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Posts posted by Waibiao

  1. VOTING ON LOTC: A Comprehensive Guide to Making Easy Money


    With the economic and political schemes of the server as many have seen lately, making money might be a bit tricky for new and old players alike.


    So, to get straight into it, here are some steps and info that can help you as a player make money from voting a little bit easier.



    Step 1: Making vote links more accessible.


    Here’s what you can do so you don’t have to open the LOTC forum or login and click the links every time you want to vote:

    1. Bookmark the links in their own folder.
    2. To open them simultaneously, right-click the folder and click ‘open all’.

                        ○   This opens them in six new tabs.



    Reference Images






    Step 2: Voting Consistently.


    Here’s what’s important about voting:

        1. The more you vote, the greater the rewards.

        2. You don’t have to be in-game to receive the voting reward.

                         ○   You can save these links to whatever device you have with internet-browser access and get your votes in!

        3. A single day of voting - consistent or consecutive or not - a player is guaranteed 12 mina.

        4. Every day that you vote past day 1, you earn 3 additional mina (15 total).

        5. Every third day you vote, you get a special reward like seen in the spoiler below. (Type '/vote milestones' in-game to view)



    Consecutive Voting Rewards














    Additional Information


    For players interested in making RP items but don’t have VIP perks, things like the rename tokens will be helpful. (Note: a rename token is only expended to make the item ‘editable’, i.e. you edit the name of an item, everything else is free.)

  2. Waibiao's mind meanders on the notice of Xinan's death just reaching him after so much time had passed; returning to his room to light an incense and drink a cup of tea to Xinan's memory. The aged Hou, nearing his hundred-and-third year of life, sighs sorely for his lost friend; reminiscing the time they sat in the upper tavern of Helena exchanging pleasantries and kind words. He looks down at his hands, bending and straightening his calloused fingers while smiling jovially at Xinan's kindness in teaching him some silent tongue.


    "Huuallian would smile on thiss one," he whispers to himself, the small servants quarters all but silent except for his raspy utterance.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kemobrown said:

    Idk if there are still any Hou-zi around but would be cool to rp together sometime



    I main Hou-Zi currently, feel free to add me on discord if you ever wanna roleplay or talk lore & religion.

  4. MC Name: ConfzdUngaBunga

    Character's Name: Xīnshēng

    Character's Age:


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Jiangu'lak Vincrute


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Sorvian in question, Xīnshēng, was sculpted by Jiangu’Lak Vincrute, a master in the ways of Chi and most recently a student in the ways of Sorvian Sculpting. Originally known as ‘flesh golems’ in ages of old, the Sorvians as they exist today were pioneered by an unknown potter obsessed with the texts and accounts relating to the original servant creatures. More appropriately an imitation of what the legends detailed, Sorvians are humanoid and bipedal in physique; their appearances varying depending on the creator or ‘Masters’ wish for them to be an accessory servant or one who can be utilized for combative or defensive purposes. The latter can range from 3-6 feet in height, while ‘Newts’ have the proportions of an average halfling ranging from 2-3 feet in height.


    Mostly mindless in the infantile days after their initial Husk is imbued with soul essence, Sorvians remain mostly infantile for most of their life in that they have an uncanny ability to adapt mentally according to the social and cultural backgrounds they are exposed to. The appearance of their mask too evolves with their social background, with their accent and vocal range adapting to the culture or people with whom they associate the most over a period of several years. Sorvians immersed by an Orcish background might take on the ideology, warpaints and spoken mannerisms of an Orc – A tree or antlered appearance for one who lives among the Druids of the forest – or the disarming smile of a bard or jester troupe. It should be noted that these changes are purely aesthetic to the Sorvians - the extent of changes to their appearance lying solely in the porcelain mask that makes their ‘face’. Furthermore, Sorvians have only the physical capabilities of a Human - their capacity to sustain damage being considerably more significant than humans, however, due to their lack of muscles, tendons and blood vessels.


    While timeless and effectively immortal in their inability to age, they are not impervious to the whiles of violence, weather and time. A Sorvian struck by blade, hammer or scratch by thorny bushes can still sustain the damages of such and are even weaker than humans to such melee – requiring their Sculptor to reattach limbs, fill gashes and smooth dents; furthermore unable to avoid the chronic aches and pains that come even once their wounds have ‘scarred’ over.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Xīnshēng has a physique standard to the Sorvian kind in that it is no different than that of an average Human.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. MC Name: ConfzdUngaBunga

    Character's Name: Xīnshēng

    Character's Age:


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Jiangu'lak Vincrute


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Sorvian in question, Xīnshēng, was sculpted by Jiangu’Lak Vincrute, a master in the ways of Chi and most recently a student in the ways of Sorvian Sculpting. Originally known as ‘flesh golems’ in ages of old, the Sorvians as they exist today were pioneered by an unknown potter obsessed with the texts and accounts relating to the original servant creatures. More appropriately an imitation of what the legends detailed, Sorvians are humanoid and bipedal in physique; their appearances varying depending on the creator or ‘Masters’ wish for them to be an accessory servant or one who can be utilized for combative or defensive purposes. The latter can range from 3-6 feet in height, while ‘Newts’ have the proportions of an average halfling ranging from 2-3 feet in height.


