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Everything posted by CopOwl

  1. Hey I'm a new player and I've been having a really fun time so far, however I find it difficult to start new personal roleplay. When I say personal roleplay, I define it as roleplay more personalised to your individual character between groups of 2-10 I would say. As an example I would put beginning a conversation, adventure, journey with someone I have never met and have only run into in town squares, passing on the road, etc. If anyone is interested in roleplaying at some point, I am very extremely down. however, the purpose of this post is to garner advice on beginning roleplay with someone I have no OOC reason to interact with. So far my only real roleplay experiences have been community run/organised. This is fun, but infrequent and I would like to rp more often. - a lost player P.S If anyone has advice on improving forum posts, I would love to hear. P.P.S If anyone has advice on places to hangout to get into more rp I will be there :D P.P.P.S Btw what's the procedure for messaging people (in game) about rp opportunities, for example if you've been offered a job) P.P.P.P.S If anyone has other advice I would love to hear. (final P.S I promise)
  2. CopOwl


    Just like in fantasy books, Asphodel was found by her parents in the middle of the woods as an orphan however her true origin was never confirmed. She was raised by human parents in a small cottage close to a village outside of the map where the narrative takes place. Her parents had 8 of their own biological children so they found it difficult to give each of them the attention, love and kindness that they truly needed to develop. When Asphodel was just 8 years of age (in human years) her human twin brothers were killed by wolves in the woods and a year later her younger sister followed suit. These losses affected her family and Asphodel greatly and her mother soon retired afterwards to be with them. This stretched them even further for money and at the young age of 14 her parents were forced to let her and her older siblings go to fend for themselves. Asphodel travelled and a few years later found herself passing through the Elven capital of Almaris where she learnt small amounts of the elven dialect before moving on. Throughout her life she struggled often to find food, knowing little of her halfling heritage and natural skill. She found it difficult to learn of the natural halflings in the region and the halfling settlement of Brandybrook where she would be able to fluorish. Despite this, she still felt the need to travel and help people. The only confusing thing is that for as long as she could remember, everytime it stormed she noticed a significant rise in anger especially when there was thunder and lightning. And even when it rained she still felt rises in frustration although it was easier to cull and suppress. For most of her youth she lived off of begging in cities and the kindness of others. This kindness makes her want to help people to pay back for those who saved her life as a child. Being raised by humans, it means that she never developed a typical halfling accent, although since halflings naturally find it difficult to pronounce certain words and sounds, she still talks like a halfling occasionally. Eventually she turns of age (33) and begins to work her hardest in local taverns and pubs, finding herself happy with food and drink and her ability to be friendly useful when serving others.
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