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Everything posted by SilverThroned

  1. okay buddy, half of what you told me is wrong and shows you didn't reread it. I got all my lure from the wiki, got a new skin, redid my powergaming and you just say the same thing!? Reread or if I’m wrong, how about you help me.

    Im sorry if Im coming off toxic but it’s just kind of irratating. Thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harold


      i.e – you should know about all our inner workings before you can apply, how dare you.

    3. Arafel


      @TheAlphaMoist The conversation about technology locks has been around for almost a decade, since back in Aegis, when the server had actual cannons, steam engines and a prototype hakenbüchse designed by a dwarf towards the end of that era. It has resulted in numerous retcons before.

  2. SilverThroned


    Silver and his family grew up in a small island that was very poor. Silver had to work hours a day as a small child to help make his families ends meet, they dreamed of living in a peaceful, wealthy place. His village he grew up in was north of Axios. His family were considered Highlanders. He and his family’s goal was to move their and live a happy life. Unfortunately they never got the chance. A group of highlanders suspected to be rebel Norlanders invaded. The people ransacked the village and killed and imprisoned the people, supposedly for their independence. The rebels brought them to an island and locked them away for years, this happened when Silver was only ten. Even though he was imprisoned he dreamed of growing up to be one of the most famous fighters/knights in the world. While in prison, he practiced fighting everyday with dreams to escape and live a better life. Then one day, 8 years after being locked up, he decided to rise the the fighter and highlander he is. He built up courage and led a revolt out of jail along with a close friend. However, his friend betrayed him, taking the only powered boat and sailed off with everybody else, this included his family. He never saw his family again. He had to row a boat to a civilization, this led him to Arcas. Where he decided to settle and follow through his dreams of being a knight or rule to make up for the sins of past rulers. (Spent a while on lore,)
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