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Posts posted by Latelle

  1. reminder that just because someone fucks up does not mean they are to be demonized. criticism is fine--although outright throwing insults and spreading rumors of **** that has no hard evidence is not.


    stay civil, for the love of god.

  2. unknown.png

    [!] A flyer with this pencil sketch of Anya and Anne, as well as more information about the wedding (written in terrible handwriting), would be posted upon Brandybrook’s noticeboard and sent out to various friends and family!


    The Wedding of Anya Asclepius and Anne Applebrook

    As some folks might know, we (Anne and Anya) have been together for some time, and we decided it’s about fuckin’ time we got married! There’s gonna be booze, cake, dancing, the actual ceremony, and fun times all around, it’ll be ******* grand. 

    When: Just under a year from now! ((OOC: Sunday, 3pm EST, 7pm GMT, 2pm CST, and noon PST))

    Where: Brandybrook--on the right of Aegrothond, past the emerald pillar.


    We hope to see you there! Be safe in your travels.


    Anya Asclepius

    Anne Applebrook

  3. OST



    Flames roared as Kit-Kat Gardner threw a brief glance behind her to face the incoming onslaught of demonic insects. She’d seen her fair share of swarms of bugs before, but this...was something else entirely. They were the size of dwarves--stingers and wings bigger than her own weapon that her father had passed down to her. As she ran towards the shore where the remains of ships lay floating in the water, she noticed the buzzing of one of the inferi creatures growing louder behind her--soon that stinger would be making contact if she did nothing about it.


    The girl heard a loud rumbling followed by the KRAK of some unfortunate soul’s skeleton as the ground shook beneath her; something, although she didn’t know what, had crashed down behind her. She turned her head and realized she was face-to-face with one of those accursed insects she had seen. The horrifying creature shot forward, and the halfling hopped backwards and swung her shovel-axe at the creature, parrying the blow as she steadied herself and continued to run.


    The sounds of battle had become deafening, yet unnoticeable. Screams of pain, leaders shouting orders on both sides, the ear-piercing buzzing of the demon-bugs, and so much more flooded her ears. Nevertheless she kept running, veering to the left as a group of five inferi bugs aimed their stingers towards her.


    Kit heard a loud clink as the stinger of one of these inferi struck her pauldron--followed by another tearing through her cape, two attacking her torso and upper left arm respectively, and one last creature had yet to strike. Pain quickly shot through the girl’s nerves as her armor and dress were pierced by the stingers, as these unholy abominations ate through her flesh and bone. The halfling screamed in agony as she collapsed on the ground--still fighting despite the skin of her right arm having fallen onto the ground beside her.


    According to those who saw the hellish battle’s end, that’s how Kit-Kat Gardner died. Fighting.

  4. OST



    Late one evening in Brandybrook, a loud, resounding CRASH was heard coming from the beach, near the Spicy Shrimp. Were anyone to investigate, the beach would be littered with bits and pieces of a mangled ship that had crashed into the beach. It clearly had taken quite a beating before arriving at the village of the wee, just narrowly missing the already docked vessel. All of the crew seems to have already abandoned the destroyed vessel--all that was left of it was some broken driftwood, cloth, and various useless bits ‘n bobs, some of which are marked with strange, foreign symbols.


    Perhaps finding the crew of the destroyed ship may lead to some hints as to its origin. 

    ((OOC: This is an intro post for my new character, Captain Alice. See y’all in game, cheers))

  5. MC Name: Madyssey

    Character's Name: Jol

    Character's Age: 32


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  6. MC Name: Madyssey

    Character's Name: Anrais Valin'dar

    Character's Age: 850ish


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Dark Elf


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Epiphytes are plant-like beings that resemble a humanoid Descendant race. These “plant-people” are created when a fae organism--a fungus or a plant--happens to find a vulnerable Descendant nearby, whether by luring it over almost like a siren, or preying upon an unlucky person who falls asleep nearby. The unfortunate prey that falls unconscious/asleep is cocooned in plant matter and roots, preserving the Descendant’s soul but modifying their physical form.



