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Posts posted by cappor

  1. Vilren paused upon the letter’s arrived; glancing around the Helena square in sudden terror he’d dig the letter beneath his garments, slowly beginning his commute to Sutica. As the ‘ker began to grieve the death, abruptly a faint knock is heard at his door. When opened, the letter dropped from his hand as he stared at the once known figure.

  2. SURNAME: Ryul

    FIRST NAME: Vilren


    DATE OF BIRTH: 1743


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Holy Orenian Empire? Yes


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes


    ((MC NAME)): cappor

  3. SURNAME: Ryul

    FIRST NAME: Vilren


    DATE OF BIRTH: 1757


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Holy Orenian Empire? Yes


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes


    ((MC NAME)): cappor

  4. 1772 Mayoral Debate


    Mary Lucille as Moderator
    Kinsrell Commandore as candidate
    Cardinal Arthur as candidate
    Grouch Carrington as candidate 


    Edward Galbraith - “Welcome to the Mayoral Debate. Please start taking your seats in the galleries, Only candidates for Lord Mayor, the Moderator, and assistants are allowed downstairs.”


    *Cardinal Arthur recites a prayer*

    Mary Lucille - “Pleasant. Thank you, Cardinal. Welcome to the Mayoral Election debate. As most of you know we are to be holding the vote tomorrow


    Mary Lucille - “Let us first give a cheer for the candidates. The first whom is running for the venerable Lord Mayor position is… Cardinal Arthur!


    *The spectators clap*


    Mary Lucille - “The next running, is current acting Lord Mayor in Philip’s resignment is… Grouch Carrington!


    *The spectators clap*


    Grouch Carrington - “Thankee, thankee!”


    Mary Lucille - “Last but of course not least, running for lord mayor is… Kinsrell Commandore!


    *The spectators clap*


    Kinsrell Commandore - “Thank you, Thank you”

    Mary Lucille - “How wonderful. Such warmth and love in the room. How do I love a vigorous debate. Now, for those who do not know me I am Mary Lucille! I will be moderating this debate. Who is ready to begin?


    Edward Galbraith - “Hurrah for the moderator!”


    *The spectators clap*


    Mary Lucille - “Excellent!” I will begin with the first question”


    Mary Lucille - “Why do you believe the citizens of Helena should vote you for lord mayor? You may begin with the question Mister Kinsrell”


    Mary Lucille - “Please rise to the podium and speak to the room”


    Kinsrell Commandore - “I feel Helena needs someone who is not a politician, someone who is new to the game and has a fresh mind. Someone who has struggled like some of the folks within the


    stand and one who will have their back in decision making.


    Mary Lucille - “Well-spoken, Mister Kinsrell. Thank you. Cardinal Arthur please rise to the podium and offer your response to the question.


    Cardinal Arthur - “My position as Cardinal has enabled me to grow close to all aspects of the community, including both rich and poor.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “My duties have brought me close with both nobleman and commoner alike, who are all equal upon the pues of my church”


    Cardinal Arthur - “If elected Mayor, I will serve as the voice of all the people, not just the privileged few.


    Mary Lucille - “Enthralling! Next up is Mister Grouch. Please answer the question for the room”


    Grouch Carrington - “What Helena needs is heart & expertise!”


    Grouch Carrington - “I have worked at every level o’ Helena fine streets! From street-sweep to clerking, I’ve never shied away from the hard jobs or the important once.”


    Grouch Carrington - “The leaves o’ fall & the trash after our parades I have swept from the very andesite rock o’ this beautiful town”


    Grouch Carrington - “Aye, what Helena needs is a man who is dedicated to her walls & folk through and through! I’ve the humble experience ta guide the clerks & the Livery guilds, but we must


    look past these positions to the real core o’ our city”


    Grouch Carrington - “Our shared bond as Hellenic folk. As Lord Mayor, I shall see Helena cultural unity flourish by uplifting & empowering the people she holds”

    Grouch Carrington - “Grouch fer mayor!”


