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Posts posted by tadabug2000

  1. Renata Alba uttered something upon the study of this months Zodiac fortunes. "The blood moon is cursed.." Her gaze fell back upon her son, worry to her gaze. Her sweet baby has never felt the warmth of the sun. She could hardly imagine such a thing! The new mother made sure to check her fortune, alongside his, to assure she can protect him properly.

  2. Renata Alba, sister of the groom, knew exactly what she would wear for the wedding. But whatever shall she dress her child in? She peers down upon the grumpy two month old with a perplexed expression. Surely, he should be dressed finely. "Thiago, how should Madre dress you?" came the woman's cooed question.

    The baby offered no reply.

  3. AD_4nXfygrveF6VcL2IIBl0LHiPAcMoex5KvkE5VxAWWk-l2Ii6_3F1mjI6OR4Fdzx6B7jYvcvuo-LZ4Vo4EHlor2BTbgALwRYTuhsEaBowFHNBFkJOZstJn-Op-izRUOb7YHqvNclyqLE3uwuShaLd9ivZQKcEk?key=_B8kl6vKBlfTDojmfG2XTQ



    On the 13th of Maria’s Peace of 106 D.R.




    [!] A depiction of Thiago del Maravillas cradle.


    Late into the night, with the stars glittering brightly above, did the Princess-Royal Renata Alba and her husband Carlos del Maravilla welcome in a child. Sporting the darkened hair of his father, and                  his mothers eyes, a son was welcomed into their household two Saints nights ago.


    Lord Thiago Ferdinand Jago Sol del Maravilla


    Born beneath the Hyspian Zodiac of La Cantuta, the dual Baronial household of del Maravilla wishes the newborn babe peace and serenity in all that he does. The Lord Thiago has been baptized in private within the Church of Blessed Francisco, and the family asks that people pray for this new life.



    On the matter of heirship, despite Lord Thiago being the firstborn, the heirship will be considered meritorial. It matters not when you were born, but instead what you do with your lot in life and how you make use of it. Upon the Baronial couple's youngest child reaching the coming-of-age of fifteen, the heir will be announced.




    Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla,

    Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorado, Dual Baron of Soles Gemelos, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts


    Su Señor, Carlos del Maravilla, Baron-Consort of Clemente, Ministro de Interior

  4. The Condesa de Caño Raya was swaddled within a bassinet of silks, her storm blue gaze following a mobile overhead.


    It slowly rotated, hosting varying charms to delight and entertain the babies mind. Rocking horses careened overhead with feathery chickens following in its wake, the prancing of animals followed by the golden sun of Hyspia and dual crowns. Tinkling sapphires broke up each charm, a delight to the mind.


    A series of handmaidens and nannies stood at the ready, to care and tend to the child's every need.


    A golden spoon ticked gently against a bottle, the milk warm as it was brought before the Princess.


    Born into the lap of luxury was the heiress, for she would one day rule over the Hyspian people.


    Xiomara enjoyed her meal, and playful mobiles faded away as her eyes drifted closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

  5. "It really is the season of weddings," The Hyspian woman mused aloud. A glance trailed over to her husband and the strangely purple Flamingo he'd brought back as a gift, before her head shook singularly. Renata Alba marked the date on her calendar, before thinking what may be a suiting gift for the Baronial couple.

  6. Renata Alba looked over the missive. Her Uncles death was announced, on the very day of her wedding, and Dimitris own daughters wedding. A cursed time, certainly - for such a joyous day to be saddened by such news. She sat within her quarters, having set herself at her desk amidst flickering candle light. A lady-in-waiting, one different to her usual, would provide her a glass of warm milk with softly ushered words.

    Renata ignored the woman for the most part, folding the missive as she put out the candle before her.

    "Rest in peace, Tio.

  7. EnhlIgLOzI9WzHwdaAC-Xynp4M3jX8dRubFENIWkElWWfw8M19YRpFqN-Z6Qgpaj6dWm042SAK9TrXXMt40_ZMpjdE4ZZe3Tjj3Yll4ev91gl_i6za6Kb-ZvIfkp13y0SjVRBN9ijZPKBjMV1XjR3r0



    7th of Javier’s Justice, 104 D.R





    An artist's depiction of an artisanal Hyspian bouquet.


    With a fruitful engagement after Hyspias El Puente, it brings the royal household of de Pelear and the Baronial household of Salazar much joy to announce the matrilineal union of Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba Francisca Estefania Palmira de Pelear, Princess-Royal of Hyspia and Lord Carlos Lorenzo Juan Salazar. 


    Through varying trials, they grew fond of each other and now wish to invite family and friends alike as they bind together in matrimony.



    The wedding will take place in the Church of Blessed Francisco within Hyspia - where it will be encouraged to bring donations for the church in lieu of gifts for the bride and groom.


    [Friday, May 31st, 4pm EST]



    In celebration after the wedding, the wedding party will gather within the recently renovated palace lounge, where they may enjoy music, food and games.






