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Posts posted by tadabug2000

  1. MC Name: tadabug2000

    Character's Name: Yongheng-Hexie

    Character's Age: 11


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hou-Zi Fei-Zhu


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi race are race of monkey-like people, created by the Daemon Metztli, with three specific subraces, the Laobai-Zhu, Fei-Zhu and Hei-Zhu. A few things these subraces have in common, is fur covering nearly the entirety of their bodies, save for the middle of their face, with protruding noses and mouths. Their feet are much akin to hands, with quite large ears and pupil-less eyes. The Laobai-Zhu are considered the most common of the sub-races and their name actually translates to the “Common folk”,  being the most prevalent race back when the Hou-Zi had a great Empire, known to be fishermen, merchants and farmers in the Jing-Taiyun, they’re generally considered a jack of all trades, fur colors varying in shades of brown and heights ranging from 4’5-6 feet, known as the shortest lived sub-race. The Fei-Zhu are considered quite graceful and notably beautiful, with furs of bright colors. They are generally the Hou-Zis politicians, artists and such; ranging from 5’5-6’5 and are known to be the longest living of the Hou-Zi, but alas, weaker in strength then the other tribes. Last of the sub-races but certainly not least is the Hei-Zhu, massive and lumbering, they resemble Silver Back Gorillas quite closely. They are generally the soldiers of the Hou-Zi, loyal and quite brave, heights ranging from that of 6’0-7’5, when standing upright, furs ranging that of blacks and grays.


    Now, the Hou-Zi, interestingly enough, have two religions that they tend to follow: Shenjiao, worshiping the Godking, Hou-Shen, along with his sons and their ancestral spirits. And Huajiao, reverant of the Propet Hualian. These both are varying religions with a few key differences.

    Shenjiao is the oldest between both faiths, Huajiao becoming popular only in recent centuries, mainly among the common class Hou-Zi, such as the Laobai-Zhu. Shenjiao teaches of a place called the Heavenly realm, seen as a place of comfort and peace. The religion consisting of a three-tiered pantheon. Hou-Shen is the chief deity in Shenjiao, receiving more prayer and offering then that of the others, such as incense and music. Second on this tier, is Hou-Shens three sons, Hou Da, Hou-Ziao and Hou-Wang. They were considered the patriarchs and the embodiment's of three elements, wind, water and earth. Third on this tier being the ancestral spirits; said to consist of every Hou-Zi that has ever lived, the souls of them said to live in Heaven.

    As for the Huajiao religion, centering around the teachings of a Prophet by the name Hualian, a Fei-Zhu noble, who lived during the first war with Malin. These teachings include the four truths, consisting of these four quotes, quoted from the lore:



     “Life, by default, is defined by suffering.”

    “The root cause of suffering is the soul’s instinct to desire and crave.”

    “Suffering is eliminated through the release of all earthly desires, including love, wealth, family, and health.”

    And “The path to enlightenment is achieved through an eight-step process called the Eightfold Way.”


    The Eightfold way, also known as Ba Sheng Dao Fen, was a practice learned by shedding attachments to the early world and achieving true enlightenment.


    The Hou-Zi culture back with their empire was once quite prevalent, known for their love of jewels and such, most especially jade. They’d often make events, such as to show off their wealth and prosperity. After falling, their homes now mostly consist of mud huts and having a simple life, mainly attempting to survive, many pods of Hou-Zi missing each other in their travels.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC Name: tadabug2000

    Character's Name: Gorgeous De’Caroka

    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Wonks are amphibians, that tend to share certain traits of the descendants. They consist of two subraces, the Frog and the Toad, both varying in height and somewhat in color. These heights ranging from 4’1 to 4’7 for the Toads, and 4’6 to 5’0 for that of Frogs and colors varying of greens, browns and the shades of the aforementioned colors, those their hands and feet can be that of a bright color, like reds. They have four fingers, much like an actual amphibian and their blood changes colors depending on their environment.

    A Wonk needs to keep wet, requiring to be submerged every so often, their skin cracking and flaking over time as they get older, losing its moisture. A Wonk can only have eggs once in their lifetime and don’t tend to have a difference in gender, neither male nor female but some may choose to say they are one, how some constructs may go by it in general. They have long, flexible tongues and don’t have much of a need to blink. Not only this but they can breathe underwater, with no worry of asphyxiation. Their lifespan is that of 120 years, being considered fully matured at the age of five. As for what was mentioned with the eggs, they grow on their back, eventually being laid in a body of fresh water, most dying in the process. The children will always be that of the sub-race of their parent, as well.

    They have a bit of a tribal culture, having originally been found by the Orcs when first coming across Arcas but most considered themselves as Reformed Wonks, adapting and taking on the Descendants way of life, having a fascination with what they do and how they do it.

