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Posts posted by Jihnyny


    Therumia, the realm of mortals, which we the mortals live and thrive on. This world gifted by magnificent and powerful gods. The Therumia Saga, written and spread by the god, Bargnar is a list of myths stories, and truth about the creation of the world and its inhabitants. A guide on how to show Yemekar and Aelif the gratitude they deserve.






    Where there was nothing, there was Bakir, a lonely man with a large beard. He lived many many years, and the lonesomeness grew, taking Bakir over. 

    Bakir, being swallowed by this lonesomeness, took off his own hand, causing it to form an island, and his blood making a lake in the palm of his hand.

    Bakir took clay from the land that had formed, creating Yemekar. Yemekar, his life getting longer would begin to become lonely himself, and bored. He had requested Bakir to do something about it, and then Bakir took a couple hairs from his beard, tied them, and formed a hammer. He dropped the hammer down into the lake, causing the water splash high in the air, forming clouds.

    Aware of what Bakir could cause, Yemekar took the hammer and slammed it into the ground. The hammer would cause sparks, which would light the empty void. The sparks blew, causing large balls of fire be created. With every hit with the hammer, the more water would erupt and leave the world towards the worlds of fire, causing them to make land of stone and obsidian. The more stone that would be made, the cooler the worlds have gotten, and when the water would land it would rain large blocks of ice, and smash against the fire. The worlds would now become worlds of fire and ice, of lava and water.

    The ice and water would hit the fire more, causing steam and smoke. The smoke from the worlds would cause it to cover the void, blocking the view of anything. And that is when Bakir Disappeared, and so did Yemekars hammer.


    With no water or ice being formed in the other worlds, the smoke would clear as the ice would melt, returning to the world of fire.

    The ice would melt and from the ice came beings, hairy large beings, in long shapes and with horns and long tails, with strong hooves. Seeing what would happen, Yemekar fed it magma, the beast would swallow it and a being inside would start to take form, and the hairy being gave birth. Gave birth to a large being, that would constantly grow and grow until it reached the clouds, made out of stone, obsidion, and lava. Yemekar named it Dyngja, and it roamed and caused destruction which Yemekar did not like. He then formed a being out of clay to fight Dyngja, he created the second titan, Sorin.

    Sorin called thunder, and got a lightning spear, he then pierced the heart of Dyngja, and split its stomach apart, spilling magma, which would turn into rivers of water as its hart was destroyed. Yemekar, being cautious, created more titans, to protect the world.

    Sorin, his weapon being a lightning bolt, formed into a spear.

    Kaela, her weapon being a mace, formed from Dyngja's closed fist.

    Dundre, his weapon being two daggers formed from Dyngja's horns.


    Yemekar decided to inhabit the world, and before he did so, he created gods to make the land great and prepare it for the inhabitants, they were named, 

    Aelif, the god of war, life, gods and knowledge. (Aye - lif)

    Sinkaela, the goddess of love,passion and art. (Shin - Kay-la)

    Annukroka, the god of minerals. ( Annu – croak- ah)

    Bargnar, god of faith, music, poetry and literature. (Barg – nar)


    Gods had wandered the world, improving it and creating ideas. Aelif fell in love with Sinkaela and they decided to have children. However Annukroka was jealous of this and forced himself upon her. Sinkaela, protecting herself hit his head over with a mug and piercing his heart with his thunder and lightning spear. Sinkaela then gave birth to 4 children,

    Aesinrud, the god of foolery, lies, trickery, magic and greed. (Aye – sin – rude)

    Bella, the god of nature, farming, children, beauty and landscape. (Bell - ah)

    Bieran, the god of the sky, the sea, water, and thunder (Bee - ran)

    Macnaera, the god of mountains, exploration, and land. (Mac – naye – rah)


    Bella being the most beautiful, attracted a titan, that fell in love with her, upon rejecting Sorin many times, he forced himself upon her. Bieran would catch Sorin, doing this in the act, and he would pierce his heart with a lightning spear. Bella then gave birth to two children.

    Skorin, god of death, trial, law, trade, auction. (Score - in)

    Fleena, goddess of hunting and animals. (Flee - nah)


    Aelif, seeing the children would go into rage, waging war onto the titans. The titans would fall against the gods and the war would be large, breaking the continents apart, causing them to split into islands and spread throughout the world. However, Aelif defeated them, and spread the titans in pieces, throughout the world, as they were immortal.


    Aelif, then realised the world was empty and asked Yemekar to create the perfect being. Yemekar tried many many times, but only came close with the dwarves. 