    Su Alteza Real, Ramona I, Sovereign of Hyspia and her household


    La Honorable, Maria Denodado, Vizcondesa de Bandera and her household


    Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baronesa de Campagnon and her household


    Su Senór, Joaquin and Gabriela Salazar, Baron de Campos Salvajes and his household


    The brides household


    The grooms household


    The citizenry of Hyspia




    Su Alteza Real, Santana Leya, Crown Princess of Hyspia


    Su Alteza, Inigo Andres, Prince of Hyspia


    Su Alteza, Solana Aracely, Princesa of Hyspia


    Su Alteza Real, Ariadne Casimira, Princess of Balian


    Su Alteza Real, Ophelia Johanna, Princess of Balian


    Su Alteza Real, Mona, Princess of Dunfarthing


    Su Alteza, Rafael Arsenico, Infante of Hyspia


    La Honorable, Cosima Temesch, Viscountess of San Adriano


    Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baronesa de Campagnon


    Su Senór, Conan, Thegn of the Norn


    Senórita Esfir Amador, heiress to the Viscounty of Zvezlund


    Senór Demitrey Denodado


    Senór Pedro Salazar 


    Senórita Ornella Roa


    Senórita Amelia Miramari


    Senórita Adelina van Leuven


    Senórita Liesbeth Kort


    Senór Aleksey Campos






    Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba,

    Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Courts


    His Lordship, Carlos Salazar,

    Canciller de la Patria

  8. Mariposa Murietta peers down upon her son from the Seven Skies, pride and sorrow alike swelling in her chest. Nonetheless, she found joy as she peered upon her husband, reunited with him after much time. She steps over, arms wrapping over him in a hug. "Our son.."

  9. Gabriela Salazar allowed a smile to form as the meeting had come to an end. The Baroness busied herself in clean-up, before later going home to share the new missive with her husband.










    It was as mid-day hit, and Hyspias sun grew the hottest, that the birth of a child came. One that cements the beginning of the legacy of the newly named Salazar Barony; a baby girl.


    The baby girl mirrored her fathers eyes, a cobalt blue and hosted her mothers hair coloring in a full head of hair. Swaddled and kept close while surrounded by her adoring family, her name was announced:


    Lady Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar



    The name was after two female figures in the parents' lives, each of great importance. The first, after the Crown Princess Santana Leya and the second after Joaquins mother, Estrella.



    In the establishment of the Salazar legacy, the inheritance set forth will be of a meritorial nature. The heir to the Salazar Barony will be announced once the youngest born comes of age at fifteen, and given the years before that to prove themselves for the heirship.



    As is in Canonist fashion, the newborn Lady will be baptised in the church of Blessed Francisco. The baptism will be open to friends and family to attend as they wish.




    SU SEÑOR, Joaquin Salazar, Baron de Campos Salvajes


    SU SEÑORA, Gabriela Salazar, Baronesa de Campos Salvajes, Dama de Honor


  11. "Oh! I must find a suiting gift," The Princess-Royal folded the invitation, and tucked it away for safe-keeping atop her desk. Amidst her desk lay many papers, order forms primarily, for floral arrangements, place settings and otherwise. She was planning her own wedding, afterall. Renata went on to mark her calendar, speaking closely with her lady-in-waiting, Amelia. "What screams 'congratulations'?"

  12. pl2lSKbEmoWvMVWqDcUcRvaIT05iPZ_AviyHXsvzmTrCAWozvbvgzay-XeSw5HIRkrrJNyax2447L_6S6poG5JtzG2dX0xHL17jHNibuXprkadIA-9eECu7NdMkrWrUvfzFAotQt5QAabwGTda92pdQ




    On the 14th day of Maria’s Peace of 103 D.R.





    A daughter of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne.




    A son of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne.


    What Are They?

    The Infanta, or Infante, is a special role within Hyspian society that exists within a gray area. Considered that of lesser royalty, they can only be born from the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne, and only if the second-in-line did not marry out.


    Should these ambiguous conditions be met, an Infanta or Infante is born. Stylized with the honorific of ‘Your Highness’, they are considered to be above the noble-born Lord and Lady but below that of the royal-born Prince and Princess.


    Their role in Hyspia is to provide for the crown and citizenry, and should the worst happen to the main-line, to take on the role of Princes and Princesses and to go on to lead Hyspia.


    An interesting fact:

    The first of their title and name to be known in history, is that of twins born to the Prince Arman of Hyspia and his consort, the Princess Harmen.

    Born in the year 1959 was His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and born shortly after him was Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba, as evidenced in this missive, ‘The Break of Daylight | The Birth of Twin Foals’.

    They would go on to set the precedent of what an Infanta and Infante may do and become.


    What Can They Do?

    While the lesser royals have fewer perks than their higher-ranked cousins, they still have quite a few advantages that differentiate them from those noble-born. 

    Much like their cousins, upon their fifteenth, they are granted a titular title to hold for their station that will go back to the crown upon death. This, more often than not, shall be a Barony.

    They are not granted a royal guard, and nor may they wear a tiara or crown - this honor reserved for their royal-born cousins. Instead, they may wear circlets or diadems.

    In case of debuts into society, or Hyspia’s El Puente, they may wear the heirlooms of their ancestors - a time in life which they may don the tiaras or crowns withheld otherwise when they debut alongside their royal-born cousins.

    Upon marriage, an Infanta or Infanta cannot make more of the title, but instead go on to make Lords and Ladies under their name - much like their royal-born cousins.


    An interesting fact:

    Should the work be put in by the Infanta or Infante, they can be promoted to that of a Prince or Princess, just the same as they may be demoted from their roles for a lack of work.

    This was showcased in the promotion of Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba to Her Royal Highness, Princess-Royal Renata Alba circa 103 D.R, as evidenced in this missive, ‘An Amendment to Titles’.

    Promotion does not change their position in succession, but  it does allow for the other benefits their royal-born cousins are granted, such as a royal guard and the honor of wearing tiaras and crowns.





    Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba,

    Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente

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