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Posts posted by Cheese

  1. 2 hours ago, Dogged said:
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    yoppl copy paste? atleast give credit to the original idea or don't do it


    I'm so sorry I forgot to include credit. I edited the post and included a link to the original post because Yoppl deserves credit for their work. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, I'll be sure to give due credit in the future.






    Issued by the


    On this 15th day of Wzuvar ag Byvca of 465 E.S. 





    Throughout the history of the Kingdom of Haense, the Sigmundic Calendar and the astrological signs associated with it have served as a cultural practice that allows the stars to guide believers through their daily trials and tribulations, as well as predict both good fortune and shortcomings of the relatively near future.

    While many may accuse horoscopes as leading people astray, or preaching outright blasphemy, it is important to keep in mind that the following horoscopes are merely metaphors, and are open to diverse interpretations.






         As the most mellow and neutral of the signs, The Moon is often known for being content with what they have, and seldom indulging in greedy tendencies. In order to maintain this fulfilment, the moon should not only hold onto the positive aspects of their lives, but also cleanse themselves of negative energies and grudges that may be holding them back.

    The moon may find themselves with little romantic luck this year, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Other forms of love may blossom during this time, and more importantly, the moon may be able to invest more love in themselves.




         Hence its regal name, the sign of The Queen is well known for its perseverance and leadership skills. During this year, it would do well for the queen to take advantage of this, and search for opportunities to lead. 

    To the younger generations born under this sign, this year may mark the start of a rebellious phase. Parents, however, should worry not, as even the strongest leaders need a shoulder to fall upon and an example to live up to.

    If you are in a relationship with someone born under this sign, your partner may greatly appreciate reassurance of your love to them. After all, a great leader is nothing without their following, and your partner will need to be certain of your loyalty to the relationship if they are to call you their closest advisor.




         While many born under the sign of The Crow have proven to bear immense intelligence and uniquely wise ideas, it is important to remember that everything must be learned. That is why, for this year, it is important for the crows to gain new information from their superiors, whether in age or standing.

    This year, the crow may find themselves frustrated romantically. Whether they are already in a relationship, or pursuing a person of interest, the crow must take into account that their wisdom does not excuse arrogance. The pride this sign carries in their intelligence may be seen as rude or condescending, which can be unappealing to those the crow attempts to woo.




          As one of the most impromptu of the signs, The Wyrm’s bold impulsivity may be one of their fallbacks this year. It would do the wyrm well to keep their fiery and bold tempers in check, lest their impulsivity take advantage and get them into trouble.

    Romantically, wyrms can expect a lot of passion from their person of interest. However, whether this intensity will prove to be positive towards the relationship is uncertain. The wyrm should take time to put their beloved first, which may be difficult at first for such an outlandish personality, but in the end, this selflessness may be helpful.




         In contrast to the impulsive wyrm, The Giant should attempt to branch out this year. While their honour-bound duties are indeed to be admired, they can at times be rigid, which may prove to be a setback.

    Should the giant indeed practise spontaneity, their financial investments may see a change as well. To go out on a limb is often how businesses make it big, and the giant could see improvements should they act a little more bold.




         Similar to their raven ally, The Wopperklaw is notably one of the more inquisitive of the signs, and is known for being rather aloof, even when it comes to their core morals. This year, the wopperklaw would do well to stay true to their gut; instincts rarely fail one in times of need.

    Romantically, the wopperklaw is bound for prosperity this coming year. However, this should only happen if the wopperklaw is loyal and true to the person they hold dear, and does not let their curiosity lead them into temptation. For wopperklaws who are without a partner, this may be prosperity in itself. They should practise contentment, and not go out looking for lust or drama. To summarise: Stay where you are; if it is meant to be, it will come to you.





         And finally, as one of the most bold signs, The Drake holds much fire in their personality, and oftentimes, this fire is accompanied by resentment. This year, the drake should focus not on those who have done them wrong, but rather take care of themselves first. Spending time outside and doing the things you love are both great ways to practise self care.

    Oftentimes, the drake may be seen as unfriendly or cold. However, this is untrue, as the drake holds the people they hold dear very close. The drake, along with self care, should also take time to thank the people in their life for all they do for the drake. And, if you know a drake, you should thank them in turn for the flavour they bring to what could otherwise be a very bleak life.






