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Posts posted by Jihnyny

  1. Free the lads brah. Was just some meme roleplay between friends. No one was hurt, no one was a victim. Everyone was communicating. Unfortunately due to activity checks, and everything else including the boredom of current LOTC. Theres not much to do and at times things get out of hand which should not deserve such lenghty bans.

  2. 2 hours ago, Burnsider said:
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    The last two comments are great examples about why people have always had issues with the orc community in and around Krugmar. 


    "Burnsider, stop gaslighting people. Saying 'They can go **** themselves. Un'Satum orcs aren't orcs. They never will be' isn't toxic."



    Un’Satum are not orcs in the eyes of traditional and true orcish culture. Please do not comment of things you do not understand.
    I also am surprised to see a forum moderator speak about OOC toxicity in a forum post about roleplay instead of pulling into the krugmar discord or bringing it up to NL’s and or the player themselves… it seems quite immature.
    The only thing that might brush toxicity is the fact he said they can ‚go **** themselves.’ 
    ofcourse, it could be phrased better and the only reason it seems toxic is because you might be sensitive to cuss words and view them as instant aggression.

    And idk where you gained ‚gaslighting’ from lol. The whole comment seems to be nothing but your own personal hatred for the orcish community, which clearly shows bias and i do hope you wont be involved in anything relating to this what so ever. 


    i wish best of luck to Un’Satum, the based spooks and ofcourse our very own krugmar in the conflicts that are to come :)



  3. The angered and bloodlusted student of the fallen wise orc would roar his name.
    "Mi will gain their headz. Mi will offer it to ZKAATCHNAK!"

    His eyes began to go blind with his rage.




    Keep the malding in discord and not the forums pls and ty


  4. 1 hour ago, exqoisite said:

    Ser Emir would read the missive as he translated it to his Olog partner Mazu "Mazu! You hear this?! You'll eat all kinds of food that you'll love, buddy!" Emir then handed the missive to Mazu as he chanted loudly "SONS SONS SONS SONS SONS!" @Jihnyny

    The large olog of PETRA named by the sons "Rock-Brain" began to leap up and down in their keep. His landing offering a massive earthquake to those nearby; "YaE mÁzU EaT gRUb, ZONZ OF PETRRAAAAA"

  5. Spoiler







    ORCS are the sons and daughters of KRUG, one of the first brothers that each race is descended from. They have three sub-races: goblins, uruks, and ologs. They follow the faith of spiritualism culturally, as their ancestor KRUG and his first children did. They are known for their shamanism, size, and mightiness, along with their diverse and unique culture. Orcs have a bloodrage due to the curse that every descendant received; if they have not killed someone in a long time, they will be blinded with wrath and aim to kill anything that moves. But due to their blessing, Orcs will show honor even where there is none.




    Spiritualism is the belief in and worship of the spirits (beings that range from ancestral orcs to immortal god-like elementals). The common practice for ORCS is to have a couple of patron spirits that they worship and use to shape their everyday lives. For example, a blacksmith would worship Gentharuz or Azog, thanking them for the ability to smith a great weapon or hoping to smith as well as they could.










    ORCS range in size due to their many sub-races and their naturally denser muscle mass. All of them have two things in common: their tusks and pointed ears. Orcs are also known for their unusually diverse range of skin color. Due to KRUG being burned by the fires of Iblees, he had turned green. However, many of the orcs of today are highly distinct in their skin color, being able to range from a sea blue to even a crimson red.




    GOBLINS are the smallest of the three, standing from 3' 6" to 6', with a physique similar to that of an average elf or human. They are the smartest of all descendants.


    URUKS are the most common subrace, range in height from 6 to 8 feet, with physiques that are typically large at around 600 pounds due to their denser muscle mass. Uruks can vary in their physique. They are twice as strong as the other descendants, though they have the same mental capabilities as the others.


    OLOGS are the largest of the three sub-races. They are 8 to 10 feet tall, weigh up to 1000 pounds, and require a creature application (CA) to play.

    They are also the dumbest of the races, having the mind-set of an average child. They are four times as strong as other descendants.