    Mary Lucille - “How exciting! Now onto the next question! What do you think that needs to be improved in the city, and how do you plan to go about improving it? Cardinal Arthur, you are up first it seems!”


    Cardinal Arthur - “There are three particular areas which I believe could undergo improvement.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “An issue that has been on the lips of many Helenian’s is the allocation of burial plots”


    Cardinal Arthur - “If elected, I pledge to grant the public access to the crypts, where many of their loved ones are currently interred.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “As a matter of fact, I plan to extend the crypts to ensure that all families have the opportunity to visit the deceased”


    Mary Lucille - “Where would you be extending this crypts at, if I may ask, Cardinal?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “As a show of Faith, I would like to announce that burials and the new extension will be free of charge to the people of Helena.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “There is currently space available under the Basilica. I will ensure to provide public access in the coming saints days”


    Mary Lucille - “Noble and pious act, Cardinal”


    Cardinal Arthur - “Additionally I have spoken with the House Majority leader to address the housing issue, though we can return to other policies in later questions.”


    Mary Lucille - “Could not of said it better myself! Mister Grouch, your turn to speak”


    Grouch Carrington - “Folks of Helena! Many of you able to vote are in possession of houses, and you diligently pay taxes on them! However, many newcomers to our city find that our cheaper

    housing options including the poor-house & apartments are not to their liking! They lack the funds, but are not a willing heart to support Helena. These newcomers deserve a smooth transition from affordable housing to the eventual house-ownership they seek!”


    Mary Lucille - “Ah yes. Homes. A common issue in Helena! Please do go on Mister Grouch”


    Grouch Carrington - “I plan to renovate & improve many of Helena’s subpar housing units that are being turned down by potential new faces in Helena, to ensure a healthy retention rate of newcomers to the jewel of Oren. It is our acceptance of so many different and warm hearted folks that makes Helena shine so brightly!”


    Mary Lucille - “A lot of these questions just reiterate what we have already heard so I am going to spice it up a bit. Cardinal Arthur, in your years what moment has inspired and pushed you to run for Lord Mayor of the jewel city of Helena?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “I have always been inspired by the fortitude of the Helenan people. When our previous High Pontiff, Pontian III, was sadly slain by assassins from outside the city, it was the noble people who came together to support their church.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “I was personally approached by many of the Helena’s citizens offering their condolences and aid. And I am inspired by their generosity.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “After all, it is the people of Helena who have funded so many of our charitable ventures, from the orphanages to the saints festivals.”


    Mary Lucille - “How inspiring. Truly a marvelous reason to offer support for the people of Helena!”

    Cardinal Arthur - “They are truly remarkable”


    Mary Lucille - “Grouch! Please speak on your own behalf of the question.”

    Grouch Carrington - “Har har. It’s the tavern ol’ Alpha runs!”


    Grouch Carrington - “Many nights I’ve passed with a drinking buddy a mug o’ mead. It’s the simple things that make Helena grand ta me; warm meals, cheap drinks, and lively tavern service from

    the one and only! This ones fer ye, Alpha. Thanks yer all the work ye do!”


    Alpha Carrington - “Happy to help”


    Mary Lucille - “How sweet. How endearing. A close race it will be between the two. Last pre-written question before I will open the floor to the audience. Cardinal, Who do you plan to appoint as your mayoral advisors if you get re-elected?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “There are many individuals to whom I could turn to for advice”


    Mary Lucille - “List a few for reference”


    Cardinal Arthur - “There are a few names which come to mind. Dax Illiquin is capable individual to whom I could turn to regarding the ISA”


    Cardinal Arthur - “Furthermore, I value Lauritz Christiansen for his business mind”


    Cardinal Arthur - “In fact, I would also he honoured to receive advise from politicians such as Grouch Carrington, in order to ensure that all view points are adequately represented.”

    Mary Lucille - “Well said. Grouch, what is your answer?”


