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Posts posted by hemomancy

  1. The busy Okarir'tayna ignores any rogue missives that come her way, focus kept on work and plans. This one, of course, gets slid her way, and Cresence Sythaerin gives an eyeroll, tossing the missive into her fireplace.

  2. ibi6fssUIJjTLv1Nvxq9eaGqcGCK1nCDqCzM6twki-lO_ebrPztnT01QdPpcXbO9OFw5QieQu2msf1CMtySRg6CYggg7-1v69ghsCi0imrgUufULozPyITMK0_eUMnE-WL8PrhGqutIa-g2q



    Issued by the


    11th of the First Seed, Y. 175



    To those that once inhabited the Vale,


    As time progresses, your once-home has since become overgrown and reclaimed. With such a large piece of land I find it a shame such a beautiful city remains empty. Plans have arisen where I seek to begin change to the islands.


    I first ask if there is anything of importance still left. I would be remiss if I were to allow anything significant to others to be damaged or destroyed, and would be quite upset if something of my own culture were to be discarded. Therefore, I extend the same courtesy. Please contact me if there is anything we must be aware of, as I would be happy to return it to its rightful owners.



    As signed by,

    Cresence Sythaerin

    Okarir’tayna of the Silver Empire of Haelun’or



    Hey! We’ll be working on the Vale for some projects soon, and I do not want us to accidentally ruin anything of cultural significance to be damaged rply, or of any ooc significance. I’ve some specific things I saw that I have questions about, and I'd be quite happy to go over things in dms on discord!


  3. A mage sat, pen tapping against paper. Long had she tried to stay out of that of the vassal-state. 


    Though long did the mage grow tired of the whispers in her ears. She stares at the jarred head on her desk.


    (Or court)

    A PLEA


    I, anonymously, implore that the single elven ladies of Aevos take a chance in dating my uncle. He is a fine mali’ame-aheral mage, a short-king as the valah would say. I trust that he would be a wonderful father to any oem’ii, as I believe that I have not come out too badly with him raising me.


    His name is Lucis Avila, any birds with an interest may be sent directly to him.


    He likes magic, reading, music, debates on philosophy that he can then use for his own advantage at a later time, food (even if he is thin and should eat more), poking fun at people, and not being short (lies). And BOWTIES.


    He dislikes people scared of his magic, his crippling loneliness (although he won’t admit it), alcohol- unless others are drinking, green brownies (my fault, sorry), headstrong people who do not think things through (also my fault), not being listened to, and being called short (he is).



    An automaton's rendition of the man in question.


    ((I’m so sorry it’s AI art I’ve been too tired to draw lol))

    IGN: Ztrog

    Character Name: Lucis Avila

    (Don't worry she knows about this, trust)


  5. Cresence Sythaerin finds it a bit odd Haelun'or's insigna is not on the missive. Oh-well, valah be valah-ing, she thought.



    I do have a copy of it tho if yall feel like adding it 


  6. Name of the Artifact: [Magnum Opus | Spellforge] Glaçon


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations: Yes


    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: hemomancy


    RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: Cresence Sythaerin


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items): hemomancy


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Cresence Sythaerin


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact: Creation will be attempted after acceptance as stated in Spellforging redlines.

    MC Item description: N/A, intangible artifact.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:

    Possessing Water Evocation, a mage may cast a gradually building chunk of ice to encase an object or person within, temporarily.


    Glaçon requires 5 emotes to cast, where the mage builds the block of ice with each charging emote. (1 Connect, 4 charge)

    The maximum size is 3x3 blocks, with the desired item in the center.

    The mage cannot move nor focus on other tasks, lest the ice deconjure. Quick responses may be given if spoken to.

    Can be used for 10 consecutive emotes at max, where then the mage would likely collapse due to exhaustion.

    During creation, a trail of ice and frost will link between the mages feet and chunk.

    During and after creation, the block of ice may take up to 4 direct hits before breaking. If broken, this will as well stun the mage for at least 1 emote with 1 emote added for each 2 emotes the full chunk is cast.

    The spell can be cast within 10 blocks of the mage. An arcane focus can be utilized to double this to 20, with 1 extra charging emote added.

    On the first and second charging emotes, the ice may be easily kicked or moved away from an individual's feet, casting emotes 3-4 will require 2 emotes of struggle from the individual stuck in ice.

    If an individual is fully encased and then released, they will be stunned for 1 emote, unable to move.


    Red Lines of the Artifact:

    - Standard Voidal Evocation redlines apply; Valid MA, Line of Sight required.

    - The mage may not move during casting at any point.

    - Glaçon can only be cast once per day, should it be successful.

    - If the mage is interrupted during active casting, they may reattempt the spell.

    - The mage is unable to cast for the rest of the encounter should the spell be completed, but has the ability to gather mana for future encounters the same day.

    - If focus is broken, the chunk will crumble and the mage will be disconnected.

    - If a person is encased, they will not suffocate, but rather be frozen in place. 

    - Emote count cannot be reduced by any means, such as Incanter’s Flow.

    - This spell is not a death sentence but rather a manner of capture. A trapped player can choose for death to occur if they feel the narrative fits, but a death cannot be forced upon them.

    - May only be cast by t5 Water Evocationists.

    - May be melted via Fire Evocation, Malflame, mundane fire, etc.


    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    Created as a way for Water Evocations to entrap enemies and objects in dire situations. Should a master in Water Evocation learn this spell, they have the ability to conjure a chunk of ice, forming from the ground up and at last having the ability to protect allies from harm. This also provides a way for water evocationists to trap ensnared individuals, trapping them in place for their allies to attack. Upon the spell being fully cast, individuals trapped within will not be able to move or attack due to their entire bodies being trapped in ice. After 3 sustained emotes, those without armor will begin to experience symptoms of hypothermia, whereas those with some protection such as leather armor or gambesons will not feel these effects until the 4th sustained emote. Those with moderate to heavy protection, such as half plate, chain, or full plate, will not experience these effects until the 5th sustained emote of being held within the block of ice.

    The progression of these hypothermic symptoms are as follows:
    - Shivering [emote 3 of being fully encased]

     - Lack of coordination [emote 4-5 of being fully encased]

     - Drowsiness [emote 6-7 of being fully encased]

     - Confusion or memory loss [emote 8-10 of being fully encased]


    Individuals trapped within the ice are able to attempt to free themselves until being fully encapsulated by the end of the 5th casting emote, wherein they’d require an outside source to free them. (i.e. fire evocation, allies not trapped, etc.)



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 0 as of creation.


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.): Yes

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A


  7. I fr don't know what's happening but I've never personally experienced homophobia rp with my gay characters. Some sexism from the humans sure, but nobody's ever gone off 'cause they see my women with other women irply.


    (and because it must be said, hnor is not full of nazi's lmao yall reaching)

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Sensory Illusion


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lucis Avila


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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