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Posts posted by cappor


    Sensory Wisps



    Art from Avatar




    Originating from the early creation of the voidal plane, Sensory Wisps have long lived within a hidden and complex web, one that all means of consciousness and thoughts lay atop. These wisps are merely a figment of this web, having no physical properties to be left with just the mental wasteland of the void.


    For eons Sensory Wisps have been subjected to the endless voidal plane, only recently having made sight in the physical realm. With the ripping of voidal tears, connecting the mental plane to the physical world emerged these wisps, releasing into the realm as we know it. What brought these wisps to attention is their seeming ability to predict ones future, acting as an omen of sorts. Many seek Sensory Wisps in means of fortune telling, hoping to discover anything about their near future.



    Physical Description


    Sensory Wisps are similar in physical appearance to that of a sea jellyfish, with streaming tentacles trailing their movements. They’re observed floating in the wind, similar to a feather in a calm breeze. Their arms join in a webbed affixion, meeting just above their main bodily structure. As Sensory Wisps hold no physical properties, they’re left texture less, leaving only the visual representation of interwoven fibers wrapping their center mass. 


    The total length of these creatures vary by wisp, some being a mere few inches long and others many feet. It’s noticed that each wisp has a unique pattern on both their tentacles and their body. With no purpose to evolve, Sensory Wisps have kept their appearance near identical since the beginning of their time. Sensory Wisps variate their pigmentation, ranging from a deep red to a vivid white depending on the future they’re portraying.


    Sensory Wisps have no mental aspects or conscience




    Sensory Wisps hold the feat of Sensory Illusion and are best known for their ability to portend one's future, acting as an omen. It’s typically unexpected when Sensory Wisp(s) crosses your path, but when one does, you’ll begin to feel lightheaded, with dim flashing lights appearing before you. You may also see quick and vague glimpses of hallucinations, ones that depict your future. Though it should be known, these omens aren’t, and never will be completely accurate, and may even give completely wrong tellings. If you near a wisp they’ll float away, traveling in a swift and random pattern. Although, if you do happen to touch one, you’ll get a sudden bright flash followed by a few seconds of an upcoming major event in your life, whether it be true or not depends on one's fate. You’ll then get knocked for likely a few hours. 


    Mages with a strong connection to the void will experience harsher side effects in the presence of Sensory Wisps, experiencing a deafening ringing, loss of energy, and extreme dizziness, though will also experience greater, longer, and precise predictions. 


    Different flashes of lights and colors of wisps will mean different predictions. They go as follows, 


    White - A tragic event will happen sometime in your near future


    Purple - Something good is in set for you 


    Red - A large change will occur to you or a loved one soon


    Blue - You’ll soon be met with a great realization



    Varying amounts of wisps in a single group have different meanings as well. The more wisps in a group, the more urgent they try to deliver a message.



    General Red lines/Restrictions

    • These predictions are nothing more than an omen, and will not predict with great accuracy 

    • Sensory Wisps follow the same redlines as Sensory Illusion

    • Sensory Wisps will never give a completely accurate prediction

    • Wisps cannot cause any sustaining injuries to a person

    • One cannot ‘capture’ a wisp

    • Sensory Wisps do not die, but once they’ve tired they vanish to the voidal plane

    • One cannot see Sensory Wisps unless they make themselves known

    • Can only be used in Player/Story events.


    Inspiration taken from Avatar's WoodSprites 


    Lore Referenced: 





  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Iscesi Velu'Asath


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Tanith Vursur


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  3. 40 minutes ago, AmericanSimp said:

    +1 I love this thing, but you'll probably want to look into going into a bit more detail on redlines. Especially combat related one, i.e. is it treated the same as a horse, or does it have some benefits etc. If it has benefits, what makes it harder to find/tame. 

    I appreciate the feedback!


    I went ahead and added general combat red lines.

  4. | The Colossal Beetle |




    Basic Information



    The Colossal Beetle is as the name implies, a colossal beetle. On average, an adult  measures at two and a half meter long and one meter tall, though may vary depending on each subspecies and it’s  inhabited lands. Due to the beetle's exceptionally tough and resilient exoskeleton, along with it’s natural instinct of isolation, it’s survived in the wild for multiple thousands of years with ease. These creatures stay in colonies, which can be seen as large as seventy-five but average thirty-five. A clear distinction of the sub-species of Colossal Beetle are their colors and traits that have allowed them to thrive in their conditions.


