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Posts posted by Asutto






    As ratified by the Silver State of Haelun’or & the Unified Domain of Vortice in the year 180 S.A.


    THE SIGNATORIES shall henceforth signify the Silver State of Haelun’or and the Unified Domain of Vortice.


    HEAD OF STATE shall henceforth signify either the Sohaer of Haelun’or or the Sovereign of Vortice. 



    I. The signatories hereby concur to acknowledge the autonomy and sovereign status of each of their respective realms.

    II. The signatories hereby concur to acknowledge the current reigning heads of states of each of each other's realms as the only legitimate head of state. 



    I. The signatories hereby pledge to refrain from engaging in any acts of aggression or military hostilities against one another in any manner.


    II. The signatories pledge that citizens of either party shall refrain from accepting military commissions or engaging in mercenary employment from any state with which the other party is involved within a state of war.

    III. In addition, this commitment encompasses the preservation of the right to unrestricted movement of their respective citizens between the signatory nations.


    IV. The signatories pledge that citizens from either realm are protected while in their respective territories so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms.



    I. The signatories collectively affirm the principle of diplomatic exchange between their respective governments, aimed at fostering dialogue and mutual understanding. In accordance with this, the Silver State of Haelun’or shall dispatch a temporary envoy to the Unified Domain of Vortice, and reciprocally, the other party stands ready to attend diplomatic meetings at the behest of Sohaer’s government.


    II. The signatories jointly endorse the principle of diplomatic freedom, emphasising the inviolability and immutability thereof. This entails that envoys and government messengers shall enjoy unrestricted movement within the territory of each party. Furthermore, they shall not be subject to prosecution by local or national authorities for any civil or criminal proceedings unless their home country explicitly waives their entitlement to such immunity.


    III. The signatories retain the prerogative to formally expel a diplomat whose actions are deemed to have substantially undermined the national integrity and order of either party's realm.



    I. The signatories hereby consent to a reciprocal extradition provision, whereby a citizen of either nation, provided there is justifiable cause for their arrest, may be apprehended and subsequently transferred to the jurisdiction of the courts in the territory where their alleged crime transpired.


    II. In such instances, an Extradition Request must be formally submitted by the judicial authorities of the first party's state to the Monarch or Sovereign of the second party for approval.


    III. Legal representation for the defendant may be provided by the judicial representatives of the nation from which the citizen or subject originates.



    I. The signatories hereby pledge to offer each other a tax-free stall within the confines of their capital city. The stall shall not be obstructed or removed for any reason. The stall shall be located within a high-priority area of each other's capital; in the square or adjacent to it. If any of these terms are violated, the violators will be held in contempt of this treaty.



    I.  This concord shall remain in effect for a duration of twelve years, unless any of the previously mentioned terms are breached, or in the event of a new head of state.

    II. By the eleventh year of this Concord, or if any of the aforementioned terms in Article VI, Subsection I are activated, the Signatories are advised to reach out to one another and renegotiate terms if found favourable.






    Her Grace, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or, Supreme Commander of elSillumir, Member of the Sythaerin Talonnii




    Lady Lenora Jusmia, Monarch of the Unified Domain of Vortice, 10th Sovereign of the Depths

  2. 2qBn62A5Ucd8O2eZoGmxQQoa4Q0KR-IBZ4Z5OOEfV9avXqIS7mvflOPij--H2JYPp6DEhZKdCmeODzUogSxT03UfSd0lSizfHEVTxZqyHTyq08BJImZTGqElZVqYmsF4mQT9-S16-YZkSTLAjo67F0ohttps://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/md7HKmFh7BbroaKsL5rhe4mjQNPpgnrY1wV5pMjLeFSqVJJIT7RNcum0M0jMb9gyNbxxfyW_XfCrbnl7WrJ0x74fqwIYEcaeugn04PmwmlHef8dG8GrUhv5tasCy8sVDYk2uR213V584Jb8c7flk2VY




    As ratified by the Silver State of Haelun’or & the Kingdom of Balian in the year 178 S.A. | 107 B.A.