    But as Bargnar spread the word of the Therumia Saga, the followers and races would become great and strong, However they could not prosper without death, and Aelif built a hall, the Mortemgarde, far in a distant world, where the north star shines, is where Aelif's throne sparks. 


    And now the realm of Therumia is populated, with rich and diverse cultures, all thanks to Yemekar.


    The Hall of Heorot | Ymir, Mythology art, Norse mythology



    Yemekar, god of creation, craft and the forge.

    Aelif, the god of war, life and knowledge. (aye – lif )

    Sinkaela, the goddess of love,passion and art. (Shin – Kay-la)

    Annukroka, the god of minerals. ( Annu – croak- ah) | DECEASED

    Bargnar, god of faith, music, poetry amd literature. (Barg – nar)

    Aesinrud, the god of foolery, lies, trickery, magic and greed, grief and loss. (Aye – sin – rude)

    Bella, the god of nature, farming, children, beauty and landscape. (Bell – ah)

    Bieran, the god of the sky, the sea, water, and thunder, celebration and victory. (Bee – ren)

    Macnaera, the god of mountains, exploration, and land. (Mac – naye – rah)

                                                                                                                        Skorin, god of death, trial, law, trade, auction. (Score - in)

      Fleena, goddess of hunting and animals. (Flee - nah)




    There are many realms, spreading into the void of darkness, which now shines bright and with the balls of fire, lights the void with light. With Yemekars strikes, and with Aelifs help, Yemekar created many Realms;


    Therumia, the realm of all races and which the gods look over. (Terum - ya)

    Marthus, the red realm of the dwarves, shining bright in the sky and next to Therumia. (Marth - Us)

    Vaenrids, the realm of the descendants of titans, the large, stone, fiery giants inhabit this realm. (Vain - rids)

    Sajntern, the realm which is inescapable and used as a prison for the gods. (Sain - turn)

    Mjersheilm, a land of unbearable heat and dry sands with nothingness on the lands, but under, rich metals not found anywhere. (Myers - hailm)

    Naeptjern, a land of cold waters and ice, where giants of frost, large hairy beasts and large beings not seen before roam the lands. (Nay - pt - yern)

    Jeraghnas, a realm of blue, and emptiness. poisonous gasses and dangerous beings flew in the air, but within the realm, there would be beings and materials unknown. (Yera - nass)

    Mortemgarde, a realm of green, a realm of beauty with everything you needed, a realm with a large hall where cheers would be heard from far away. A land of fallen warriors and gods.

    (Mor - tem - guard)


    Solar Geometry - A Case for the Divine Design of the Solar System





    There are many artifacts and items that the gods are remembered by. For example, Bieran, known for his spear of lightning and thunder.

    Aelin known for his white raven. Yemekar known for his forge hammer.

    Many wear or paint themselves with these types of items that show the gods they worship. 



    Yemekar -  a forge hammer worn as a necklace or around a belt.

    Aelin - A white raven.

    Beiran - A lightning bolt. Either used most commonly as a pin, but can be tattoo'ed or painted on.

    Fleena - A resemblence of a beer, deer head, deer antlers, deer skull. Can be used as an accessory or worn on the head.

    Skorin - An Iron mask, worn or carried on a belt.

    Aesinrud - A snake|serpant. Worn on the head, used as a belt, made into an accessory.

    Sinkaela A cherry, worn as an accessory most commonly.

    Bargnar - An image of a tree. Either used as a pin, belt buckle, or button.

    Macnaera - A mountain, or a horse.


     The Norse Mythology Blog | norsemyth.org: Religion and Politics in Ásatrú  and Heathenry




    Hair: Its tradition to have hair braided. Usually followers who are young would have their hair cut in half, coming up from the front and stopping before reaching the back. Hairstyles most commonly include;

    slicked back hair, long braided | non braided ponytails, rat tails, etc.


    Appearance and clothing: Its tradition to have tattoos of your gods. Or stories that are to great to tell, either painted or tattooed on your body. The striking paintings reveal fear in the enemies eyes.

    The build of a follower is one of a warriors. A good, strong physique, like that of a god.

    Clothing in the followers, would be quite simple, with leather bracers and leather armor, for quick strikes, but during battle there would be armor and chain mail underneath, unless you're a true warrior, that wears nothing or just leather in some places. 


    Weapons: Weapons are great, they tell you if you're opponent is strong or not and tell you what their fighting style is. The followers of Aelif, are masters of any weapon.






