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Posts posted by TaytoTot

  1. A now twenty year old Von Audrick sits in her family home, clutching onto a book her mother read to her as a child. This child never knew of Adelaide’s past, and most likely never will. Annie was growing up, and going around to explore the world. But yet she could not let the idea of her mother go. “Mutter, do nicht go for too long.” She uttered to herself. 

  2. rFcf_KLq3hXaTFAm8i0h4iJbYqabihQclUH5UVUP9FBp3QthsKmBbZG77Noiz7Iwh2W9DCbo7V3qrOTLUrgRjwMtyjsJO_Umas2SDENc_d8UeO58Qu_J3UIdWp_8xuYeGF_YThJNBheYWJLDEA

    The Glaiveguard

    During Amaesil Vuln’miruel’s time as Lord Commander of Elvenesse, many things were accomplished. Successful raids, amazing defense on the city. All of this was done with the help of his Wardens. After Lord Vuln’miruel had stepped down, the military of Elvenesse sadly had gone to shambles. Much reform was needed, and the many attempts did not succeed. With the Glaiveguard, Amaethea hopes to bring back the military we once had and could depend on. The military as it stands now, is not dependable. But this will change with the new leadership:


    Lady Commander, Stalashal Vuln’miruel

    Linevar of the Glaiveguard, Dave


    And hopefully with many more leaders to come. 



    Ranks of the Glaiveguard

    ROYARCH - 


    The Royarch is the person leading Amaethea to a better direction.




    The Commander is the head of the Glaiveguard and protector of Amaethea




    The Linevar are the officers of the Glaiveguard




    The Glaiveguard are the members of the Glaiveguard




    The citizens of Amaethea who choose to battle with the Glaiveguard when in need.



    To enlist please reach out to the following:




    Respond to this google form for enlistment as well!



    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Kosher Daesmon, 

    The ‘Fresh’ Prince Royarch of Amaethea


    HER LADYSHIP, Stalashal Vuln’mirel,

    Lady Commander of Amaethea



    Lubba Keep Lawyer, Linevar of the Glaiveguard.





    “Time is the most important thing you have.”


    . . . 


    “What stories do you want to make for yourself one day?”



    They're right. I can't just sit around and do nothing forever.


    A small dock sat in the waters, a wooden ship tied close to the dock. The boat would rock in the waters from the tide wading beneath it. The boat was small, big enough to be comfortable for three people at most. 


    A quite tall elven woman stood on the dock, her hands on her hips. She smiled, a genuine smile. “Oh, look at her, Nailo! Perfect for sailing.” 


    “'ave ye' ever even ridden in a boat before?” Her cousin asked as her lavender eyes examined the ship from afar. Oh was it beaten up from too many rides. 


    “Ti, ti, of course!” The girl had stammered, “Why else would I have chosen this trip for us?” 


    “Because yer stupid.” She retorted, a snicker escaping her person. 


    “Whatever,” Ventys scoffed playfully as she climbed into the ship.


    “I don’t think so!” Otellia would speak up, standing next to Ventys. 


     The mixed elf held her hand out to Otellia first, helping her fiancee into the ship before holding her hand out to Nailo “Well, are you coming or not?” 


    “Ye’ know it.” Nailo took her cousin’s hand happily and climbed aboard! 


    And with that, the three would depart their vessel from the dock. They travelled the seas, and found new places. Within a week, Nailo and Otellia would return back home, but Ventys would still be gone.




    So...this is a post basically just giving Ventys a reason for being gone whilst I am taking a mini vacation! 


  4. Ventys Vuln’miruel sat within her Celia’nor home, a hand holding her girlfriend’s hand. She had heard of Becclain’s passing. 


    Her mind instantly went back to when they had first met. The girl closed her eyes and tears poured down her cheeks, not one sob being held back. 

    “I’m llun I couldn’t have talked to you more…”

  5. A certain Vuln’miruel would let out a sigh of relief. “Finally.”




    I absolutely loved being Head Stewardess under your guidance and just helping you bring Elvenesse to greatness. You absolutely deserve this break from NL and I can’t wait to see what else you do <3


  6. Spoiler










    “So you are set on being a Vuln’miruel then?”


    "Ti! I think it is a much better seed to take pride in.”


    “I always considered you a vuln’ii, I am glad you’re going to make it official.”