    Mostly mindless in the infantile days after their initial Husk is imbued with soul essence, Sorvians remain mostly infantile for most of their life in that they have an uncanny ability to adapt mentally and physically according to the social and cultural backgrounds they are exposed to. Their appearance too evolves with their social background, with their mask, accent and vocal range adapting to the culture or people with whom they associate the most over a period of several years. Sorvians immersed by an Orcish background might take on the ideology, warpaints and spoken mannerisms of an Orc – A tree or antlered appearance for one who lives among the Druids of the forest – or the disarming smile of a bard or jester troupe.


    While timeless and effectively immortal in their inability to age, they are not impervious to the whiles of violence, weather and time. A Sorvian struck by blade, hammer or scratch by thorny bushes can still sustain the damages of such and are even weaker than humans to such melee – requiring their Sculptor to reattach limbs, fill gashes and smooth dents; furthermore unable to avoid the chronic aches and pains that come even once their wounds have ‘scarred’ over.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Xīnshēng is 6ft tall, sports a set of tusks protruding from his mask not unlike an Orc, and a muscular physique again not dissimilar to an Orc.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. On 10/13/2020 at 12:48 PM, LotsOfMuffins said:

    Below is a piece of our conversation prior to the above screenshot and a part of the reason we are not friends anymore. The context of this is that I was asked to not be friends with someone, and I refused.

    I can’t say without a shadow of a doubt that this was contextualized from IRP events, OOC events or both – because I was around when Trek was dealing with most of the things between he and Muffins – and some of how they got in a rock-and-a-hard-place was due to some roleplay controversy. I don’t care for all the hot-headed dealings happening in LOTC’s upper echelon recently (as I’ve more important things to worry about), but I’d like to try and set some records straight without getting too involved or more misinformation being spread. Below is a screenshot from my DM’s with Trek the day after they ‘went on break’ so to speak.


    So, with this, I’d like to give a bit more context in a nutshell:
    1. Muffins’ character was friends both oocly and irply with a certain player (who shant be named) from Llyria.

    1. This player was stirring trouble for both players and their characters – oocly and irply – people in Fenn and otherwise.
    2. Trek and I were keeping tabs on their interactions.
      1. Since both parties – being Muffins character and this third party were inadvertently on her part but deliberately causing trouble on his, we took actions to try and separate them RPly.


    Again, I can’t speak for Trekwars as to the efficacy of his RP/OOC interactions with Muffins, but I’d like to finish this reply by saying that it seems unfair to Trek that she say he ‘asked me not to be friends with someone’ without the context of it having been asked of her in RP, OOC or both. Roleplay should keep to Roleplay and OOC to OOC; but I suppose it’s hard knowing that pretty much everybody takes a cookie from one jar and puts it in the other, so to speak.




    自我概念 (Zìwǒ gàiniàn)


    The image you have of yourself is known as your self-concept, which consists of your feelings and thoughts about your strengths and weaknesses; your abilities and limitations; and your aspirations and worldview. In Hua-Jiao, ‘the self’ is taught as being impersonal, meaning that it is not influenced by, showing, or involving personal feelings. Be this as it may, Máodùn teaches one to contradict this view in order to help understand how the self may truly be. This view of yourself develops from at least four sources based on the concept of the ‘looking-glass self’, or Jìngxiàng zìwǒ (镜像自我).


    In separate, more philosophical terms, the impermanence of ‘the self’ can be said to hold true to one’s body. As we grow our bodies and minds change, and the condition of the body can have certain effects on the mind. To say ‘my mind is held within my body, but does not belong to it’ might be one way to look at it, and one could surmise that their appearance does not fully define who they are. If you took the mind of a frog and put it in a bird, it would still be the same frog with the exception that it looks like a bird.


    OTHERS’ IMAGE OF YOU: The image of you that others have and that they reveal to you.

    • According to the concept of the looking-glass self, you would look at the image of yourself that others reveal to you through their behaviors, and especially through the way they treat you and react to you.


