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Posts posted by Periphonics

  1. The mighty kha lets a low rumble of a laugh escape his lips, amused by such a proclamation. "it is of too bads they'd not known Eittitica planned to be removing the shrine anyways... Less work for Kabuki, he thinks. Foolish, non thinkers. Know not that khas devotion to the fallen Muuna wavers not even when gone." And thus, begins the construction of the greater shrine of Metztli





    An evil little imp catches wind of these occurrences, and begins to jump around with excitement. "Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul. KILL THE WEAK. DEATH!!! THEY ALL DIE!" 

  2. Kharajyr Language - Kharahatla

    Completed Language Document


    Howdy folks!! This post has been LONG in the making, with a resurgence of Kharajyr myself and all those who have helped with this have all been hoping to make a more complete and useable dictionary. I'm happy to say it is finally, FINALLY here, a Kharahatla dictionary useable, with explicit rules for grammar and far more words! 

    That being said, this is INCOMPLETE even still, which is somewhat intentional. While you're using this dictionary, if you come across a word you wish to use and are unable to find with within this dictionary, please dm me on discord (Periphonics) and I'll add it in! Irply and oocly this dictionary will continue to be updated occasionally as new words are discovered and created!


    For centuries, the Kharajyr language has been lost to time. Only fractions and remnants have survived history, continuing to build upon the lost and fragmented nature of the once mighty race of cat folk. However, with a new rise in culture and sustainment, numerous kha have come together to create a fully fledged dictionary. Basing off of their knowledge of the remnants of the language, new words were created to replace those forgotten, allowing for the race to speak unified at long last. 


    Kharahatla is a language of numerous rules and discrepancies, which will be listed and further explained throughout the dictionary

    It remains under works as the days pass and Kharajyr piece together new aspects of their tongue, being updated often for all to use.


    Common Words/ Phrases


    All night - cenyohual

    All right, OK - ca ye cuallitlaz

    At the city - altepepan

    Do not worry - macamo tequipachoa

    For a while / for some time - huecauhtica

    Has it been long since (?) - cuix ye huecanh

    Hello (informal ) - Sa’vi

    Here it is / this is it - izcatqui

    How did it go? - quenin otimohuicac?

    I am called [name] - nemotenehua [name]

    I had seen you - onimitzittacca

    In a moment / just a moment - aocmo huecauh

    In the first place - acattopa

    In the wilderness - tepepan

    Inside the house - itech calli

    It is necessary - inech monequi

    It is said that - mihtoa

    It is written - ihcuilotic

    I’ll see you - nimitzittaz

    Just a little - zan tepitzin

    Like this, this way - yuhquin

    May you be well/farewell - ma xipatinemi

    Metztli wills it - Metztli nequitlanequilztli

    Not ... but - amo ... zan.

    Not any more - aocmo

    Not yet - ayamo

    Once that / as soon as - in oyuh

    Something else / one more thing - occe tlamantli

    Thank you - Mul’ta

    That’s why - ic

    The one that -  in tiein

    The one who __ - in aquin

    Very well - cenca cualli

    Why not ? - tle inic amo

    You’re welcome - tra’kul


    Familial Kharahatla words:


    Patta - Father

    Muuna - Mother

    Teciztli - Kin, Parents, Lineage

    Muuna - The Goddess (Metztli)

    Metz’al - Spouse/mate

    Per - Son

    Maut - Daugher

    Tlacho - Child

    Per’ta - Brother

    Maun’na - Sister

    Teco’ta - Sibling (teco’huan pl.)

    Tlatteco - Cousin

    Colli -  Grandfather.

    Tlatli - Aunt/Uncle, also used to address non-related close adults




    One - ce

    Two - ome

    Three - yei

    Four - Nahui

    Five - macuilli

    Six - chicoace

    Seven - chicome

    Eight - chicuey

    Nine - chicnahui

    Ten - matlactli

    Twenty - cempoalli

    Thirty - treinta

    Fourty - imomtl

    Fifty - ommatlactli

    Sixty - yequimilli

    Seventy - cempohua

    Eighty - nanappo

    Ninety - noventa

    ___ Hundred - pohualli 



    (To conjugate into first, second, third, etc, prefix of ‘tlen’ is used: ie First - tlen ce)




    I/me - nehuatl, ne

    You - tehuat, te

    You pl. - tehuan, teh

    We - nehuan, neh

    He/She/It - yehuat, ye

    They - yehuan, yeh



    *an infinitive is a verb in its basic form- to be, to know, to do. Conjugating an infinitive to present would turn them into I am, she knows, we do





    Nehuatl - I/me

    ne + infinitive

    ne + infinitive + c

    ne + infinitive + z

    Nehuan - we/us

    neh + infinitive

    neh + infinitive + queh

    neh + infinitive + zqueh

    Tehuat - you

    te + infinitive

    te + infinitive + c

    te + infinitive + z

    Tehuan - you pl. 

    teh + infinitive

    teh + infinitive + queh

    teh + infinitive + zqueh

    Yehuat - he/she/it

    ye + infinitive

    ye + infinitive + c

    ye + infinitive + z

    Yehuan - they

    yeh + infinitive

    yeh + infinitive + queh

    yeh + infinitive + zqueh



    I eat - necua (Ne + cua)

    She asked - yetlatlanic (Ye + tlatlanic)

    They will obey - yehtlacamatizqueh (Yeh + tlacamatizqueh)

    We play - nehtlacualoa (Neh + Tlacualoa)





    A noun is a word that can be the subject of a clause, or the object (indirect or direct) of a verb. In simple terms, it is a person, place, or thing.


    In Kharahatla, there is one important way to identify nouns, four common suffixes, which are:


    • -tli

    • -li

    • -in

    • -tl



    • Nouns ending with -tl are pluralized with -h: 

    mountain: tepetl, mountains: tepeh 


    • Nouns ending in -tli (-tin): 

    man: oquictli, men: oquichtin


    • Nouns ending in -li the plural will be -lan: 

    light: tlahuilli, lights: tlahualan


    • Nouns with the -in suffix will be pluralized with -ac:

    singer: ohetin, singers: oheta


    Irregular Nouns


    However, these suffixes are not always present, and like most languages there are exceptions to this rule. For example, ‘mizton’ is the term for cat, and is one of the terms that do not adopt this commonality. When faced with these oddities, pluralizing may come to be something of a challenge. As such, a miscellaneous plural of ‘-meh’, for example:

    Singular - Mizton   Plural - Miztomeh



    When a noun becomes possessive, regardless of pluralization, it obtains the suffix ‘-huan’.


