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Posts posted by ECS1999

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. MC Name: ECS1999


    Character's Name: Edvard Kervallen


    Character's Age: Unknown


    Character's Race: Human


    Link to your accepted MA: [Further Alchemy: Animii/Automaton Crafting] [FA] ECS1999 - Accepted Magic Apps - The Lord Of The Craft


    What magic(s) will you be teaching? Animii/Automaton Crafting


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The art of creating constructs through alchemical ways, machinery crafted through clockwork. A step further from Alchemy, commonly known as Further Alchemy, Automaon Crafting does not derive from any magic, entirely mundane in origin, it only depends on the knowledge of the material alphabet and the alchemy processes.


    While the concept of clockwork machines may not sound complex at all, it is the alchemical requisites what makes this feat worth requiring a separate FA and what makes it dependant on finding another teacher. A specially care-needy art, automatons demand special attention to detail.

    • Requires a separate FA; needing to be T3 at base Alchemy.
    • Needs to be learned under someone with a valid Automaton TA.
    • Even if one knew the alchemical recipe, with no FA they would not be able to replicate it.


    Time and a lot of effort is needed for one to completely master the art of Animii crafting, always looking for perfection.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Automaton are split into five different tiers, which are not dependant on the time they take to learn rather than on the complexity of the things one can make at each tier.

    Tier 1:
    The simplest of prosthetics, this is the base level for Automaton Crafters. It encompasses things like prosthetic arms, lungs, eyes and various other prosthetics that don't involve life-sustaining organs. These limbs are fitted into patients and cannot work on their own, also it is worth noting that these are not improvements but merely replacements that work always a bit worse. This tier also includes small non-sentient inventions.


    Tier 2:

    At this tier, the Crafter can start giving sentience to their creations; not bigger than a backpack like small animals. These creations are fit for performing small tasks but hold no combative use at all.


    Tier 3:

    The third tier encompasses creatures bigger than a backpack but smaller than a golden retriever. Only fit to work as pets, they cannot be used to enhance one's own body as they would be too heavy to be carried. They can be used in combat unlike the creatures in the second tier but when their plating is pierced they'll start losing lifeblood.


    Tier 4:
    At this tier, the Automaton Crafter is able to create creatures the size of descendants or even a bit bigger (horses for example). These are non-combative and non-played at this tier and may act as servants or for RP flavour.


    Tier 5:

    The epytome of Automaton Crafting; the creation of both full playable Automaton and Machine Spirits. In both cases they require of a CA and a player to play them.

    Other than the tiers, we can split this feat into the following sections:

    Gear Hearts:
    The heart of the automatons, it is a heart-shaped device formed of some springs and cogs and infused with redstone. At the center, a precious gem or stone (either Diamond or Graphite) is placed. It acts much alike a normal heart, some tubing is able to be attached to it via various pathways, the redstone and the gem power it so this small machine is able to distribute Lifeblood through all the body of the automaton.


    The blood of the automatons, a liquid that runs through their tubing and empowers them. It is green in coloration and made through alchemical means it is also unable to clot.


    Limbs & Prosthetics:
    The simplest of the automaton creations, they don't work independently but need to be attached to a patient. From eyes, fingers, lungs, jaws, arms, hands, legs, feet... A lot can be made through the Animii means. They can also be blessed with some upgrades like storage space, hidden blades...


    Small trinkets confectioned through automaton means, they are meant to serve as tools to help the crafter. They are simple in nature and strictly mundane.

    Pets & Servants:
    From the size of small drones to full-sized humanoids or horses, these constructs are ment to give flavour to the feat. Even though some of them have combative capabilities, none can be used to metagame information.

    Full sized constructs that even if they lack a soul, they have a fully developed conscience and mind. They require a CA to be played. Their bodies are made of non-living and inorganical matter, usually steel and are made around a sturdy skeleton. This frame is used to keep the humanoid shape and size yet the aesthetics of it can vary. Then it is filled with tubing and clockwork in order to power it along with a Gear Heart. Sensory modules are then added so it can function much alike any descendant. Their sizes range between those of the four kind of descendants yet smaller or bigger ones are possible yet with some detriments.

    Machine Spirits:
    The last part of Automaton Crafting, its where the Crafter themselves or someone else is turned into a machine by moving their soul into one of these bodies. This etails a PK clause that requires more bodies for not to happen.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    I'll make a finger for my friend Jon (which happened in roleplay):

    Edvard arribes to the lab, placing over the working table what seems to be the frame for a single finger, already preshaped and barebone just for the parts to be added.


    The man retrieves a very tiny gear heart from his bag. With a lot of care and precision, he places it on the base of the finger, later this component will serve to move the lifeblood around the small replacement.


    Edvard Kervallen grabbed some metal tubes, his eyes started to shine of a cyan color. Mana flew towards the steel and started to shape it, creating the perfect shape to fit inside the small finger. Then, after disconnecting, the man placed with care the tubing in the finger, those tubes would later on serve as ways for the lifeblood to move.


    The mage placed his bag next to the finger; from it he grabbed a few miniature pulleys and cogs. He grabbed enough of these trinkets and placed them inside the finger, making sure they would allow it to move as if it was a real one, creating three joints in such a small replacement; one for each section of the finger.


    Edvard moved then to the Lifeblood tank next to himself, pouring some of the green liquid in a bowl. The man then grabbed a syringue and poured some of the liquid inside, then adding it in the tubing and thus the gearheart as a muffled ticking noise started to be heard.