    THE SIGNATORIES shall henceforth signify the Silver State of Haelun’or and the Kingdom of Balian.


    YEARLY shall henceforth signify one elven week; from (SUNDAY) to (SUNDAY).


    HEAD OF STATE shall henceforth signify either the Sohaer of Haelun’or or the Sovereign of Balian. 



    THE SIGNATORIES acknowledge the sovereignty of each other and their respective states.



    THE SIGNATORIES acknowledge all terms herein mentioned and pledge to uphold them in accordance therewith.



    THE SIGNATORIES shall mutually agree to a period of non-aggression for the duration of this document.



    THE SIGNATORIES shall permit each other to establish a tax-exempt stall within their respective states, to be operated and managed by the states themselves.



    THE SILVER STATE OF HAELUN’OR shall grant access to individuals designated by the Kingdom of Balian to utilize their Emerald mines situated in (jungle_beach 1)

    i. This clause is rendered null in the event that the Silver State of Haelun’or loses access to the mine, or if the Kingdom of Balian fails to fulfill their payment obligations. 



    THE KINGDOM OF BALIAN shall remit to the Silver State of Haelun'or a yearly fee of thirty mina per week for each key distributed for access to the mines. 

    i. This clause is rendered null in the event that the Silver State of Haelun’or loses access to the mine, or if the Kingdom of Balian fails to fulfill their payment obligations.



    THE KINGDOM OF BALIAN shall produce a cask of wine to commemorate the renewed friendship. This shall be enjoyed by both parties upon the completion of the fifth year of its fermentation. 



    THIS CONCORD shall remain in effect for a duration of 12 years, unless any of the previously mentioned terms are breached, or in the event of a new head of state.





    Her Grace, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or, Supreme Commander of elSillumir, Member of the Sythaerin Talonnii



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Barçevina, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.





  3. pCQiJalTktGCSgyqHXUXdJ2_Cd3hGGHWgwzOxtu3lu6rFWmC8srpCnMz3UOgzK2KsI-f4l2zpXWzL4YSbElnAkZ4obRBVqi9F4WI-MczwzSN4Qg76PZr3uTR5hXMqctqtvd7hOvXr5z9hzoCzicYNgM




    By the hand of elSohaer in the year 178 S.A.


    To the Blessed Citizenry and all other Our subjects whatsoever to whom these Conveyances are directed; Greetings. Let it be duly acknowledged that We, in our unwavering benevolence, unparalleled sagacity, and solemn decree, do hereby promulgate and institute through these proclamations our MOST HIGH COUNSELOR



    THE ELENSIR shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

    i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of the Silver State of Haelun’or, acting as the principal counselor to the Sohaer, and presiding over their governance.

    ii. The obligation to oversee all internal administrative affairs of the Silver State of Haelun’or, safeguarding the principles of good governance in the name of the Sohaer.

    iii. The obligation to oversee the operations of the Silver Council, recommending and guiding councilors in alignment with the presently prevailing policies.

    iv. The obligation to maintain and nurture positive diplomatic relations between the Silver State of Haelun’or and foreign nations across the globe.

    v. The obligations to ensure the well-being of Haelunorian citizens traveling abroad, engaging in peaceful negotiations with foreign nations to safeguard their continued safety and security.

    vi. The obligation to uphold the lawful succession, independence, and unity of the Silver State of Haelun’or under all circumstances without exception.



    THE ELENSIR shall be endowed with the following privileges:

    i. The authority to issue decrees as needed, aligning with the desires of the Sohaer, exercising discretion when such legal instruments are essential for enhancing or reforming the internal administration of the Silver State of Haelun'or.

    ii. The authority to direct the military forces of the Silver State of Haelun’or as required, holding commission as the Sohaer's representative.

    iii. The authority to negotiate treaties on behalf of the Silver State of Haelun'or, in accordance with the exigencies of the situation.

    vi. The authority to undertake the responsibilities of the Sohaer of Haelun'or in the event of the Sohaer's absence or incapacity, administering justice in accordance with the laws of the realm.