    Her Royal Majesty, Esfir of Jerovitz, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska.


    Her Excellency, Viorica Irena Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court, Countess-Consort of Jerovttz, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev, Baroness-Consort of Koravia


    Firress Ilaria Amador, Court Astrologer of Hanseti-Ruska



    Hi friends! So sorry for the late edit, but I realized I did not include credit for the original Haeseni astrology post. Please check it out here, Yoppl deserves credit for their hard work. Sorry again! <3 



  3. 7 hours ago, sam33497 said:

    favorite rp moments in your time playing the server?

    Ahhhh omg theres so many :( a lot of my favorites have definitely been with our beloved plume ( @RMW01 ) or my other amazing friends whom I love very much <3 you've also been a good number of rp highlights! You're an incredible role player and your chars are so lifelike its almost like I'm there! (I even appreciate lanre in his own weirdo way)

  4. 37 minutes ago, megavolter said:

    where is the corpse of Octavia Rose


    36 minutes ago, Kaladin Stormblessed said:

    what are the things you're looking for a new character?

    And happy birthday!


    Oooooh good question! Usually I like to start with kids because it allows me to develop their personalities over time and have proper character growth!
    But if I start with an adult, I usually try to loosely base their personality off of a character from movies, shows, books, etc. I think it allows me to give them a wide range of personalities and makes them less 2d!

  5. 1 minute ago, RMW01 said:

    What aspect of your characters has changed the most since you first brought them to the world, and what caused that change? Did something about their morals, personality, view on the world, or appearance change and what's the story behind those changes

    I think Juniper's changed the most. Especially since I've played her for so long, she's had a lot of development.. hell, it's almost her one year birthday!
    Juni started out as a sweet little girl who loved her sisters and aspired to be like her mother Octavia. However, as she got older, the people she loved started leaving her and/or dying. She's seen and been through a lot, and every day she just lost more and more faith in herself and the world around her. Now she's bipolar and has both BPD (borderliner personality disorder) and PTSD, so she's way different than when she was just a little girl


    poor juni :( she's trying her best, we love her <3

  6. Hi friends!! So today is my birthday, and since I've been on this server for awhile without ever doing any of these, I'm going to let all of you ask me whatever you want, within reason of course :)
    You can also ask me about any of my personas. Here's a list of all my characters for you to ask me questions about! If you know them, fantastic, if you don't, get to know them a little more!

    Octavia Rose
    Juniper Rose

    Serafina de Astrea
    Zodiac Titane

    Katerina Colborn
    Ilaria Amador
    Liridona Amador

    Colette d'Abbassia
    Helena von Leopold


    Jesus Christ that was a lot... happy asking!

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Juniper Rose


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Mika Anarion


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             yes :)


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  8. Upon receiving such a missive, Juniper smiled. Her grin only brightened when she saw it was signed by her favorite musin, and she marks her calendar to ensure she doesn’t miss the date!

  9. [!] A missive has been hung up in various cities across Almaris.


    The Bounty for Khione Valkyrie

    Issued on the 10th of Amber’s Cold; 109 SA


    It is on this day that the House of Elvenguard issues a wanted notice for a man of the name Khione. His last known surname is affiliated with the Clan Valkyrie.

    Khione is a mali who bears white hair with ice-blue streaks, and matching eyes of an icy hue. 


    The crimes Khione is wanted for are as follows:

    • The assault of Quildor Soltee Elvenguard and Aurelia-Jay

    • The kidnapping of Quildor Soltee

    • The excessive torture of Quildor Soltee


    House Elvenguard will provide a reward of 750 mina if Khione is brought alive, and 

    500 mina if his head is brought.

    Any information regarding Khione’s location, accomplices, or other clues will be rewarded with 100 mina.

    Direct all birds to Aurelia-Jay [Cheese1sgrater] &/or Avery Elvenguard [Dyvynarth]




    Aurelia-Jay, of House Elvenguard


    Avery, of House Elvenguard


    I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but I would like to remind everyone that metagaming any information about Khione is not allowed. It is not fair to Khione's player, nor is it fair to anyone else involved.

    If Khione is killed (popped), you can do /head request [user] and bring that as proof he's dead :)


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