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Posts posted by MeteorDragon

  1. Sight Beyond Worlds



    [!] Perhaps what He saw


    A world wrapping around his body in ways that seemed to control and bend the air. The dark room where He sits turns into a place of terrors, constricting Him without letting Him fade into the comfort of a panic attack. Perhaps that might have been more comforting than what was to come.




    A look behind his shoulder and there was nothing but a fogged forest that was filled with large spruce trees. Each one reaches into the sky, looming across the lands with silent terror as they hide it. It was something large and monstrous, yet unseen to the eye due to the darkness. Hardly does He notice the sky or the moon that is hidden from his sight. This felt.. Normal?




    He turns around to make His way ever so quickly through the forest. It’s a miracle that His legs and sick body can even take Him trough this place at this pace. Surely He’d break down soon. At this point, the monster would take Him and this would be the end of His life. Nothing left to show for it, only pain and suffering from his racing heartbeat and unwillingness to give up when He knows He should. But what is this? A clearing up ahead of Him!




    Just a few more strides and He’ll finally reach the clearing. One.. two.. Three.. Four. Though, when He reaches the place He is striving for, the world seems to collapse to Him as what He was running for was a cliff on this mountain with an endless abyss below. He would die like this, from either the monster in the forest or by the fall, but which would be worse? He wouldn’t let this go. He wouldn’t give the monster the victory so He made one last leap without looking back once He heard the monster break through the leaves.




    This is the end for Him, so He thinks to Himself as He falls infinitely into the darkness. Stars, perhaps what’s what He sees as He falls, blinking to life in the corners of his vision at first. Then, rocks fly past His form, threatening to rip Him to pieces should He strike one. Though all of this is soon to pass by Him as rainbow colored lights flood His vision, blinding Him in this spectacular display. Wind rushes by His body and soon the lights stop and He hits the ground with a powerful thud. Though, it doesn’t hurt.




    He looks up to the starry sky as all that’s around Him is an indefinite plane of grass and light fog that He’s unable to see through. There is no moon in this place, perhaps a signal of His abandonment and His new found Guide. Instead, a single Eye lies in the sky, looking down at Him. He is not afraid. Then, hundreds of limbs, mostly arms, whirl out of this Eye and spin about in the sky that glows with the light of missions of twinkling stars. He is happy and one arm reaches down for him.




    This arm’s hand opens up, holding a sort of rock that has three dimensional shadows. Still, He is not scared of this and with a slow and careful movement, He takes the rock.




    No more is the world He was just in. All of it is gone in a flash and He is the only one left from it, Him and the rock with three dimensional shadows sitting in a pitch black room with only one exit. An iron door off to the side that rests in the stone walls of this enclosed space. He looks at the rock and nods. He knows what to do, so He stands up on the wooden ground and leaves with only a click left behind- the door shutting closed.

  2. I’ll just throw two points out there

    1: If it’s a reskinned crossbow, then just use a crossbow. Like, what’s the difference other than saying ‘I have a GUN!1!1!’?

    2: The whole mage thing is kind of a weird point. It’s just a nation to decide what to do about magic, sometimes humans get magic and that’s cool! Though from your point you’re making it seem like it’s only Oren that’s against the whole mage thing. You neglect Renelia, Haense, Curon, Kaedrin, Sutica, Aegrothond, Asuimulei, Urguan, Haelun’or, Talus Grove, Talon’s Grotto,  etc. in the mage category.. well, you mentioned Sutica and Aegrothond so for the memes I’ll throw in Gehenna, Gate, Brandybrook, Al-Faiz, Resenyr, Vira’ker, Krugmar, and Courland. Though, it’s not like you can mention them all in one. So I’ll give you a little room for that. Even with that, my point still stands. The world at large isnt just Oren and Sutica so you cant base everything off of the two extremes


    PS: Im a sutican mage rper and I send my mage to Oren some of the time soooo, oops : P 


    A Study - The Death of Athalia


    The following is a small write up from a book named “The Death of Athalia” by a writer named Doctor Reorvan Orium


    Hello Dear reader! If you are reading this and are in fear of learning the truth about the world or an impending DOOM that is currently destroying our world, then please, do not read on. That is a final warning. Now, if you’ve stayed then you are willing to listen to my story and the story of Athalia. Right now, there is a man sitting in that old city who is the most powerful creature in this realm! This being’s name is Alecath and he holds an extraordinary power- one that removes the life from everything around him. My studies have yet to figure out much about this man, though I know he’s but an elf and is almost as old as Malin himself. Now, this ability of his has brought some major concern to my attention. I was able to gather some drawings of his curse on this world. The following shows what he has done to the world, killed the land around him just by standing on it!


    Here lies several drawings of the land in Athalia, patches of nothing but death and rot among the beautiful greenery in the Lost City









    This is a call for help, dear Readers! I, no, WE need you to help the world by ending this man before he ruins the world and we all go down with his plans. He has four minions from the research I’ve gathered- Sevora, Televor, Caltro, and Vondelo. We know that Televor is a creature of dark magic and Caltro is one of void, though we don't know much about the others as they don’t show up that much, or at all. You will need all the help you can get. I will be available for those wanting to find me. Will wishes and good luck, Reorvan Orium


    OOC: This event is held at the cords -1956 63 1455 in Korvassa. This is a fairly hard event to do so going in with one or two people will probably not give you a victory. Though, there are always options available to you when going in that arent always CRP related. Have fun and good luck

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