    Singular                               Possessive

    Child - conetl         My child/ren - conehuan

    House - chantli         My house/s - chanhuan

    Bath - temazcalli         My bath/s - temazcalhuan

    Fish - michin         My fish/s - michuan



    Acolyte -  yencuiteopix

    Afternoon - tlaca

    Ancestor - achtontli
    Anchor - niman

    Ant - azcatl

    Anthill - azcapotzalli

    Antler - cuacuahuitl

    Architect - calmanani

    Arm (front leg) - matli

    Artisan - amantecatl

    Atole, drink made of corn - atolli

    Aunt - ahuitl

    Air - ihiotl


    Bad Breath - camapotoniliztli

    Bad, wrong - amo cualli

    Bag - xiquipiltontli

    Bar - ocnamacoyan

    Barkeep - ocnamaca

    Base - nelhuayotl

    Basket-  Chiquihuitl

    Bath - temazcalli

    Bean - yetl

    Bed - Pechtli

    Bedroom - Cochihuayan

    Belly - ititl

    Bird - tototl

    Boarder - tentli

    Body - nacayotl

    Bone - omitl

    Book - amoxtli

    Book Shelf - Amoxcalli

    Bowl - caxitl.

    Boy - telpochtl

    Branch - cuauhmaitl

    Bread - Tlaxcalli

    Brother - Perta

    Building - calli

    Butterfly - papalotl



    Cactus  - nochtli

    Cat - mizton

    Cave - oztotl

    Chair - icpalli

    Child - conetl

    Chocolate - chocolatl

    Clothes - tlaquemitl

    Commoner - macehualli

    Cooking fire - tlecuilli

    Cooking Pot - comitl

    Corn - Tlaolli

    Cougar - miztli

    Coward - Mauhcatlayecoani

    Culture - huehuetlahtolli


    Dark Elf - rohuemati

    Dawn - tlathui

    Day - tonalli

    Deer - Mazatl

    Devil - tlacatecolotl

    Diner/Dining room - tlacualoyan

    Dinner - cochcayotl

    Dish - caxpechtli

    Divine King - tlahtoani

    Doctor - Tepahtiani

    Doctor - ticitl

    Dog - itzcuintli

    Door - caltentli

    Dormitory - cochiantli

    Dwarf - yotzinztli



    Ear - nacaztli

    Earth - tlalcua

    Edge - tentli

    Egg - totoltetl

    Everything - mochi

    Excrement - cuitlatl

    Eye - ixtelolotl

    Entertainment- cecetli 

    Elf - rohuente



    Face - xayacatl

    Falcon - tohtli

    Family - nocenyeliz

    Famine - apizmiqui

    Farmer - millacatl

    Father - tahtli  (reverential: tahtzintli)

    Female - cihuatl

    Female - ihuatl

    Fever - Atonahui

    Fingernail - iztitl

    Fire - tletl

    Firewood - tlatlatilcuahuitl

    Fish - michin

    Flat  pan - comalli

    Flower - xochitl

    Fly - zayolin

    Food - tlacualli

    Foot - Icxitl

    Forest - cuauhtla

    Foundation - nelhuayotl

    Fountain - ameyalli

    Friend - Perta

    Frog - cueyatl

    Fruit - xochicualli

    Fur - platli

    Future - hualquiztia



    Gatekeeper - ittacatlentli

    Garbage - tlazolli

    Gold - teocuitlatl

    Goodness - cuallotl

    Grandmother - cihtli

    Grinding stone (for salsa) - molcaxitl.

    Guts - cuitlaxcolli



    Hair - tzontli

    Hand - maitl

    Head - cuaitl

    Head - tzontecomatl

    Healer - ticitl

    Heart - Yollotl

    Heaven - ilhuicac

    Hen - cihuatotolin

    Herb - mezi

    Hero - Icxicoatl

    Hill -tepec

    Honey - neuctli

    Horn - Cuacuahuitl

    Hospital - cocoxcacalli

    House - chantli
    Human - tlacayeliztli

    Hunger - mayana

    Hunter - amini

    Husband - namictli



    Ice - cetl
    Ideals - tlamanitiliztli
    Illusion - tlamatili
    Imbalance - nemiliztli
    Immortality - amicqui
    Impulse - cuauhxi
    Inability - matetepon
    Inaccuracy  - zatlamati
    Influence - metacti
    Insect - yolcatl
    Integrity - kametl
    Interest - necuiloa
    Iron - tepozhuitzoc
    Island - aztlan



    Jaguar- ocelotl
    Jam - tzitzitza
    Jaw - tencual
    Jealousy - chahuatia
    Jewel - cozcatia
    Joke - camanalitoa
    Journal - aquiztli
    Journey - cuepca
    Juice- ayotl
    Jungle - macapitactl
    Justice - justicia



    Kettle - meceptl
    Killer - temictiani
    Kindness - yolyamanic
    Kingdom - tlahtocayotl
    Kiss - pitzolli
    Kitchen - tlacualchihualoyan
    Knack - metlextli
    Knife - ipanocan
    Knot - pinacatl
    Knowledge - tlama



    Labourer - millacatl

    Lady - cihuapilli

    Lamb - ichcatl

    Language -  tlahtolli

    Leader - achcauhtli

    Leaf - xihuitl

    Leg - icxitl

    Library - amoxcalli

    Light - tlahuilli

    Lip -  tentli

    Log - cuahuitl

    Lord - tecuhtli



    Maggot - nacaocuilin

    Magic - iya
    Male - oquichtli.
    Map -  mapa
    Market - tianquizi
    Marriage - namictilli
    Mask - xayacatl
    Mat - tapalamati
    Material - petztli
    Meat - chito
    Medic - ticitl
    Medication - ticitlapana
    Medicine - pahtli
    Meeting - tlanamiquil
    Melon - ayotetl
    Member - cofrade
    Menu - petarcatli
    Merchant - pochtecatl
    Message - titlani
    Middle - tlanepantla
    Money - tlaxtlahuiltia
    Moon Goddess - Meztli
    Morning - icippa
    Mother - nantli (Reverential: nantzintli)
    Mountain  - tepetl
    Mouse - motla
    Mouth - camatl
    Mud - zoquitl



    Name - motenehua

    Nation - tlahtocayotl

    Night - yohuac

    Nobles - tlahtoque

    Nose - yacatl

    Nothing - amotlein



    Oasis - nehatil 
    Obedience - tlacamatli
    Object - xotlmetapan 
    Ocean - hueyatl
    Odor - chipayayaliztli
    Offence - tlahtlacolli
    Old Way - huehuetlahtolli
    Onion - xonacatl.
    Orc - chictatli
    Owl - tecolotl



    Party - wacaitl

    Paper - amatl
    Patrimony - tlatquitl
    Person  - tlacatl
    Pig - pitzotl
    Pigeon - huilotl

    Plant - meyotoc
    Plate - caxpechtli
    Plum - xocotl
    Poetry/poem - in xochtl / in cuicatl
    Prayer Water - atzintli
    Priest- teopixqui
    Prince - pilli
    Puma- miztli
    Pupil - tlamachtilli