     Fear is something the Followers of the Saga can control. It is something we conquer over and we prove that through our games.

    The games usually include fear testing, for example, shooting an arrow in the air and not being able to move, an axe being thrown at you with an apple over your head, and even a battle with one knife in the arena.




      Honor is important, but honor only goes to those who expect it and accept it. Honor can be abandoned but brought back by devoting your life to the gods.

    Respect great warriors, no matter if they are an enemy.




    Slaves are accepted. They are beings that lost their way and must buy it back from the gods with hard work, devotion and love for the gods. They can be free if they do all these things.

    Slaves can be made of any man or woman, any being and anything. 


    Being a slave could mean many things, you could be simply an assistant or a squire, or even just a person who carries weapons. Or you could be a hard working slave, that gets punished quite alot.




     All beings were created equal, the strength of one comes from within the body and mind.



    Holidays and Special events: 

     Once every 3 years, there is a giant feast, welcome to all. Where games, duels and many foods are welcome. 

    Every 10 (irp) years, everyone will gather and sacrifice multiple animals and have a tournament of duels. 




    Fights and duels:

     Duels and fights are to be played smart, and not foolishly. Being stupid does not count as being brave or fearless. All followers are guided by Aelif if they're great enough. 


    Honorary duels and fights, must be fought with no armor and no weapons. Unless both parties agree to fight for the dagger in the middle of the arena. With every honorary duel, there is always something to be lost. And if the person loses, they MUST give up what they have lost with honor. If they fail to do so, they would be seen unfit by the gods, and would be stripped of any title they have, and would be known publicly as a coward. 


    Before going into battle, many call out the words "WITNESS ME SKORIN"  as Skorin is the one who decides if you go the auction in Mortermgarde,

    another phrase men and women call out before battle are, "FOR AELIF"




     Paintings and tattoos of the gods, they're optional but most common. 

    War paintings or tattoos strike fear into the enemies. 

    Painting of shields and clothing is most common too. The same with ships and other things. Especially horses.#









    Contacting the gods:

    It is not easy contacting the gods. Though, the best way to contact the gods would be through meditation. 

    If you ask the gods for something you must give them something equal in return, for example, saving something from death would require you to kill something for it.

    With more sacrifices and more devotion towards the gods, the gods would listen to you more and have a higher chance to answer your prayers.


    Aelif and his birds:

    It is said that Aelif knows all, and his knowledge never ends. However, to know all he must watch all, and the myth follows, a bird nest living in his beard. The birds grew and their natural habitat would become his beard, and so the birds became white as snow. The birds would take the form of a raven, that flies through the skies and follows up on the news. If you have spotted one, it would mean that Aelif is interested in you, and would like to keep an eye on you.


    Casual sayings:

    "By Aelif's beard!"

    "May Bieran grant us a victory."

    "Bella has blessed our crops."

    "I will see you in Mortemgarde my friend."

    "Bargnar has blessed your voice"

    "It is as Bella stands before my eyes."

    "You cannot fool me, you are no Aesinrud."

    "Skorin has blessed me with as much coin as I could ever imagine."

    "Skol!" - a cheer, when toasting a drink


    If you do great in this world, you will be rewarded in the next:

    In Mortemgarde, the gods must auction you. Only one god takes you as an honorable servant, that drinks,feasts and celebrates with the god. While the other god, you would fight along side with and learn from. If you devote your life greatly to the gods, the higher chance you would be chosen by them. 


    If you do many great things on the mortal realm for the gods, and for your people, you would be known as a 'Hero' as a hero, your life would be known, and stories of yours would echo through every hall even after your death. As a 'Hero' you are seen as a lesser god-like figure. 


    Family is a gift given from the gods. Breaking a family pact or tearing your family apart is frowned upon. 

    If a man would be an important figure, a hero or a famous person, it is in tradition that the son would take the name of the father and add 'sson' to the end of it, an example: if your father was named Thren, and he was famous, your second name would be, Thrensson. Of course this would be able to change after you had made a name for yourself.


    Music and art:

    Music and Art take an important role in the saga. As it is the best way it to be spread, through the wonderful stories of adventure, battle and thrill crafted into wonderful pieces of art, poetry and song.

    Many songs come from sailor shanties, and pillaging stories. Many also come from the Saga its self.


    Dark beings and monsters:

    Dark beings and monsters wander the realm of Therumia. It is the followers of the saga's job to exterminate these foul beings and cleanse the world of them. It is up to the followers to show the gods that their work is no need and to show them what warriors they truly are.


