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Posts posted by Evonpire

  1. MC Name:



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    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  2.  Dýnami, Axe of the Wingless Lion
    (By Trinn)


    Name of the Artifact:

             Dýnami, Axe of the Wingless Lion


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Aer'dir of Joma


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             Evonpire, Valannor, Twinwolf1, Chryosaurus, TheWanRing


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Aer'dir of Joma, Alatariel of Itnan, Hana Starbreaker, Lampros, Feanor Sylvaeri


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:






    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


     A 78” tall steel Great-Axe, dipped in colourstone to give it a faint bronze-esque tone, but retaining its luster. Forged near the base of Mount Celestial with Almenodrim hands. The head measures 22” in length and akin to a dane-axe in shape, boasting an exaggerated width of 1’. Opposite, a 10” Raven’s Beak, curling near its end, acting as an anti-armor weapon.


    Runes and imprints of knots decorate the head, granting it detailing. Most notable is the iconography of a lion’s head surrounded by an emerald shape stamped on both shoulders of the Head. Each engraving would share a common motif, a golden glow in the crevices that they create.


    The shaft measures 67” in length, created from tempered Ikurnamon, granting it resistance to rot and fire. Brackets attached to the head are nailed into place upon the upper portions of the shaft, ensuring the ax remains in place. Weighing in at about 6.5 lbs in total, due to the proportions, topheaviness is present.  


    Atop the shaft is a shaped lightstone, smoothened, it passively glows with Xannic Mists within it. Those bonded to the weapon could likely awaken the mists within, granting the ability to bring equality to their battles.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:




        The pinnacle of a Paladin’s work, their magnum opus.  Akin to a heightened form of Xannic Fervor, Giantslayer is the hatred, rage, and warrior spirit of the Paladin expressed into a spell. The Paladin essentially binds their Ember to the Enchantment itself. With this covenant, its Champion is granted the power to equalize the field, but at a terrible cost to their own Ember, the toll being increased the longer that the Enchantment is held. Likewise, due to the link, no other spells can be used by the Paladin while Giantslayer is active. Formed out of righteous hatred, unless combat has ended, or their foe is slain, Giantslayer cannot be dispelled till then. 


    Giantslayer augments the strikes of the Paladin to mirror the foe they fight against. Though, this has its limit, and will cap at Olog-Strength against minor Darkspawn, and matching a Sunlight Spear on the Paladin’s greater foes. 


    Giantslayer upon activation does not manifest instantly, needing time to siphon Mists from its wielder's Ember. And, on completion, a “roar”-like sound surges out of the caster, alerting anyone close to the presence of Dýnami. An additional tell also accompanies Dynami’s activation, an ephemeral lion following the Paladin when active. The process of casting is a fragile process, and if forcefully interrupted will result in its wielder being in a daze as the dissipation of Mists lashes against them. 


    Lionel Armaments


        Within the great stores mists infused in the weapon, certain spells of the Lionel Champion are altered. Though, this does not accompany any increase of power. A Vindicator would note that their projectile would take a detailed form of a Lion’s head. Likewise, the Vindicator’s Mantle would be altered too. Upon casting Vindicator’s Mantle, the Paladin would find a Mist-Woven Lion’s head swirling around their body, repelling anything that a typical Mantle would. Any functionality remains the same.


    The Binding of the Ember


        Drawing from the Paladin’s Ember, Dýnami requires it to be binded to the Paladin’s Ember itself. This entails that only a sole Paladin can efficiently use its ability at a time. Though, should its wielder be Disconnected, Relinquish it, or be without it for an extended period of time. The Bond would naturally fade away, allowing for a new one to be forged.


    The Ritual of Bonding is largely free-form and can be adapted to suit the culture of its Wielder. A Human of the Canonist Faith may make prayers to Janus, while an Uruk may make offerings or complete deeds to seek the Weapon’s blessing. Likewise, a Ritual of Relinquishment can be partaken by the previous wielder, an emotionally taxing process. Should its wielder be disconnected from the Ember, the connection would be ruined.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    General Redlines



    • Requires a Tier [5] Paladin to use, as the Ember must be developed sufficiently before usage.
    • Giantslayer is a variant of Xannic Fervour, but normal Xannic Fervour can still be casted on Dýnami.
    • Null Arcana treated objects would temporarily interrupt the usage of Dynami, placing it on hold for [3] Emote rounds, pausing the [5] Emote Round period of Giantslayer.
      • As per the nature of Null Arcana, due to the overwhelming amount of mana produced, the object/weapon would be immediately bent out of shape, rendering it useless until repaired.
    • Auric Oil would have no effect on Giantslayer due to the Tier [5] nature of the enchantment.
    • Dýnami is not any more durable than a normal axe wrought of steel would be.


