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Implementation Team
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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. 5 minutes ago, NorthWindNomad said:

    Then where's World Team? If all that effort was put into it, then why wasn't it a successful and well regarded team? Literally everyone I talked to about it had something to say about World Team. And not much of it was really good, if at all. 


    Someone put apps on hold in novemeber. So it was the same old people pulling the weight. That was the mistake.

  2. We gone boys.



    Same goes for pastes. Very soon we will replace build-pasting with Paid-LC.

    For the odd case-by-case pastes, the Administration will handle those—for example Lairs, Settlements, and Nation Builds/Rebuilds. This won’t cover small-to-medium things like keeps, boats, vassals, and so on.


    Still easier for people to have access both and it's really not hard to manage it...

  3. 12 minutes ago, Fionn__TWG said:

    I believe it has to do with the slander they would receive for certain events that happened 80 years ago.





    @GMROYou forgot about the Austrians and Germans. I know about 20. But no swiss person.


  4. 22 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

    I think the solution that would've made everyone happy (Or atleast equally mad) was neither side got Haelun'or and the entire city was razed, both groups had to start from scratch and then we could see which group had the actual active playerbase. But thats just me, though it seems like the only truly 'fair' solution.

    Either way, the admin decision is what it is

    We can still blow up Haelun'or... nothing's stopping that. 5 commands and the entire island is gone.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Priceflash said:

    Acting like 99 percent of the motivations on this server arent for ooc reasons isnt gonna get us anywhere. There's out of game characters controlling the rp ones. As long as there's no huge metagaming it's a fact of life. 


    Everyone knows that NL Politics are often defined by OOC Drama. But publically admitting it's the reason you're doing stuff is a whole new level.

  6. 2 minutes ago, overlord2305 said:


    We got cheated out of healun'or, which is rightfully ours.


    I once more ask the relevant admins to resign


    "Healun'or" would be rightfully ours, if someone hadn't said they just gave it to us for OOC reasons.


    Honestly, you're acting it was some irrelevant person making some dumb comment. But they were THE reason we got Haelun'or, without them it would have never happened.

    So yes, it's a valid reason.

    And let's be real: If Haelun'or is that irrelevant it will either:

    a) get conquered in the next WC in 4 weeks.

    b) die due activity and we take the city by buying the tile.


    So for real, don't make a drama over nothing.



  7. 16 minutes ago, overlord2305 said:


    It is beyond rude to punish an entire group of thirty plus people for a singular off comment a single person within that group made, once.


    We weren't punished. Our side got NO punishment AND a free settlement as well as a free paste.

  8. 21 minutes ago, overlord2305 said:

    Assuming this is even remotely true

    Quit denying it. It was there for everyone to read. If this wouldn't have happened, I heavily doubt Admins would have gotten involved and we would have had our victory. But jumping at admins throats for enforcing standards rude.


    The only bias I can see here is Admins ignoring the massive break of standards and not banning anyone from our side's leadership as well as rewarding our side with a free settlement and paste.


    I guess it was to keep the ooc peace and provide a compromise.

  9. Yes, because flying horses force you to make your builds ugly and people want stuff to be pretty.


    The scenery plays a big part in roleplay - imagine a movie with super ugly effect like in the past. Even though the acting was brilliant, very little people watch because the immersion just isn't as good. :)

  10. 5 minutes ago, KamikazeReaper said:

    we got map art, the thread is somewhere beyong yonder, however as a victim of the "whenever" it takes for pasting i would like to say the faster you yourself work, and the better, the faster you get your paste, i mostly get mine within days unless i have to use other WT members then my normal guy


    Pastes might take a little longer now.

  11. 1 minute ago, Callum said:

    The problem is that it isn't and would not be used for such. The death of smaller nations NLs is basically death for the nation and that simply isn't fair

    I don't think so. It kills their characters, but any NL is still free to support their nation.

  12. "Here we go again" one of her students says, taking another attempt to meditate properly, just as she taught him to. "Breath out, breath in..." he murmurs to himself - trying to to somehow concentrate along all the loud noises surrounding him. Yet, he's got no idea what chaos is gonna await him.

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