    Grouch Carrington - “Well, I’m nae politician. But as fer the seats o’ the city council, I would appoint Mary Lucille here as City Clerk should Rylan Swint step down. Grey Galbraith shall serve as

    Chancellor of the Liveries, as his expertise has led them.”


    Grouch Carrington - “For the Chancellor of Culture, I intend ta appoint Renee Antoinette as she has already done much work fer tha city”


    Grouch Carrington - “And fer deputy, I intend to select Cardinal Arthur should I win as Lord Mayor!”


    Mary Lucille - “Now. If you have any questions for the two candidates, please raise your hand!”


    Tirilan Sentinel - “I’ve got a question for the candidates Miss Lucille.”


    Mary Lucille - “Oh. Yes, yes. Go on Mister Tirilan!”


    Tirilan Sentinel - “Grouch, Cardinal you both lead busy lives Cardinal of the Church and busy business man. Will you be stepping away from your current positions in any regard and how will your

    current responsibilities effect your work as Lord Mayor?”


    Grouch Carrington - “I can take this one first”


    Mary Lucille - “Very well. Go on, Mister Grouch!”

    Grouch Carrington - “Thankee fer yer question, Tirilan. As of now I do work as clerk, & the Master o’ Mercers. I intend ta pass the Master o’ Mercers title to Kinsrell Commandore. I intend to stay workin’ as Clerk if I am Mayor.”


    Grouch Carrington - “So, I plan to see no conflict o’ interest or time between my positions”


    Mary Lucille - “Cardinal, if you would”


    Cardinal Arthur - “It was St. Noah of Petrus who served simultaneously as Bishop of Istria and Lord Mayor of Petrus.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “In honor to this old Orenian tradition, i believe that the duties of a cardinal of the Church and the Lord Mayor of our Empire’s capital are eminently compatible. Each office magnifies and supports the other.”


    Cardinal Arthur - “Although I do intend to resign my position in the Church as Prelate of the Priesthood, passing it on to my successor, in order to focus more on my civic duties.”


    Mary Lucille - “Is there any more questions?”


    Tandrred Falkenrath - “Ich have ze next question!”


    Trilan Sentinel “Thank you both for your answers”


    Mary Lucille - “Mister Falkenrath, ask away!”

    Tandred Falkenrath “Vhat ist jour opinion on ze Rights of Man? Und ze zecular ztate?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “That is an interesting question”


    Cardinal Arthur- “Regarding the rights of man, I am completely in support of these. They are God-given, for man and elf alike”


    Mary Lucille - “As I hope everyone would be, Cardinal Arthur!”


    Cardinal Arthur - “However, I am unsure of wat you mean by ‘secular’ state though. Could you elaborate further, Mr. Falkenrath?”


    Tancred Falkenrath - “Ja.. ist often ztated by ze Josephite party zat religion should nicht play a direct role in ze governing of ze ztate, vhut is jour outlook on zis?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “Ahh. I would say that state is not a secular, according to the popular definition. This is the holy Orenian Empire, and it is the High Pontiff who crowns our great Emperor.


    Cardinal Arthur - “It was the prophets, Ex. Godfrey and Ex. Sigismund who founded our Empire, nearly four hundred years ago. When Oren is holiest, it is greatest for its people. God commands us to love all.


    Cardinal Arthur - “And for good measure, I would say most Josephites I know do not support this ‘secularization. To do so would be to question our good Emperors legitimacy, which I sincerely doubt any here would support”


    Mary Lucille - “Agreed”


    Mary Lucille - “Grouch, you have the floor”


    Grouch Carrington - “The rights o’ man & elf are the buildin’ blocks o’ our society. I support both the spirit & the letter o’ the law to outline the numerous rights of our citizens.”


    Grouch Carrington - “To speak on secularization, I will say that the state has many facets. For example, a clerk sells a man a house. This act perhaps has no ties to the church, but as the bishop said, this is the HOLY Empire o’ man.


    Grouch Carrington - “It is GOD’s light that drives up to seek the best world below the heavens” 


    Mary Lucille - “One more question from the audience!”