    Quail - zolin

    Quality - michuacayotl

    Quarrel - cocolli

    Quarter - nacace

    Quartz - ayopaltehuilotl

    Queen - cihuapillahtocatzintli

    Quest - matlatzinca

    Question - ihioilochtia

    Queue - tecpana

    Quirk - tilocpan



    Rabbit - tochtli

    Rain - quiyahuitl

    Rainbow - cozamalotl

    Refuge - axihuayan

    Restoom - axixcalli

    Respect - mahuizpiya

    Road - ohtli

    Rock - tetl

    Root - nelhuayotl

    Rope - mecatl



    Salt - iztatl

    School - nemachtiloyan

    Scorpion - colotl

    Seed - xinachtli

    Signal - machiotil

    Singer - ohetin

    Sister - mauna

    Sky - ilhuicatl

    Smell - ineconi

    Smoke - cueitl

    Smoke - poctli

    Snail -  teponaxtli

    Snake - coatl

    Somebody, someone - aca

    Son - pilli

    Song - cuicatl

    Source - ameyalli

    Speech - tlahtolli

    Spider - tocatl

    Spider web - tzahualli

    Squirrel - techalotl

    Star - citialin

    State (location) - tlahtocayotl

    Stewward - callimaca

    Stool - icpalli

    Story - zazanilli

    Stove - tlecuill

    Stubbornness - aquimamatcayoti

    Sunflower - acahualli

    Swallow (bird) - cuicuizcati



    Throat - tozquitl

    Tavern - maclepitl

    Tamale - tamalli

    Temple - teocalli

    Time - cahuitl

    Trail - ohtli

    Tree- cuahuitl

    Tribe - calpolli

    Trio - eittitica

    Turtle - ayotl

    Tortoise - ayotl

    Tomato - xitomatl

    Turkey - huexolotl

    Tomorrow - moztla

    Tooth - huiptlatlantli

    Tongue - Nenepilli

    Turkey - totolin

    Tejocote - texocotl

    Teacher - temachtiani (reverential: temachticatzintli)

    Tradition - huehuetlahtolli



    Uncle - tlahtli

    Universe - cemanahuatl

    Umbrella - tzacuilhuaztli 

    Utensil - allacatl

    Uniform - tlacoocelotl

    Urn - tlapoa 

    Unit - cetitilia

    Urchin - nectopli



    Vacation - neahuiltiliztli

    Vase - tecomatl

    Vegetable - quiltonil

    Vein - ezcocotli

    Vendor - tlanamacaqui

    Venture - ixtlapal

    Victory  - amehuatl

    Village  - milpanecatl

    Vision - tlachiyaliztli

    Visitor - atecolotl

    Volcano - tepetl



    Warrior - tlapana

    Warlock/witch - nahualli

    Waste - tlazolli.

    Water- atepin

    Whiskers - tentzontli

    White - Iztac

    Wife - icihuahuatzin

    Wife - namictli

    Wild beast - becuani

    Will- tlanequiliztl

    Wind - ehecatl

    Wisdom - tlamatini

    Wolf - cuetlachtli

    Woman - cihuatl

    Woods - cuauhtla

    Word - tlahtolli

    World - cemanahuatl





    Yesterday - yalhua

    Youngest - xocoyotzin



    Zealot - pamactli




    (Note: To turn a noun into a verb, use the suffix -ahui)



    To accompany - axiltia

    To answer - nanquilia

    To appear - neci

    To arrive - aci

    To ask - tlatlani

    To awaken - cochehua 

    To be afraid - imacaci



    To be born - hualnemi

    To buy - cohua

    To break - tlapana

    To brush ones teeth  - camapaca

    To become - mochihua

    To break fast - teniza

    To burn - tlatla

    To begin  - pehua 

    To bury - toca



    To be called - motenehua

    To call  - hualmonochilia

    To carry - itqui

    To celebrate - ininbatoi

    To clean - chipahua

    To climb - tleco

    To close - tzacua

    To come - hualehua 

    To command - nahuatia

    To complete - axiltia

    To comprehend - yeccaqui

    To continue - metakhan

    To cry - choquilia

    To cure - pahti

    To cut - cotona

    To get close, to come closer - axitia



    To depart - onehua

    To descend - temo

    To desire - eiehuia

    To die - miqui

    To dine/ have dinner - mocochcayotia

    To do - chihua (to someone: chihuilia)

    To dream - cochitlehua

    To drink - oni

    To drink water (anything non-alcholic) - atli

    To get dressed  - motlaquentia



    To eat - cua

    To exceed - cempanahuia

    To exist - nequi

    To extract - copina

    To entertain - ceceltia


    To be fast - iciuhca

    To be frightened - momauhtia

    To fall - huetzi.

    To fear - imacaci

    To feed - tlacua
    To feel - xitlamati

    To fever - atonahui

    To find - quimitta

    To finish - tlami

    To flee - choloa

    To fly - patlani

    To follow - hualtepotztoca

    To forgive - mopopolhuilia.

    To forgive - tlapopolhuia

    To free - momaquixtilia

    To fufill - axiltia 



    To gather - mocentlalia

    To give - maca

    To go - yauh

    To go out - quiza

    To grab - ana

    To greet - tlapaloa

    To grind - teci
    To guide - omaca

    To grow - cueponi



    To be happy - paqui

    To be hungry - mayana

    To be hurt - cocoa

    To happen - mochihua

    To have - nochipa

    To hear - caqui

    To help - palehuia

    To hum - huitzitzilin

    To hunt - ami



    To insult - tlatlacalhuia

    To invite - panoltia



    To joke - camanallahtoa

    To juice - patzca

    To join - nehuantilia


    To kill - mictia

    To kiss - tennamiqui

    To knock over - tlaza

    To know - ixmati



    To land- tlalli

    To laugh - huetzca

    To learn - mamohtia

    To leave - cahua
    To let - cochcahua

    To liberate - momaquixtilia

    To live - nemi

    To look - tlachia

    To look for - temoa

    To love - monequiltia.

    To make laugh - huetzquitia



    To massage - momotzoa

    To make - chihua

    To marry - monamictia
    To meet- tocihuia 

    To meow - tlatzomia



    To need - nequi

    To make new - yencuilia

    To nod - ixcueloa



    To obey - tlacamati

    To offer - moyeca

    To open - tlapoa

    To order - nahuatia.

    To outdo - cempanahuia



    To be in pain - tonehua

    To be poor - icnotl

    To be pregnant - tlacatilia
    To be proud - atlamachtia

    To pass - nalquiza

    To play - tlacualoa

    To please/give pleasure - pactia

    To pray - tlapohua

    To put - tlalia

    To put on - mocactlalia



    To quit - talazati



    To rain - quiyahui

    To read - pohua
    To be ready - yenatix

    To release - maquixtia
    To remove - xiuhoc

    To reside - mochantia

    To respond - nanquilia

    To rest - mocehuia

    To reunite - mocentlalia

    To run - motlatoa



    To be sad - tlaocoya
    To be sick - mococoa
    To be sorry - yolcocoa
    To save - maquixtia
    To say/speak - tlahtoa
    To scream/shout - tzatzi
    To see - itta
    To send -  titlani
    To shake - papatlaca
    To show - machtia
    To sing - cuica
    To sing - cuicoa
    To sit - motlalia
    To sleep - cochi
    To slip - maiahua
    To smoke - popoca
    To sow - toca
    To squeeze  - patzca
    To stand -moquetza

    To stay - ixtozoa
    To stink - potoni
    To surpass - cempanahuia
    To sweep - tlachpana
    To swim  - tlamaneloa


