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Posts posted by DrunkPapaBear








    To all citizens of the Iron’Uzg this missive asks the following of all those loyal to it and its settlements.

    I. From this day onwards, the enrapturement of Nephilim is necessary. All Lizardkin, Azdrazi, Nephilim, or whatever they are known to you by, will need to be entrapped and brought to the throne of the Iron’Uzg. Here they will undergo a trial set forth by Rex as a trial of justice, to answer for the crimes of their people.

    II. Unless captured, all Nephilim and Draconic Creatures are banished from the realms of the Iron’Uzg and should be apprehended immediately.

    III. They are not to be killed on sight, however harm leading to the capture of their form may be necessary. Bring them swiftly and enclose them within the cities walls and prepare for combat should such events happen.

    IV. It is important that pacts are not broken for this declaration, do not raid settlements not directly established as draconic settlements. This means not attacking the lands of Celia’nor, Haense, Urguan, Etcetera.


    V. This pact does not give express permission to hunt dark beings in the lands of foreign nations. In order to get permission to hunt dark beings residing in other lands, you are to get permission from the leadership of said land/nation/settlement. Failure to follow this rule will result in your honor being stripped and your person(s) being banished from the lands of the HORDE. In order to regain your honor, you must prove your worth by how you see fit or by entering an honor klomp.


    Ar-Borok of clan Akaal, Rex of the Iron’Uzg and envoy of the Heartbeat


    Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Iron'Uzg


  2. Krug’s Word, First Edition


    [!] The Rex of the Iron’Uzg delivers a missive to the free peoples of Almaris, those unblighted by the forces of evil. 




    The Gate of Dom has been a treasured artifact since its inception by Skaatchnak of clan Akaal. Communing with the Greater Ancestral Spirits has allowed for the proliferation of old shamanic arts, but also in bringing forth an unseen calamity within the jungles of the Uzg. The Rex seeks those capable of combatting the darkness, as well as shamans to perceive what these new changes may bring. 


    Two clans have risen up from their graves. Both Lur and Yar seek to reforge themselves in the wake of a new Wargoth. Madoc'Lur has become the Wargoth of Lur after a long and intense match with his newer clansmate, Gutlug’Lur. Barbog has taken up the mantle of Wargoth of Yar, bringing newer orcs into his clan and heralding the return of older Yars.


    The Rex seeks orc and kin alike to reforge the paths of Spiritualism, seeking the faithless to adopt the ways of Krug and the Spirits. 




    Like his predecessor, the Age of Fire burns on in the Rex's heart, a path paved through industrialization and a return towards reforging the sacred paths of the Ancestors. All those adept in science, constructs, forging, and alchemy are welcome to witness the transformation of Krug’s People.





    To continue these regular missives, the Rex seeks scribe and scholar alike within the Uzg to transcribe text and his great word(paid position).



  3. A brown uruk grabbed a map of the jungle and placed it on one of the tavern's table. 

    "Ukee bruddahs, the time has come. We launch da first expedition in dub cactus days!"

    The orcs then went on with their preparation, as whatever laid claim to their jungle needed to be cleansed



    Saturday september 3 at 3 pm est, cool ST event :D 



    Trade Agreement on Honor and Safety

    Year 91 of the second age, 6th of Aanzrii

    Paxahru smiles upon this day


    This document serves as an agreement between the signatories and the domains they rule over. In no way does this document guarantee the safety or well-being for those not part of either respective domain.

    I: The signatories hereby agree that no citizen of either domain are to be infringed upon for peddling goods or services when in the realm foreign to their home.

    I.I: Citizens are defined as residing within the domain of either respective signatory. This will require proof of housing within the respective domain. Even merchants directed by government officials and/or given a governmental role are considered citizens under this agreement.

    I.II: Goods and services, trading, and bartering are all permitted by the citizens of either domain when in the land of the other. This includes roadways, farm houses, vacation homes, caves, lairs, forests, and whatever else the respective domain rules over.

    I.III The two signatories agree that they will not exchange voidally enchanted goods or items created from dark magic.

    II: The signatories hereby agree that no citizen of either domain are to be attacked, cursed, robbed, or otherwise murdered for their honest lifestyle of a merchant or farmer looking to peddle their goods and services.

    II.I: If a citizen of either domain are attacked, cursed, robbed, or murdered, the agreement becomes null and void until the respective leaders of each domain can convene to discuss and potentially re-sign the agreement.

    III: If any of the hereby agreements are broken, under no circumstance may the respective signatory guarantee the safety of another within their domain until the leaders of each respective domain can convene and speak about compensation to either the domain itself or the citizen and his/her/its family.

    This agreement is to remain for seven years at which time the signatories can reconvene to renew the pact.