    ORCS are known for their unusual culture, built around hard work, spiritualism, and their bloodlust. They worship the spirits and follow what their ancestors have done for them, trying to do the same. To prove to KRUG that they are worthy, to show honor in their lives, and to make their ancestors, spirits, and their brethren proud.


    An ORC is blessed with honor, and the way they show this honor is by not beating the weak, as well as not killing children. If an ORC is seen not upholding the standards they are supposed to promote, they will face punishment. By banishment or worse.










    There are many common mistakes about orcs, I will list a few;



    ‚BLAH’ is the traditional language of ORCs, many speak it to one another, and those that have not gotten used to it might have trouble reading it. This

    leads to the common mistake of ORCs viewing ‚common’ as dirty, most do NOT. It is completely fine to use common, many orcs now a days have done so by using it like elvish. (mixing it together)



    Due to OLOGs having the mind of a child, the common mistake of all orcs being dumb has risen. It is too, untrue, goblins are the smartest of all descendant races.



    ’BLAH’ is often mistaken to be an accent. Though again, it is not. It is a language that is mixed with common and usually spoken in broken common too. 


    Not all orcs are tribal. Infact, the culture as a whole has recently been turning to leave that behind, with krugmars ‚age of fire’ a more modern set of orcs. Whitewashing is the act of an orc being banished from the orcish culture as a whole, and being seen as a non-orc. The only reason a ‚scholar’ would be seen as one would be due to them performing dark arts or betraying orcish culture.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



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    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  7. Spoiler




    Kráka'Akaal returned to the Goi after a good workout. His black skin was shining from his sweat, with light bouncing from the jungle sun. He spoke with his kin along with an interesting human, one that got shot out of a cannon. His memory then brought to mind a promised meeting that was running late. He was sending for a letter when Kybal (another Uruk) mentioned the missing fish. It made Kraka furious. The Uruks became enraged after not killing anything for a long time. But due to his time in Akaal and his trials, he taught himself how to calm down through meditation and breathing. Soon after, Kybal and he were washing in the waters of the old trog, Kybal treating a wound from his unleashed bloodrage, when Kráka suggested making an offering to Ankruz, the spirit of marine life, or simply saying "rulg." Still enraged by this whole ideal, Kráka later came to write a missive that would be posted around the lands of the Iron Horde.




    [message below is public]

    Mi name iz Kráka’Akaal, future zhomo agh burz flatter. In the name of KRUG and the REX, I call out to the one who flat the fizh in the goi pond. I call to latz in the name of vengeance, to stop hiding among the zhadowz and zhow latz zelf in the light agh to latz bruddahz. I challenge latz to a KLOMP. (A klomp of personal matters, az for latz crimez, latz can be judged by the Rex, mi nub care) Find mi in the Goi or zend mi a letter.



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



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    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Witch Doctor


    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  9. Spoiler

     Probably (not) a shitpost



    KRUG = the brother that defeated iblees.

    KRUGMENISTANI = people of KRUG

    HONORARIES = descendants with a body of a non orc, but a soul of one.

    DARK SPAWN = beings and people associated with dark magic and the dark forces.





    The whitewash are orcs known as lessers by the Krugmenistani people.

    They are orcs (including honoraries) that have strayed from their cultural path and kruggahood. They are those that show no honor, no truth and loyalty towards KRUG, among other things. They are known among true orcs to be equal to dirt. Though, one can regain their honor and place within the Urukim.







    Once an orc is claimed to be a whitewash, they have the right to disprove it. Though, there are times when the whitewash has shown more than enough to prove that they are a whitewash and only punishment remains. However, if you accept the fact that you are a lesser you gain another chance to rejoin your honorable kin.

    This is done by trials. The trials will be random, though they are there to prove that you are what you say you are, an honorable descendant of KRUG. They are set to be difficult and challenging. Testing the descendants to see if they are worthy to live among the spirits, the honorable and the mighty. 






    Do you live among elves, humans and others but hold no loyalty, as well as affiliation towards Krugmenistan? Do you show no honor, no self worth and no loyalty to the spirits? Do you allow the enemies of KRUG and the dark spawn walk among you? Then yes, you are a whitewash! Come over to Krugmenistan so we can regain your honor!

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