    To be thirsty - amiqui

    To be tired - ciyahui

    To take - Itqui

    To talk - natza

    To teach - machtia

    To tell - ilhuia

    To throw - momayahui

    To transform - mocuepa

    To tremble - papatlaca

    To triumph - pehua 

    To turn into - mochihua

    To think - yolpepena



    To go up - tleco

    To understand - acicamatl

    To urge - ipan





    To wait - chia 

    To walk - nehnemi

    To want - nequi

    To wash - paca

    To weep - choca

    To whiten/become white - iztaya

    To win - pehua 

    To wish - eiehuia

    To work - tequipanoa

    To worry - tequipachoa

    To write - ihcuiloa





    To yell - tzatzitia







    Alright - tepontia 

    During the afternoon - teotlac

    Annoying - cuemoliuhtoc

    Awesome - teotl

    Adorable - neteotiloni




    Backward - queptoc

    Basic - Cuatl

    Beautiful - yectli

    Behind - icuitlapan

    Black - tliltic

    Blue - texoctic

    Brave - colotic

    Bright - huehuetzcani




    Caringly - zan tlamach

    Carefully - tempatapan
    Closely - axitlani
    Completely - cenquizca
    Creatively  - tetl 

    Cute - letmatz



    At dawn - oc yohuatzinco

    Daily - cecemilhuitica

    Dark - tehmati

    Diseased - cocoxqui

    Disgusting - metaqua

    Distant - hueca

    Done - yemeta



    Easily/easy - ayohui

    Evil - tahampil

    Exactly - icitamp



    Far - hueca

    Fat - tomahuac

    Fifth - macuilli ic

    Filthy - chiyahuac

    Finally - zatlatzonco

    Frequently - achi miecpa

    Fun - tecoatl



    Gladly - ica paquiliztli

    Good - cualli ic

    Green - xoxoctic



    Healthy - chicahuac

    Heavy - yetic

    Horrible - temamauhti

    Hot - cococ



    Immediately - zan niman

    Interestingly - xacotal


    Jarring - xicall
    Jealous - chicotlamatini
    Justified - yectilia
    Joyful - acocholoa
    Judgemental - tzontequi
    Juicy - patztic
    Juvinile - toznenetl



    Knowledgeable - toltecatl 



    Lastly - zatlatzonco

    Later - zatepan

    Left - opochtli



    Muddy - zoquiyo



    At night - yohualtica
    Near - nepantlatic
    New - yencuic
    Next to - neteci

    Nice - tletlalia



    Old - huehue

    on/on top of - ipan

    Orange - naranja



    Perfectly - cenquizca

    Pretty - yectl

    Purple - camopalli


    Quickly - iciuhca

    Quiet - tlamatilia



    Real - tomin

    Recently - quin axcan

    Red - tlauhyo

    Right (side) - yec



    Sadly - tlaocoya

    Scary - temamauhti

    Sickly - cocoxqui

    Slowly -  ayaxcanyotica

    Small - xocoyotzin

    Soft - yemania

    Sour - xococ

    Spicy - cococ

    Straight - melahuac

    Strong - chicahua

    Suddenly - atenemachpan

    Sweet - tzopelic



    Tasty - huelic

    Thin - pitzahuac 

    Tired - ciciammicqui

    True - mitzamato

    Tough - chicahuac

    Thick - tomahuac

    Terrifying - temamauhtiand 



    under - nexpiqui

    unusual - achpilli





    Wet - paltic

    Wonderfully - hueitlamahuizoltica





    Yellow - cozahui






    OTHER WORDS (adverbs, determiners, etc)



    Again - occepa

    Also  - nohuican

    Always - cemiac

    And - auh

    Another - occe

    As - in yuh



    Because - pampa

    But - tel

    By - metap


    Can't - metqui


    Don't - macamo 



    Either - nozo

    Every - ixquich



    For - acht

    Forever - cemiac

    From - ihuicpa

    From - in ihuicpa





    Hello (formal) - niltze

    Hello (informal) - Sa’vi

    Here - nican

    How - in quenin



    If - intia

    Is - ye

    it - meht


    Just - quilin




    Like - in yuh



    Maybe - cuix

    More - oc achi



    Never - aic

    No - amo

    Nonetheless - yeceh

    Not - maca

    Now - nimanic



    Or - nozo

    Other - mittlic



    Perhaps - azo zan

    Pardon - tilcrin



    Quite - pitzahua



    Right away - nimanic



    Still - oc

    Should - tiuikilia

    So - quitli



    That - inon

    There - ompa

    These - iniquein

    This - inin

    Those - iniqueon

    Though - yeceh

    To be - ca

    Too - nohuican





    Very - cenca



    Was, were - catca

    Way - ohtli

    What - tlen

    When - itquin

    Where (?) - campa

    While - in oquic

    Who - aquin

    Why - Teica

    With - ica





    Yes - quema

    Yet - oc




    Special thanks to everyone who has helped work on this post, it's been a group effort and we hope to see the language used more commonly throughout kha players!










    @Cats#0693 (discord)








  3. The great druid of Crows and Ravens and Rooks bows his head solemnly. He hasn't seen his son in decades, the last remnants of his past life had been in his granddaughter. Waves of regret wash over him, how much time could he have spent with her? How could he have wasted her precious and fleeting life like this, how could he have dared to not play a bigger role? His own granddaughter! 

    Fal'leon slumps against the back of his dining room chair, alone in his seed hall, forefinger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose. The life he had abandoned continues to wither and die without his presence, and despite his confidence in his choices, he laments not taking more with him. An era was ending swiftly, only one of the lineage of his time as Minister remained standing. Silently, he swears to himself to play a bigger roll in the last one standings' life.

    First, however, he sits before the totem of  Kholibrii, the mani of Melody's lineage, and places Calla Lily before her visage. "Kholibrii, adont’ahern Melody aher perith'leh. Ito talonnii narne, ame nae evareh..." He hesitates, drawing in a breath before folding the news of her death and setting it among the million other letters he's received as of late. "Llun ito kae'leh, Lenniel... kae'leh div'ito..."



    jk love u pixie  remember to do your seed trials!!


  4. The Triumph of Mahau-Ra

    The Messenger of Light

    Written by: The Ka'Tau Scripter of Time




    ─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───


    Mahau-Ra is a figure in Ka’tau culture widely renowned for being the exemplification of what the ideal citizen should be, after his great sacrifices and devotion to Ra’Tuhmet. 


    Mahau-Ra came to the world during the early Rah’mun period as the first mortal messenger of the Sun, during the time of Neseret. In the beginning, he was regarded simply as another priest of Netjer, one amongst the many who spoke the word of the Gods and boasted Heka from them. He, however, was anything but ordinary. Rather, Mahau-Ra bore a distinct decorum and etiquette unparalleled to others. He walked and talked with purpose in every action, his duty as an alleged messenger etched into him like a brand. 

    That was how he introduced himself; The Messenger. Despite this, none had ever been prompted to inquire just what his message was. That was, until the Pharaoh inquired Mahau-Ra. 

