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Posts posted by MapleSunflower

  1. A tingling sensation bugged a certain Doctor's nose as she sat in court. A missive had been passed around to those attending to read - and she did - but she really didn't care much. With time running out, she had to find something to catch the explosion drawing near! Taking the missive, she brought it to her nose, releasing a gross, booger-filled sneeze. She wiped her nose with the parchment before throwing it away with a relieved sigh. 

  2. Cailin Valywnn glanced up at the notice board in the Silver State. Holding onto her headband so it could not fall off, she would read the missive posted. "Oh!" She gasped, "That's my haelun! Seems like we were on the same page about this!" 

    The young elfess, due to her excitement, starts to dance in the streets of Haelun'or. 





  3. Behind Haelun'or, a young high elfess and an an elder snow elf made their way to the ocean, their feet sinking into the sand with each step. She held onto his hand - just as she had done since she was a child - and paused just a few feet away from the water's edge. 

    Cailin Valwynn looked up to her brother, Miryaris, with a beaming smile. "You can finally show me how to swim, mal'onn. No one will harm you here, and you can come and go as you please."

  4. The thesis been been left in the mailbox of the Vernhart Residence to be retrieved by the woman of the house. Madeline Vernhart set the mail on the kitchen table and slowly took a seat. Bearing a child, the blonde often found herself weaker and pained. Madeline took the cup of bitter reed and honey tea in hand as she started to read. Upon finishing it, the woman gave a nod, “The last thing I expected was my little brother to join the church - perhaps little Luddy will make Ma and Papa proud… It will certainly make Grandpa Johann and Saint Harald happy.” 

  5. Dr. Gendik sat in the basement of her home, the little clinic room she had set up didn't get as many patients as the public clinic. Often times, she was the patient. 


    The doctor had arrived with medicine to give the dying priest to ease his pain, yet he refused. She respected his wishes, and yet... she felt like she was the one who needed it. So many had died, strangers, comrades, family alike.


    The woman was only a few years younger than the Cardinal and yet she started to feel her age. Not in her bones nor greys nor wrinkles, but in the lives she had to witness end. Primrose had accepted she was no longer that 20-year-old naïve woman in Old Providence, but the losses of some of her oldest friends pained her. 


    Prim let herself sit alone for some time before she rose from the cot and headed out of the home to the Basilica. She had many names to pray for, why not another? Another friend to meet when it was her time...

  6. A lone doctor worked late into the night. No patients had come in - for once - it was unfortunate. Perhaps the Major Galbraith could have been set into one of these very cots and lived... And yet somewhere his cold, dead body would have begun the process of rigor mortis, returning to the dust from hence mankind came. 


    The dummy before her lay still, it's throat slashed open just as the knife that had ended Robert's life had. Jars of Blissfoil petals, Gislocinovi oil, and tools lined the cart to her left, and yet her gloved hands trembled. Dr. Primrose Gendik stared down at the bloodless gash  - memories flooding her mind.


    The Old Providence stables, where her comrades had sang together as they tried to defeat the obstacle course. Scouting the roads for bandits and confronting one notable group in Dobrov... It was only up until recently that the scorched Earth had repaired itself and the bodies had become one with the dirt. 


    Dr. Prim never belonged anywhere in the ISA, taking up work in the 3rd was the thing that suited the 20-year-old at the time and it had been that way for the next 41 years. She watched as members cycled through, the leadership continuously changing until she herself becoming a Lieutenant... and then leaving said billet. They vicious cycle continued with her too.

    CLUNK. The mortar and pestle filled with Tippen's Root left a dent in the clinic's wooden floor. Yet, the middle-aged woman was unable to stir herself of those thoughts that haunted her. It was Oliver Crowly who shoved Tippen's Root paste into the soldier's hands when 4 of the ISA's own had their throats slit after a battle. Ezekiel Moores, Aleksi Crowly, Josef var Ruthern, and another name that had since been long forgotten. Each and every one... lost. 