    Thievery, pirating and raiding:

    Thievery, Piracy and raiding, are known not to be popular among many cultures, usually seen as foul and dirty, and a sin.

    However, the gods allow this, as it shows the warriors the followers of the Saga can be. It shows the spirit and heart. It shows bravery and honor. It builds a man like a sculpt maker chiseling in marble.



    The Number 555, signifies change within the saga. Those who carry the number 555 or the symbol of change, are often going through a change of life. Mostly worn and shown during the trials of faith.


    Ancient Runes:

    The followers of the saga, believe the language of the gods come from the ancient runes.



    A gift from Aesinrud, caused by a mysterious and mischevious misfortune.




    Punishments have to be formed to gain justice from those that betray.


     The Pelt.

    The pelt is an interesting punishment. The victim is tied up, flat to the ground, the ropes as tight as possibly could be so the victim couldnt move one centimetre. His face would be flat upon the ground, and above him would be a bucket with the smallest of holes. It would drip upon the victims head, slowly, and carefully, with no pattern. The victim would stay like this until they have gone insane or they were let go.


    The Pole

    The pole is a pole, usually in the middle of the street square, or any popular area. Where the Victim would be locked upon, in public and shamed, many would throw stones, sticks, food. While children would beat the victim with their toys and play swords.




    There are multiple forms of executions. Many of which are brutal and many that attack the mind more than the body.


    1. The Storm of Arrows

    The victim would be placed up by a wall, or over a high place. Many archers would stay infront of the man and launch arrows at him at the same time, killing the man instantly.


    2. Blood eagle

     A form of punishment, that is brutal and terrifying. As the victim was alive, his spine would be dug into, and his rib cage would be pulled out inside out, forming wings of an eagle, the lungs would be ripped out and then the body would be hung up.


    3. Mouth of Greed

    The Victim, while still alive, would have melted gold poured down their mouths. Most commonly used with gold, but could be used with other melted hot liquids.


    4. Sweet Coffin

    The Victim would be put into a coffin, with his arms and legs locked into place. The coffin would have many holes through it and the victim would be dipped with sweet honey and other sweet, smelling and tasting things. The Victim would either be hung in a forest, or would be placed upon a river, as bees, flies and other bugs, burrow into the victims flesh, and make maggots inside.


    The Punishment of Loki – BaviPower



    There are many symbols that would show that one is a follower and a true child of Yemekar. 

    The most important however, 555. The number and sign of change. These can be written on a body, or put into the symbol of change.

    Change is everything, it forms you from any mortal being to be seen by the gods and be able to sculpt yourself into a hero and a true child of Yemekar.

    (555 on the top , Hyperborea on the bottom )

    The second most important, being the second symbol of change, the change of culture and advancing|returning to the prime age of Hyperborea

    555.pngFile:Black Sun.svg - Wikimedia Commons



    Erik, his last name unkown would be pushed onto the shore, after a journey from a far unknown land. His head sore and with memory loss, he had forgotten everything but the reason he landed on Almaris.

    To show the true gods to Almaris, and to show the gods that he would be a worthy warrior to hold within the gates of Mortemgarde.




    Hey there! I'd love some feedback,

    keep in mind this is new and will definetely be edited soon. I will add more lore onto the gods and a longer creation by itself, Which I already have lore for, just need to perfect it.

    This my first time doing this and it was a pain lmao, and i did it for one, new persona 

    dm me if you'd like to help @jihnyny#2071

  2. Jih'n'Raguk, and his Journey towards the sea.

    Jih'n'Raguk a simple red Uruk, living among the krughai, in the great Orc city of Iron'uzg or also known as Krugmar, had decided to sail towards the sea.


    Jih'n went to sleep one night in his comfortable home in the great orc warnation. As he slept, he also dreamt, and from that dream came a vision. A vision of high tides and infinite waters. A vision of colorful and wonderful fish, and a journey any being would love to partake in. But that was not the only thing Jih'n had seen. He had also seen a large figure, sailing into those dangerous and upredictable, wild waters. A small ship, large enough to be able to sail in, and small enough for one Orc or man to man it. And as the being sailed, Jih'n felt the passion and joy coming emitting from the being as it cheered, surfing through the monstrous waves. He had then seen a large wave, come up from behind him and as the wave swept over Jih'n, he woke up. His eyes full of curiosity and wonder. With no hesitation, he packed his bags, left a note attached to his home and then left the great nation, and headed towards the sea. 