    He claimed himself to be the Messenger of Ra’Tuhmet, the Sun, baring his gospel and knowledge deeper than any before him. The response to such claims was that of deep scrutiny, and he was vehemently chastised by the Pharaoh. 

    “Your disrespect to the Creator of Light will not go unpunished, your Khnum is impure.”
    What followed was one of the most brutal whippings the Rah’mun people have recorded, and yet the man of Sun endured each strike with gritted teeth and a stoic expression. When asked, as blood stained his garbs and soaked to the floor, why he circumvented refusal, Mahau-Ra said that if he had disrespected his King he would accost the punishment to prove his truth


    The years that ensued were hardly more bearable, Mahau-Ra became the unfavourable of the Rah’Mun, and yet with each day that passed he continued to aid his people. In droughts, he came bucket by bucket with water from the rivers; with famine he offered his bread to those who hungered; and when war came he drew his ragged blade to defend his beloved home.

    War. The unforgiving. The act of brutality descendants seem to never stray from, the very opposition to Life. 

    Mahau-Ra fought with valiance, though was unrecognized as a true Machimoi of Rah’Tuma by his contemptuous brethren. When asked, “why do you risk your life for people who disown you as theirs?” he replied, “They are my blood, the people of Ra’Tuhmet are sacred.”

    The war waged for three full years, and each battle saw the accursed Mahau-Ra spilling blood in the name of the Sun, and his people. He slipped into battles after they began, and used the flurry of steel to mask his presence. His aid was paramount, and had been unrecognized entirely throughout the endless combat. 

    That was, until the final battle.


    ─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───


    The battle was viscous, each side- Rah’Mun and Isfetian alike- beheld the desperation of soldiers who had not known peace nor rest in years. 

    Days passed, and yet neither side would yield, nor would they bare advantage substantial enough to insinuate a claim to victory would draw near. 

    Mahau-Ra observed from a distance, atop a steed held dear to him. The Sun idled over the horizon, spilling crimson rays over sand dunes as though soaking each grain in blood. A dire omen for the proceedings. 

    While he stood in his place, the golden skinned man draped in white fabrics took this single moment to reflect upon his life until this point. For an instant, he bore the question; Why? Why any of this? All the moments that lead to this had been ones of suffering. And yet, he yielded not only the answer to his own inquiry, but to the survival of his People. 

    None had ever permitted Mahau-Ra to finish his message, it had become the secret he kept held to his chest tighter than he did the very heart that beat his life force. 

    A wind drew forth and upturned the sands of time, frigid while the rays of Sun still yet withheld from extending to reach the Messenger. Despite this, naught as much as shiver passed through Mahau-Ra, for he bore the warmth of Light in a way none had ever held prior. Had only he been allowed to fully explain himself, he could have elucidated how he could possibly bear the true word of Ra’Tuhmet.

    He was, for all intents and purposes, ordinary. No stronger, nor greater than any Netjer before him. His word yielded no further divinity than this brethren, for he spoke with the identical directness as them. Despite this fact, he had a message from Ra’Tuhmet given to him in a walk to the Sun, a simple message that was as dear to him as water is to life. 

    Mahau-Ra rode across the sandy wastes towards the Isfetian hordes, in stoic silence he passed the gruesome scene of gore and guts, of steel hissing as blades met. His destination was unprecedented, and unwavering. The white-clad man, using the distraction of onslaught made possible by the forgiving cold of the night, who threatened to give way any moment, came to a halt. He faced now the back of the Isfet army, invisible through ignorance of his enemy.

    “Ra'tumet, ak'aan shara adurbûrz.” Ra’Tuhmet, suncut man of light, “Thrakord kaal durbûrzlab danghum, agh tûrnûl matum.'' Bring forth your lights punishment, and inflict death.

    Many recount the blazing glory equal only to that of the very Sun that hangs in our sky that erupted as his words were uttered in the guttural sacred tongue. The beam that then shot down from the behemoth ball of light struck into the heart of the Isfetians, imbued with Ra’Tuhmets will, became the deciding factor in the long standing war. Those touched by the rays, veterans claimed, had fallen to their knees screaming as the true Sun finally poured over the horizon and painted the landscape in gold. Those left untouched spent but a fraction of a moment glancing towards the glaring light, and left themselves exposed long enough by hair to be struck down by Rah’Mun blades.

    The light faded, the battlefield coated in corpses, the Sun hung benevolently in the sky. Years of combat had come to a close, and the victors owed their success to a single man.


    ─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───


    The dedication displayed by Mahau-Ra was recognized on that day, the pharaoh who had seen him slandered awarded him the title of  Rah’hemtepi Netjer, High Priest of Ra’Tuhmet. Since his time, he has come to be known as the ideal Rah’mun, his resolve that of the utmost perfection. All of his time would come to strive to emulate Mahau-Ra, and thus his name has come to withstand the tests of time.



    This is a folklore piece to fit into the Ka'Tau culture. It is impetrative to be known that these characters have never been played, and thus the irp accuracy is up to debate. 

    For those interested in joining the community, join the discord or seek us irply just outside of Nor-Velyth. 
    Further information:  



  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Fal'leon Kagura Maehr'uhier


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Druidic Herblore


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Malii'evarir Ame'narnir


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  7. Yhl'Kabuki, the great Tigrasi Aelkos of the Sanctuary of Eittitica, their leader of SOUL, could have never prepared himself for the sorrow that came with the loss of his first friend.
    Kabuki was not born to a family of people to look up to, his patta had not been a man of wisdom, but rather one of physical demand. While this had meant the young Tigrasi was born and raised to be an apt combatant, it was never what he felt in his heart was the path for him. When the first Pyramid of Eittitca was erected in his home city, the wise Keidha stood to be all of the things Kabuki wished to see himself become. A leader who guided and shared the culture of Kha. For a whitewashed kharajyr such as himself, it was incredible to see someone of what his culture could be. 
    Alongside his patta as general, Kabuki came to become a Tlapana, a warrior, of the former Eittitica pyramid. There he would begin to learn both his kinds language and ways through Keidha's events. Fondly, he recalls the time himself and Keidha stood at the highest point of the pyramid and spoke of Metztli, where he first learned of her importance to their kind. He met new kha's, including his second ever friend, Yaotl, and from there he knew this was the way he wanted to live. Kabuki knew that he dreamed to see a pyramid in which his kind could come together safely and share their culture together, to give home to the scattered kha across the continent.


    It was during the attack of the Mori, and Yaotl's allyship with the Mali'Ker, did Kabuki strike up a way to see all of their dreams come together. Eittitca, meaning Trio, was always meant to have three leaders, Keidha had told him. Together, the three Kha, Leaparda, Pantera, and Tigrasi, would ally themselves as MIND, BODY, AND SOUL. When their paws touched the new continent of Aevos, they began construction of their new pyramid. 
    They held events together, and grew their community. Keidha was Kabuki's first friend, and first mentor. He took the place of a patta when his own failed to do so. It was their meeting that has ever been the most meaningful to the massive kha. The two would never hold the same bond that Keidha and Azhanna did, he didn't care regardless. Perhaps the elder kha never even knew the place he held within Kabuki's heart, that thought alone was enough to bring him to tears. His own patta abandoned him twice, and openly loved his younger sister moreso. His own father taught him only how to fight, and to be strong. It was Keidha who taught him to lead, to become a person others could look up to themselves. 

