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Everything posted by Jihnyny

  1. "The ancestors a dem Ox klan probableh fumin' ova dis. . . bombaklaaaaat" Said Tiderippa, in referance to the maniac goblin tinkerers and raiders that once used to eat elf blood topped, halfling for breakfast.
  2. this wont work out as you plan but i wish you best of luck edit: DM me on discord @jihnyny , ill try to help you out on the OOC side
  3. man i ******* hate voidal mages. can yall just stfu? stop making our christmas time unchristmasy, ty

    1. Frisket



  4. considering you havent experienced last maps, what is your opinion on them and how should the next one look like? do you fw leg day?
  5. me when john cleric clerics all over the place (hes a cleric)
  6. _________________________________ Hefjhor, the pilgrim on a foretold journey, spoke his truth; he was the one who had warned his fellow dwarves of the dangers in the green, of the peril the tall dwarves had promised. He had warned his kin, his lord, but his words fell on deaf ears. No one had listened. Now, amidst the towering trees and great peaks of Aevos, he sits in silent prayer. Deep in contemplation, he communes with the ancient Brathmordakin, offering worship and honing his skills. For every tree that falls, another rises.
  7. "Who the **** has an Orenian Manor atop one of the mountains of the holy land?" Asks the Dominus, Tiderippa'Raguk, furious at the awful portrayal of the false-promised.
  8. "What is a dwarf without a summareh o' a large feckin' pos'." Said Hefjhor to his birdly companion, stroking its feather with a laugh! Going to ask the trees for an explanation of what these letters and choice of writing meant.
  9. chris chan is having a kid. . . the anti christ is soon to be born. Its over bros

    1. mollys world
    2. woozerly


      wdym. this is just the start of the merge obviously. 

