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Status Updates posted by SilverThroned

  1. okay buddy, half of what you told me is wrong and shows you didn't reread it. I got all my lure from the wiki, got a new skin, redid my powergaming and you just say the same thing!? Reread or if I’m wrong, how about you help me.

    Im sorry if Im coming off toxic but it’s just kind of irratating. Thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harold


      i.e – you should know about all our inner workings before you can apply, how dare you.

    3. Arafel


      @TheAlphaMoist The conversation about technology locks has been around for almost a decade, since back in Aegis, when the server had actual cannons, steam engines and a prototype hakenbüchse designed by a dwarf towards the end of that era. It has resulted in numerous retcons before.

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