    In their final moments together, Kabuki was incapable of finding words for himself. He knew when he had been summoned what was to come, he knew the reason that his fellow Aelkos had been seldom leaving their shared tower. But he simply couldn't bring himself to admit it. Keidha could, Keidha was strong enough to speak the truth that these would be his last moments.

    "This one has been of such pride to be getting to be of seeing Yhl'Keidha's dreams be coming true. Keidha... Was this ones first perta. This one would stand not where he does without you, without all you have been done. This one... Wishes Keidha could be seeing all that khas will come to being. This one wishes we could have been having more times together. To have known each other with more, to have shared but... Just one more drink, one more ceremony."

    When the elder kha's final breath was drawn, and his serene song finished, Kabuki could do nothing more than break down to tears. Nearly a century had passed with the two knowing one another, a century of viewing the leaparda as a mentor and ally. Nearly a century, and it had drawn to a close. Regret swept him, of all the words he hadn't gotten the chance to say, all the glory they had not seen together.

    The tigrasi wept, the kha known for his stoicism and might, broke to tears as sorrow and grief overcame him. He swore to continue to see Keidha's dream come to fruition. His paw came to rest on his Aelkos' forearm, despite the protestant hissing of Azh, and he whispered for just himself and Keidha to hear:
    "machtia, pehua. Achcauhtuan, pertuan, ma xipatinemi huecauhtica. Mocehuia ica Muuna Metztli. Mocehuia, auh axiltia ti aocmo huecauh. Mul'ta ti chihua ye, pattuan. Yhl'Keidha.]

    [To teach, to triumph. My leader, my friend, farewell for only a while. Rest with our mother Metztli. Rest, and we will join you soon. Thank you for all you've done, my father. Yhl'Keidha.]



    I cannot give enough thanks to Ace. To no fault of his own given circumstances and absence, many of you newer kha players wont know that he is the very foundation our present community is laid upon.
    Kabuki exists still in only thanks to Ace and Keidha, and the opportunities i was offered back on our last map. Eittitica is the product of his own will and imagination, and i've been so thankful to get the privilege of uptaking the duty of maintaining his creation. Keidha has always been a character i've enjoyed interactions with, his wisdom and dry humour was such a charm. I still remember being back in Vikela and playing Kabuki without any real goal in mind. In the events held there i could feel your passion for both your own character and what the community could come to be, and it totally drew me in. To even play one of your tlapana was a privilege, and when i had mentioned interest in shamanism and lore, and you approached me regarding taking the position of Soul in your trio i was thrilled to accept. I had no idea the snowball effect that would have, to see now that the Kha have a dedicated space with an influx of new players is incredible, and i hope that myself, Cherry and Kudos can continue to see your vision. 
    Bell, your musin, will always be welcome to join us and our fellow musin denizens in the sanctuary, and if a day comes in which you find yourself wishing to play a new kha, we'll be happy to accept with open arms
    Keidha will wholeheartedly be missed, as Kabuki's first ever friend, and the rock foundation that was needed to see a rejuvenation in the kha race. Thank you Ace.
    From your pal,


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Fal'leon Kagura Maehr'uhier


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             wood elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Blight Healing


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Blight healing is one of the most prolific druidic abilities, and the one outside groups know them best for. This ability is also the only one in which the druid does not simply ask nature of something, but bends reality to its will via the use of mana. The druid in question is able to cleanse aspects of nature of any blighting that has occurred, that being damage, burring, poisoning, or magic based harm. How this occurs generally is reliant on the subsection of this ability, however the general and overarching concept is that 'mists' form, a physical manifestation of the druids mana, and move to the blighted target so that it is able to reverse blighting, to which I will further detail in the below section of the application. 
    Those who indulge in learning the art of Blight Healing are more prone to experiencing mana exhaustion, an ailment that occurs when a magic user runs out of mana. This is due to the heavy quantity in which this act uses up, given the nature of putting life back into harmed, or even dead aspects of nature. (Limited to animals and anything ST bars from rejuvenation). The response to this varies between druids, and is a flavour aspect left to the will of the player, however is most commonly seen as appearing aged, extremely exhausted, winded, or even extremely hungry. The amount of such depends on the radius in which it has been casted; a druid who casts at their tiers full radius will be completely exhausted and unable to do so again, however if a lower tiers radius is used the spell will be less strenuous and can potentially be done again. Energy takes about 1 IRL hour to replenish, however this is only with rest, if the user continues to be active they will find they remain exhausted until dedicated time of rest occurs. 
    Furthermore, blight healing lacks combative capabilities due to the nature of the spells and the goal of healing, with the exception of grasping and sealing, and is limited to once per an encounter. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    While there isn't any specific way that Blight Healing is divided up, i've always understood it to have two 'types' of spells. There are rejuvenation spells, whose purpose and goal is to reinstall life into blighted land, for example burned plants; and there are purging spells, that specifically purge the land of blight, typically infused by voidal or other magics.
    I separate these two sections with the following spells:



    - blooming

    - fertilizing

    - regeneration

    - decay



    - gleaning

    - sealing

    - cleansing


    Additionally, there are two other possible spells under the blight healing umbrella that are somewhat separate from typical blight healing. Awakening is an infusion that has the user reimbue life into a now inanimate object, typically seen in staffs and druidic limbs. This is perhaps one of the most impressive feats, as it has the druid put life into something that no longer sustains it. Secondly, there is mani summoning, which requires mastery of druidism as a whole, in which BH is included in, and is an entirely separate feat from the rest of blight healing beyond such.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Fertilization - T5

    [1/4] Much to his agitation, Fal'leon had been summoned by an old friend turned monarch to replenish nutrients into their now nutrient devoid crop fields, after years of reckless use and poor management. He had given much scolding prior to agreeing to such, and only did so with written oath that such wouldn't occur again. He now finds himself stood in the center of one of their fields, surrounded by rotting crop and barren soil, without a note of the Balances song to be heard. This only added to his frustration. Nevertheless, bound to his duty, the druid let out a long sigh. In doing so, shimmering, translucent feathers begin to form around him, until his entire figure becomes engulfed in a monster-like raven, his true self visible through the false image. 


    [2/4] Now, Fal'leon adjusts his stance, wider, before slamming his staff into the dry soil, grasping it with both hands, for prepared support of his weight. Another long breath escapes him, finding focus and allowing his mind to clear of his aforementioned disdain. The purple glow of his eyes begins to increase, until becoming a cascading waterfall, like misty tears, that flow downwards until eventually meeting the ground beneath him. An eerie sight, to say the least. 


    [3/4] With his mists summoned, the druid places his focus in directing it. The waterfalls of mana begin to seep into the soil, reaching as deep as his capabilities allow him to, before then branching off, over and over again. Like the roots of a massive tree, below the surface his mists became thousands of divergences, spanning his full range. The field pulses from below, gaps in the soil allowing the bright purple light to shine through, beating with his heart. With each pulsation, he allows his own energy to deposit into the ground.