    The woman's breath hitched, sobs exploding from the aged woman. She had lost so many comrades, when would it end? Her eldest son was amongst the long list of names of the dead 3rd brigadiers. Who was left? 

    It was only
    Hieran, Varlam, and her. Soon the memory of the good ol' days would be gone.

    Soon the last inkling of Captain Robert Galbraith would be gone. The man who cared for each soldier like he was a brother or sister. Who was understanding of her slowness and took care of her the days she would show up to work drunk. 


    It was not the loss of the man whom decided it was his time over the hand of the enemy or old age, but the loss of a comradery so tight they were a family now quite literally dead. 


    Oh, where did the time go?

  7. 19 minutes ago, Narthok said:

    To the von Lothars


    We would like to personally invite you to the union of Lady Laurentina Helvets and Manfred von Arichsdorf. Your efforts in reinforcing us during the innumerable raids on the borderlands are deeply appreciated. The Emperor will be attending and personally taking stock of the Grenz in an official fashion. We must present our best face to the Empire.


    Brotherhood in the Grenz,

    M & L

    The Baroness of St. Lothar read over the missive with a smile. "How lovely! I'll be sure to go." Taking a sip of her tea, Primrose Gendik inserts the invitation into a book for later. 

  8. A Belt of Twine and Ivy

    Holy Matrimony of Iulius Vernhart and Madeline Rose

    17th of Julia and Piov, 416 E.S.




    Only Us


    Time is an irrelevant concept

    As I look down into your deep, brown eyes.

    A face I first saw when I was inept

    This love I found, to my joy and surprise.


    We walk through endless hoops together.

    However difficult, we choose to withstand.

    Our lives, our hopes, our losses, our joys,

    are now tied by a tether.


    "I have one condition on our courtship, Iulius." A soft voice spoke to the man

    before her. "I-If I am to be your wife someday, I want to be betrothed to you just as

    another Haenseni woman would." The blonde woman looked to the

    leather-bound book in her hands, a thumb marked the page of interest.

    Shakily inhaling, Madeline read aloud,


    "The Verevka belt is made of ivy and twine

    and is presented privately by a suitor to their lady to seek

    the permission of her hand in marriage. It must be fashioned of material

    gathered in nearby woodlands, twisted together by the hands of the suitor

    and blessed by a priest to be considered a legitimate offering."


    "Its knotted form represents the partnership the two share, entwined

    together much like the ivy into a strong girdle, and reflects

    the binding vows they will soon swear."


    Iulius listened to his beloved lady as she read from the book. "Vy

    wish for eam to make vy one of these, da?" He asked with an inhale, watching her.

    Reaching forward, he pushed her hair up and behind her ear.

    "For if vy wish it, ea will do it."


    ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~


    The lantern's flame flickered over the couple's features as a

    box was set into Madeline's lap. Her dark brown eyes glanced upwards to

    Iulius, a hand going to remove the lid. Madeline's eyes went wide.

    Carefully, her hands reached to take the belt of twine and ivy from the box;

    a thumb ran over a green ivy leaf. "A verevka belt..." She breathed in awe.

    Tears started to well in her eyes. "I-" Her lips tremebled as she forced her tears back.

    Smiling brightly at Iulius, she said,


    "Spasiba... Spasiba, Iulius."


    Dear Friends, Family, and Loved ones,


    You are cordially invited to the wedding of Firr Iulius Vernhart and Firress Madeline Rose. The wedding will take place at the Karosgrad Basilica. We hope you can be a part of our special day.


    Formal invitations are extended to the followed Haenseti peerage:

    His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Haenseti-Ruska and his royal pedigree.

    The Right Honorable Johann Ludovar, Count of Otistadt, and his noble pedigree.

    The Honorable Nikolai Kortrevich, Viscount of Jerovitz, and his noble pedigree.


    Special Invitations:

    Her Royal Majesty, Emma Katarina, Queen of Hanseti-Ruska.

    His Serene Highness, Lucien I, Prince of Savoy and his royal pedigree.

    His Grace, Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his pedigree.