    HENCEFORTH, THE ELENSIR shall oversee the daily affairs of the Silver Council, assuming the mantle of leadership alongside the Sohaer. Their commission is thus ratified forthwith; without hesitation or delay.



    CALATHÂN AN NAEDWYLM (@MCVDK) is invested with the Office of the Elensir. 



    BY VIRTUE OF THIS DECREE, it is ordained that should any disparities arise between the stipulations of this proclamation and preexisting statutes or regulations, this edict shall hold primacy to the extent of such inconsistencies' effect.





  4. From the depths of the diraar barracks, a door creaked open. In poured a courtier of the Royarch, delivering the proclamation to the Parir of the Second Company. She quickly gathered the missive in her hands, proud of each word that the Royarch scribbled onto it. It had been a long year since the declaration had been drawn up but that year had finally come to a close. As the Parir turned to face the camera, she could only help but to utter one thing.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen. We got them."



    Happy April Fools!





    "When I close my eyes, I can't see." Parir Aquilan Glanaeri, 171 S.A.

    10th of Snow’s Maiden, 173 S.A.
    From the Office of Ashwýn Sythaèrin



    With the recent attacks on the Celia’norian populace by the children of Iblees, the Celia’diraar Officer Corps feels compelled to issue additional orders to the diraar to prevent further Incursions from Demonspawn.

    Recent reports from the Celia’norian Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) confirm the existence of three Vampires that frequent the Starlands. They are as follows;



    Born as a valah but since then has mutated her ears to represent that of Mali. She is of pale skin and amber eyes. Intelligence warns that her eyes were originally brown and she has undergone significant alchemical mutation to modify her body. She has short black hair. Additionally, Intelligence reports that burn marks cover much of her body.


    Origin unknown. She is believed to be either Valah or Mali, possibly even an impure half-breed. She was last seen with dyed dark and light green hair while wearing a dark-colored dress. Intelligence reports that she is short, roughly the height of a dwarf. It is believed that she was recently turned by Lilith. Curing her may be possible.


    Notably a tall woman of mali’ker descent. She is noted to have white hair and red eyes. She was last seen wearing a snow-white dress and heading off towards Ravenwood.

    Diraar are advised to approach all of these subjects with caution. While their exact abilities are not known, they are all considered to be mildly dangerous. Use of Aurum and Salt Tests is encouraged to confirm the vampiric origin of these cravens. If any are found to react poorly to these tests, diraar are authorized to issue a summary execution. If subjects resist taking a test, diraar are authorized to use force to subdue the suspect.


    Anyone found in cooperation with any of these subjects will be subject to Aurum and Salt tests at the discretion of the Celia’diraar. Anyone found sheltering or protecting these subjects will be subject to punishment by the state, including but not limited to fines, imprisonment, or in extreme cases, execution. 


    If members of the Celia’diraar find themselves lacking in the proper materials to issue an aurum and salt test, they may report to their nearest Parir or Company Commander to retrieve a standard-issued aurum knife and a sack of salt. Instructions for how to safely administer an Aurum and Salt test can be found below.




    To safely administer an Aurum and Salt Test, diraar will require both an aurum blade and salt. Aurum knives will be provided by Celia’diraar command but diraar will be allowed to use their own weapons if they carry the same effects.

    Before beginning a test, diraar’s are required to be accompanied by another diraar. If a test negatively impacts a suspect or a suspect shows signs of resisting a test, force will become necessary. When approaching a suspect, diraar’s are encouraged first to disarm their subject before testing. Once a suspect is disarmed, testing may begin. 

    Typically, testers make slits on the arms or palms of a subject with an aurum weapon. The wound needs to be deep enough to draw blood. When done, salt is poured into the wound. Naturally, this is painful to anyone being tested, dark spawn or not, so be sympathetic to your subject. If their blood starts bubbling or boiling or you see any other signs of the unnatural, it is confirmed that the subject is of a dark origin. Diraar’s are recommended to quickly subdue their target and execute them in a secluded area. 