    Augusto d’Aultun - “I’ve a question!”


    Mary Lucille - “Oh, quick. Yes, Augusto?”


    Augusto d’Aultun - “Aye... urgent! I've read and heard of the... sewer gator. What do you two plan to do about it?”


    Grouch Carrington - “I’ll make this very clear”

    Grouch Carrington - “No black-smith muncin’ grime & much occupyin’, four ton Sewer Gator is gonna stand a’tween me & the Helena I know is possible!”


    Grouch Carrington - “A vote for Grouch is a vote for a dead sewer gator!”


    Augusto d’Aultun - “Inspiring, truly”


    Mary Lucille - “Cardinal, your response?”


    Cardinal Arthur - “I promise to devote a contingent of Holy Knight to scour the sewer in search of this beast.


    Mary Lucille - “Damn Gator..”


    Mary Lucille - “Okay. That concludes this debate!”


  5. The Honorable Company of

    Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors




    • The Honorable Company of Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors was nominally formed in 1448 when members of the Messy Medieval Company were granted a Royal Charter by King Henry of Oren. Members of the Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors Company have served the Imperial State for years as the foremost guild of architects, responsible for the construction of the cities of Helena, Ves, Adelburg, Felsen, Brelus, Petrus, and Abresi.
    • In 1762, the Company of Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors was declared extant by Imperial writ and the following entities were grandfathered in as constituent corporations.
    • Denims Designs
    • Lloyd’s Premium Concrete Mixes
    • As of 1763, the Master of the Company of Tylers is Douglas Denims. [Grool#6871]

    Goals and Assessments

    • Devise a plan to build more homes and apartments for the influx in population Helena has been receiving
    •  Ensure houses, apartments, shops, and more are up to code, preventable of collapse, and safe for families and citizens to thrive
    • Communicate with government officials where to build and construct new homes
    • Allow houses or apartments to be readily available to those when needed
    • Create an expansion plan for the city
    • Make sure that evictions are followed through and that houses are ready when available
    • The following items are those that the Honorable Company of Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors have exclusive control over:
    • Building materials included and not limited to
    • Bricks, terracotta, walls, fences, posts, and stone
    • Building accessories included and not limited to
    • Windows, doors, trap doors, and signage
    • Helena uses a variety of materials when building, therefore the company has exclusive control over any building needs


    The Honorable Company of Tylers, Bricklayers, and Paviors is located above Nauzica Square 5 (The book store). You can get up by heading to the back deck and making your way up the stairs.



    - Livery Master

    - Vice Livery Master

    - Supervisor 

    - Lead Architect 

    - Architect

    - Paster 





    For Senate





    Great people of Helena,

    I am Julian Lombardi, here to run for the Imperial Senate to represent our great province. Today, I announce a fresh face in this race, eager to bring my belief that all citizens can enjoy the right to employment.

    I am two and twenty years of age and began my start in owning a small business here in this great capital. I profess the Rashidun Faith and believe in a society that is equitable and just to all of our citizens.

    A pluralistic and diverse Oren is one that draws on this great strength to achieve anything and all challenges.


    My belief is in the dream that all Orenian people deserve to attain for themselves: the Right of Life, Liberty, and Trial. These attributes serve as the pillars of a modern state and it is our job to protect them. I understand the struggle of earning wealth and building up a life to compete and comfortably live. That is my motivation for this campaign. That is why as a candidate for the Imperial Senate; I seek to uplift our people by broadening employment opportunities. 


    We must be a compassionate state, fostering the greatness of all people to realize their potential and guarantee the Right of Life and Liberty to all who seek to earn it. That is why I am calling for a guarantee on work for all citizens of Oren! My plan would propose we devote more of our resources to make jobs on the public wage payroll. Together, let us strive to advance wealth and growth to those who need it most. From my personal experience, we can uplift all those in our society and bring up greater prosperity for the future of this Empire. I thank you all and I hope to earn your vote in this election year.


    ~Julian Lombardi



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