    Her Ladyship Diana, Mother of the Bride, and her esteemed pedigree.

    His Lordship Rev, Father of the Bride, and her esteemed pedigree.

    His Lordship Josef Ludovar

    Pyotr Joren Ludovar

    Milo Kuznetsov

    Joseph Beckett




    Firr Iulius Vernhart


    Firress Madeline Rose



    Date: Thursday, March 10th

    Time: 5pm EST

    Location: Karosgrad Basilica, Haense


  9. 15 minutes ago, Imperium said:

    Dear Isabella,

    My beautiful granddaughter, It’s been a wonderful thing to see you grow into your own. You’ve found love, even if I did not always approve of it I was glad to see you he made you happy. Ruthern women have been in many powerful positions in history and I know you’ll find your place among them. I love you and will watch over you and my great-grandchildren from the seven skies.


    From inside the County of Huntshill, a Ruthern woman stood over the lake behind her home. She held the letter close to her heart as those ocean blue eyes peered over the water. The children were in bed and her faithful Waldinian Shepherd sat by her feet. Times had been tough for Isabella - but the letter had been the sunlight in her despair. Isabella vas Ruthern Huntshill-Novellen had fallen ill - an illness of the mind inherited from her father and passed to her kin. 


    "Grandpapej... Give me strength."



    The candle flickered beside the Orenian doctor as she read over the missive that passed over her desk. Dr. Primrose Gendik sighed - the one regiment address she hadn't asked the General how he was at pay. "He was the best General, I'll truly miss him... A wise man. May he rest in the Seven Skies." The Lieutenant Physician took a pair of gloves and headed to the upstairs of the clinic - work was never over. Primrose prepared to help her daughter deliver another darling grandchild. 


    One life ends while another is born. 

  10. Rain fell from above the Silver State; nature mourned for the loss of so many lives. An umbrella protected an elfess robed in blue from becoming soaked by the pouring of tears from the sky. She had just heard the news from her adopted haelun, Ayliana

    Standing in front of the Ni'Leya home, Cailin Ni'Leya remained still. "Was it really worth it, Uncle? To die a futile death? To allow them your life? Look at what they've done to our walls." Her fierce gaze remained forward. "You cried 'Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya'... and yet when we met last, before my tears for you had dried, you were cursing out an outsider... and here we are."


    Bitterly, the oem'ii turned on her heel and left, wisps of fabric flowing behind her with each step. The hem of her robes became soaked by the puddles under her feet. She would return home - Home to Miryaris.



    I want to kill Braxus (Ticofaidh_Ar_La). Literally kill Braxus (Ticofaidh_Ar_La). No other person can come close to relating to how much I want to kill Braxus. There is no way you can convince me not to kill Braxus (Ticofaidh_Ar_La). Killing Braxus (Ticofaidh_Ar_La) could not possibly be anymore me. I want to kill Braxus, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of not killing Braxus then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that I want to kill Braxus. I want to kill Braxus, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that I shouldn't kill Braxus is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and killing Braxus side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely think of killing Braxus every day and say "Yup, that's me." I can practically see killing Braxus every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how much I want to kill Braxus. I chuckle softly as I'm assured every day that I want to kill Braxus.


    On a real note though, thank you for welcoming me to the Haelun'or community and letting me join the Ni'Leya family. It was great getting to roleplay with you and hang around. I'm excited to see what comes next.


  11. A certain blonde woman was curled up on her bed with the book; only candlelight luminated the small bedroom. Taking in each inked word like a sponge, Madeline read it over and over again until her candle went out and left her in the dark. Laying back against her pillow, dark eyes stared at the ceiling above, "What a wonderful read!" Madeline exclaimed in a whisper. Twisting onto her side, the woman replaced the book into where it belonged on the shelf before laying to sleep for the night. 

  12. Dr. Primrose Gendik cried for the loss of her friend and fellow medic. On a windowsill in her Providence home was a table - lit with multiple candles and a bouquet of flowers - and yet the candle she held was special to her... The week was a tragic loss of many from all over, but the loss of Sixty-One would be one to haunt her for the rest of her years.


