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  1. Roa Tribe Officialization As many know, the tribe of Roa has existed for a long time, being even before Neu Brandthof was erected, and I, Gregorius Roa, chieftain of the tribe of Roa, am happy to announce that the tribe is now an official part of the Duchy Of Minitz, after the previous moot was celebrated Objectives of the tribe As many might imagine, everything and everyone has objectives they want to accomplish, and for such I hereby present to you the objectives the tribe wants to accomplish, be it in a near of far future The First Objective is to protect the realm we are in, or to protect themselves if we are a realm in itself. The Second Objective is to bring knowledge to the people that trust us, be it from the youngest of children, to the most elderly of elders, if they trust us, and want to have our knowledge, we ought to share it The Third Objective is to bring harmon/tranquility to the real we are, because with no harmony, there will be no place to learn in, and not a single trace of the peace we say we want to protect The Fourth Objective is to earn money, I know all of you who are reading this might think this is a selfish and greedy wish of mine to earn more money than what I can even imagine. but. It is not for a selfish dream, it is to accomplish all the other objectives, this is the most important of them all. Because with no money, how would you buy books to teach the children with? how would you hire teachers that are able to teach them? with no money, how would you hire soldiers to maintain the peace and harmony of the realm? and even if you get to hire those soldiers, how would you buy them weapons to defend themselves and the realm they are in? Founding Members of The Tribe of Roa And Tribe's Names For it is our duty to remember those who we come from, I will announce those who first trusted on the tribe and betted their lives to step forward in the looks of a better future Gregorius Roa Hans Roa Valens Roa Reeve Roa The official surname of the tribe of Roa is going to be Roa itself, to differentiate who is inside the tribe, and those who are outside of it easily. As per the Law of the Kanun, it is thus that the Tribe of Roa shall don the secondary name of Eicher. Such shall be held by the spouses and offspring's of the tribesmen and women, who have not yet undergone their trials. Trials of Roa As the Reinmaren tradition dictates, one must pass trials to enter a tribe officially, so I hereby present to you all the trials one must go through to become an official member of the tribe First Trial: Trial Of Bestowment Be it in the ways of killing, crafting, or speaking, teach someone a useful skill that could work in their daily life; That is what the trial consist of, teaching someone you don't know, or know little, a useful skill they might use in their daily life This must be supervised by a high rank of the tribe, who will decide if the trial was completed or not Second Trial: Trial of Succor The trial consists on aiding someone, having a big struggle on their life, not just any trivial problem, this trial must be supervised by one major rank of the tribe, or, by defect, get the person that needed the aid to a high rank of the tribe, so they testify what they were helped with Rules of The Tribe On The election of new Chieftains: A new chieftain will be elected after a voting of the tribe members decides that is imperative to change it, the new chieftain will be elected amongst the members of the tribe through seniority on the tribe, and the good deeds they have made inside or outside; And reputation they have within the tribe. On The Tribe Laws: There is only two laws, because we follow the Kanun and base on that to be good Minitzers 1-Those inside the tribe must respect the people inside or outside of the tribe as they were equals, independently of the rank, and show respect to those who deserve it 2-The quarrels inside the tribe, will be solved inside the tribe, not involving people from the outside, only the lawspeaker or the Duke if necessary, but apart from that, no fight shall be solved with involving people from outside the tribe
  2. hello, The And I am new here to playing raedy to apply and play tom cThe Good i am going to apply its very expensive im not very smart no mouse but ican awlk or toalk wtf barbs killed my rockthrowers who can build a skin for me @Zhulik @Letharian or u @ShannonLeigh@Ron @Mikhael @Mickaelhz @breeni wtf @Trenchist@JokerLow @clown king @clownmanron @clownmanronrevived @clownmanronthesecondcoming @ClownTown123 @helloPaki2002 @Rovin@hammond @bob good @bob a builder @Sultan@Raomir@DPM @FlayAlt @GhazriaI@GhazrialAppeal@Ghazni@Islam@fleepeank@GhazrialGamingXD@GhazrialHascometoreadXDDDDDDDDDD@Robert@Robert II@Paki@oscarc00l@Fabian Gallego@pokantu@nerak @Chub @venstreni@Esterlen The bad rockthrower i am playing now i need minecraft account im not very good playing im very weak now the problems that im having this forum is so lagy the game is very laggy no ssd no ac 2 am cockroach Too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Will cut it now shorter
  3. The Azghari Warband “When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hell followed with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.” A band of brothers and sisters equal beneath the Eternal blue sky, this band of nomadic peoples are renowned for their passion and fervour - the most proficient horse riders to ever grace Vailor’s many meadows and pastures. Formed by Darius and Cyrus, sons of the great Sasan, the pair of warriors were without parallel; renowned for their hundred-strong harems. Although there exists no ranking for the warband, the strongest leaders are chosen by the entire warband to guide them - holding no position except that as a trusted figure. In this way any man can make his fortune and become great, provided he be worthy. They made their foes flee in horror because their swarthy aspect was fearful, with an intriguing distinguishment in their eyes is seen through the colours of brown, green and blue. Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born. For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword, so that before they receive the nourishment of milk they must learn to endure wounds. Hence they grow old beardless and their young men are without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the sword spoils by its scars the natural beauty of a beard. They are short in stature, quick in bodily movement, alert horsemen, broad shouldered, ready in the use of bow and arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever erect in pride. Though they live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild beasts. A travelling band, these nomads are oft on the move and rarely stay in the same place- their swords are sold to the highest bidder. Many kingdoms have competed to hire them, brutal warriors who are known for both their skill in the field and their fortitude when faced with great sieges. Their ranks know no difference between man or woman, any creature except the accursed Kha can serve amidst their ranks provided they can ride. The Azghari do not settle and farm, they are hunters and gatherers - fast moving horsemen that stay for only short times in a single place. Every member is expected to sustain themselves by their own tools, hunting game and slaying prey to feed them. Slavery is accepted by the Azghari, and a man is judged on how many slaves he has taken. For those who are taken in bondage, freedom can only be earned by hard coin or valour shown in the Warband’s service - freeing them to fight as any other rider. For the wealth that is gathered in battle, every man receives an equal portion - the Warband knows no boundaries to brotherhood. The faith of the Azghari is revolved around the deity of ‘Od Tengri’, the unknowable one who knows everything. He is the judge of good and bad, Tengri can bless a person richly, but can also utterly destroy those whom he deems unfit. His actions cannot be predicted. His ways, difficult to know. There exist many other spirits or 'aenguls' besides Tengri. These spirits are diverse. They can be good or bad or of mixed temperament. They can be gods residing in the upper heavenly world, wandering evil spirits from the underworld, spirits of the land, water, stars and planets or spirits of the ancestors. They can be in charge of certain tribes or of certain nations. Under Tengri these spirits all have some limited influence, but it is nearly impossible for normal people to contact them. Only the High Priest of Od Tengri can contact them. Unless Od Tengri contacts them himself. There is no 'one true religion'. Humanity has not reached full enlightenment. Nonetheless Tengri will not leave the guilty unpunished and the virtuous unrewarded. Those upright in spirit and righteous in thought are acceptable to Tengri, even if they followed different religions. Tengri has given different paths for man. Anyone interested in service would do well to inquire with Cyrus (LemonDropzz) or respond here: OOC: Username: Skype: IC: Name: Race: Age:
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