    COMPARISONS WITH OTHERS: The comparisons that you make between yourself and others.

    • When you want to gain insight into who you are and how effective or competent you are, you probably look to your peers.


    CULTURAL TEACHINGS: The teachings of your culture.

    • Through your parents, teachers, and mentors, your culture instills in you a variety of beliefs, values, and attitudes - about how success is defined and achieved; about your religion, ethnicity or nationality; and about the ethical principles you should follow in business and in your personal life.


    SELF EVALUATIONS: The way you interpret and evaluate your own thoughts and behaviors.

    • Just as others form impressions of you based on what you do, you react to your own behavior; interpreting and evaluating it. These interpretations and evaluations help to form your self-concept.




    自我意识 (Zìwǒ yìshí)


    Your self-awareness represents the extent to which you know yourself, how capable you are of being able to reflect on who you are. Understanding how your self-concept develops is one way to increase your self-awareness: the more you understand about why you view yourself as you do, the better you will understand who you are. Additional insight is gained by looking at self-awareness through the model of your “four selves”.


    The open self represents all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas that you and others know.


    The blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you are ignorant.


    The hidden self represents all that you know of yourself that you keep hidden.


    The unknown self represents truths about yourself that neither you nor others know of.





    An artists depiction of Hualian when he realized the Four Truths.




    自我意识的增强 (Zìwǒ yìshí de zēngqiáng)


    One way of growing in one’s self-awareness is to ask “Who am I?” and reflect on everything about yourself that is known - the open self. On a piece of paper, write a heading of “Who am I?” and write “I am…” ten to fifteen or even twenty different things that you are. What’s most important in this exercise is to try and write things that aren’t exclusively positive or socially acceptable; respond with whichever comes to mind.


    On the second piece of paper make two separate headings of “Strengths” and “Weaknesses”, filling each column with as many attributes or personality traits in a span of five minutes.


    Finally, on the third piece of paper titled “Self-Improvement Goals”, complete the statement “I want to improve my…” as many times as you can in five minutes. Because you are constantly changing, these self-perceptions and goals also change.


    In each step of this exercise, remember the “four selves” as you go along and consider the following when actively trying to learn about yourself:

    • Listen to others, paying close attention to verbal and nonverbal information.
    • Actively seek information about yourself, without of course seeking it constantly lest your friends seek others with whom to interact.
    • See your different selves, visualizing how you are seen by your mother, father, teachers, best friends, strangers you meet in the street or on the road, employers, and even your neighbors.
    • Increase your open self, discussing who you are to enable connections that you had previously missed. By increasing the open self, you increase the likelihood that a meaningful and intimate dialogue will develop that will enable you to get to know yourself better.




    自尊心 (Zìzūnxīn)


    Self-esteem is a measure of how valuable you think you are. If you have high self-esteem, you think highly of yourself; while if you have low self-esteem, you view yourself negatively. The basic idea behind this concept is that when you feel good about yourself - about who you are and what you are capable of doing - you will perform better.


    Thinking like a success…

    When you think like a success, as being successful and performing successful things; you are more likely to act like a success


    Thinking like a failure…

    Conversely, when you think like a failure, see yourself as a failure, and perceive yourself as being capable only of failing at anything you do; you are more likely to act like a failure.


    Interestingly enough, your self-esteem seems to influence the method of communication you choose. For example, if you have low self-esteem you are more likely to prefer sending messages via bird, whereas if you have high self-esteem, you are more likely to prefer face-to-face interactions - at least in situations involving some degree of interpersonal risk.



    倾听 (Qīngtīng)


    There is a five-stage process of (1) receiving, (2) understanding, (3) remembering, (4) evaluating, and (5) responding to verbal and/or nonverbal messages. Listening involves a collection of skills that work together at each of these five stages, and can go wrong at any stage -- and by the same token you can enhance your listening abilities by strengthening the skills needed for each step of the process of ‘listening’.


    (一) Receiving - 接收 (Jiēshōu)

    The following suggestions should help you receive messages more effectively:

    • Focus attention on the speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages, on both what is said and what is not said, rather than on how you’ll respond.
    • Maintain your role as listener, and avoid interrupting the speaker until they have finished.
    • Avoid assuming that you understand what the speaker is going to say before he or she actually says it.


    (二) Understanding - 理解 (Lǐjiě)

    A large part of your ‘listening career’ will take place in the classroom, at a job interview, social activities, and when interacting with new people.

    • See the speaker’s message from the speaker’s point of view. Avoid judging the message until you’ve fully understood it -- as the speaker intended it.
    • Rephrase or paraphrase the speaker’s ideas in your own words to gain a more complete understanding of the speaker’s intended message.
    • Ask questions to clarify or to secure additional details or examples if necessary.


