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Posts posted by herculean_wud

  1. Username C18H10N2O4, MemriTV


    Timezone GMT / BST


    Group/Nation: KRUGMAR


    Have you ever held a staff position before?



    Have you ever been banned before?

    I have been frequently. And though I am not proud of them, for honesty's sake I will list the significant ones amongst them:

    -2 Weeks, returning to combat: Dohvi
    -1 month, inappropriate name + harassment: Telanir
    -3 days, toxicity: Sir_Niccum
    -3 months, X-Ray: Wrynn
    -3 days, glitched weapon: Leric
    -3 months, harassment: FlamboyantMingo
    -1 month, forum ban: LadyRebecca
    -2 weeks, inappropriate name: _Hexe_(?)


    What style of events do you feel you enjoy creating?

    Low Fantasy, Quests, Quirky, Puzzle / Mystery


    List three factors you feel play a part in quality event and expand upon them



    An event must be intriguing for without intrigue the player will become bored, dis-attached from the event and its relative characters; and as a result this will influence their enthusiasm, involvement and contribution therein. Even an overplayed event-style at the very core can be intriguing, provided the storyline is well thought out and structured. Without this element, the event becomes arbitrary.


    Well Structured

    For an event to work well, much like a calculated well-oiled machine, it must be structured in away which is consistent and orderly. Each part of the event must slot neatly in to place, leading on to the next section in order to ensure smooth plot-line and maximum enjoyment. This is not to say that an event cannot be improvised, but such improvisation must be sensible and well thought out.


    The Greater Picture

    Even though small scale hunting/hack n slash/other events can take the edge off of the grittiness of everyday rp and offer a quick 'fix' of enjoyment, they are often arbitrary and pointless. Most of those in my community know that I am a firm believer against these arbitrary events, even though I do sometimes partake in them, as they offer very little to overall greater picture. They are events for the sake of being events, often failing to promote further rp, or promote very little further rp which is a testament to pointlessness of them in the first place. Whereas events which work together to formulate a greater picture are amongst the most enjoyable.


    Smaller scale events are not useless however. They can be effectively employed to build a greater picture, and when they are, they can create whole eventlines with many subtle or profound intricacies, and thus build a sense of intrigue and enjoyment.







    Which member(s) of the team would you attempt to emulate, and why?


    I would strive to create my own brand of events; though I admire GrimReaper and Xarkly's style, and would likely draw some influence from them.



    Provide three event scenarios of the styles you listed above





    (An event in conjuction with that ^)


    The Free Brothers - a name known far and wide through the tongue-twisters of high-elven ilk, or the whispers spoken by warning mothers or wretched brothers to their family. Whoever spoke of them, one thing was for certain, their name was wet on the lips of many. And feared. They were once a division of the Marnan Freikorps: run of the mill, well-disciplined and as green as any other freshly trained soldier. But one amongst the many had a yearning which far extended nationalism and glory: he wanted blood, coin and people to fear him. 


    Mutiny tore the division asunder, and those who admired the arbiter's action followed him deep into the once-respectable Kings Wood. Here they lived the lives of men turned wild: they took what they want, they ate what they want, they drank how much they wanted, and they killed who dared cross them. This, and the ruthlessness they showed towards the former-mentionioned, seeped their name in blood and garnered them their stained reputation.


    Three dwarves hailing from the coastal fringes of the continent of Aeldin, in their naivety, strayed from the road into the woods. Of course the fate which had befallen many others assailed them. The only thing which kept them living was a false promise of further treasure, provided their captors saw them unharmed. . .or at least, not dead. It is the players job to rescue these dwarves from the Free Brothers and escort them from the woods. If they are successful the helmsman of the group, a dwarf by the name of Klod Diregelt, will gift the player with a brazen (yet slightly broken) wind up toy hailing from their native lands shaped like a firefly. It didn't function but it was all the dwarves had left to give as  reward.


    Oddly enough, it whispered curses if you were to hold it close enough. Perhaps if the thing was repaired, whatever was within would be let free.




    A travelling goblin workman enters the town/city of which the player was in- coincidentally. He offered services pertaining to the fixing of mechanical trinkets and machines, and even had his own to sell. Here, subtle prompts to have the player bring the broken toy to be fixed would be dropped.


    The goblin says he can fix it but requires a rare part only dwarves are known to make. He says he knows of one, but it is tucked away within some cavernous recess of Kaz'Ulrah, guarded by Ratiki and their lust for all things shiny. The player must rout them and retrieve the part, and subsequently present it once more before the goblin who would promptly get down to work in fixing it. The toy is now functional, and whatever dwells within his as determined to escape as ever.




    If the toy is wound up it would take flight, its mechanical wings fluttering, whilst a red gas leaked from an aperture in its rear. Seemingly, this gas propelled the toy of dwarven design. . . but this theory would quickly be debunked as the gas seemed to conglomerate and materialise into what was a ghostly, red figure. A djinn.


    In a deep, foreign accent it thanked the player for freeing him; and as customary for a being of his nature offered three wishes of the players choosing (within reason of course).


    Thus concludes the event line: mystery, quirkiness, questing and an element of (relative) low fantasy all entailed with a chronological structure and formulation of the greater picture. . .not to blow my own trumpet ?




    Why do you wish to become an Event Team Actor?

    I have been apart of this community for a long time, and have often taken what it and the players have to offer for granted in the past: hence the bans. Thusly, I wish to give back into the community through enjoyable rp as many before me have, whilst doing it in an environment without the austerity of my main persona.


    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    - Good imagination.
    - Able to improvise well.
    - Contrary to my ban record, I can follow goals and instructions set for me.
    - I am sociable and can work in collaboration with a team.

    - I can be hotheaded sometimes.
    - I may lose interest in something if things go drastically wrong.
    - Though this works to my advantage sometimes, I can become very attached to things that I have created.


    How much time could you give this position in the foreseeable future?

    Until I'm no longer needed or real life beckons me.

    In the short term:
    - 2-3 Hours daily during the week (not including breaks).
    - For the whole day on weekends, provided I'm not doing something that day.

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