     While the Colossal Beetle has widespread availability the majority of the time, for about seven months every eleven years these creatures go into hiding. Though keep in mind, just untamed beetles go to hiding while tamed ones do not, limiting the availability of these insects during this time period.





    Inferno (Red)

    The Inferno beetle are found deep within the cracks and crevasses of volcanoes and caves. These beetles make for the shortest Colossal Beetle, standing at a height of just two and a half feet. The beetles natural short statured helps them climb in the rough and jagged terrain. The Inferno Beetle is also the most aggressive of the Colossal family, and are found to be near impossible to tame not only because of their aggravation, but also their location.


    Azure (Blue)


    The Azure Beetles inhabit the swamp trees and submerged roots. These insects make for great swimmers, but mostly stay in shallow waters and go no deeper than four hundred meters.  Below their elytra the beetles hold an air bubble that allows these insects to easily traverse the waters, only having to surface for air every few hours. The Azure Beetle are the most tranquil of the Colossal Beetle family, and are often tamed by fishermen.


    Verdant (Green)


    The Verdant Beetle live in the tallest grove trees within the toughest bark. For hundreds of years each tree has held the same colony of these Beetles, only leaving on a rare occasion. A strong adhesive can be found on the footpads of these insects which helps climb the strongest bark and tallest trees. These beetles are perfect for roaming the dense forests and are often seen mounted by those who dwell in the trees.


    Boreal (White)


    And the last of the Colossal Beetle subspecies are the Boreal Beetles. These beetles are the only of the family who live completely underground, dwelling in the deep roots of chilling spruce trees. The Boreal Beetles were originally discovered in the Atlas realm, though not long later went back into hiding after the great blizzard. Not much is known of these beetles in the current day, some suspect they’ve even gone extinct.





    Many hundred years back, in the realm of Athera, the Colossal Beetle was found deep within the bark of a vast natural grove tree. As time continued, more of these beetles were being discovered in all corners of the land. It hadn’t taken much time before it was attempted to tame a Colossal Beetle, though it was soon discovered it was nearly impossible to do so with an adult. Although, taking a baby beetle and raising it in a new environment seemed to give the beetle a different behavior. Once these beetles were raised to adults, they were used to haul resources across vast lands. Because of their lack of required food and water, and ability to climb rough terrain, the beetles could travel non-stop for days on end. These insects were quickly adopted by merchants, farmers, and fighters all alike.




    The process of taming a Colossal Beetle can be tedious, though if done right can result in a loyal worker and companion. To begin the process, one must steal a young beetle from it’s colony, of course without dying. It’s known that adult beetles are hostile to colony outsiders, and are especially angered when someone/something enters their territory. It’s important to remember unborn beetles cannot be taken to be raised, as they will die outside of the colony at such a young age. It’s best to try and take a few beetles at a time or else they may not grow with a calming behavior. Once you have the beetles they must be kept in the same environment they live in. For example, if you take Azure Beetles you must keep them in or next to a body of water. The tamer must grow a good relationship with the beetle and gain it’s trust. This is an important step, as the beetles may not become loyal to their owner if not done correctly. The taming process may take decades to fully complete, though it takes just roughly eight years to


    Life Cycle

    The Colossal Beetle life cycle begins as almost every insect does, an egg. It takes about eight months until it hatches to a larva where it’ll stay in this state for another eight months. Once it’s finally out of the larva it enters the pupa stage, where the beetles finally grow into children. The process of maturing from a child to an adult will take around eight years. In the children's stage of the Colossal Beetle's life, it spends its time in the colony, not entering the outside world until it becomes a full grown adult. At around ten years the beetle enters adulthood and leaves the colony for the first time to bring food and resources to those inside. These creatures live for about fifty years, though anything above forty-two is considered elderly and unfit to continue serving the colony.



    Red Lines


    These Colossal Beetle cannot live past the age of fifty-five


    Although carrying wings on their backs, Colossal Beetles are unable to fly


    Colossal Beetles can only get as large as three meters tall and one and a half meters tall.


     Only two to three eggs are laid at a time each five years


    Only weights upwards of one ton can be hauled on the Colossal Beetles back


    Their speed is limited to just twenty mph, though even that is considered very fast




    Combat Red Lines


    The bite of a beetle cannot tear limbs or cause any permanent damage


    In combat, all subspecies of the beetle are just mountable, except for the Inferno Beetle which can leave a terrible sting moments after being bit


    The Colossal Beetle cannot be used in player combat, just events. ex. hunts and against other entities


    All beetles can withstand a powerful amount of force due to their hard exoskeleton



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