    [4/4] Fal'leon let out a laboured breath as he continues his work, pushing his mana forth so that he could fully replenish the areas nutrients. He continues until he can't any longer, using his staff to keep him standing. When the process was finished, there was little visible difference in the land, however the druid was able to hear the distinct song returning as life beneath the surface erupted at the sudden fertility of the land. The signs of his casting vanished within an instant, and the man was left simply a sweaty, and out of breath figure within a now replenished field. He gives a small, contented grin, before turning to heave himself back to the kingdom to rest. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Blooming - T1


    Fal'leon looks at the druid sat across from him, legs crossed one over the other. Between them sits a withered rose, with signs of charring on the petals, its roots shriveling under its not so lively condition.

    "Look, I know yer pissed i burned yer flower, bu' i' was fer tha lesson! Yer goin' tae learn tae 'eal i'!" He gives a cheeky grin, not an ounce of remorse in his expression. A flare for the dramatic is the only way he knows how to teach, his student should know this by now. "it'll be fine, just- Okay, blooming, tha's wha' we'll learnin', ti? Wipe tha' grumpy look off yer face an' focus on connec'in'." 


    [1/4] His student stares at him for a few long moments, before letting out an exasperated sigh and begrudgingly obliging to the instructions. They close their eyes, and when open again they bare a light blue hue, shimmers surrounding their figure. They then narrow their eyes and make a rolling gesture with their hand, urging their guide to continue with the lesson so that their rose might return to its previous state of not being burned and dead. "if this doesn't work and you killed my flower for nothing, I'll kill you."


    "One, ye could ne kill me even if ye tried, an' two, i' will work, because yer guide is ayla a' 'i's job an' yer a capable druid. Now shuddup an' focus, I'm tryna teach!" He muses, looking entirely pleased with himself. "Righ', so, this nex' step is called summonin' yer mis's, which I use ligh'ly because i's nae always in tha form o' like, mis'. Ye sor' o' jus' focus on yer mana until i' forms, similar tae when yer powersharin', ay?" 


    [2/4] They let out a huff, shaking their head before closing their eyes once again. Their focus turns away from their guide and instead onto their mana, envisioning it flowing through their body, and then spreading out around them. For a few moments nothing occurred, but then slowly, a fog seemed to roll in, its colour the very same hue their eyes glowed. It came to surround them and grow so thick Fal'leon would no longer be able to see them. Only when their eyes opened again would he be able to make anything out, the glow pressing through the fog. "Now what?"


    "Now, try tae focus on movin' tha mis' so i' covers the flower." He reaches down and picks up the rose, passing it over to his student, reaching through the mists and sort of just waving it around until he feels it be plucked from is grasp. "This'll be tha 'ard par', usin' yer mana tae press tha life back intae tha flower, an' i' only ge's more difficul' with larger plan's an' spaces. I like tae use tha same sor' o' image i used tae explain powersharin', yer takin' a scoop from yer pool o' mana an' pu''in' i' in somethin' elses, jus' this time tha' somethin's is emp'y."


    [3/4] His student chewed their bottom lip for a moment, envisioning that pool of water they'd pictured back when they had learned powersharing, imagining taking a ladle to scoop it out and pour it into an empty bucket. It took ample focus, eyes trained on the flower now held in their grasp, but the fog they'd rolled in began to condense. It shrunk and wisped around until the only thing covered was the dead rose, engulfing it in blue mists that swirl around it continuously. "Now what?" They inquire, mana beginning to seep into the rose.


    Fal'leon watches on with deep curiosity, always enthralled to see how different druids mists manifest themselves. There was always much interest to him in how it represents aspects of who they are, or their totem. "Ye take tha mana an' use i' tae pu' yer own life intae tha flower. Fill i' back up." 


    [4/4] "Ooookay." They say, continuing to use that same image in their mind, imagining their mana water being poured into the empty bucked until it was refilled. Their energy pours through their mists and begins to fully seep into the crispy rose. Its figure, remaining fully concealed by the blue, begins to straighten as life returns to it, rather than wilt. The fog continues to condense and swirl around the flower, glowing brighter until dissipating into a flurry of sparkles. Left in their hand is a rose, petals red and lively, as though it had never even seen the fire that had burnt it. It hit them suddenly, the exhaustion that follows blight healing, their breath rattling suddenly as they hunch over and wheeze. "I- I did it!"


    "Very well done, llir. Now, le's ge' ye res'ed up, ye'll 'ave more lessons soon." Fal'leon gives a proud smile, standing and moving to pat his students shoulder reassuringly. 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If it is brought to my attention a student is powergaming, I would indulge in learning their perspective. A first instance I would explain the situation, and that whatever occurred was beyond their personas capabilities. After such, if they persist in doing so, I'd drop them as a student and let others know of the issue the player poses, as well as notifying staff given this hadn't been done so already. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  9. The victor of the combat scenario allows the losing party to either soulstone or /d20. Using either prematurely or in bad-faith can result in a perma-kill the losing party’s characters.

    the aspect of the premature/mad faith pking the losing party has be confused? perhaps its the wording, but it sounds as though if the victor using the ss/d20 in bad faith the loser may in up with a PK, which sounds unfair? do correct me if i'm reading this wrong, however it raises concern to me that the victors could hold this power based off of written rule

  10. "Tried, an' failed" A melancholy grin crossed the druids lips, shaking his head. "Wha' an understa'men'. Leas' 'e remembered tae mention me."

    Fal'leon sits back, run down from the losses that had been coming one after the other as of late. "Me firs' real love, ye were. Our time t'gether will remain remembered with bi''erswee'ness. I spen' decades prayin' ye would die, decades more tryin' tae ferge' I even loved ye." He lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, wrought with feelings impossible to decipher. Loathing, regret, longing, sadness. 

    "Van'ayla, ame nae evareh. Kae mayilu nae ker'ante."

  11. Fal'leon was left with his thoughts, with this pile of bound books, and not even a moment to thank the woman who had gifted them to him. Every time one of his human friends fell, he was reminded that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the ache that came with the loss of those he cared for dearly. 

    He flips through the pages of the Lesson's he had been given, the news of Nisreen's passing a weight on his chest. One that not even the three bottles of whiskey by his side could cause to subside.

    Tears well in his eyes as he mutters his thoughts to the silent room of his Seed Hall. "Ker'ayla, llir. Ye've fough' fer so long, ye've led such a wonderful life. I know ye said nae tae, bu' I shall miss ye eternally, an' shall ne'er ferge' ye. Yer books will 'elp guide those who come tae tha seed, I 'ope they can keep yer legacy alive. Goodnest, rest well alongside tha Xannic ligh' ye followed." He lets out a warble, and takes another long drink. "I'll pass on yer traditions, I swear i' tae ye."

  12. ⋆꒷꒦‧₊˚𓆩The Narrator's Prologue𓆪˚₊‧꒦꒷⋆


    cave and walls with red vein" - Playground AI


    [Before you, a book written and published under the name Fal'leon Kagura Maehr'uhier]


    We found ourselves in a space unfamiliar, cold, and devoid of life. The silence of nature was near deafening, and I was thankful for the song my staff gave off. 