    • Giantslayer can only be used against Darkspawn.
    • [1] Connection + [4] Emotes and consumes [7] Embers to Cast, and on the [4th] Emote, a tell must be produced in #s, alerting anyone in range to Giantslayer’s use.
    • When Giantslayer is casted, the Wielder will have [5] Emote rounds, before each additional swing of the Axe consumes [1] Ember.
    • Giantslayer cannot be deactivated until Combat has ended, or their foe is slain.
    • Giantslayer can only be used once per combat encounter/event.
    • No other Paladin spells can be used by the Paladin while Giantslayer is active.
    • Minor Darkspawn in this case, is defined as a player-played Darkspawn, such as Azdrazi, or Pale-Lords. 
    • Major Darkspawn are defined as ET Creatures of Gigantic Proportions or anything above Olog Strength.
    • Sunlight Spear’s Damage is defined aspossesses concussive force comparable to an orc strength punch with the force of a thrown spear when it strikes true upon Darkspawn, capable of easily shearing past the scales of greater dragonkin and the natural armours of dark beings“.
    • For CAs, such as Azdrazi, or Silti, that can have varying strengths, Dýnami’s strength will be the peak strength of their original race.
    • Giantslayer does not increase the Wielder’s strength.
    • Giantslayer cannot be used against inanimate objects, save defensive tools such as shields.
    • Should the Paladin be interrupted in casting the spell, they will be stuck in a daze for [2] Emote Rounds.
    • Giantslayer cannot be used outside of combat.
    • Giantslayer cannot be casted outside of active combat.


    Lionel Armaments

    • Lionel Armaments is purely a cosmetic change.
    • Vindicator’s Mantle will still conjure a meager suit of armor as per redlines, should the Paladin be lacking one.


    The Binding of the Ember

    • The Rite of Binding must be done before any effects of Dynami can be used, and is largely free-form to the player’s character. 
    • If the previous wielder is deemed inactive, Dynami can be seized by ST-Management and given to a new wielder through means.
    • The Rite of Relinquishment will leave the Paladin disheartened and stuck in a depression for a period of 2 OOC Weeks as if they had been disconnected from the Magic.
    • Should the Wielder be Disconnected from Paladinism whatever reason, they will relinquish any bond to Dynami.
    • As per ST Guidelines, when the Axe is transferred ST-Management must be informed.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Dynami is an Exaltation forged of Descendant Hands and imbued with vast amounts of Xannic Mists from numerous Paladins and the energies from a Templar of Malchedial. Paladins, while not being the devotees of Malchedial, (Though, a Templar was involved in the creation of the Axe) still have a warrior/honour bound culture, this is reflected appropriately in Giantslayer’s varying strengths. The Spell being an equalizer between a much stronger Darkspawn and the Paladin. Though in a display of hubris or perhaps the boldness their Ember provides them, the Paladin must place themselves within melee range of their opponents to make the most use of Giantslayer, lacking the safety that range can provide. For Balance sake, Dynami is not strictly beneficial as usage against an equal or a lesser is useless and consumes half of its wielder's Ember Pool. Not to mention that most CRP duels will go beyond [8] or so Emote Rounds, drawing additional Embers, and potentially burning its user out.


    The Lion motifs are in abundance amongst Xannic Magicks, Temples, and other establishments present in current and past RP.. The Rite of Binding and Relinquishment are just primarily cultural pieces that reflect the quasi-sentient nature of Ember and some Xannic Enchantments as established by “Sacrament of Legacy '' from “Sunlit Sacraments”. And while, admittedly in Concept, Dynami is self-serving, I believe it will be a useful and memorable cultural tool to be passed down, long after my own Paladin is PKed.



    If accepted, the following items will be given up, and the desc will placed on a golden axe that I will provide. Likewise, if accepted, a thorough grammar check will be done afterwards to ensure everything is correct.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. 22 minutes ago, Sri said:

    I agree that Paladins should not have a monopoly on this kind of RP but as is echoed by others, making one potion which can effectively counter a huge range of "maladies" and curses really does not add much to RP. If it was a more involved processes requiring some risk or ingredient from those specific lore pieces then it would be vastly better.


    I do not want to have a monopoly. I can guarantee you purging rp gets tedious after awhile. 

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