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Posts posted by TheCapybara


    Braun's Farewell



    Within the halls of the Augustine, servants would be rushing around to give off scrolls tied green ribbons- all the way to the simple lower nobility of Oren to the Emperor himself.






    To the courtiers of the Augustine,


     I do not have long till I depart from illness which god has so cruelly given me. I only wish I could have done more in life, maybe my successor shall overpass my failure of a Seneschal to you all. Sometimes I think what if I had stayed in the streets, denied the de Joannes before they had rebelled. I question what if I had not helped his lordship, Emil-Dardot Ashford de Falastaff, escape from Oren before he was promptly returned. Oh I remembered the day I helped that foolish count escape Orenian hands. We met near the church and had given him a costume to wear, I made him act like an old man whom was a long lost relative. As much as I feared I would be caught, I was not and we ran away in the wind.


    One woman who made me afraid was her ladyship, Emerentia de Falastaff nee Kovachev. Oh she seemed to see through the disguise, but at the same time she seemed to be mourning the death of her husband. But besides my confession of betraying my nation, I do love it very much even if I had done one horrid betrayal. But I wish to not think what would have had happened if I was caught but think of the good times in life before I perish like the ones before me. The days of old were nice, I was sixteen and a maid to the de Joannes household, how kind Alexander, Owyn, Caius, and all of them were. They treated me like one of their own it felt like. But maybe this thought is me simply going mad as I weaken.


    Then, the memory of me joining, her excellency is a serene woman. Truly one of my greatest friends in some times. We did not talk as much but I still felt like she is a wise as a king and kind as a saint. I remembered serving the Emperor, Joseph II, some food with others, oh how I prided being a servant. But then right when I got that Seneschal position! my legs were burnt to a crisp!  I do guess it was the start of the end, but at the same time a start for myself to keep the court somewhat stable along with her excellency and now the new future countess consort of Valles. But now-


    I must say farewell Augustine, as much as it pains me. Death comes for all and we cannot fear what is always with us.


    Sincerely, Madame Ingrid von Braun, Lady Seneschal of the Augustine.


    May god bless you all.




    After the Seneschal had written her farewell and order them to be sent around the Palace, she would cough a bit before letting out a smile and peacefully fell asleep within her bed. Only one thought was left in her mind. How she cannot wait to finally meet her mother and father and her other relatives. Finally, some love. As sad she might be to leave her loved ones as she was dying on her bed with her green eyes hidden and a smile on her face, she was also so very proud of what she had done and who she met and what she did in her life. To the bad to the good, the Madame knew that it was time to go and that what she did. She had finally passed.




    Transierunt eam!








    The PK is out! Thanks to Belle, Dogged, Yoppl, and so many others for such a good run! Till the next PK post!


    Also- for the ones confused cause my horrible writing, Madame von Braun helped a "tratoir" escape. I was honestly so scared to put this section in cause of ooc backlash but who cares. It is mineman lmao.




    “The stars are sure beautiful tonight, I wonder what they look like up close. It must be beautiful.” Alyssa commented towards herself with a humble tone while they sat on the shores of the far west. The ‘aheral questioned many things but only one thought stood out from the rest in her empty skull. Can one touch the stars or will they burn trying?


  3. “Oh woe me, I am such a stupid magi who knows not the danger of the void!” Alyssa comments towards herself while having a joking manner and taking a sip from their wine glass filled with Pruvian Port within the safety of her home. The ‘aheral was not annoyed or enraged at this article at all, but simply, amused.



    EDIT : It is night time so I am gonna have a lot of errors lmao.



    Maria Ashes would be in her room, brushing her hair softly on the seat in front vanity. Then, the woman had gotten news of the mighty Antonyus Horen. The young girl would then smile and simply comment towards the young maid whom told her of the news. "This is an epic moment, indeed." After her comment with the cheery tone she spoke with, they would then go back to brushing her hair in front of the mirror of her vanity within the de Savin estate.




    OOC :


    reactions on Twitter: "hey king you dropped this strong doge crown… "







    Natalya vas Ruthern would be playing her dolls as she heard the cries of her maids, brother, then other relatives from her mothers room. She thought that nothing could be wrong- maybe she told some sad story- but then. "MAMEJ! NO!" screamed out her younger brother. She knew- something was not alright and ran from her room into the halls to see her mother, gone from the world. Nothing could hold her back as she crashed onto the lap of her dead mother, crying and crying. Her eyes where fully red and watery. "MAMEJ! WHY DID YOU GO!"  As the child cried she would think of all the things that her and her mother will never do.


    She will never sip tea with her mother once she is older, never pick a dress with her, never see her mother smile as she walked down the aisle to be wed in the far future, none of it- it was too much for her to think. The sorrow from her screams and sobbing was too much, overwhelming.

    Now- the child is within the ruby of the empire, walking along the streets with a feather which her mother had given to her before her passing. She heard John Alexander d'Arkent acknowledging her, but she ignored such- she couldn't speak- she lost her voice from all of the crying from before. As the Child walked the streets alone, she had her head lower to cover the red in her eyes from her tears. This day- the child truly lost her sense of childhood, her sense of- happiness. She knew now- the world is cruel and hard.