    “So…What exactly do I have to do for this trial?”


    “You will come back after smoking something.”


    Nerves. Oh, how did the girl start to panic in her mind? What could go wrong?


    “You can do this, okay? Whatever happens, all you have to do is move forward. Trust Alo.”


    “What happens if I do ne move forward? Will something happen to me?”




    “So there is nothing to worry about then!” She had smiled as she had never smiled before, but it was all just to cover up how scared she was. Oh, spirits…What could show up?



    Ventys wandered through the Elven forests, following her trusted fox, Alo. He guided her by walking between her legs, the feeling of his fur against her dark skin brought her down his path for her. The fox stayed very close to the elfess, not wanting her to get lost. She had been blindfolded and given drugs, in hopes that she would hallucinate. 


    The footsteps of the two within the greenlands would start to be drained out by other noises, consuming the girl’s mind. Her sense of hearing had to be the sharpest now, as her sight was taken from her. Alo then stopped, his fur no longer being felt by her. The knot that held her blindfold became loose and as she reached down to find Alo, it easily slipped off of her face. Brown fabric fell to the ground and she looked up. Before the girl stood a tree, but this was no ordinary tree. The tree almost glittered within the night, a purple glow illuminating the tree. “What…” She asked herself, looking at it.


     Am I already hallucinating?


    Whispers would start to form, mumbles and words going through the mind of the poor elfess. Though, one would quickly become recognisable. Vallein, her uncle’s voice. "Ventys. Trust Alo, trust Sonnos. Get to the Fox Hole."


    As she stared at the tree, her eyes filled with a fascination. A line formed between her brows, watching as purples floated around the tree. Little did she know, this was one of the real things she was seeing. Her eyes would leave the tree, looking to the area around her. Shadows ducked behind trees, and others moved between the natural life. These sounds of movements and whispers came from everywhere.


    Don’t kill me.


    Alo approached Ventys and hopped up on his hind legs, pawing at her thighs. They then reached up to her stomach before he fell to the ground. All of this was to try and get her attention. Her maroon gaze looked down at the fox, tilting slightly. “What is it?” She asked. The fox then started to move on, going into the forest. He glanced behind him a few times as Ventys followed. She moved slowly behind the fox, her head whipping around to find all of the shadows that hid from her. These shadows continued to whisper and stare though with each glance Ventys whipped about. The shadows hid behind bushes and leaves now, following her. 


    Just help me run away from everyone.


    Alo led her and the shadows started to part. When they passed a tree, the shadows and whispers from that specific area would vanish from sight. This did not occur for Ventys, but instead the fox. His name was Alo after all - a spiritual guide. And that was just what he was going to do. The two walked and Ventys felt small hands grasp for her robes, gently tugging at them. Though, the girl had kept going. Travelling from city to city had taught the girl to not be bothered by the tugs. People brushed against her all the time in these cities. 


    As whispering raged on in her mind, one would rise above all the rest. "Another angsty dedicant." It would start to taunt. "Oooh! And this one is a Vuln..."


    I need a place to stay.


    A laugh would start to rise, taking over the girl's mind. She had recognised it to be Sonna's, her grandmother's. This laugh was twisted and evil, mocking the girl. "Another Vuln to fail."


    Where I can cover up my face.


    Ventys froze where she stood. Her eyes started to dance as she looked at Alo, not sure if she even wanted to look over. “I will ne fail…” She assured herself. Her mind clouded with thoughts as her own grandmother's voice taunted her. 



    What if I fail? I have already failed marhaelun, maln, Bacchus, Otellia. I failed them all. What if I can ne even pass a stupid trial? Am I really this weak?


    Ventys' eyes then looked over to these ‘hands’. Instead, they were vines that curled and moved like fingers. As she saw the vines, she jumped up slightly, her fear getting to her. She quickly calmed though, as the vines were well, just vines. They quickly retracted from her. They were just figments of her imagination and nothing more. 

    Don’t cry.


    The fox slipped round a tree, vanishing just briefly from sight. Ventys quickly tried to find Alo, not wanting to lose him. As she turned the corner, she saw one of her lovers standing where she would have expected Alo. He appeared to be standing in the doorway into the tree. The mali'ker would smile at Ventys.


    “My Moonlight!” She beamed, going to step close to the doorway. 


