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Eko Elk

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    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Game Dev'ing about

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    Elken Crestpeak
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  1. Hey its me just got accepted tysm teawithsarah

  2. Hey its me wow

  3. Eko Elk


    My name is Elken Crestpeak. I grew up for 19 years without ever leaving my protected farm which is located in a field near a river in an unknown location. My father, Oranus Crestpeakwas a strong hunter and fisherman who would frequently leave me and my mother for multiple days to weeks to go on hunts with his friends. My mother, Athnea Crestpeak is a strong farmer who provided food for me and my father. My only friend of sorts was the horse that my mother used to help with farming. At the age of 19, my father disappears without a word and my mother is in sever emotional pain. Not being knowledgeable enough on this situation, I assume that my father was kidnapped by half-lings so I leave the walls of the protected farm and head out to find my father. Everything I knew about education and the world around me was taught by my mother and father. They taught me about different cities and settlements but my father always made sure to let me know of the savages that are half-lings. While my father was out hunting, my mother taught me about the history of Aeigis and the Canonist faith. Her favourite story to tell was that of the tale of Iblees and the 30 year war between him and The Descendants.
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