge or spell etc.
  5. Veris


    Kiljaar is a young wood-elf in a nomadic tribe who wander the rivers and forest south of Caras Eldar City. He is quiet, keeps to himself but can be impulsive, due to his young age. He wields a bow and has a shortsword as a backup and is very talented at bow fishing in his native rivers. He prefers stealth over brawn and has no qualms about running away from a situation. He has an elder brother whom he is estranged from due to his brother leaving the forest and their family's nomadic lifestyle to live in Caras Eldar City. Shorty after his brothers departure, his mother was killed during a hunt by a witch attack, of whom he has an intense hatred now. After Kiljaar's mothers death, his father started displaying early signs of Elder Insanity and went back to his native Village.
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