    Two voices spoke in one; Otellia and Bacchus. “You know… you never really were my first choice. You just stuck around the longest.” 


    I am just a freak.


    The pain of that stabbed Ventys right in the heart. Her eyes widened. “I-” She paused, choking up on words. “Ne! You don't mean that!” Ventys started to stumble backwards, wanting to leave this. “We've been through so much…” She whispered to herself, her eyes going to look up in the window. There stood Otellia, smiling down at the girl. Betrayal. As she stumbled backwards, she would fall to the ground. Her crimson eyes started to pool with tears. The two people who she loved.

     They don’t want me anymore? 


    I am just a freak.


    Otellia spoke up from her elevated position down to Ventys. “He does, he told me so last night.” 


    As Ventys stayed on the ground she felt a sloppy tongue lick at her cheek as Alo looked at her. A tilt in the foxes head as the Gold Cross' eyes stayed on Ventys. 


    It was fake.


    The giggles of Otellia and Bacchus slowly stalled as their eyes returned to her. “Come inside… We both know you can't leave.” The two of them taunted her. Bacchus opened the door behind him and inside she would see all of the women she had ever worried about. Women Ventys feared.


    I am just a freak.


    Alo continued to lick at her face and pace away, clearly attempting to get her to follow him.


    Ventys looked between Alo and Bacchus. Temptation tried to pull her in, but she knew better. “I know you…” She would say to Bacchus, a sour look taking over her face. “You wouldn't dare betray my trust again.” 


    My head is filled with parasites


    “You're too scared to leave.” The mali'ker's voice called after her as Alo led Ventys forward.


    “I suppose you don’t know me well enough.” She barked, pushing herself up from where she sat. She wiped the tears from her eyes, following Alo, leaving the scene behind her!


    Black holes cover up my eyes


    As she followed Alo the voices died out. The whispers picked back up, many voices overlayed with each other before she heard a shout, a pained shout. It came from far past Alo and sounded like someone had been attacked.


    Ventys would start to pick up her speed, trying to find where this shout had come from. “Who's hurt!?” She shouted back, her eyes looking over the area to try and find who it could be.


    I dream of you almost every night.


    In a clearing. She would see a man with an Alter embedded in his heart. Blood pooled around the man that she would recognize as Avurak Ikala. Her father. His eyes moved towards her as he reached out a hand towards her.


    Ventys froze. As her eyes looked, she couldn’t dare even know why she imagined this. “No no no no no…” She quickly ran over to her father, kneeling next to him. “Maln!” She started to panic, grabbing onto her father. “Maln! You'll be okay! I'll get Haelun and she can help you. She can heal you!” She cried out.


    Hopefully, I won’t wake up this time.


    Avurak would shake his head as he grabbed her hand. “Ne…” As he spoke blood trickled out of his mouth. “Ventys, just stay here… forever. Don't leave me.”


    Ventys looked into his purple eyes, staring at them. “Maln, I have to get you help, please!” She begged, going to wrap her arms around him. “I can't just let you die out here!” As she blinked, tears started to rapidly pour down her cheeks. “I've been such a horrible daughter - to you and Haelun. I have to fix this. PLEASE!” She screamed, her voice becoming raspy from all the distress.


    I won’t wake up this time.


    Avurak would shake his head. “Ne, this death, it's good. Your haelun, too far.” He coughed up some blood as his eyes went bloodshot “You are ayla… You are Ventys. You have to believe you are.” A rustle can be heard in the wood as her father looked towards it. His eyes then slowly went back to her. “They are coming back, go. You have to, for me. I can't watch you die here.” His voice pleaded as his hand reached up and brushed her cheek. 


    Ventys closed her eyes as he brushed his desaturated fingers against her cheek. She couldn’t stop the tears from pouring. She shook her head before getting up from where she sat. “I will avenge you, Maln.” She bit her lip, taking in a deep breath. As she looked towards his hand, she saw Alo nudging at her face to get her attention. Her eyes went to Alo and he started to pace away, urging her following.


    “Go,” Avurak called out to her again. His voice was stern but weak as the rustling grew closer.


    I won’t wake up this time.


    It pained her deeply to part with him this way. How could I possibly get out everything I need to? She looked over to Alo, going to follow him. She had become slower, sorrow overcoming her as she had to leave her father behind.