    Epiphytes. Left to right: Bonsai tree (dark elf), coffee plant (human), mint plant (dark elf)


    After about one day, the Descendant emerges from their cocoon. The afflicted is made entirely of plant matter--organs, flesh, bone, all of them. This plant matter does hold weakness to Voidal magic, causing the afflicted to be unable to take up the practice, and is easier to cut than typical skin. This weakness is due to the movement required of the plant matter to keep the Epiphyte, well, moving. The plant matter the Epiphyte is made up of resembles the fae organism that turned them into an Epiphyte, though their skin holds none of the medicinal or poisonous effects the plant itself bears. For example, were an Epiphyte afflicted by a gypie gypie fae plant, their skin wouldn’t sting creatures upon contact. In some cases, the Epiphyte’s appearance drifts to become plantlike. In the above example, the Epiphyte’s hair holds leaves in it, though more extreme cases exist such as extremities becoming rootlike. Epiphytes burn as quickly as a well-hydrated plant would.


    Epiphytes maintain the same natural (pun not intended) lifespan as their Descendant counterpart--an elven Epiphyte would live for centuries, while a halfling Epiphyte would live a fraction of that lifespan. However, every 50-100 years (roughly 1-2 Elven years) the Epiphyte begins to grow old, much like an elderly human. Soon the Epiphyte will “die,” and from their corpse an infant Epiphyte will grow. The infant retains the Epiphyte’s memories to some degree (this tends to vary) and soul, however for the year or so it takes for them to grow to adulthood, they will be rather vulnerable and fragile--a parental figure of sorts sometimes tend to imprint on them. The Epiphyte’s personality remains generally the same in this reincarnation, however their personality can change a little due to circumstances during the year they grow from an infant to an adult again. At the end of the Epiphyte’s natural Descendant lifespan, they will die for good. Worth noting is that a blessing, curse, or magic an Epiphyte is affected by persists through their rebirths. As underage characters cannot utilize magic, their magic is effectively unusable for the year it takes for an infant to grow to an adult.


    Most Epiphytes are herbivorous, though if they were affected by a carnivorous fae plant (for example, a venus flytrap) they can possibly end up being carnivorous or omnivorous. Bryophytic and dryad-like Epiphytes need good amounts of sunlight to keep themselves from becoming ill, and Saprophytes need good amounts of shade to stay healthy.


    Epiphytes all have a fae organism that they are tied to--this is the same type of organism that turned them into Epiphytes in the first place. These fae organisms are created by a seed or spore floating through a fae ring and showing up in our world, the Mortal Realm. Epiphytes can create one of these seeds or spores at will, though can only have one fae plant of their type grown by them at once. If they attempt to grow a second, the first shrivels and dies. However, the only time they can produce a new plant is once the first one dies and a Blight Healer cannot revive it, or there is a map change. The Epiphyte is constantly driven to plant the seed somewhere. The Epiphyte is connected to their fae plant strongly--they can commune much like a Druid can with any plant, and if the Epiphyte or fae plant is afflicted by illness or blight, the other is afflicted too. This works in reverse, too--heal the plant and the blighted Epiphyte is saved too, though healing the plant can be difficult. This is because blighted Epiphytes will attack on sight, attempting to spread their blight. If the plant’s growth is stunted, or the plant is pruned, so is the Epiphyte--this is what causes bonsai dryads to be stuck as children. The Epiphyte always knows the location of the fae plant, and can create seeds of it at will. The seeds are mundane rather than fae, however. If many Epiphytes plant their seeds together, a dryad’s tree or a fae tree (which turns into a Treant) may grow.


    General redlines relating to Epiphytes that I’ve not covered include:

    Epiphytes cannot have children.

    Epiphytes cannot bind to rare plants (those that require approval or events to locate).

    Bonsai Epiphytes are considered children for the sake of server rules and OOC law.

    If an Epiphyte wills it so, they can stop their fae plant from converting someone else into an Epiphyte. Generally, people are allowed by the Epiphyte to come near the plant so long as they pose no risk.

    Epiphytes won’t try to force people to sleep by the Fae plant--this puts the plant at risk of extermination which is a big no-no in the Epiphyte’s mind.

    Tree Lords cannot become Epiphytes.

    Descendants are the only characters eligible to become Epiphytes.

    The rules on Druid magic on Epiphytes are:

    Communion, Control, and Herblore hold no effect on an Epiphyte. They can affect the Epiphyte’s fae and mundane plants, though.

    Blight healing does work on Epiphytes and will heal/regenerate wounds, including lost limbs.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    A small child with bark for skin and leaves for ‘hair.’



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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