    To his vision, he came upon a ship stranded onto the shore. The ship would be untouched and it would resemble the figure he had seen in his dream. "Waoh," hed grunt. With barely any experience in sailing, Jih'n would get ready, putting a chicken onto the ship, some food and some water, and then pushed it into the sea, and as he got on, his chest would feel unusual, his body would make a smile, and Jih'n already knew it was what he wanted. Jih'n then sailed towards the sea.

    Unknowing what was to come and if he would survive this journey, the only thing he would know was that he would have absolute joy on it.


    and as the sea took something from Almaris, it gifted something to the land in return.


    im off to making a different persona leggo

  3. Frenrir Ireheart     recieved the document and lead back into his chair. His face would let out a mischievous grin upon reading it.

    "An' what if teh king don' like tees terms?!"  hed mumble to himself, and then burst into laughter, slapping his knee, leaning back into his chair as his laughter echoed throughout the clan hall. 


    As he knew, if the king did not accept these terms, peace would soon break.

  4.  Frenrir Ireheart, a new fresh 31 year old dwarf, with a lot of adventure, in just one irl day.


    Frenrir is a new dwarf. He was born into the Irehearts and finally decided to do his trials and start his journey.

    He begun with going to Du Loc, as he heard his fellow bretheren were there. But at his surprise, a dragon was there. Frenrir with the dragon slaying clan in his blood, began to get furious that the Du Loc Guard would not let him in. Instead, a large ugly Oolog stood in his way and kept the gate shut, while calling him gay. Frenrir began to be furious, and asked two people behind him to go on a plan, however they did not follow up on it, and he got even more enranged, to the point that he got ready, thumped the ground and rushed towards the gates with his baldspot first. He hit the gate, making a loud clang but the gate did not leave a dent, and he was sent backwards and landed on his back. This however did not stop Frenrir, he continued to harass the dragon with words and bang on the gate. Eventually the dragon left and this made Frenrir rage in anger and leave, cursing Du Loc for not letting him in. 


    Frenrir rode into the sun, and towards his home UrguanUpon arrival, he was greeted by Garrond 'Orcbane' Frostbeard. They had a little convo, and it led to the topic of Bravery. Garrond challenged Frenrir to a test of Bravery where Frenrir was stand onto a wall, and Garrond was to throw an axe over his head, you were not allowed to flinch or duck, or you would lose the game. Garrond threw the axe, and Frenrir swallowed fear whole, and did not flinch. The axe went right over his head and he was safe and sound. The game attracted some folk, including another Ireheart. 

    They all had turns, and eventually it came to someone else throwing the axe. Frenrir volunteered, and as he threw the axe, it was starting to fly towards Garrond, which made him duck, losing the game. Garrond called for another try and as he did, Frenrir threw an axe, which cut into Garronds head a little, but Garrond did not duck, nor flinch during the throw. As Frenrir thought it was fair for him to go up next, because of him hurting Garrond, The other Ireheart volunteered to throw. The Ireheart stepped back and gave the axe a good throw, it would hurl towards Frenrir, and knowingly it would be to low, Frenrir called for the gods as it his into his ear, splitting it almost full in half. Frenrir gave a good laugh and put a cloth around it, allowing it to be healed overtime. After a while of chilling in Urguan, another Ireheart came by, they talked about each others trials, which gave Frenrir the idea to go for them, along with the other Ireheart beardling. Garrond came along as they decided to go towards Krugmar. However, no one would open the gate, and they left. 


    After a lot of chilling around Urguan, Frenrir decided to pay a visit to Elysium. Upon arrival, he was greeted with a large gate, after a while of shouting for someone to get it, a woman in large white armor came by, she called for Frenrir and asked him a couple of questions, which Frenrir answered with no hesitation. Then she called upon him to leave his weapons in a nearby chest. Frenrir, hesitant and cautious tried to negotiate, however it went nowhere, to the point a drunkard was having fun of the conversation. As the conversation lead on, and the persuasion was going nowhere, 3 unusual people came by, they said they came from "Yong Pink" apparently the town was called something else, and there was an argument about it, but the group was in red unusual armor, they were let in and left their weapons in the chest. Frenrir had a lot of insults at them and they threw insults back, there was many arguments, but eventually they all decided to get a drink. Finding no bartender and no one to pass them drinks, they just talked at the tavern, until more guards came along. After Frenrir shouted towards them, they came to Frenrir and the group of strange people. They called upon 2 of them. However, the two did not want to go and it turned into an argument. Frenrir was watching from the sidelines, when a woman came in and started giving out drinks. Frenrir won a bet against one of the strange men and got a free drink, which he slowly drank and slowly begun to get somewhat drunk. Frenrir flirted with a dark elf, which eventually slapped his face, and continued to flirt with him after. Everything eventually died down, and the strange group of people left, after dabbing Frenrir up. Frenrir followed and they left the gates of Elysium before, Frenrir noticed an Orc at the gates. He was a large Orc with red skin. And Frenrir challenged him to a duel.


