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Posts posted by Latelle

  1. what if we made death have actual consequences if a character cheats it and, ya know, actually acknowledge that instead of making rules where if you imply death to not be final then your character spontaneously combusts (yeah i know that isn't actually the rule)


    obviously i don't think we should have John Smith the human blacksmith like "yeah i died and i walked it off" but more something like "i almost died, but some wild shit happened and here i am"


    plus it would resolve the problem of "bro I watched you get stabbed in the heart by bandits how are you alive" in a way that's more interesting than just handwaving it, you feel me?


    (take this all with a massive pinch of salt i have barely played in the past couple years i don't know what shit's like out there)

  2. I'm late and not really active anymore but I think this is a good start. I reckon soul beacons should be more common than just having four across the whole map. Greater soulstones would be cool to see, but I frankly think making them mina purchases is a bit silly from a lore and gameplay perspective. Have them be a reward for something other than voting or mina, or hear me out, make greater ss the default.


    Also tiles should not be squares, but for the love of god make tiles ROUGHLY the same size so that we don't have tiles the size of Everest and tiles so small I can barely fit my town in them :)

  3. "Well, I'll be...gods bless ye, lass," Anne thinks, reading the papers that somehow made their way to...wherever in the world Anne was. Despite her absence in the village, she still would be rooting for her old friend from the sidelines, even if said friend had just tarnished the good name of Anne's family.

  4. halflings are pretty fuckin awesome, most of the time there's no smallbrained discord drama going on they're just the epitome of "Drama this, drama that, I just want to farm for gods sakes!"


    While I haven't been active in general, or especially as a halfling recently, I can 100% vouch for the halflings being a fun lot if they have the type of vibe you want to run with.

  5. This feels like it's only useful for warclaims and nothing else. Prolly gonna cause more harm than good outside of warfare if I had to guess.


    Also, really? I have to ask mods to leave a realm? RP is fluid and characters inevitably bounce from location to location. Pretty sure my now-dead previous main character Jol went through at LEAST 5 different "realms" in the span of a year. I'm not a plugin creator, and I don't want to be an armchair dev, but is it really that hard to add a command or UI option to leave a realm?


    If it's frequency of leaving that the mod team is concerned about, toss a cooldown on it, or only have it be a cooldown during war, idk.


    As others have stated, inevitably certain folks who are obsessed with grinding out activity will target new players and rope them into a realm they're not really that interested in, and new players probably won't understand how realms work. Plus, if I understand correctly, this also means that you can view a persona's nationality at will as a player.


    RIP spy RP because meta go brr


    TL;DR a fine idea, flawed execution imo.

  6. "Honey, honey, look at this..." says a certain elf through fits of giggles, plopping down next to her wife on the couch. "I'm a mother, and they still would deny me a license to breathe the same air as them." They'd have a good laugh before taking their copy of the flyer that they had procured through some unknown means and adding it as fuel to their fireplace.

  7. Angela wasn't really sure what to think when she read the letter. She'd never really known her own mother all that well, and now it pained her that she hadn't taken what time she had with Locke and spent it well. Nevertheless, with her late mother's blessing, Angela set out on the road once again without warning, ready to take what's hers.

  8. Quote

    weirdest thing you've ever seen on LOTC, go

    that's hard to answer honestly. i'm sure if i looked hard enough in my mind i could find some cursed shit to share but i think the weirdest thing i can remember off the top of my head was when florenza and jol kept running into this one simp in oren so they threw ink at him, it's also why jol had a baseball bat



    Why are you so ******* gay
    Who's your favorite one-armed lesbian psychopath named Rosalind Vildr? And what's your favorite race to play

    ehhhh i feel weird saying i have a favorite race to play. race in lotc is tied deeply to culture and simply the vibe of the player character, so, i'm gonna have to go with epiphytes (shocking). i like the nature-y aesthetic with a dash of strange and unusual, and epiphytes are perfect for that shit if played right. lean into the strange and uncanniness at just the right level. too little and you're just a green human/elf most likely. too much and you make it the central focus of the character rather than just a part of who they are


    also have you SEEN women?



    Which LotC character of yours would you say had the most strange, unusual, or unique life?

    easily jol. the life of a plant-based southerner-talkin' adventurer makin' potions, sorvians, an' strange weapons, all while spending like 5-10 years of her life speaking exclusively in song is pretty odd but fun

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