    Lastly, the Wonks also possess a Lesser soul, keeping them from learning varying magics, such as voidal magic, among others.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Hi, there!

    I’ve been making some persona playing cards for a bit and was told there were those interested in it, so let’s get started.

    Some examples:


    In order to get one, just comment these things.

    Minecraft username:


    Linked picture of your persona:


    What you want the description to say:

    Number out of number [ex. 10/10]:

    Bottom text [What the number out of number will be of, ex. Toughness, Charisma, etc.]:


    That’s all! Costs 50 mina for one, if you wish me to message me on Discord it’s beautifulwatty#6584.

  4. [!] The High Aelkos, Alu’Rha’Kir and Tul’Tsisha, would each receive a letter and a consequent invitation from Ji’Umi Leparda and Sa’Savie to attend a gathering of the Kharajyr. 




    Where: Talons Grotto, Ji’Umis ship.

    Time: Malin’s Welcome, 1744, dinner.

    Extra: Food will be provided.




    [OOC: @chaosgamer, @EnderMaiashiro. 6PM PST, if possible. Can discuss time changes if needed. Hope to see y’all there! ❤️]

  5. MC Name: tadabug2000

    Character's Name: Honey

    Character's Age: 5


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Honey has up to this point been raised by a kind, elderly woman. As when Kharajyr are kittens, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between a real cat and a Kha. Her original family being dead, she was found, abandoned along with some other Kharajyr kittens, thought to be a litter of simple cats. Raised in a loving home, she grew up there until about the age of five, when the woman sadly passed of old age. Now, Honeys real adventure begins!



    The Kha have four races, Kha’Leparda, Kha’Cheetrah, Kha’Pantera, and Kha’Tigrasi. The Kha’Leparda being the most common of the subraces, the Kha’Tigrasi being considered that of a higher caste in battle and pride. The Kha worship the Daemon Metzli, their creator. They are known to have fur all over their bodies, with thick coats of fur, clothing consisting of tribal and exotic pieces. The Kharajyr mating rituals are quite interesting, as of the new Kha culture recently implemented, at the age of fifty, a Kha is generally ready to accept suitors. They’d invite those considered suitable candidates to a Lunar picnic, in order to assess if they’d made a good Metz’al and if they believe so, offer the other a fish. If the fish is accepted, a few Elven weeks from then, a proposal could be made. The ring generally of the Kharajyrs moon phase and the Kharajyr asking the other, first asking someone close to the Kharajyr in question, a best friend or family. If accepted, the ritual will happen at night, with some words said and such. The Kha has a language and accent of all their own, a few phrases of their own, though speaking mostly common. Often pronounced with ‘w’s or ‘u’s. The Kha have been through many alliances, broken or made and currently have no rights within most Nations, leaving them in constant danger. There are some Kha said to have revoked Metzli as their religion, known as Ape-Khas. Khas is considered fully matured at 15, being an adult at 130, most having died before then. [This is unless the new age thing they’re trying to get implemented goes through.] From about 0-5 years old, the Kha Kittens cannot speak yet, walking about on all fours. At 6-9, still a Kitten, they would begin to walk and talk but with great difficulty, their teeth growing in about that time. At 10-15, they are considered a cub, going through puberty. 16-130 being that of adulthood, able to speak fluently, though with an accent of course. A Kha's anatomy is rather interesting, their claws about one and a half to two and a half inches in length, their molars being one inch in length. They have enhanced hearing and increased photoreceptors (eyesight) allowing them to see better in a darker room than most races. A Kha would not be stronger than an Orc. Though, their metabolism and stomach is much like an Orcs, having the ability to eat anything, including flesh if needed.


    [This will be my second Kha, for reference.]



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. [!] A poster is put up anywhere legal within Arcas.


    To those reading this, Umi is looking for anyone who may know of a way or how to themselves of how she could get her voice back. Umis voicebox was torn out as a cub and she looks for a way to gain it back. Umi does know of one way, that of the Animii, an artificial voicebox could be made. If someone with this knowledge could come forth, or someone that could at least surgically insert the voicebox inside did, Umi would pay handsomely.


    Please bird Umi if you have a reply, please and thank you!


    [!] The poster is signed at the end, with a paw print with a UL in the middle.


    [OOC: Message or bird tadabug2000 or my Discord, beautifulwatty#6584.]