    The Honorable, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, Parir of the Celia’diraar, Commander of Kym’eria Company, Member of the Sythaerin Talonnii




    The Honorable, Mathi, Parir of Celia’diraar, Commander of the White Lotus Company



    Only known to members of the Celia'diraar in roleplay. Investigation was done through RP.


  6. A Haelunorian Councilor hit the bottles tonight. She didn't understand the way of the Magi, for they were all the same. They'd tell you stop or they'll kill you, but they'd never actually pull up.

  7. It's a shame that LoTC Administration were forced to implement a rule regarding this but I'm glad we finally have an answer. The rule change has also brought forth a series of good questions from the community and I hope we can have those answered soon rather than waiting until the next crisis to answer them.

  8. J3leO9eL_qbvAMBXMOY0h4_-9pvKsAEXlQvd7C9ofW2muEbHp2yr_gfIbuu3zFfYASMbMZsQTc3naYt-HTV2rp-hSAhQFMpTXBLILeb94VuFNYOZwSKiVT1PK8WhkRfBvyHGAJDz3BSkXvQ_Pel3yDY




    18th of the Grand Harvest, 170 S.A.

    From the Office of Ashwýn Sythaèrin



    “ilMaehr'sae Ilkun'ehya”






    Under the Teluan Doctrine of 170 S.A., established by Parir Aquilan Glanaeri, it has been decided that a series of military divisions shall be established under the Celia’diraar. Each division, henceforth referred to by its proper name, Teluan, shall be governed by an incumbent Parir. The goal of these teluan’s is to further integrate Fiyem into the greater Celia’norian society and provide additional training to ensure military excellence across the Principality. 


    Parir Ashwýn Sythaèrin has been selected to lead Teluan Niet (Company Two). In collaboration with her newly assigned company men, the Kym’eria Company has been formed. The Kym’era company is composed of mali from all different walks of life but they all share one thing in common; ambition, and their company reflects such. Combined with Diraar Fali’dra Glanaeri, the Kym’eria has been selected as the teluan sigil. Its mythical power and three heads reflect the drive held by each member of the Second Company. To compliment the legendary animal, Diraar Glanaeri has selected the company colors to be red and orange






    The Trial of Rights is the foundation that builds the traditions of the Kym’eria Company. Any diraar can be assigned to the Kym’eria Company but diraar’s must complete the Trial of Rights to become an oathed member of the teluan. The Trial of Igne consists of three principal challenges.


    The first challenge is the Challenge of the Smith. Competing diraars must forge their own personal weapon. It must differ from the Celia’diraar standard issues Long or Shortsword. Diraars are encouraged to decorate their weapon in the colors and markings of their Talonnii. Additionally, diraar’s are required to place the sigil of the Kym’eria Company on the pommel, hilt, or shaft of their weapon. Once finished, diraar’s are to present their weapon to the company commander for inspection.


    The second challenge is the Challenge of the Land. Company members must shed their diraar armor and venture out beyond the borders of the Principality to visit at least three other nations. There, company members are encouraged to learn the traditions of the nation. While in that nation, company members are required to seek out the favor of a citizen of that respective nation. Commonly favor is accrued by completing a quest or helping a citizen in a task. Three tokens of favor must be collected and presented to the company commander before diraar’s are allowed to progress.

    The third and last challenge in the Challenge of Might. After completing the two former challenges, company members must present themselves to the company commander and challenge them to a duel. Company members must successfully defeat the company commander to succeed in this challenge. 


    Once all three challenges are completed, company members may take the teluan oath. Members are required to kneel before the Company Captain and recite the following Oath.


    “Let the children of the stars rejoice, for upon this day,
    I, [Name], of the Kym’eria Company, Teluan Niut of the Celia’diraar,
    Pledge my mind, body, and soul, to the stalwart defense

    Of the Principality of Celia’nor.


