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Everything posted by Lightshapen

  1. Quick stuff about me, i guess! My name is Lightshapen, I am 17 years old and from the Netherlands, trying out some minecraft rpg for the first time ever :))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unwillingly


      Welcome to the server :) I'm not on the community team but I'm a fellow player willing to help if you want someone to help you get the hang of things. My DMs are open: un-w#9099

    3. Tentoa


      What's up homie. If you have any lore questions I can help you or find somebody who can.

    4. Sorcerio


      Welcome! Nice to meet you! 

  2. Lightshapen


    I hope you don’t mind if I add his physical description and his personality traits in here as well; I couln’t type more information in the given spaces. Beren is not actually Beren’s name; he obviously forgot it. He was born in a very lovely, small village in the woods, and raised alongside five siblings by two loving parents. They were happy, and I don’t intend to have anything tragic happen to them. His first name was Uchir, which means ‘reckless’ in Sindarin. He was raised to become a hunter, to provide for his future family. One day he was out in the fields, when a storm came over. He got struck by lighting, causing his memory loss and a huge, blooming scar on his back. Him losing his memory wasn’t fate, or anything special; just bad luck. -Physical description: Beren is a blonde man, with pale, fair skin. The right half of his face is decorated with a nasty scar. He’s got a dark stubble and wears a tattered cloak. Beren’s got a medium height; about 1.75, not much taller than that. He prefers a bow over any short ranged weapons, partly because of his training in becoming a hunter. He’s build more lean than muscular, another reason he avoids short ranged fights and hand-to-hand combat. He tends to braid his hair away from his face and keeps it medium-short. -Personality traits: He’s quite grumpy at times, and tends to be sarcastic. Not a very nice guy to strangers, although he does have a strong sense for justice, so he might help people in need out. He’s also quite reckless. Beren is also a stubborn man, who’d rather walk into danger than admit to being wrong about something. He’ll be more agressive if he’s drunk, of
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