    Maybe they could meet one day again, but, not now- just not yet. It will be a long time till then.




    You could maybe try to play or make some big bad evil dude who wants to destroy the world or whatever. Maybe try some dark magic? I wouldn't know who to suggest or whatever for those special magics or whatever but like. More vilians are needed. Or maybe make some merchant man. Those are nice.




    The Seregon's Sorrow







    Music :



    Around the descendant cities, on tavern boards to walls in the alleys, they would be paper pinned to the walls and boards, the paper saying if read.




    Greetings all who come upon the rant, my pen which shall speak of how my heart is filled with wrath for all who walk upon the world, the ones who push forward for more blood. The dwarves have lost their minds thinking the Azdrazi reside near Providence. They truly need to read the room and realize that Azdrazi exists everywhere. Not just in one place. Additionally, the recent attack on Elysium is brutal, it is not some just cause to act like gods. The one who acts like gods, who think they can make people shall be crushed by a blade of justice in the future, shall it be the death of one of their kin or them dying a brutal death by a horrid illness.


    I condemn the Orenian leaders for doing such a horrible crime, allowing a whole city to starve. I also condemn the Norlandic people for so quickly declaring war without a thought of what might come, blood is not a solution to a problem. As an ‘aheral, I have always been taught that all others are leasers, the ‘aheral are supreme. I come to think this every day, I wish not to as all descendants are beautiful, not all but, all should be given compassion and mercy.


    Was the pain of so many mothers and children from the past, not an omen of why war brings nothing but deviation. Will any of you learn that we must not kill each other so much as we all are descendants. Were the battles in Arcas to protect each other from the Inferni invasion not enough to tell that we need each other? How right some might be that we are selfish. So I plead that this war ends soon. I am a simple nobody, a crystal in the sand, a spec. But I still feel a push that I have to say something and cannot stay silent. Additionally, both the Duke and Liluth, are not truly them I think, declaring so easily that they surrender. At this point, how could I trust what the Orenians say? They burnt a whole field of crops to make the Norlandic people starve. These two did a sacrifice by me thinks, surrendering- to protect their own.


    Unlike their Orenian kin who do not care about the children or mothers. Their god is fake, all of your gods are fake. As we all return to death in the end. I do not deny the existence of any sort of deity, but I do deny it is valid to murder each other for that reason because someone tells you to do it. After all, you warmongers will never learn. That once someone dies, they will never come back and they will be punished for the deaths that are committed during this war of men and women with power. As you all act like gods, the people suffer under your iron fists.


    You might think your cause is valid but is truly invalid if someone has to die for that cause. I was blinded for a second when I saw a certain Corbin Wick, heard of the crimes he committed. But I was then stopped by him, hearing his side of what he had done. I was moved as I knew that what he said could have happened, so- I didn't attack him. Hanseti lords, call me a heretic if you want, but you're also in a horrible warmonger boat for wanting to burn a woman alive then imprisoning me and a friend for trying to stop it then killing her so be quiet. But yes, if only we could strive for diplomacy- but no. You leaders wish to act like- Gods


    If we act blinded more and more by wrath, how could we ever band together if something like another invasion happens? We will be weak and defenseless as we fight each other. Why do we have to fight each other? Why must we make each other scream and cry more and more for causes of nothing- just going back to death once more for some useless causes.





    At the Bottom of this notice it would have a signature with some additional words-


    Sincerely with much hatred, sorrow, and sadness to my fellow Descendants of Alamaris, Alyssa Seregon.




    I wish to say at the bottom this is no punch or whatever oocly, this is simply my character being angry! And if you have such a horrid problem with that then- I dunno what to do for you, take a chill pill or whatever. Cause at the end of the day this is mineman.


  8. An ‘aheral would clutch her left fist as she punched the door of her room with passion and anger, the woman clearly upset after reading the news. “This isn’t war, this is straight up starvation. They are brutal, the Norlandic people. But their children and mothers do not deserve to starve. The orenians are not gods, their emperor is mortal and will die painfully for his sins, not by blood but by whatever deity of the world.” Alyssa commented while trembling, her expression enraged. She knew she had do to something, and with that, they went to their vanity and started to write.



    1 minute ago, gohliad said:


    At the notion of the Governess' exit, Juliya hopped up from her seat - kitten in arms - and wandered off further into the palace. "Adio, then!" She chimed to the remaining few.


    Natalya vas Ruthern would smile as she simply sat upon the soft seat with many of the ladies enjoying their time- but then, Mary and Elizabeth left. Then Anna and Juliya left, she followed along, walking and keeping up an elegant pose with a slight haste. The little Ruthern child still keeping up a smile while leaving.



    Maria Ashes is terrified to meet the Duchess of Savinia- frightened to say. The bastard would take a deep breath and prepared herself to meet the matriarch. "Lord have mercy on my soul." Commented the amber eyed woman while signing the lorraine with a calm tone and mere seconds after she had decided to see the Duchess.