    (三) Remembering - 记住 (Jì zhù)

    • Focus your attention on the central ideas. Even in the most casual conversation, there are central ideas. Fix these in your mind; avoiding focusing on minor details, which often lead to detours in listening and in conversation.
    • Organize what you hear; summarize the message in a more easily retained form, and chunk the messages into categories; for example, if you want to remember 15 or 20 items to buy at the market, you will remember more if you group them into chunks -- say, produce, canned goods, and meats.
    • Unite the new with the old; relate new info to what you already know. Avoid treating new information as totally apart from all else you know. There’s probably some relationship, and if you identify it, you’re more likely to remember the new info.
    • Repeat names and key concepts to yourself or, if appropriate, aloud. By repeating the names or key concepts, you rehearse them and, as a result, learn and remember them. If you are introduced to a man named Johnathan, you will stand a better chance of remembering his name if you say, “Hello, Johnathan” than if you were to simply say “Hi.”


    (四) Evaluating - 评估 (Pínggū)

    When evaluating people’s messages, it can consist of conscious/unconscious judgments or assumptions of the underlying intent. In evaluating:

    • Resist the urge to evaluate until you fully understand the speaker’s point of view.
    • Assume that a speaker is a person of goodwill. Give the speaker the benefit of the doubt by asking for clarification on issues that you feel you must object to.
    • Distinguish facts from opinions and personal interpretations and identify any biases, self-interests, or prejudices that may lead the speaker to slant unfairly what is presented.


    (五) Responding - 回应 (Huíyīng)

    This occurs in two forms: (1) responses you make while the speaker is talking and (2) responses you make after the speaker has stopped talking.

    • Express support and understanding for the speaker throughout the conversation.
    • Use varied cues that say “I’m listening” (for example, nodding, using appropriate verbal gestures such as saying “I see”...).
    • Own your own responses; that is, state your thoughts and feelings as your own, using “I-messages” -- for example, saying “I don’t agree” rather than “No-one will agree with that.”
    • Avoid the common problem-causing listening responses such as being static or overly expressive, giving feedback that is monotonous and not responsive to the messages, avoiding eye contact, or appearing preoccupied.




    冥想 (Míngxiǎng)



    A watercolor painting of a Hou-Zi meditating.


    To clear one’s mind, you must focus on nothing but the sounds around them and sensations of their body. The flow of water, the groaning of wind-swept branches, the breath that leaves their body; their aches, their sores, the wind on their face.


    Once you have achieved focus, maintain a steady breath while counting each throughout; placing your attention on your breath as it comes in, and follow it through your nose all the way down to your lungs. To maintain focus, keep your eyes closed while feeling your surroundings with the senses left to you: touch, smell, and hearing. Smell the air that surrounds you, feel the body in which your mind resides, listen to the constant movement of your environment. When thoughts or feelings arise, and they will, you might try staying with them awhile. We tend to want to avoid feelings like frustration, anger, or anxiety… But feel free to stay with these feelings for a while, and be curious about these feelings.


    As you first settle into your meditation session, simply check to see how you are feeling with an open-aired question. How does my body feel? What is the quality of my mind? Do I feel busy, tired, anxious? Answer to yourself whatever you are bringing to this meditation session, assuring yourself that these feelings are without consequence.

    When you notice thoughts and feelings arising during meditation, as they will, look at them with a friendly attitude. See them as friends, not intruders or enemies. They are a part of you, though not all of you. Be friendly and not harsh. Your being is as an absolute territory, one that you should explore and master in order to understand what you are.


    Meditation is not about focusing your attention, it is about learning how your mind works. By watching your mind wander, get frustrated, or avoid difficult feelings, you can start to understand yourself; as there is no feeling that comes to mind which is unwarranted. As you get to know yourself, do it with a friendly attitude instead of one of criticism. You are getting to know a friend, so smile and give yourself this peace of mind.



    花轿的僧和老师 - Huājiào de sēng hé lǎoshī

    Huajiao Monk & Teacher




    A likeness of the calligraphy found throughout the scroll.





    DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the visual or auditory mediums in this post.


  8. Many a moon has passed since Waibiao last wrote, his time taken with friends and strangers alike. Meeting with a certain Ai Shan Ren did Waibiao, learning of deities from their pantheon they call ‘Brathmordakin’. Quite interesting are the beliefs of these short beings, so Waibiao will commit them to memory. Very wise are some in these vast stone halls, and it is hope of Waibiao that he can find friendship and learning with those few writers and teachers.




