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Everything posted by LotsOfMuffins

  1. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Pending
  2. LotsOfMuffins


    Hello! As you can see, your app is almost ready, though there are some changes you need to make, But don’t worry; all you have to do is make the following changes: Your Powergaming Definition isn’t quite there yet. Please refer to the LotC wiki for help. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting Make sure you do them within 24 hours, or the app will be denied unless I am contacted! Whenever you are done or if you have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums or add me on discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page While you wait, you can join the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  3. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Under Review
  4. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Denied
  5. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey! As you can see, your application has unfourtunately been denied due to your 24 hours being up. As a reminder, here were the requested changes: The city of Belvitz does not exist in the land of Arcas, which is mentioned in your Character Biography. Please fix this In your Character Biography, you state that your character slew a bunch of undead as well as a lich. It’s unrealistic for your character to have done this by themselves. One of your Interesting Facts must be an obvious disadvantage. You state that your character is a novice of divine magic in your Interesting Facts. Your character cannot start with any knowledge of magic. In your Character Biography, you state that the lich became fragile without its undead companions. Why is that? You say that the lich was a necromancer in your Character Biography, but liches cannot learn necromancy. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Liches Don't worry though! You can try again right after and make sure you correct the things listed! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If I’m not around, you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Also, I recommend you read over the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  6. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Pending
  7. LotsOfMuffins


    Hello! As you can see, your app is almost ready, though there are some changes you need to make, but don’t worry; all you have to do is make the following changes: The city of Belvitz does not exist in the land of Arcas, which is mentioned in your Character Biography. Please fix this In your Character Biography, you state that your character slew a bunch of undead as well as a lich. It’s unrealistic for your character to have done this by themselves. One of your Interesting Facts must be an obvious disadvantage. You state that your character is a novice of divine magic in your Interesting Facts. Your character cannot start with any knowledge of magic. In your Character Biography, you state that the lich became fragile without its undead companions. Why is that? You say that the lich was a necromancer in your Character Biography, but liches cannot learn necromancy. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Liches Make sure you do them within 24 hours, or the app will be denied unless I am contacted! Whenever you are done or if you have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums or add me on discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page While you wait, you can join the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  8. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Under Review
  9. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Accepted
  10. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey, congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to the community of LotC! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [LotsOfMuffins#0119]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message LotsOfMuffins to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Lastly here is the new player guide, I recommend you look over it: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=New_Player_Guide I’ll see you out there!
  11. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Under Review Hello! As you can see, your app is almost ready, though there are some changes you need to make, But don’t worry; all you have to do is make the following changes: Your Powergaming Definition is not quite there yet. Please take a look at our Wiki for reference, and I suggest including an example to make sure I can tell that you understand. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting In your Character Biography, you state that your character has an understanding of animals and can sometimes communicate with them. This is a form of magic known as Druidism, and it must be learned through roleplay; your character cannot possess any knowledge of magic. Make sure you do them within 24 hours, or the app will be denied unless I am contacted! Whenever you are done or if you have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums or add me on discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page While you wait, you can join the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  13. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Denied
  14. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Accepted
  15. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey, congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to the community of LotC! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [LotsOfMuffins#0119]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message LotsOfMuffins to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Lastly here is the new player guide, I recommend you look over it: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1 I’ll see you out there!
  16. LotsOfMuffins


    Hello! As you can see, your app is almost ready, though there are some changes you need to make, But don’t worry; all you have to do is make the following changes: Your Powergaming Definition isn’t quite there. I recommend including an example to make sure I can tell you understand what it means. In addition, I recommend you take a look at our Wiki for reference. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting Make sure you do them within 24 hours, or the app will be denied unless I am contacted! Whenever you are done or if you have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums or add me on discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page While you wait, you can join the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  17. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Under Review
  18. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Accepted
  19. LotsOfMuffins


    Yes! Looks all good! Sorry I didn’t reply soon; been at school and then sleeping. Hey, congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to the community of LotC! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [LotsOfMuffins#0119]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message LotsOfMuffins to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Lastly here is the new player guide, I recommend you look over it: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1 I’ll see you out there!
  20. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Denied
  21. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey! As you can see, your application has unfourtunately been denied due to the 24 hours being up. As a reminder, these were the requested changes: Your Character Biography needs to include at least one lore reference. You can find lore on your character’s race and Arcas in our Wiki. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page Don't worry though! You can try again right after and make sure you correct the things listed! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If I’m not around, you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Also, I recommend you read over the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  22. LotsOfMuffins


    Changed Status to Accepted
  23. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey, congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to the community of LotC! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [LotsOfMuffins#0119]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message LotsOfMuffins to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Lastly here is the new player guide, I recommend you look over it: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1 I’ll see you out there!
  24. LotsOfMuffins


    Hello! As you can see, your app is almost ready, though there are some changes you need to make, But don’t worry; all you have to do is make the following changes: Your Metagaming and Powergaming Definitions aren’t up to LotC standard. Please refer to the Wiki for help. I suggest looking at the examples in the Wiki as well to get a better understanding. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting Your Character Biography mentions the Republic of Salvus, but that existed in Athera, not Arcas. Please check the Wiki for lore from Arcas, the current map. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Arcas You must include at least one obvious disadvantage in your Interesting Facts. Make sure you do them within 24 hours, or the app will be denied unless I am contacted! Whenever you are done or if you have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums or add me on discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki:https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page While you wait, you can join the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  25. LotsOfMuffins


    Hey! As you can see, your application has unfourtunately been denied due to the 24 hours being up. As a reminder, these were the requested changes: Your Powergaming and Metagaming Definitions don’t meet LotC standards. Please refer to the Wiki for help. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming Your Character Biography must be at least five sentences long. Your Character Biography needs to include at least one lore reference. Please refer to the Wiki for lore on your character’s race and Arcas. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net In your Interesting Facts, you state that your character has been to space. This is impossible. Please include at least one obvious disadvantage in your Interesting Facts. Your Character Description needs to be a physical description of your character. This can include eye colour, hair colour, height, etc. Don't worry though! You can try again right after and make sure you correct the things listed! Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord at LotsOfMuffins#0119. If I’m not around, you can also use the new player discord which is right here: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow AT members can help you that way! Also, I recommend you read over the wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
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