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Everything posted by pokos

  1. i would like the brewery plugin to return
  2. I understand your point in respect to a large map. I'm not sure what people envision when I request a 'decently sized' map, but by that I certainly do not mean a map larger than Almaris, or something of that nature. But I believe the opposite of your first paragraph. I think there are plenty of ways people can be compelled to explore the map. For example, the resource nodes for varying items scattered throughout Almaris. While I think that system could use some change, that is one way people are currently compelled to explore the map. I am by no means compelled to fast travel just so I can check out the landmarks of other towns. To me, all of those things can be seen when I arrive there in RP. Personally, when I play a character, I pick and choose a realm / culture, and I generally stay within it, unless prompted to leave by some kind of RP reason. To me, this is enjoyable because I can RP that my character is genuinely unfamiliar with the races, culture, and architecture of the various kingdoms. This is perfectly possible WITH fast travel, but when it comes time to journey to another kingdom, everyone else grabs their soulstone and heads for the Cloud Temple so they can skip to the other end of the world. This kills the whole mid-journey. There is no risk taken on the way to the destination, and all interaction that could have been had encountering another party on the road, is now made impossible. Perhaps there should be some sort of compromised fast travel system, but I think it should seriously be trimmed back from what it is currently. On top of the lack of RP travel, this fast travel system is detrimental to roadside businesses, wandering merchants, small towns, as well as patrol and guard RP.
  3. I would like to see a decently sized map so that the new height levels can be taken advantage of, and I think a lot of the complaints people have about the size of the current map could be solved by having a more convenient, circular road system, as well as some more thought to the overall traversability. I also think Cloud Temple should be more connected with the rest of the world and serve as a spawn/map center, rather than a fast travel hub. I think this current map design has led to people being very reliant on using the fast travel hubs to get around, which results in less spontaneous RP, as there are less people to meet on the roads, as well as a number of other consequences. This is not helped by the fact that the current map is split between two large landmasses. In the next map, I think a large, single continent should be the main focus, and any other landmasses should be significantly smaller.
  4. A pigeon would circle above for a moment, before descending to deliver a scroll of parchment. The paper would unfurl, revealing a letter scribed in poor handwriting. ------------ Greetings, I hope this letter finds it's way to the rightful recipient. My name is Elfnod, and I happened to read a leaflet posted around my local town. I saw that you were offering an apprenticeship of some kind. To read and write is something I take great interest in, and I see that you also participate in the workings of a library. I have been seeking someone to take me in as an apprentice. If you receive this letter and have interest, please send a response back, directed to the town of Akueli, where I currently reside. Have a blessed day, Elfnod
  5. pokos


    Hrodebert was born in a small hut in Heanse, to his father Beacc and his mother Kyrilu. He was raised and educated by his mother and his elders to read and write in New Marian during his early childhood. When he reached adolescence he was put to work on the field with his father, and taught how to perform the actions necessary to maintain a crop. He did this in the day, and during night time he would sit around the fire within the thatch hut, listening to his elders recite old familial folklore. When Hrodebert turned 16 he was sent on a pilgrimage to Naureza. He travelled for a week to the city, and when he arrived, he used a small sum of wealth his family had provided him to purchase a room and food for a month. He spent this time observing the large buildings and great wonders of architecture that the city had to offer. He took note of how strange the urbanites’ culture and customs were in comparison to his family, and when he ran out of money, he set home eagerly, awaiting to recite many a tale to his family of his adventures. But when Hrodebert came home, he only found his father. He was told that during his absence, a plague had swept through the land,and that his mother and grandfather had succumbed to the illness. Hrodebert was struck with dread, and spent the next month attempting to nurse his sickly grandmother back to health. He would cook and care for her while his father worked the farmstead. Despite his efforts, his grandmother passed away from sickness as well. Hrodebert lived on the farm with his father until he turned 24. The year was a bountiful harvest, and he and his father were able to bring in a surplus of money, enough to send Hrodebert to the capital in seek of work. So off he went again.
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