    Let me not falter in my duties for my path is clear,

    I am a child of the stars, I am the blade that guards eternity, I am the fire that fuels the strength of Celia’nor,

    Proud to Serve; Forever Standing”




    The Celia’diraar already has several stored traditions but the Kym’eria Company seeks to build onto that. One of the most notable Celia’diraar traditions is their war paint. During wartime, diraar displays the colors of their Talonnii on their helmet. In addition to doing this, diraars that are a part of the Kym’eria Company are invited to decorate the sides of their helmet with horns, reflecting that of the Kym’eria itself. Members who have not yet completed their Trial of Rights may decorate their helmet with elk, deer, cow, and sheep horns while members who have completed their Trial of Rights are allowed to decorate their helmet with horns from more exotic creatures.





    After reciting the Kym’eria Oath, oathed members undergo a Branding ceremony. On the right forearm of a diraar, just below their wrists, the silhouette of a Kym’eria is branded with a ‘two’ imprinted into its hide. This represents a member's allegiance to the Kym’eria Company and the Celia’diraar. For every battle (warclaim), a member partakes in, a single line is added under the initial branding. Each line represents the trials and tribulations, diraars have gone under to be standing where they are. 



    “Proud to Serve; Forever Standing”





    The Honorable Mordu’lar, Sylvir Cerusil, Evarir of the Cerusil Talonnii, Councilor in the Principality of Celia’nor,




    The Honorable Parir, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, Parir of the Celia’diraar, Commander of  Kym’eria Company, Member of the Sythaerin Talonnii




    This missive is made available to members of the Celia'diraar and the Prince-Royarch.

    Thank you to @VoxyNoirand @candyzeroyalfor allow me to use some of their original Kym'eria Company assets after I defeated Voxy in a 1v1.


  9. Shoutout to all the forum warriors out there who sacrificed their sanity and sleep schedule to debate about why we should/shouldn't allow fake homophobia while knowing damn well nothing on this thread is gonna change anything

  10. A seasoned 'thill read over the missive with a hum. She had been privy to watching the debates but even before that - she had made up her mind. For their was only one answer. One that satisfied both the morality of the 'thill and the legality of the Silver Law. 

    (MC Name: Asutto)
    Name: Ashwyn Sythaerin
    Vote 1: Theveus Sythaerin
    Vote 2: Theveus Sythaerin

    Was there ever any doubt it would have gone another way?

  11. "stupid veletzian. don't you know it's wrong to declare war on an entire populous just because their king is ALLEGEDLY consorting with dark spawn. only true villains would do that!" spoke notorious haensetiti and imperial advocate, Erik Erikson from the Valdev outhouse.

  12. Erin Padraig, ever alone at his campsite, took a drag of his cigar as his visage studied the missive. "Haense never has had good luck fightin' Duchies." The Adunian mused as he casted his gaze back to the make-shift bookshelf's in his tent with stories detailing Godric's and Heinrik's Wars. "Though, I wonder how long it'll take those fat nobles to realize that this war is far from over." He paused, taking another long drag from his cigar before tossing the pipe on the ground and burying it with his boot.  "They can take as much as land as they want but none of it matters if they can't leave their capitals to enjoy it." So continued the Sellswords mindless monologue. The isolation and dull status quo began to take a toll upon his mind. 

  13. A Veletzian Sellsword lofted a hefty sigh as the Synopsis made the rounds through the Midlands. The idea of Imperialism or, Orenism as dubbed by the Bishop was something that plagued his mind in the recent years. Despite being a mostly uneducated sellsword, he still was able to note the lack of ambition by Humanity as a whole. It made for a truly tragic state of affairs. Each human Kingdom was but a mere copy of another with a supposed "culture" to credit as a difference which in reality, served only as an aesthetic to mask the lifelessness of each state. 


    Orenism, as it was, at least offered an alternative to the remedial lifestyle exhibited by the modern states. It allowed for ambition and change to flourish and for the individual to challenge the status quo. But alas, as the sellswords placed the missive away in a dusty chest he knew, there would be nothing more than the King and his Kingdom. The age of humanity was over. What was now, was all there would ever be. 

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