    Setting the white candle down, Prim lit a match and set the candle aflame. "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya" She'd croak in sorrow.

  13. An Orenian doctor read over the missive, tears spilled from her eyes. Another friend dead. 
    "Sixty-One" Dr. Primrose Gendik exhaled,  "May you find peace." 

    Cailin Ni'Leya hadn't attended the storming - instead she stayed at home with her snelf brother, Miryaris. She didn't have the heart to partake - not today. 

  14. 1 minute ago, MailC3p said:

    Arthur would run around the battlefield after the fighting had  ceased and victory was  assured, he removed his helmet as he looked around for his free company men, sweat dripping from the mans  face as he attempted to catch his breath, after a moment he had realized he hadn't seen his wife in a while, as worry grew on him  he would begin to shout as he ran around the city.


    "Primrose? Primrose?"  The old baron ran through the entire city, he would check every body he could find "Tripartite, Tripartite, Orenian, Tripartite" After hours of him not being able to find his wife Arthur would hear an ISA Private yell out "Dr. Primrose!  We got another Injured!" coming from the siege camp, Arthur's eyes would immediately look over to the siege camp and would run over to it, the blood on his  blade and armor now dry and  crusted from the battle, as he entered the siege  camp he  would see a make-shift clinic surrounded by men all getting  treated for there wounds, Orenian hero's  and Tripartite Prisoners alike,  as he entered his eyes would immediately lay on that of his wife and he would let out a sigh of relief  "There you are"


      Reveal hidden contents



    The battle had been long and hard. Sweat soaked her hair and dripped down her face, and yet her work was nowhere near done. A woman first, a soldier next, and a doctor last - Dr. Primrose Gendik-Komnenos quickly changed into her medical uniform and pulled on a pair of gloves as she would start the hardest of her work. 


    It had been hours since the battle was over - the woman had her mind on her patients - both Orenian and Triparte alike, it mattered not to her at the end of the bloodshed. The Lieutenant Physician oversaw each and every patient that came in and out of the medical tents - keeping an inventory of what supplies had been used, those injured, and those who died if identifiable. Like every battle, anxiety turmoiled her thoughts. She had not seen her husband here, thank God - but what if he was amongst the unidentifiable dead or had gone missing in action? 


    "Dr. Primrose! We got another injured!" A voice called to her, rousing her from the heartbreaking thoughts. Prim glanced up from the chart she was supposed to be examining, setting it on a table as she exchanged her gloves for clean ones.


    "There you are" Primrose turned upon hearing her husband Sir Arthur Komnenos -  a sigh of relief coming from the Baroness. "Arthur..." Tears welled in her eyes, though she quickly blinked them away. "You're safe - Thank the stars above." Prim quickly ran to his side to kiss him, "Meet me here when I'm done. Don't you dare leave my sight again..."


    With that, the Doctor returned to her work with a pep in her step. Her husband was alright, her work could go on with ease.

  15. Imperial State Army

    Medical Corps

    Established on the 13th of Sun's Smile, 1859




    [!] Led by the light of her lamp, the Lt. Physician Dr. Primrose Gendik checks on the soldiers kept overnight after the Battle of Lower Petra, 1858.


    The Imperial State Army Medical Corps is a division that accounts for the medical needs of Imperial soldiers and civilians both in combat and in the line of civil duty. The overall success of the program belongs to the War Office. The Medical Corps is managed by a Lieutenant Physician.


    The Lt. Physician may be of any brigade and shall retain assignment with their current brigade while serving in the position. The Lt. Physician is responsible for the maintenance of standards for the Corps, to include the methods, frequency of training, and quality of care provided by each Medic. They are also responsible for ensuring ready access to medical equipment, as well as adequate space in which medical care may be administer to patients. Furthermore, they are responsible for ensuring those trained are knowledgeable in administering basic battlefield medicine to their comrades. The Lt. Physician must maintain the requirements of an Army Doctor with an additional 3 years of formal medical education endorsed by the Surgeon-General or a Doctor with their permission whom is recognized by the Holy Orenian Empire's Medical Society.


