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Status Updates posted by Valannor

  1. I hate common core

    1. Panashea


      america commercialized public education and now its ruined

  2. @AgentofDeath13 is a dragon racist who believes that certain dragons dont deserve to have wings!

    1. Dymase


      based and redpilled

  3. forum machine broke

  4. Change is good. 

  5. Workers Guild wit no ingots


    @AfroJoeTheOlogBro do be kinda slackin doe smh love you joeby

  6. god i love stags

  7. Hello, mr ComicD. I heard you enjoy incubators. Please vacate the server immediately! 

  8. Xan doesn't comply with OSHA standards

  9. @oliviaaaahr has been cancelled again. 

  10. S is for Salty

  11. Hey, I fixed my application. Just wanted to let you know. 

  12. This year has helped me grow a lot as a person, despite Covid. 


    Thanks, LoTC. 

  13. I support my friendly neighborhood Basket Weaver

  14. Why are the forums broke again?

  15. A brilliant confluence of skill and purpose!

  16. On the old road, we have found our redemption...

  17. Pigeons were never real.

  18. I dream of Malinor

  19. The Enchantry is back again, folks!


  20. Respect the trees, folks, or trees might clap back.

  21. So we've got armadillo dogs and chocobos on the docket to hopefully become lore approved. 


    God, I love this server. 

  22. If Bokolos get approved, I am going to make fried chicken out of one. 

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