    Ar-Borok of Clan Akaal, Rex of the Horde


    Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Horde, Commander of the Krug-hai


    Ixûla of Clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde


    Al-Uk of Clan Akaal, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits


    Willy of San’Velku, Envoy of The Horde

    Vyllaenen Daemyr, High Prince of Malin’or




  5. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/LenO74kboESf_ZwCjMxLYvzrSUCmH4ROPBdRxzUyr7O09jllWVMaBbI0NJmabGLTYutHUcmzWOgaybpLPRtP0w6WgqHdabgz_QYa7zCMzRnTJkk2GgLZzsfSZKm7hp0G7g6kQp54qIOrqxiglQhbSjc4ChubkhdheuAYGe_dcZUeSJp6yXkTuBf_k3pb6QtyhbOYeiIyb46fLA-yl6mk4TzYJzisBvmaQDc3g8MMUTQwo9LrQPvkIzCIZ1bgNl1i50lTcUAzOHuonNsduUgYslSjA


    Pact of Scorpion and Jindle


    The Iron'Uzg and family Jindle are hereby aligned from this day forth. The Jindles are to stand by the following conditions in the contract below:


    ● The Jindle Company is obliged to support The Iron'Uzg in its War goals. 


    ● The Jindle Company is obliged to defend The Iron'Uzg from banditry, and raids. 


    ● The Jindle Company must first request permission from the Rex when targeting specific groups, or Nations, due to the volatile state of the continent - to keep the home Nation safe.


    ● The Jindle Company is allowed to bandit freely on non-Orcish road. All banditry profits go to the Jindle Company. 


    ● In the Event of War, 50% of the profits, and gear, earned by the Jindle Company must be passed over to The Iron'Uzg


    ● In the Event of raids, or banditry, the Company can keep any loot they personally gain. 


    The Iron'Uzg must stand by the following conditions set below by the Company:


    ● The Iron'Uzg must provide the Jindle Company with sufficient land, to train our new recruits as the Company grows. 


    ● The Iron'Uzg must accommodate housing, in the form of a Keep, or Clan/Guild house. 


    ● In the Event of the Company defending the Nation, The Iron'Uzg must be prepared to gear the Jindles sufficiently with the highest standard of gear.


    This contract may be terminated at any time by both The Iron'Uzg, and the Jindle Company if any section of the contract is violated.


    Signed by,


    Arandir Jindle


    Endyn Jindle


    Ar-Borok of Clan Akaal, Rex of the Horde

    Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Horde, Commander of the Krug-haiO-Sod5to0UkMM4D5SxHkU5SSlcpRl-aJ_vQ6UxpLCpKu1e6Ctviae4Z70MMUpp4IcCkI9XleL2NzKtplJQxeCjIBYpVCY0aVptpCsOW1hhijpgQZYC_DHA7ytyhUKncS4LsW6WaL_4lyhiD9Exb2iY0

    Ixûla of Clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde



    Al-Uk of Clan Akaal, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits

  6. The Rex signed the peace treaty, along with his Dominus and Motsham.


    « Peace, finally. Let’s zkahing drink now bruddahs, BRING DA KRUGAMINE! »


    The Rex, along with orcs, elves, dwarves and humans then went on to feast in the capital of the Iron’Uzg, San’Velku.

  7. 2 hours ago, Havsbris_ said:

    Reminder you specifically came into Celia’nor vc with me and twi to propose dismantling Elysium, giving us their land, amd playerbase, just so you could remove tigergiri and crines. Don’t start throwing rocks at glass walls unless you wanna get into it.

    I am banned from Celianor discord since Kiwi (may she never gets unbanned) had a power trip, probably confusing me with someone else boy

  8. On 7/13/2022 at 10:37 PM, Havsbris_ said:

    If this, loose claims of 'ooc agenda plots' not only are given no details as to what, or evidence, then deserves a deeper investigation into the 'ooc plots' of every nation leader. Krugmar, Haelun'or, and further nations and settlements have, with screenshots ready and available, engaged in 'death war' plots, threats, and insults directed at other nations, with leaders engaging in ploys to oocly manipulate, and bully their way into dismantling other nations. This is not a Twinny, or Monkee exclusive thing, so if you're going to ban them over such a reason, the whole server needs an investigation then.




    I laughed




  9. We have the issue of a lot of our leadership guys not being able to make it the 23rd, summer things etc.


    I thought we wanted this war to be over quick, so not doing the field battle on the 16 seems odd.


    The other side had a lot of time to prepare, more than us who launched our war discord a few days ago and we’re fine with that. There’s really no point in delaying it.


    So we’ll ask another time to speed up this war to Saturday the 16th, or we’ll have to do it the week after the 23rd.


  10. Alright hello hello 


    You want a warzone? 

    Haelunor has been working on the build for their new city for 2 months and you posting a warclaim 1 month prior to the date stopped their paste.


    We’ll accept the warzone if Haelunor get to paste their build.

    As for the date of the warclaim, we would like it to be on Saturday july 16 so we can get on with it and not have a war that will go on until school starts.


    If you really want to do it the week after, then refer to the Haelunor situation :)



  11. The Rex of the mighty Horde chuckled at the missive.


    « Who are they trying to convince? Maybe they should listen more to the church and care less about starting wars they cannot win. »


    The uruk then rolled the paper in a ball and swallowed it, helping the missive go down his throat with some guzzoline.

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