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Posts posted by DrunkPapaBear

  1. Regarding Nor’Asath, we reached out to them and told us to let them know whenever their build was done however they never told us it was done to paste it in. As per the recent changes to the fort, it was merely completing what was discussed whenever we last spoke with alex in regards to needed changes

  2. The Bias continues, what is supposed to be a discussion where both sides communicate with one another to decide the times and processes of the warclaim has turned into a public showing of bias on behalf of staff and Malinor.

    The biggest absurdity from staff is yet even more proof that they have zero respect for their own rules and disregard them whenever they feel like it, or perhaps that is just an extent of the ongoing bias. 

    We are being forced to do the warclaim on a day that a majority of our rally cannot even make it let alone myself the leader of my nation. On top of this a large number of our leadership cannot make it either as this weekend is also a holiday.


    On the last warclaim the defending side asked for the warclaim to be delayed for the exact same reason and the staff obliged to not do it on a holiday? Why is my nation forced to succumb to even more bias from staff? 

    Assuming this bias will continue we would not be surprised for staff to also force us to defend a city that is not only inactive, but also doesn't even exist in roleplay anymore. Will they even use their logs to ensure that the Academy is the sole location of activity within the tile? Do the countless of forums post on behalf of it or large player rallies for roleplay not count? Let's just set one thing straight regarding which settlement is the most active in tile_43.









  3. It's not your decision to make if it's "a cancerous underground gauntlet" or not. Once staff come and verify our fort, we will know if it's legal or not.
    The primary settlement within the tile is the Academy and the underground forteress underneath it. Those who settled in the pirate city used it as a cover for the Academy and as soon as the Academy began to expand, everyone left the pirate city. I know you want an easy fight where we can't defend ourselves, but the pirate city is not a settlement of tile 43 and you'll need to understand that.
    This war was out of the blue, as members of your leadership stated oocly and irp multiple times that Celianor was not going to declare war, until the leader of a lair overruled their irp and ooc words and posted a warclaim. From what members of your leadership told us, some didn't even knew about the warclaim being posted and personally even didn't want a war, seems like there was some lack of communication on your side.
    As for the warclaim being this weekend, we sadly can't as we only had a few days notice. We will do the same as Elysium when Krugmar tried to have the warclaim one week after the post was up and staff decided to give two weeks, as it is custom. You can go see the last thread with Elysium again, where itdontmatta said exactly the same thing he did in this one. If you scroll down a little more, you'll see me saying exactly what you are saying right now and yet the warclaim was still held two weeks after the post.
    I'm sorry my friend :)
  4. As we have stated before it is up to the administration to decide what is and what isn’t allowed within our war fortress not the opposing side. We have still received no communication from the admin or mod team in regards to direction of this war and we are happy to hear that unlike us, you are receiving that. 

    As we have also stated before, the pirate town is by no means even questionable as the center of roleplay within the tile. We do not need for the opposing side to try and dictate what is and what isn’t happening on behalf of the defending side.


    During the Elysium/Horde war, we also asked for the warclaim to be 1 week after the post was up and the decision from administration was that the warclaim would take place 2 weeks after the post, as it is custom. Crines didn’t get banned for « delaying » the warclaim and we all know it. We asked for the warclaim to be on june 25th, since we learned less than a week before the warclaim that this war was accepted, after you tried to bypass war rules by borrowing Elysium’s tile.

    Here are some screenshots from the last warclaim discussion you might recognize, itdontmatta asking the same thing he did in this current discussion. In the other screenshot, you can see Zacho giving the verdict that the warclaim will be held 2 weeks after the post is up on the forums.

    We simply ask for the same thing Elysium did as most of our players would not be able to attend a surprise warclaim like this.


    We have nothing further to provide to this thread at the moment until we receive communication from the mods of administration as none of such has occurred on our side after countless attempts to engage in it to be met with nothing but ignorance.





    The Pact of Blood and Mudd






    11th of The First Seed, year 80 of the Second Age


    This document, stored in the throne room of San'Velku, act as a pact between the House Mudd and the Horde, should war be.


    This means no metagaming momozkahers





    I. House Mudd will aid the Horde in the defeat of the crumbling nation of Malinor.


    II. The Horde will provide House Mudd in minas for their services against the tree huggers of Malinor


    III. House Mudd will be awarded land for their aid against the tree huggers.


    IV. The shamans of the Horde will provide hexes, to defend themselves against the Azdrazis, Mystics and other Undeads living in Malinor.




    Rex Ar-Borok of clan Akaal


    Myron Mudd, leader of House Mudd





  6. « Threatz zent to the wind, empty, without any zenze.»


    The Rex spoke, holding the last missive sent by Malinor.


    « Ah bait they wizh for uz to take, ah bait that would make uz the aggrezzorz. »


    The tall orc let out a light chuckle as he crushed the paper filled with elven lies and cowardice.


    « The world know of their liez now. They know of the weaknezz of thiz elven unity. Crumbling, fighting among themzelvez. Unlike we, the Horde, who ztand united! »


    The leader of the Blood Horde roared, standing in front of the full might of the Horde. Orcs, elves, humans and dwarves, united under one goal.





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