    The woods closed around her, more vines hitting her as Alo led her before. The shadows crept closer and pulled at her as she followed the fox. The density of it all likely pushed her down to a hunch before light broke through and the density faded away. A clearing from it all. The sun beat down on her as the woods opened up to a path. She recognized two figures she saw up the road. As she approached, she saw her mother and Vallein talk and laugh with each other. “There's no way your daughter will get through this. Can you believe I told her I believed in her?” 


    Lalytl quickly spoke through her laughs “Aspects, I know! She believed I was proud of her? She's a failure. Ata.” The two would continue laughing as Alo walked right between them, still glancing back at Ventys, to see if she'd follow.


    Ventys put a hand to her chest, watching as the two spoke. Her brows furrowed once more, silently standing there. She mumbled soft things to herself, but then her eyes looked to Alo. Alo had reminded her that all of this was fake, but she looked back to Vallein, a slight look of the pain present. “I got this,” She told herself, following Alo. As long as she could see him, it would be fine!


    As Ventys walked through the middle of them, they vanished from sight. Ventys found herself perking up as she followed Alo, she fell over. Her legs had finally given up. She was not able to feel her arms or legs, the limbs becoming numb. 


    Alo rushed back to her and Vallein and Laltyl rushed to her side. “Ventys? What happened, are you ok?” They spoke to her as if what they had just said previously never happened, concern in both of their voices.


    Ventys laid there on the ground, an obvious distress present within her. As she heard their voices, it grew. Her face showed fear, and her muscles went to pick herself up, but nothing happened. “G-get away from me, you monsters!” She yelled at them.


    “Ventys… what do you need?” The two spoke together at once. “Tell us what you need. We are here for you, let us help you.” Her mother's voice was shaking as it would before someone was about to cry and Vallein's was stricken with concern.


    “I just want to go home!” The girl had cried out, her eyes starting to look up to the sky. As she did such, they would start to unfocus, everything slowly blurring together. A peace. The blurriness would give the girl a sense of peace she so desperately needed after all that happened.


    “Well, this isn't home so don't get comfortable.” Vallein would reach under her arm and start to lift her to her feet. Laltyl would do the same with her other arm “We are a Talonnii. Please…. Let us help you.”


    Alo would nudge her several times attempting to nudge her to her feet as well as the other two.


    As the elfess was lifted, she couldn't feel much of anything. “Wait… you're real!?” She asked, looking between the two, hoping it was true!


    “We're always with you, Vuln'ii.” Vallein smiled at her as Ventys finally came to her feet. Her strength slowly returned as Alo seemed to pace around happily. Her mother spoke up once more, “Can we help you finish?”


    “Please…” She mumbled, her feet starting to stumble from underneath her. “Will marhaelun be there..?”


    “We will all see.” The two started to move forward with her, following Alo. Ventys slowly noticed that she was walking on her own. Vallein and Laltyl had faded as she accepted their help, her strength and balance had completely returned to her as she made her way the final paces towards the Fox Hole.


    . . .


    Ventys stumbled into the Fox Hole, the noise of her return being quite obvious. “I am never going into a forest ever again.”


    Vallein moved quickly towards the entrance, a bright smile on his face as he went to grab her and lift her off her feet in a hug “You did it!”


    A smile would quickly go to her face as her Uncle picked her up. “Well, yeah! I'm like…the strongest person I know!”


    “I can still fail you.” He retorted.


    Laughs started to fill the Fox Hole, the pain of it all leaving her. 


    It was all a hallucination, right?



    "Are you ready for your ilmyumier?”


    "Ti. I think I'm ready."


    "Have you thought about where you want it to be placed?"


    "My ribs, closest to my heart. I will cherish it forever."


  7. Spoiler



    To Test A Fox



    A representation of the Elven forest circa. 63 S.A.



    “Vuln’ii, do you hold the title of Vuln’miruel?”


    “I felt it was ne appropriate”


    “Let us change that then.”




    The forests surrounding the lands were dark and vast. Once one exited the roads of the lands, the forest would engulf them into its world, a land to never escape from. The looming trees never allowed for many sights of the heavens above in the later hours of the day.


    Make friends with a fox.