    3. HugoAntero


      vitun saatana why does she have to be Finnish

  10. Aevos is a struggle map. The fact that the majority of the current tiles nations own dont have anything on them except resources because they cant afford cores, sucks too. Also the mountains, hills and cliffs divide the terrain alot which forces nations to be in specific places. It truely does suck and the region pot is dumb. Alot of the poll answers are really surprising ngl Really poorly drawn example but I think you get the idea. A long map, controller shaped probably. The Deep-Red is the kings road, the Bright Red are the soulstone pillars. You'd have WEST, CENTRE, PORT, EAST. Which all would be within around the same distance of eachother. Nations should be allowed to have builds on the road,(like Adria last map) though with regulations, and carts should be available between every soulstone. The port would feature a ferry to each respective island (unless a nation owns some and disagrees) Every soulstone would have a cart that does NOT go to nations, but instead to each soulstone, (so if you want to roleplay in a nation within the east, and then the west, you simply go back to the east pillar, cart to the west, and move from the west pillar to the respective nation.) This'll force players to walk some, but not an exceeding amount. as for the past trouble of maps, i think the problem with them was the road design and the terrain. for e.g Almaris was horribly difficult to go around if you didnt travel through the road. Currently, on Aevos this is almost the same, except the roads are a mix of horid and confusing twists and paths, troubling roadsigns and horrible mountains thrat u have to go through if you want to go off-road. Im a fan of forcing players to walk through from x to y, i dont think the server should ever have a fast travel option to every single nation or place. That would defeat the purpose of having roads at all, or, an open space to roleplay on. If you want to have complete fast travel, you might aswell have 2 continents where one has no nations, and the other is just citys like massivecraft or something. if ST complain theres no events or something, then the map could be tall with the addition of just BS biomes that no nation ever wants to put their build in. Just a giant wasteland of fantasy biomes, explained by some lore or something. EDIT: the very wide map would allow biomes to be spread evenly and mixed together without the trouble of the north being placed with the desert.
  11. a creepy spooky dark affiliated individual
  12. I love big maps. I think big maps are cool. Big maps will allow for more space in between builds, which means more possibilities with builds and perhaps a longer time on a map. However, the problem with big maps is the current tile and war system, aswell as the travel system. Bring back carts, ferrys, buff horses and casual running on the main 'kings road'. i dont like fantasy biomes personally. Probably because I dont dig the very vibrant and clear fantasy style of lotc. (idk how to explain it, i prefer when the fantasy is sort of lowkey?) If there are fantasy biomes, i'd like it if there was more major eventlines like miniguy keeps creating with the other ST, instead of the shitty community focused ones we had last map. (they were rply great) i hate migration. i hate how when we move, NL's must make a build within x time, and certain nations cant go where they want to because its been already picked by y nation. i hate how we just spawn casually with an entire city and roleplay as if nothing happened. I hate how its barely mentioned within a year. I hate how alot of shit gets lost due to it. IMO the perfect map wouldn't be an island but just a massive contintent that we move through time by time. And half of the map we played on would be unplayable, while the other would still be playable with the addition of a new region expansion.
  13. the thing about this map is that it was supposed to be smaller than almaris (which it is) if you count almaris's southern and northern continent as one. Though Aevos is around the same size as the main almaris continent iirc. it does make it look worse i agree, but the map still looks horrible in normal fov. The assets are bad and the mountains are poorly made / formed. I heard one time in #ooc i think, that some builders were asked with smoothing the mountains out bec they were far worse before. the blending is horrid, that is real. and the tree assets are bad too IMO. like, i understand why they're doing it, but it feels like far too much. The dark forest / cherry blossom one works decently because of how large and spacious they are. But the oak trees or the pine trees in the north just seem lazy. its the terrain and road design that makes places closer / further i think. But the Numendil and Haense distance is around a 5 minute walk iirc. only 2-3 on horseback. IMO its a great distance too, from capital to capital. yeah just a 'kings road' that is pre built, and then nations can join together. Because the map would be wide, instead of circular, the distance between each capital wouldnt be far, unless you're going on a specifc x to y point, which then you can simply soulstone to the east, west or centre part of the map
  14. I don’t like Aevos (Braevos). Despite Almaris having quite poor terrain and size problems aswell, nations were easily found and the map was easy to travel through (by road). I find it an ugly, unfinished and poorly made map, that held no thought behind it in terms of roleplay or build making. The use of hilly and mountain terrain is painful on roads and the unusual diversity of biomes, (along with the lack of ability and permission to terraform) has been annoying. The fact that we will probably have to last on this map for another 1-2 years, before moving onto another rushed or poorly designed map made by a random fiverr is something I don’t look forward to. However, at the same time I want to move away from this map. The addition of lore regions is great @squakhawkand his team did a grand job, (aswell as the builders that tried to make the map look nicer), but at the end of the day it is ugly and nothing can save it. Shoutout to Shadow and the Solgaardians for giving Norland a new look though, and Sean for making the awesome orc mountain IMO Lotc maps should be built to last, instead of constant migration. The map should be built to last more than 3 years.(But not actually play on it for that long) It shouldn’t be riddled in horrid hills or mountains and should be quite flat. The desert shouldn’t be neglected and it should have a decent sized area with a savanna and rainforest that current nations can integrate into. Stop with the cancerous North that no one but darkspawn lairs use. It doesn't have to have a large piece of the map. Add an archipelago, have around 2 mountain ranges, make the map WIDE instead of circular, make it like a rectangle. With a PRE-SET ROAD that goes from west to east. So if staff want to follow with the soulstone system, they can simply have 3. West, Centre, East. What’re your thoughts on the current lotc map and what do you look forward to in the next one?
  15. from my perspective lotc doesn't offer anything in recent times. the server doesnt have any fun plugins to use and roleplay is getting stale because its the same shit no matter what. If you have a war its always gonna become a shitstorm of a mass of nations because x ooc people hate y ooc people and they'll jump in on the chance to fight them. conflict is also dead. it feels like any sort of villainy is frowned upon atp. the recent wars were ass compared to ones in the past. human rp isnt as good as it used to be. Councils dont really mean shit because you're only in charge of the capital because vassals cant rlly do anything but grind for taxes. military culture / rp is dead. unless theres conflict it is nothing. 'but darkspawn!!!' who cares. fighting darkspawn is unironically getting old. time for the 3rd crusade against darkspawn, past 6 months just to kill one annoying player who powergames and metagames. SoL players complaining about things that they hardly / if ever interact with (they sit in their city doing nothing) The god awful map design and the restriction on pastes and terrain change the truth is you cant have functioning rp without OOC. even fights these days between darkspawn and other groups is OOCly communicated, unless they're surprise raids. But this tends to escelate into OOC hate. And now atp everyone cant be arsed to communicate anything OOCly because they're scared to be slapped with a metaplay ban for 6 months for simply suggesting to attack x nation only way you can get unique / good rp that doesnt feel like a chore is by becoming a darkspawn player and slaving away to get the MA's and Feats required
  16. ebab74b5eae4b146fe87afd34f826132.jpg
    literally me

  17. The prophesized basterd, Jack Hefjhor Blackwater, steps towards his blocks of wood. He stacks them, each side by side and atop until it reached the peak of symmetry and architectural furniture design; he had crafted his first table. The smart child then placed a ball, made of sheep leather, a sacrifice worthy in the name of GODs power. His chubby hand hovered above, his lips speaking out in tongues, speaking GODs word! For he sought the answer to this mystery, to find the bless-ed child of GOD and return her to her rightful flock. "Goo Goo, Gaa Gaa."
  18. Despite being a mere post-toddler, Jack Blackwater offers his blessings to the new born Prince. With his kind smile, he offers his first lost tooth as a gift. "Goo Goo, Gaa Gaa"
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