  7. 3 hours ago, Clare said:

    this is very well written, I cant wait to see them and see how things go for them! I love the art and that one once (( not to be mean to any other ca creatures )) a creature that has a purpose/goal. for the part of two genders, it adds something unique to lotc. it makes those with this better at infiltrating. most people would think someone having two genders so +1 for me! I hope you guys get accepted

    Ah, thank you so much! The support means a ton. ^.^ @Rapture had did the art, aka Blue_Due! It’s absolutely amazing. And I’m glad to hear about the dual-gendered and such. I’m really hoping this race feels a niche within LOTC, of non-pvp default RP. ❤️ 

  8. On 10/22/2019 at 6:09 PM, WACKO said:

    Moved to The Great Library. It shall be sorted into the appropriate category shortly.


    If you feel this is a mistake, please contact myself or any FM and we'll restore it. 

    Ah, hiya! Just saw this. This isn’t human rp and if you get the chance, could you move this over to the Marsumar part of the forums, please? ^.^ 

  9. 3 hours ago, clonky said:

    honestly, this lore was very well made and very interesting. You’ve added multiple aspects to it to make people eager to start playing the race! It’s something I haven’t seen before and I’m very excited to see if it comes to life. I believe a lot of people would like to participate in this, and I can’t wait to see it grow. You’ve definitely done a good job when creating it! ?

    Ah, thank you so much! We wanted people to be able to try out different aspects of rp with this, other then the usual, glad we got that intention through to others. ❤️

  10. 2 minutes ago, AtrexPieren said:

    I can't wait to study the predator habits of the Harpies, Nathair and Wonks. Bird eats Snake, Snake eats Frog.... then Frog it's Snake and Snake eats bird. Should be really interesting almost as interesting as live Kha carpets.

    That’s assuming we eat Frogs. XD

  11. Ilkri reads the note and then reads it again, tears blurring her vision. It falls to the ground as the Orcess turns, her fist smashing into the nearest wall. “Zkah, Marrow!” She’d cry, shaking her head. “If lat vantud tu git out ub dat favur zo nub’hozhly, kould ub juzt azked...” She’d trail off, head lowered and gaze on the ground. “Rezt vell, Bruddah. Mi luv lat.”


    -=-X-=-X-=-X-=-X-=-     Crimson University     -=-X-=-X-=-X-=-X-=-


    [!] A flyer is tacked up wherever is legal. On it, a looming building, in the back alleys of Marsumar. The words ‘The Crimson University’ printed across it.



    Crimson University is an institution of learning based out of Marsumar. Known to teach many things, such as medicine, cooking and even rumored; magic. 

    Bookshelves tower high within, filled to the brim with books from authors of all walks of life. Ranging anywhere from Monkhood to a man desperate for his love.

    We aspire to teach and for you to learn the practices that make Arcas what it is.

    Come now, join us.

    Aspire. Learn. Prosper.


    The Crimson University is officially accepting applications to those looking to teach their ways of the Trade. Find Ilkri in Marsumar, if you are looking for an interview. 


    [OOC: The Crimson University resides within Marsumar, x-1653, z 1260. If you are looking to teach here, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZk7HPhr9LqF2SVDpWpIr28r1PD5ZijI_uggKHLGOlueMV0Q/viewform]

  13. [!]--X--[!]  Fawoukh Vendor   [!]--X--[!]


    [!] A poster is roughly tacked onto any surface you may be looking at, so long as it is legal. It depicts a market stall, surrounded by the wares sold on all sides. Pictures of candles with funny quotes, animals hiding within Tokeballs and a variety of other items. Written in the end, as if an afterthought, it states. “Find this stall in Marsumar!” [!]




    The stall sells quite a few things, including:


    Hand-Carved Karin Toy: 30 Mina

    Hand-Carved Basilisk Toy: 30 Mina

    Hand-Made Woolen Doll With Basket: 30 Mina

    Grizzly Bears Claws: 10 Mina

    In The Moment Comedy Candle’s: 5 Mina

    Freshly Baked Walnut Bread: 4 Mina

    The Edict Ghost V.1: 30 mina

    The Edict Ghost V.2: 30 mina

    Sensory Therapy: 30 mina

    Tippens Root: 15 mina

    Blissfoil: 15 mina

    Serpent’s Stalk: 15 mina

    Cactus: 3 mina

    Feathers: 2 mina

    Paper: 2 mina



    [OOC: RP items are marked in red. Coords are X -1648, Z 1254. Or use the Marsumar map circling around. If you are having trouble finding it, bird tadabug2000.]

  14. Hi, there! It is recommended that you use your own skin if possible. As for the backstory and such, the current date is 11th of Snow’s Maiden, 1733, if it helps at all. Irrinor seems to be the main Wood Elf settlement at the moment, as for a place to have grown up and lived in. Usually, referencing a few pieces of lore helps quite a bit in your backstory. So, the Wood Elves religion [The Aspects mainly, I believe]. Irrinor and such. Hope this helps! ❤️

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