    A young mali ran into these woods willingly, her maroon eyes filled with a sudden calm. Oh, how the ambience soothed her raging soul, bringing a hot-headed woman to a temporary calm. For most, the noise would be bothersome, but from the years of living in these walls of bark and wood, the elf had no trouble welcoming the noise back into her hectic life. Her chest would rise and fall with inconsistent breaths, trying to catch its normal pace. The elf would then look at her surroundings. She scanned the area for ginger fur, but couldn’t see any. With that, she would go through the forest.


    Twigs broke and dead leaves would crunch under stiff leather boots, treading through the forest. It couldn’t be so hard finding a fox and befriending it, no? Bushes would start to rustle and the sound of gentle steps could be heard. Movement. The elf’s ears would perk up, looking around for where the noise had come from. Suddenly, patches of red fur would appear in her vision, simply passing by. 


    It comes naturally to us.


    “Wait!” She yelled, which only scared the poor fox. Speed picked up in its feet, and the fox would start to run off. This caused her to curse under her breath and start to run after the fox! She couldn’t lose this now! As she ran through the forest, other creatures would run off in fear of being the mali’s prey, though she had no intention of hurting them. It being nighttime made it harder for her to keep her eyes on the fox, though she kept up with it well enough as its red fur stood out like a sore thumb.


    Suddenly, the fox would stop in a clearing, the moonlight shining onto the animal. The fox did not have a coat like most, but instead, their fur was red and black, the black being the dominant colour in this case. A gold cross would be its morph. The mali would slow down until she finally stopped at the edge of the clearing. This is what she found…a fox unlike any other, perfect for accompanying a mixed elf, not like any other. 


    No tricks.


    She sighed as she remembered her uncle’s words. Damn you, marmal’onn. The Arvellon that lived within the girl wanted to disobey this, bribing the fox with a berry, but it would ruin the trial. Instead, the girl held out her tattooed hand, showing the fox that she would not harm it. The fox would look at her arm, seeing the stars upon her hand. It started to slowly approach the girl, feeling her aura as it got closer. Even though the fox was just chased by her, it got close enough to sniff her hand, further evaluating her. 


    The fox would then press its head against the girl’s hand, allowing her to pet it. Ventys would beam as the fox finally accepted her! “I am going to name you Alo,” she declared as she ran her dark fingers along Alo’s fur, feeling a fox’s coat for the first time. 


    The duo would walk past the gates of Caras y Tennallar, into the city. A smile was painted upon Ventys’ features, proud of herself! “Haelun, Marmal’onn, look!”



  8. Fear grew within an elf’s eyes as she had walked along the path to the spire, seeing the blood filled caves. Her fox sniffed the iron smell and cringed. It started to run off, leaving her there! “I hate these damned forests.” 

  9. “The councillors did nothing to even encourage the acts of kinslaying. Unfortunately…it seems this source is false. Ivarielle doesn’t even want to have a princedom anymore. Seems no Republican can keep up with the times.” A ‘thill would shake her head as she read the missive within her home.

  10. A 'thill would smile from the comfort of her home. "Blessed be the children of Larihei and Iphys once again makes the right call. No longer should the councillors stand neutral on something that is tearing their nation apart. I support you Iphys and may you stay Okarir'tir for as long as you wish." 

  11. A Mali'thill would shake her head at the thought, reading the missive from inside her home. "Unfortunate lives have been lost... It saddens me they will ne see the end of this. Though, we shall come together in harmony to send them off to a better life. They will never have to face this issues again."

  12. A Mali’thill would recount the events that had happened this day and sigh. She shook her head, conjuring some thoughts into her head. “May we prosper under a new era. No longer will we be controlled by our government to do as they please, but instead be our own selves, our own Mali’thill. No more will we show our faces, attached to something so lost. This is the true meaning of Meahr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Ay’Haelun’or, Ay’Ivarielle.”

  13. Delicate hands picked the missive from where it was pinned. “Hm… progress and health they so preach…yet, they are not open to changing of the times. Seems these people just say things with no meaning then.” A high elf would shred the missive, letting the torn pieces fall to the ground before retiring to her home. 

  14. A high elf would sit in the Haelun’or tavern, her eyes narrowing upon the document before her. “I didn’t know a council could just do that. Though, I believe Ayliana would be a perfect fit. I’ve seen her more than that so called Maheral. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, Haelun’or.” 

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