    “For the death of the man who brought my teacher pain!” Alyssa said while opening a champagne bottle and pouring the golden liquid into a wine glass where she would take a large sip from the glass, before, doing a little victory dance with a cheery smile while inside of the garden at the sea side estate she lived in, the sea this day being nice and smooth, the sun bright but the wind was cool and calming



    I wish to say Lhindr_ as much as your character was a creep and such or whatever to me or some. He did do a lot and was a large impact on the Orenian community. So I thank you a lot for making such an amazing character! ❤️



    "Hmm....." The young Ruthern child, Natalya Theresa, thought while practicing her writing within the County of Kositz, located near a wide and cold river within the lands of the Holy Orenian Empire. Then in mere seconds of her first thought which was spoken loudly, she would continue speaking with a calm and elegant tone from before. "I do guess the Carrington branch of d'Arkent has been very successful but always had their deep flaw for drama and scandals- what a shame." As the small girl finished her thought, she would go back to her studies- taking a sip of tea from her left, then a bite from a chocolate chipped muffin, which laid upon a beautifully decorated china plate, to her left before continuing her studies



    I really like this idea for the clerics because I would think the clerics would be all happy sunshine and rainbows but how your written it is beautiful as it seems clericalism is way more strict then the path for that good ole high elf purity. Kinda seems like Clerics would live sucky lives to be honest- and I like that idea. Cause to be honest in a situation of someone following a god of purity or whatever, they would most likely be super unforgiving and with strict rules or whatever. (I dunno it is just beautiful love it here you get that good green plus one! +1)



    Alyssa would look at the letter with slightly widen eyes of shock and horror- then quickly without a single thought the Seregon would throw the notice into the flames, watching the letter burn into the roaring flames for a couple minutes until commenting with a stern tone. "Hell. No. I will NOT- get any demonic shat! No thanks!" After the 'aheral's comment with her stoic expression, she would grab the tea cup in front of her and silently sip it and looking into the beautiful ocean view within the gardens of her home.



    Mariana Lucreiza di Montelliano greets her distant cousin within the Seven Skies with a tight embrace and a soft and warm smile with the infamous Nicoletta of Alstion, the coal haired woman simply letting out a soft breath of reassurance and kindness. Finally, the lone woman, was less loner then before.


  16. 9 minutes ago, latteTM said:


    Halaena Elibar'acal would roll her eyes at the Seregon's actions, lofting up her hands to cross them over her chest. "You're in a public area, llir. EVERYONE can hear you." a nod then , as the woman would start to head off. "Damn diarchists!" 


    "Mind your own business young 'aheral." Alyssa shouted towards the Eli'bar'acal with an annoyed tone, letting out a loud sigh as she would walk off of the beach and back to the estate which she lived in. "Can I not simply rant and wash my clothing peacefully- children like you. So silly. So Foolish. " The 'aheral said while walking off, before being gone from the area where the young teen jump scared her and back at the safety of her home.


  17. 14 hours ago, latteTM said:


    Halaena Elibar'acal would take a grey glance towards the 'aheral, cringing at the woman's yapping. "Damn crazies , ai' swear to Larihei."


    Alyssa would turn to the Elibar'acal with a raised brow. "Child, why are you stalking me in this empty beach? please leave, know what. I will instead." Would pick up her umbrella, blanket, and rest of her beach items to walk off and washing bucket with the clothing still inside of the bucket! Muttering under her breath in a low tone with a very confused and slightly annoyed tone and facial expression "Crazy Teenagers, am I right?"  Leaving the empty beach with the stalking Elibar'acal behind her, the Seregon feeling slight fear after this incident.



    "This is a funny joke. Anyways. Back to my heathen tactics and my attempts of seduction on men's hearts to make them corrupt and evil." Alyssa would say with a sarcastic tone and small grin while speaking with her mother, Dele Seregon, within the walls of the small house her mother bought in the wintry capital of Haense- the city Karosgrad. After this, she would go over towards the fireplace and toss the notice into the flames, the 'aheral's grin only grew more after it was fully burnt, then walked back to the table to go on with drinking tea with her mother.


    In the far east- a certain Lady Seneschal of the Augustine Court threw the paper into the trash right after getting it from a young and frail maid with much haste and speed- saying to the maid who gave the weird notice to her. "Humanism does not mean kill all elves- stupid men." After Madame von Braun's annoyed comment with her very annoyed expression, she would order the maid to leave the office in a calm and nice tone. Then after doing so, she would waddle back to her desk with her cane to start doing the paper work, ordered by the governess and princess imperial for the social season coming up.





    "Nice job Haelun'or! After losing all fairness in a republic! You now pissed off a warmongering nation of warriors, you guys need a medal for making a huge mistake!" Alyssa commented with a wide grin, letting out a wide laugh before going back to washing her clothing near the salty waters of Sutica. As the 'aheral washed her clothing-she would then sigh, her expression showed sadness and sorrow as she would then comment "My home really went downhill, maybe it was always corrupt from the start."


  20. Oh . . . Yikes- that emote. Uhm- Yeah that is a big . . . Yikes . . . 

    Emotes like that, shouldn’t be so simple. It seems a bit low effort roleplay when to you think about it, mainly on the subject on doing spells and such.


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