    Myself, Nemea, Elenora, Floria, Lesley, and a ‘ker unbeknownst to myself stood on the black sand, surrounded by crimson walls and a dark ceiling. 

    The being- a man, or something emulating a man, faceless and threatening floated above us with menace. The Narrator, it so dubbed itself, and thus I shall do the same. The Narrator spoke, 

    “Think of this as a first draft to my story. I’ve read stories with dragons and beasts, where a group of heroes save the princess.”

    Questions flurried from us. Where were we? What are the rules? Can we bird a friend? They were answered, though the information was hardly noteworthy.

    If the Narrator bore a gaze, it landed on Nemea, who had provoked it previously. Within an instant, she was atop a black stoned structure that hovered in the air. 

    We, the heroes, I suppose, bickered for a small bout, the fault of our situation up for debate. A discussion I will save detailing.

    “Do you all have your weapons ready?” We were asked. Yes’s from nearly everyone, except myself and Floria. Panic struck me at that moment, but this Narrator creature is apparently not an unjust creature. But, rather, a storyteller. A glaive, my glaive formed into my grasp, thankfully. The engravings of elven, the decor, all as created. How interesting this creature is.

    The Narrator vanished before I had even a moment to notice, and in its place a creature of vile appearance. Its maw was large and toothy, hung open in an unpleasant manner. Its flesh, or something like flesh, was black and inky in colour, similar to the sand below us.

    “Thats a face only a haelun could love”

    “I dont think even a haelun could love THAT.”

    While humorous, it wasn’t a false description. This creature wasn’t something I enjoyed viewing. I can’t imagine any of us did. 

    Our time to simply sit and observe was not long spent, as it let out a noise I can only describe as the roared version of a stomach gurgle before beginning to approach one of my comrades.

    We moved in tandem to encircle this creature while Lesley began to egg it onwards, yelling and running to draw its attention away from the rest of our party. 

    I waited, my glaive ready, my breath held. The chance of this thing being peaceful remained on the table, that is, until it struck Lesley. I took this as this story’s confirmation to be on the attack, and attack I did. 

    Decades of combat etched into the very bones of my existence, the cobwebs promptly shaken free in the moment of my approach. Swift, fluid, and on the mark. I felt my blade bury into the back of this creature with great satisfaction, and when I returned to a defensive position, saw what must have been its version of blood-- that thick black sand all around us-- leaked out.

    This initiation of combat wasn’t something that would go without punishment, I learned this fact quickly. I had kept my distance from the beast, the length of my blade allowing such, however not enough it seemed. Claws raked my face and seared pain through me. 

    The sting of combat, a masochistic joy I seldom admit to miss. I felt the blood seep down, and with two of us bearing injury, a silent acknowledgement of the severity of our situation sunk in. Even if the Narrator wouldn’t allow us to die, a prospect we had no proof of, we could leave with severe injuries. 

    Perhaps that realization is what caused everyone to move in at once. In succession, Elenora, myself, the ‘ker and Floria all moved to strike the creature down where it stood. Axe, glaive, trident and spear, all sunk into various places. Myself, I aimed for the very arm that dared to strike me. 

    And, as swiftly as it had formed, the creature fell to sand as its jaw unhinged. We stood together, still seeing red, our chests heaving. 

    I was brought from my trance by Nemea falling from above and landing next to me, and realized then it had ended. 

    “Tutorial complete.”

    The Narrator floated above us once more, and I craned to view it. I wonder now, in recalling this, if it had expected the majority of us to have enjoyed the experience, or perhaps it was disappointed by such. It was hard to tell what a faceless creature was feeling, given it couldn’t emote such to us, and certainly wouldn’t give word. 

    What it did inform us of, is that this was hardly the end of our new story. This was, in all senses of the word, a test. Our toes dipped into the waters of this tale, of the format in which this writer would be crafting its next book

    Concerningly, excitingly, I’m under the impression that these chapters -- as I’ve been calling it -- will increase in difficulty going forward. This prologue was easy, but if the Narrator is as much a craftsman of chronicles as it claims to be, then things will grow more interesting with time.

    “I will give you two years' rest.”

    Two years. That’s the amount of time we have to prepare ourselves for the first real chapter of this tale, and hone the skills we have. What this Narrator is, its powersource, is unbeknownst to any of us. Voidal in nature, it is not, this is something I am sure of. Thus, it remains a mystery I hope to solve. 

    I hope these next two years treat us well enough that we may be prepared for what lies ahead. 




  13. ༻⸻☾ Velûlakeeyt ☽


    ༻⸻ Spirit of the Eternal Moon 

    Before the hidden shrine, the massive Kha stands.

    "Lesser ob the kranklob luara, descent ob she.  
     Lup’Velûlakeeyt, za ash offers u lat. 
     Grish.  Fur.  Asht."

    The Kha sets down a wooden bowl, filled with his own fur and a ground up bone. He raises a blade, and runs it along his palm- an area already scarred from similar ceremony. The blood drips into the bowl.
    "Akr'slaium agh mortality, link u izubu reality. 
     Ukû.  Gothûrz.  Tor."


    Spirit Champion for Yhl'Kabuki.  Velûlakeeyt, Spirit of the Eternal Moon, a lesser of Luara the moon spirit.


  14. MC Name:



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  15. The news hits the druid like a boulder to the face. The man so hellbent on dissociating from descendant attachment finds himself sobbing on his knees, alone in private, refusing to be seen in such a state. Leika, one of his dearest and oldest friends. Memories flood him of their exploits. The times they spend laughing together over various pranks pulled and jokes held. The times they, Amethyst and Ehrendil shared causing mischief despite their positions in Vikela.

    He remembers so clearly swearing to her crown, the only time he has felt so connected to people and a city. Fal’leon weeps and warbles as he remembers his time in government with Leika, the feeling that they together, alongside their friends, could make a safe and flourishing place. And oh how they did, how their lands became a central hub for people full they would protect and command. Even now, with his distain for cities and people, those times remain his fondest of memories.

    For a week Fal’leon sits alone, under the guise of meditation, crying on and off. Mourning the loss of his friend. It was a loss he had known was coming but he couldn’t possibly prepare for. Occasionally he laughs at her hinting at himself and his brothers closeness, before falling back to a state of sobbing.

    “Our world shall nae find another like ye, Leika. An’ I shall nae allow i’ tae e’er forge’ yer name. I will ne’er forge’ ye.”  He hisses out, choking on his own tears. “I wish we would walk t’gether again af’er death. I shall miss ye so dearly. Ferever I shall be yer minis’er o’ knowledge, yer commander o’ army, I shall bow tae ye even whence I forgo me life o’ people. Van’ayla, ac’llir. Narn ilu’hileia, iylker’metta ahernan nae. Kae cihi’an ignere ay nae.” He speaks the elven solemnly, ears drooping down.



    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is a death i’ve been dreading for MONTHS. i love love leika so much, she’s why me and tiger are friends to begin with! she’s been one of my favourite characters to interact with, the chaotic antics of paramount and minister have always been SO fun. 


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