    Found himself to Tongyi-Hu did Waibiao, taking pleasure in caring for plants of Dengyu Monastery gardens. Fertilizer to wheat fields and feed to animals in their pens; Waibiao comb and cut soft wool from backs of miányáng - sheep flock. The swine ate their slop, the hens their grain, and for Waibiao he have some bread and hand-strung noodle from wheat harvest. After long day of work, he make himself a cup of tea and bathe in hot water spring under village.




    Met again with Jiangu, being who Waibiao not speak to in passing of many lunar cycles. With this one Waibiao teach fellow xiongdi about Hualian and universal truths, hoping to spread kindness and awaken seedling of enlightenment. Waibiao gave Jiangu copy of scroll on Hua-Jiao he wrote, too, finding that many lack in knowledge for teachings of prophet Hualian. Is hope of this one to spread knowledge of Hualian’s teachings, hope too that this knowledge help other find inner peace.



    With each ray of silver light shining from passing moon, Waibiao find strength and inner peace from Hua-Jiao, the unrest in his spirit trickle away with meditation and travel. Remembering his meditative journey on great tree in valley of orange and yellow, contemplating on what he should do with that knowledge he obtained...




    With a day that past, and a broken fast, Waibiao travel to small city of Vira’ker; once inhabited by many dark-skinned Jian Tou Ren, he remembers, from time when xiongdi erect temple beside long-dead city of Llyria. Remembering too, strange bearded man who practice Chi from this city who call himself Magnus - but this simply Waibiao digressing, as these times unimportant in ever changing nature of creation.




    Waibiao join xiongdi in forest outside Vira’ker after more traveling, sitting in meditation with Fumiko, Biao Gong, Sirong and more. This spiritual activity is interrupted by a great feral beast, an enormous creature with likeness of a Hei-Zhu but with size twice as this xiongdi of Hou-Zi -- horrifically grotesque. It was with great injury and pain of mind that Waibiao leap from tree that this creature threw him, striking him in his chest with Waibiao’s tarnished walking staff… Waibiao’s face is flushed with anguish, his hands stained with the blood of a sentient creature that he did not wish to harm. Try did Sirong to bring Waibiao comfort, he knows, but this one has never taken the life of another; even with help from his xiongdi. Running through Waibiao’s mind are thoughts of how this creature may have simply been trying to scare us from his territory, but also knowing that his xiongdi would have most certainly been crushed by this Qiángzhuàng de had he not plunged his bamboo staff through his chest; a certainty he did not wish to see. Throat clenched with sorrow, his face wet with tears, never has this one felt such anguish in all his years; even in comparison to the loss of his parents and Xiǎo dìdì. He is not sure what to do with himself, to pray or to cry, to grief or to lie in wake of the suffering he brought to another… Retreat into his mind, did Waibiao feel, the horror he had brought about a constant in his mind; a waking nightmare from which he did not feel he could escape...




    Despite the emotional and psychological exhaustion Waibiao suffered as written previously, he decided that it was important to carry on; for change in his eyes is inevitable whether a being wishes it or not. This is Waibiao’s resolve, to not drown in his sorrows and make the first move before change comes to him unexpectedly. This is the essence of Zhǎnwàng.


    Waibiao decided this day to pull his mind from the darkness which plagues it by way of rigorous meditation. A lesson was held, Waibiao being joined by xiongdi Heise-Sirong to meditate and discuss the four facets of a beings looking-glass self. This was very therapeutic to Waibiao, and though he did not express as much to Sirong -- who seemed to enjoy this activity more than Waibiao showed, this one is ever so grateful to the young Hou for his attendance.



    花轿的僧和老师 - Huājiào de sēng hé lǎoshī

    Huajiao Monk & Teacher

  9. Waibiao reads the missive, taking some time to meditate over it before any overly indiscreet thoughts came to mind...Good to see xiongdi come together.is his thought, nodding mentally,Though this lowly Hou find that some may come to certain misunderstanding with this missive.

  10.     As passing of day occur, Wàibiao tire. To lush green of Elvenesse forest he once more find himself, meeting neighbor-of-forest sat under deep well of book and plant. Here, those with pointed ear sit in wait for decision of religious matter; people of Siramenor passing bowl of water hand to hand for drink of water for spiritual purpose. It here that small black bird perch on head of that being who stood on the stage, one utterance that escape this creature’s beak: “Noone flawless”. To the context of this statement, Wàibiao does not remember, but impressed that even creature with small capacity for speech can gleam such a thing. 




