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Posts posted by TaytoTot

  1.   We the people of the Jade State of Yong Ping denounce our Zhu, former Chancellor and Dufu, Tianrui Ryu.  Tianrui Ryu has done nothing for our beloved state or us, the people. Ryu is a selfish government official that we promised ourselves to never let into power. As Dufu, Chancellor, we’ve seen no changes to our nation. What will become of him being the Zhu of Yong Ping? But let’s remember what he promised to do as chancellor.

    Plain Gray Divider

         Tiny Pixel SparkleDefend against aggression towards the Jade State and her Citizens.  

         Tiny Pixel SparkleExpand and provision the Yong Ping Army in both times of peace and war.  

         Tiny Pixel SparkleIncrease upon border patrols by the Yong Ping Army.  

    Plain Gray Divider

      Tianrui Ryu was Dufu of the Yong Ping Army and all items listed here deal with the Army of Yong Ping.

    Why didn’t he do those things when he was Dufu?

    We believe that Tianrui Ryu is begging for every title he can possibly get his hands on. He is using the fact that whatever he led as his last position didn’t fall apart to be promoted. We the people need government officials who prove themselves worthy of our trust. 

    Out of all the people in our Government, Tianrui Ryu is the person we have only seen a few times and briefly. If he is to be the speaker for the people, why is he never around to listen to us?

    Ren, you used the fact that Ryu was your son. You used this, us, to get the ministers to vote in your favour to make Ryu Chancellor. Then promote him to Zhu almost instantly. Because of this, we believe that we should have the power to vote for our own Zhu and Chancellor.

    No more will the current Zhu or Chancellor make the ministers vote in their favour when we, the people of Yong Ping can assign these positions ourselves. 

    Plain Gray Divider

    And already as Zhu, he demoted his Grand Secretary just for having family who got arrested.


    This is an abuse of power. 


    The People of Yong Ping

  2. On 11/19/2021 at 9:42 PM, NotJcbeno said:

    IGN: NotJcbeno

    DISCORD: Jcbeno#6694

    ITEM(BID): Leather Maiden (225 Minae)


    On 11/19/2021 at 7:30 PM, TheFirstShroom said:

    IGN: TheFirstShroom

    DISCORD: TheFirstShroom#5790

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 1 (450 mina)


    On 11/18/2021 at 9:50 AM, NotJcbeno said:


    IGN: NotJcbeno

    DISCORD: Jcbeno#6694

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 2 (700)


    On 11/12/2021 at 9:56 PM, DarkElfs said:

    IGN: DarkElfs

    DISCORD: DarkElfs#1259

    ITEM(BID): Custom Outfit - Bid: 500

    paid to me 11/22

  3. The Amaethea Auction




    ~ Rules/Information ~


    ⋆ Minimum bid increase will be 25 mina unless stated otherwise

    ⋆ Items will include their minimum bid

    ⋆ Do not edit your bid

    ⋆ Quote the person you are outbidding

    ⋆ Follow the bid format at the bottom of the post



    ~ Items ~


    Portrait 1

    Minimum Bid: 350 mina


    This will be a headshot of any character by @wolfersquad2004


    Portrait 2

    Minimum Bid: 500 mina

    Minimum Bid Increase: 50


    This item is done by https://deyonside.tumblr.com/ It is a half body and a background will not be included. Any addons you will have to pay yourself (Worth $20) ((Also this is traditional art))









    Custom Outfit

    Minimum Bid: 200 mina


    This item grants a skin commission from @Mewliet (Worth $11 USD)





    Leather Maiden

    Minimum Bid: 100



    Adventurer’s Tunic

    Minimum Bid: 100




    Minimum Bid: 50



    Minimum Bid: 200



    ~ OOC ITEM ~


    A parody song of an appropriate topic by @The Media Wizard

    Minimum Bid: 500














    IGN: TotallyTayto

    DISCORD: tayto#0961

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 1(350)



  4. Syllana Brylynn wandered around the burnt city with her husband, in hopes to find any other survivors. "Though it is so warm here, it seems the nights get colder and colder." The two would go throughout the city, pointing out places and telling eachother of the battles that went on.

  5. I’d like to share my experience with this. I was accused of stalling and metagaming. The mod present messaged me stating that I would be receiving a warning. Before this, I have never had a warning or ban at all, so I was fine with this. After it was handled, I logged off and went on with my day. Then I was messaged stating I was banned for metagaming and stalling. I was never asked for my logs and the “stall” was only two minutes — though that’s besides the point. I believe it’s totally unfair, I told that to the mods and they continued. 

    So, I believe how they moderate should be changed in some way or form. 

  6. "The days seem darker with every mali lost." The home is quiet, the candles stay unlit. All of the mirrors in the home would be covered, a common grieving practice in Syllana's family. The stewardess would gather her things and head out of the home. As she traveled to the Eastern lands of Almaris, the 'aheral would mumble to herself. How could she lose her sister so early? 


    As she stumbled across a pond, she kneeled down before the water. "Ahernan Briar, for making me a Taliame'onn and with that, finding myself." No tears would be shed, just the memories of Briar's life carried on through the Brylynns. 



  7. The ‘aheral looked over the missive, her eyes narrowing onto the contents. She’d then hand the paper to her husband. “Seems ‘tis the season for war. They claim our own llir to be enemies. Though, they took down that damned city. They did us a great act, I fear we can never repay.” She sighed, thinking back on all her azdrazi liiran. 

  8. Silence came from the Brylynn home that night. The Deep Cold... fitting time for the resemblence of death to those who knew them so well.


    No one returned home after finding out the Zolvan Vuln'muriel had died. When people flocked to the city, Syllana stood there, seeing Zolvan enter. Now, she sits in the forest with her new fox friend. A Vuln'muriel trial she had passed through. Unrecognisable words mumbled under the poor girl's breath. The only father figure who she barely even knew was gone before they even had the chance to be family. For real this time. 


    The soon to be Vuln'muriel wrote down her thoughts on parchment, a letter to her husband. Every single word she felt about this had been spilled out onto the inked words, no pauses. She took a deep breath, letting her emotions consume her as she wrote. 


    "Maln is gone..."





  9. The Elvenessi Councillor would laugh as she looked over the ransom missive! “Ah, don’t ransom them, just ruin the ‘thill! They’re evil at heart and deserve it. Never have had mercy, don’t show them it back” She’d grin before looking over to her newborn daughter. 

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