    Any soldier of the Imperial State Army may volunteer for service within the Medical Corps. However, they must meet certain standards enforced by the Imperial State Army, their respective brigade, and the Lt. Physician.


    Under the standards of the Imperial State Army, each trainee must complete the respective amount of classroom lessons, field experience trainings, and a certain amount of years they have trained for. In order to provide certification upon completion of a Level's trainings, Medics must do 1 hands-on evaluation and 1 written assessment. Please read over each level carefully as each level may differ.




    The Standardized measurement of skill levels and expectations of each level shall be as follows. Each increased level is qualified in all responsibilities of the preceding tiers:


    Level 1: General First Aid

    Soldiers of this level are qualified to administer immediate emergency medical care in a rudimentary fashion with the intent to prevent the loss of life while awaiting more qualified medical treatment. These medics are taught the basics of combat medicine: how to maintain a sterile environment, how to stop a bleed, how to dress a wound, how to identify surface level injuries or afflictions, how to use basic medical tools and herbs, and basic treatments for minor injuries. Completing 1 medical course denotes proper qualification with 1 written quiz at the end. A soldier from this level should be present in 1 of every 4 ISA soldiers.



    Level 2: Combat Medic

    Medics of this level are expected to perform medical care during combat situations or other unfavorable conditions in order to prevent the loss of life. These medics are given more in-depth medical training to allow them to be able to provide higher quality aid to those injured. More specifically, they are able to extract foreign objects, treat 1st and 2nd degree burns, reset dislocations, set broken bones, and diagnose from a greater list of afflictions. Combat Medics must complete at least 3 dedicated training sessions and 2 field experience trainings under the guidance of the Lt. Physician. A written test and hands-on evaluation is required upon completion of these requirements to achieve this rank.


    Level 3: Combat Physician

    Medics of this level are still expected to be able to perform medicine during combat situations or under various unfavorable conditions as necessary while still maintaining a sterile and safe environment. These medics have been given significantly more training than their peers in conjunction with 5 years of real-life field experience. They possess the knowledge and skill sets in order to perform most types of surgical procedures, determine triage needs, treat 3rd degree burns, reduce permanent damage to the body as a result of injury, and provide end-of-life care.


    They have also been instructed in the intermediate stages of pharmaceutical prescribing via alchemical potions and must start to learn alchemy. Level 3 medics may also be placed in charge of field hospitals. Combat Physicians  must complete 6 distinct training sessions under the guidance of the Lt. Physician and an additional 2 hands-on field experience trainings. A written test and hands-on evaluation is required upon completion of these requirements to achieve this rank.


    Level 4: Combat Physician

    An Army Doctor is a soldier who has achieved the highest level of medical expertise both in combat and domestically. Ideally, the Lt. Physician is selected from the entire pool of ISA Army Doctors. These doctors are capable of providing care for all the medical needs, possessing the most advanced understanding of the medical practice and procedure.


    They are able to perform more advanced surgeries, mitigate disfigurement as a result of injury, and diagnose and treat a wide variety of afflictions. They are very knowledgeable in long-term medical care, ongoing physical therapy needs, mental trauma, medicinal prescription, and intermediate alchemy. They are expect to develop or learn new methods, practice, procedures, and remedies for the Imperial State Army to adopt. They are expected to aid in the production of alchemical medicines for use of the Imperial State Army and Orenian Medical Society.  To become an Army Doctor, a soldier must have completed at least 10 total years of medical experience and have completed a total of 13 distinct training sessions and 2 hands-on field experience under the guidance of the Lt. Physician. A written test and 2 hands-on evaluations is required to become this rank.


    Signed by


    Dr. Primrose Gendik, Lieutenant Physician

  16. Primrose Gendik entered the scorched house and peered to the pentagram and message written for her. All she said was, "I knew this place was cursed... Always knew it." Prim tsked, turning to leave the house and return home to tell her husband of the news. 

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