        With change of lunar cycle, Wàibiao come to see that all people differing in culture and spirituality have different behavior with each other; many matter of perspective often growing from these. As said by many a wise being, ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, and so it understanding of Wàibiao that degree of beauty and perfection that one might hold in their heart for another will not be held similarly in heart for all. Degree of love one hold for their fellow have value in same regard for fact that it is transient and impermanent.




        Solitude important to Wàibiao, learn many lunar cycle ago that suffering can be brought to self and other when spirit is depleted of rest; for no greater harm can happen when mind of a being is at edge of darkness. Wàibiao partaking of much solitude, for Dúchu useful in helping Wàibiao clear his mind of darkness and duress. Travel to vast body of water, did Wàibiao, clearing mind of sight of building and grass and mountain; this way so Wàibiao can focus on inner thought without distraction. Lower himself from raft, did Wàibiao, so he can submerge fur and head and limb in salty water of vast sea... Floating above forest of kelp and school of fish, echo of creation in these waters did Wàibiao gleam as water soak his aching body. Death, destruction, life, change - all part of this shining liquid that he surround himself with. Water does not take or give, yearn nor live; it impartial force that simply be…



    Gleaming blue, the water through, a composition of azure melody ever so true. Cold yet warm, like a winter sun’s embrace, peace in nothingness with a lap of grace. The chatter of teeth, the sea a wreath, my hair it parts as my sorrows release. Streaks of hot sadness, they trace down my face, my mind of minds abuzz with wraith. My spirit weeps, sweet joyous relief it reaps, a feast of aloneness parting the ember of suffering from the kindled fibers of my heart.







        To white city of Haelun’or, did Wàibiao’s feet take him. Up and up toward the sky, hazy sunset that did not lie. Weary and worn, was this small creature of Metzli, seeking bed and rest for tired body. For naught it was, those sharp-eared beings seeming forlorn. Forlorn of charity, no giving of kindness, this wanderer move on with no slumber or refuge. Remembering final words from neighbor-of-magic does Wàibiao, that Lian Tou Ren in their high-seated city with wrought iron gates framed in marble -- “We aren’t allowed to let your kind in.” Failing to understand does Wàibiao, though remembering bloody history of Hou and Elf those many moon cycle ago. Too remembering is Wàibiao, that with passing of lunar cycle come inevitable change, so assuming is Wàibiao that past of his ancestors might not chain him to denial of passage, perhaps? Naivete, this is, though finding is this small being that he is unable to let go of his frustration at such a policy. Inevitable too, does Wàibiao understand that not all being without reason for such behavior, and thus he move on with walking stick in hand and stars over his head.




        Passing through savanna near city of Orc, does Wàibiao; meeting stranger clad in leather with face covered by mask. Seek help of Wàibiao, did this man, who Wàibiao take to Hou-Zi village that the man seek. In Tengyi Hu, Wàibiao make cup of tea for both he and this man who later call himself Thomas. Shrouded with deep emotion, was Thomas’ face, his journey to seek retribution for purpose that he did not tell Wàibiao.


    Vengeance like burning candle with beautiful incense.’ Wàibiao remember telling him, ‘Smelling pleasant for a time, but soon burning to leave one with nothing but wick.


    Was hope of Wàibiao to encourage this man from quest of pain, but only did he listen and drink tea that Wàibiao offered before bidding his farewells.




        Wàibiao travel across land, through wide field of tall stone that jut from ground; over tall mountain where he see honeybee that shed tears of abandonment; and through valley of lush greenery and fresh river. Jittery rabbit through wind-swept grass, Wàibiao seeing many wonder of creation that nature offer. To pitted valley of orange and yellow, Wàibiao find sight of a vast tree; one greater than that he had seen in any grove or jungle. Such a magnificent creation of nature this is, with roots growing through soil in spite of that harsh bed with which this tree flourish. Through shallow stream and hardy green, Wàibiao reaches base of what seemed insurmountable obstacle; though it seemed too that nature smiled on Wàibiao with gift of hanging vine with which to climb. Up and up, did Wàibiao go, where will the branches lead? He does not know… With air that thinned, and energy thinner, Wàibiao reach height on tree where he felt as if he stood above the world itself with the sun below his feet. So tired, does Wàibiao feel, so he will slumber in bed of leaves; meditate and sustain his body with not but morning dew…