    Frenrir and the Orc had a negotiation, and an argument about what happens when the other loses. It went from giving each other their balls, to giving each other their tusk, beard, skin, and eventually the Orc asked Frenrir to follow him. They went to the side of the walls and the Orc asked the elf for a knife. The elf passed him a knife and Frenrir knew what was coming. The Orc would give him the skin he wished for. Frenrir called him out and asked him not to but the Orc had lifted a middle finger at him, and then sliced it off. The finger would fall onto the ground and Frenrir, expecting this to happen, slice off his ear that was injured previously. As it fell, he held it, and the 2 complimented each other for being so tough. The Orc healed the dwarf with shaman magic, and then begun the duel. Both sides fought bravely and full of strength, but the Orc was the one who fell at the end. The Orc called it a good fight and so did the dwarf as he picked him up. They both dabbed up, and gave each other their 'sacrifices.' The Orc kept the ear and Frenrir kept the finger for his trials. Frenrir left Elysium happy that day, he met new friends, flirted and won a duel. 



    just something fun to write about, im bored idk lol

  5. MC Name: sub2pewdiepiepls

    Character's Name: Wojtek 

    Character's Age: 23


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Wonks are a frog like species. There are toad wonks and frog wonks. The Toads have a rough and bulky skin, toad wonks can be red,green or brown in colour. Frog Wonks unlike toad wonks have a very smooth skin. They are usually taller than toads and can be 4’6 to 5’0 ft. Whilst Toad wonks are 4’1 to 4’7 ft. Frog wonks can have a different colour coming from their hands and feet.They have 4 fingers and their blood changes on where they live. 
    A wonk needs to stay moisture or wet over time.The older they get, the less time they have before having to jump into some water. At the age of 120 a wonk has to stay in water as it no longer can stay outside of it. 
    Wonks stay by large water sources as if they wish to have eggs the eggs have to stay in the water to hatch. Wonks tend to stay in small communities or stay independent. 
    Reformed Wonks (CA application needed) absorb the culture they’re closest to. There are also Tribal Wonks but those need an ET. Wonks also have lesser souls.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. MC Name: sub2pewdiepiepls

    Character's Name: Grekog

    Character's Age: 37


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are the biggest sub race of an Orc. This type of Orc is the most mentally slow.An Olog cannot learn magic, along with reading,writing and speaking properly,  as its simply to dumb to do so. Though Ologs are mentally slow, they can follow basic commands and basic speech, like a mental capacity of a child. Ologs would eat a lot of food because of their giant size, but because of their mental capacity they would try to eat anything. 


     Ologs share the Curse of Krug along with its Orc cousins. Ologs can be blue, red, green , gray and a sandy colour, like the rest of the Orcs. Ologs are also the largest of all Orcs with them being able to be from 8ft – 10 ft tall and can weigh 1000 pounds. These Orcs can grow hair on their chin and the top of their head but its rare seeing one with hair because they prefer to shave in case someone pulls their hair in battle. Ologs, like their every orc, have thick flesh, Ologs however, have thicker flesh and skin than its cousins. If someone would attempt to pierce the Olog with a sword,it'd be almost the same as trying to pierce through leather armor. Ologs have the largest tusks. 
    And they can lift heavy things due to their size, like logs and heavy building materials. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. RP Name: Olgarth

    MC Username: sub2pewdiepiepls

    Discord: What Up#5375

    What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Krugmar

    Why Do You Wish To Come?:I wish to seek adventure and get better at rp

    What Skills Can You Bring?: Some good combat and with Olgarths strength he can carry extra loot if you’d like.

  8. Hello,
    I have made a LOTC character already. Played the server for a while and then i got really inactive as i had many personal issues. I have no idea what i did with the email i used, i forgot about my name of the character or the username for the forums. So i made a new one. I will be more active this time. And i was wandering if it was possible to make a  new character? 
    And if so, what would I do with my old one? or with my old account?

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