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Status Updates posted by Datweirdguy

  1. Quite a random question but does anyone have any characters they need played? Wanna do something different than playing just another dwarf xD Send me a dm if you got anything interesting!

    1. Krugallah


      If you're looking to branch out and play something else, make a redskinned orc and join raguks B)

    2. Vilebranch


      I have an Ugluk orc son that needs to be played. And I know TheBeagle needs someone to play her bronze-age drak elf.

    3. Datweirdguy


      @KrugallahThanks for the offer, unsure if an orc is what i want right now, but ill be sure to give it some thought!

      @Vilebranch Do you mean the bronze elves that say in krug?

  2. Yo, i am looking for someone to play a child for my dwarf character. Race, gender and all that are all up to the player to choose. Dm me if interested.

  3. Anyone looking for someone to play a child or character? Got some more time on my hands so id like to play a second char. Feel free to dm me! Datweirdguy#3170

    1. antiopa


      Need a dark elf kid played and I also have a mixed elf that needs to be played 

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