        For passing of thirty sunrises and one more Wàibiao remain on top of great tree, sustaining himself on nothing but morning dew, tree leaves, and blessed silence; his heart filled with much peace in meditation. For fear of falling, Wàibiao sit very still with legs crossed and eyes closed; his mind cleared of all thought of world outside his body. Though not reaching enlightenment as prophet Hualian did so many lunar cycle ago, Wàibiao achieve glimpse of idea; his sense of lust to wander the vast lands teaching him much about thought of other being both powerful and weak. In birth tongue of his people, Wàibiao understand there is verb to describe his behavior; Yóudàng -- to roam about… Wàibiao only staying in few place through journey on this continent, never taking stay and rest coming with much effort, though it this way of life -- one with no permanence -- that Wàibiao come to learn so much from cousin Kha and neighbor of Bian Lian Ren and so many other. Wàibiao wish to share what he learn with other, but finding that he has dilemma in his mind of how to do this… Though some call Wàibiao wise, he seeing himself still like naive infant with ambition too great for him to handle. More thought, will Wàibiao give this idea, though it something he feel will give greater purpose to the wanderlust in his heart.


    As Wàibiao gain courage to climb down great tree, reaching bottom to find his fur still sheen with dew of water from while he meditate and fast. Wàibiao wipe this away, finding that his coat show with richer color and health; his mane fuller and chest tighter against his muscles. Realizing too, that he feel almost lighter in body and spirit -- the fast purging his body of ill element and fatigue.

  11. Something of a medical practitioner himself, Waibiao traverses the land toward the heart of the human Empire,  a short missive in hand soon left by the door of the health clinic in Helena; the heading addressed to Edward Napier in regards to his most recent publication.


    Peace of safe travels upon you, Bian Lian Ren,

                                                                                          Many interesting faces and stories, has this one come to see among denizens of Helena. Like all sentient beings, though, do people of Empire have capacity for evil. This quiet one wonder why man of such station in life disseminate libel and slander; like infant in schoolhouse who spread negative rumor of fellow student. If citizens of Morsgrad is target of this publication, then fellow practitioner of medicinal arts have question for you. First, what are the names of this ‘small band of Nordlings’ you observed, if they indeed exist. Second, has this self-proclaimed doctor of medicine considered that, if these Nordlings be people who come from Morsgrad, that the city’s climate is too cold to incubate creatures as small as these ‘whipworms’? There is truth in some words of this publication, however any honest practitioner of medical discipline could see for themselves the lack of scholarly, peer-reviewed evidence in this paper. It is belief of this one that you bring dishonor and shame to the practice, and discredit our predecessors.”


    The note’s end would be unmarked...

  12. ((Waibiao’s Travels is a form of creative nonfiction from the perspective of the character, a retelling of small events that occur during the many places he visits during his nomadic lifestyle...))



    During Waibiao travel across land,  seeing many face and many creation of nature. Passing of lunar cycles like water, but beauty that exist in people who inhabit vast land not one to be misunderstood, for even beggar with dirt caked to feet and hair down to waist have spirit in them; life-essence like air in chest...




    In winding street of city inhabited by neighbor-of-many -- Bian Lian Ren -- Waibiao meet cousin-of-Daemon -- Mao Ren -- who teach him to speak with hands. Mao Ren expecting nothing in return, showing beauty with charitable kindness.




    In lush forest of Aegrothond, Jian Tou Ren show kindness to Waibiao when clean mane and expect nothing in return. Waibiao keep mane clean now, comb fur and condition with oil to keep healthy.




    On cold mountain of Morsgrad, Waibiao offend Bian Lian Ren by climbing tree. Waibiao not understand, but learn that even neighbor-of-many with  care for nature, even though he threaten Waibiao with weapon.  It is understanding of Waibiao that Bian Lian Ren, by words of Bian Lian Ren, that they kill those who climb tree... As sunrise pass, Waibiao meet priestess of what these neighbor-of-many call ‘All Father’, learn of deity who she teach Waibiao giving knowledge of Chénsī. Priestess call herself ‘High Keeper’, very compassionate being with desire in heart to spread peace. Wise priestess impress Waibiao, so Waibiao teach of Hua-Jiao philosophy…


    Berries like religion, grow in many sizes and shapes with different flavor and texture. Charcoal like Hua-Jiao, of plant but not religion; spirituality with no praise to deity. Place in world for Hua-Jiao to bring peace and kindness, attempt sometimes made to enlighten neighbors of Aengul and Daemon. Neighbor-of-many know 'All Father' like people; limited in sight but having potential all same, because neighbor-of-many deity like her, so too are all deity like their children. Many divide by difference in belief, segregate by dedication to deity not of others, sometimes… Many not think about this, so many suffer and hate.




    With passing of lunar cycle, there is no stop to travel of Waibiao. On 8th of Snow Maiden, 1765 to neighbor like Bian Lian Ren, Waibiao meet neighbor-of-night Jian Tou Ren who call self ‘Shanka’, speak on philosophy of suffering and how it affect some. Shanka spirit holding of much pain, believing that this sometime inevitable; but Waibiao of understanding that suffering in life mostly uncertain, line of thinking that let some being let go of dispair.  Meet again too, Mao Ren Xinan, who seek advice on what do with coming of age…


    Wisdom come with time, differing from age. Age measurement of life in land for being, not wisdom. This true too for Hou-Zi, wish for gray fur and aching limb,  but linger not on such worries, worry only for quality of life. Think of self often, this practice of Pensive being, Chénsī. Live long as one ought, not as one can, this way to becoming wise. Reflect on quality of life, not quantity,  this way one set mind of self free from what self cannot change, doing opposite with what one can. If being want bring peace to other, this for being to decide, worry not about those who not want help, do what being believe bring inner peace.




    Waibiao travel once more to Morsgrad as same sunrise pass, meditate in cold and sleep as beggar in streets. Commotion heard in place of drink, so Waibiao go to observe. Heated speaking and ready weapon, Waibiao see wise priestess among other Bian Lian Ren. Waibiao make attempt to help, dishonoring vow to ask for peace… Waibiao understand this grievance unnecessary, learn now to observe and wait before using opportunity to break vow for those with differing culture. Part of culture for these Bian Lian Ren to fight sometime. Waibiao first think this squabble, but now know not squabble to some -- this important argument over dishonor and ignorance, Waibiao think. It not without this knowledge that Waibiao understand embarrassment brought upon himself. Embarrassing less that Waibiao plea for peace go ignored, embarrassing more that Waibiao speak. Waibiao now understand that he still  naive like suckling infant, petty Bai Chi is Waibiao... Waibiao will meditate.


    ((Below is a translation of Waibiao’s meditation, a poem that came to mind during his meditation…))


    Horned helms and drawn swords, utter not those little words. If peace you seek, then let it be, all beings are with ways loud and meek. Wisdom can fail, like lashing tail; whipping with actions unneeded. Though spirit may weep, let them reap, for these be matters not for those who walk on learning feet.


    Waibiao meditate, reflect on wrongdoing in cold of Morsdradi street. When Waibiao satisfied, he explore city and happen upon small library. Here it is Waibiao read and learn of ‘Red Faith’ of these Bian Lian Ren, here Waibiao learn some belief which give him insight in Bian Lian Ren strong faith; help Waibiao understand why these being may behave as they do. If is path of wandering Yóudàng monk to make mistake and learn culture of other, Waibiao hope this experience will give wisdom in lunar cycle to come.




    In city of Helena, Waibiao witness event of suffering. See Bian Lian Ren child mourn over blood Waibiao does, tears shed for mother and sister killed in street. Waibiao pray for healing of child, hope that passing of lunar cycle give infant ease for suffering. Meeting Xinan again, Waibiao does in Helena. Embrace Xinan give to Waibiao, whisper warning of Morsgradi travel to Helena. Waibiao go to Morsgrad, see many warrior prepare, plate of metal covering body and many weapon held for rally… Waibiao see many thing in Bian Lian Ren of Morsgrad, seeing also many different thing in Bian Lian Ren of Helena; but it is must that Waibiao remain pacifist. With Morsgradi also are Orc, chanting of ‘Krug’ and ‘Wagh’. Follow this band Waibiao does, meeting at Helena to perpetuate suffering, Waibiao think… Learn soon does Waibiao that people of Morsgrad march in solidarity for lost kin.




    To cold city of Morsgrad Waibiao travel, meeting with passing Bian Lian Ren with long red beard who Waibiao try to offer bread, but instead, Bian Lian Ren give coins. Meeting again with Bian Lian Ren called ‘Alisa’, asking if she will teach Waibiao more of ‘Red Faith’ these Bian Lian Ren practice…


    “...The Paragons are our most honored ancestors. They are servants of the All Father who, in mortal life, accomplished deeds of such significance, or became such known symbols of given traits, that they were raised to a position of reverence in death. When a follower of the Faith prays, it's usually to a Paragon, as we feel the All Father shouldn't be bothered with trivial matters. There are shrines around the city where the faithful leave offerings to their Paragons and issue their prayers. Each follower of the Red Faith also has a Paragon that they take as a patron to guide them in life.


    Waibiao make comparative inquiry, stating that Paragon similar in nature to Saint or Apostle of ‘Canon’, though this seem to offend Alisa who correct Waibiao.


    I prefer to compare them to ancestor spirits. I dislike the comparison to Saints, personally. But, that is a comparison that helps some people understand, either way...

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