    And finally, as if it was a kind of puzzle, Edvard grabbed the plating from his bag and started fitting it around the small finger. It was a simple task as all the pieces seemed to fit perfectly.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Alright, listen close because i won't repeat it. The Gear Heart. The very core that allows for Automatons and all creations of Automaton Crafting to function! It is essentially a packed device, similar to a real human heart if you've ever seen a real heart, of cogs, springs and a conductive stone at its center" The man made a pause "Along its edges are a variety of connective pathways that tou need to create for each product of Automaton Crafting, so that the Lifeblood can flow. This will be unique to each thing, or person, of course."

    Edvard then spoke once more"It is worth noting that the cogs of the Gearheart are infused with Redstone, which keeps the pumping aparatus on a continuous ticker... Just like the heart beat! These cogs generate energy that then allows the device or automaton to function."


    "When you make the cogs, that will be when you want to imbue them with redstone" He nods towards some random words of his student "You'll then put it all together, with various tubes, cogs and springs. Again, you must have a conductive stone - try for diamonf or graphite, that sort of thing - at the very core.


    "All automaton creations require one of these Hearts, even limbs have them located at the base of the prosthetic. The only thing that does not require one are eyeballs..."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that? I understand this Feat is rather complex and i always like my students to learn things properly. If that were to happen i would talk to them privately and see why it happened, if it was a mistake we would go through that lesson again, if it was on purpose or more than once i would contact ST.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app. No

  3. MC Name: ECS1999


    Character's Name: Edvard Kervallen


    Character's Age: Unknown


    Character's Race: Human


    Link to your accepted FA: [Atronach Forging] [FA] ECS1999 - Accepted Magic Apps - The Lord Of The Craft


    What magic(s) will you be teaching? Atronach Forging


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Atronach Forging is the art of bestowing with sentience constructs created with Voidal Magic. These constructs are called Atronachs and are made through the use of transfiguration and elemental evocations, this will determine which abilities will the resulting construct have.


    The process starts with a Magegold core that encapsulates a mana gem, this will contain and store all the required enchantments that give life and sentience to the Atronach along with a spell that binds the chosen element to the core, determining the properties of the atronach. The cores are usually spherical and will contain the mana that will passively fuel the atronach until it needs recharging, they also produce the element until it runs out of mana and thus requires recharging.


    The plating is the second most important part of an atronach, they are usually made of metal but depending on the type of atronach other materials could be compatible too. The amount of plating required depends on the type of atronach; liquid atronachs such as air, water, sand, fire and telekinetic (semi-liquid) will need more plating than the solid ones; ice, earth in order to keep their elements within their figure. Their shapes are usually humanoid even though animalesque ones are also possible, even though adding extra limbs to a construct will mean the sharing of strength between them. If the plating got damaged, liquid atronachs would start to lose their element while solid ones would lose mana. Atronachs can be 7 foot tall at most.

    Cores need to be refuelled periodically, this can be done near an Obelisk or by a mage who knows how to do it. This process typically takes one full OOC hour in both cases. In case the atronach ran out of mana, the element would dissipate and only the plating and the core would remain, able to be refuelled later on manually. Solid atros need to recharge once every week, liquid ones once every three days.


    As they are sentient beings, Atronachs are only bound to the will and command of their creator who they see as their parent. They are able to learn, think and apply this knowledge to their day-to-day lives, being very good learners, able to perform tasks like masters with only a few days of practice. Their voices sound emotionless but they talk much alike any other descendant, their ease to learn is visible with languages too, able to speak them fluently with haste.


    They are very eager to experience emotions, these are impossible for them but they'll try to replicate them at their best, usually fabricating such feelings.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    First of all we have liquid and solid atronachs:

    - Liquid: Fire, Water, Sand, Air and Telekinetic (Hybrid)

    - Solid: Earth and Ice.


    Other than that, atronachs can be fashioned in many ways, granting them more or less sentience and different bodies:

    - Limbs:


    The process of creating a limb is pretty similar to creating an atronach, of course, with its differences. The cores kept within the plating of limbs is not granted sentience, this is done this way so the wearer may fully control the limb at their will. With the using of these limbs also come some boons; for elemental arms and hands, they grant the user with the ability to control the element they are made of, this is akin to a T3 evocationist and opens a wide fan of creative ways of using them. In the case of telekinetic arms and hands, they give the wearer the ability to move objects around them with the power of Telekinesis. Legs and feet, no matter if they are elemental or telekinetic, will grant the wearer the ability to hover half a block over the floor, this is purely aesthetic and does not offer any combative advantadge. More recently, the creation of Atronach Eyes has been discovered too; small cores made of Magegold or Arcanium encapsulated in some kind of material that grant the wearer the ability not only to see again but to see mana around people who are actively casting.


    All limbs can be enchanted, normal metal plating will suffice for Potent enchantments but Arcanium will be used in case one wants to have a Grand Enchantment (Magegold does not work).


    - Drones:

    Atronach Drones are full-size atronachs that are granted life but not free will. They'll follow their creator and their orders as they lack the part of the 'brain' that allows them to do whatever they wish. Their sizes and features are similar to full atronachs otherwise.


    - Micro Atronachs:

    These are small constructs that are granted life and sentience along with free will but their reduced size does not allow them to partake in combative scenarios. One could think of them more like pets or familiars, their size varying from a few inches to 3 feet. They are mostly used for flavour and cannot metagame any information, they need to be roleplayed by either the forger or whoever received one. Those micro atronachs confectioned of the liquid elements can change their shape to new forms if they desire.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Making an Atronach Arm:

    Edvard grabbed one of the small magegold cores from the nearest shelves. The magi then moved to the Obelisk, sitting near the towering construct while connecting to the Void; eyes and scars flaring up of a cyan color.


    Soon the arcane cyan mana started to imbue the magegold, the mage moved a bit to sit more comfortably around the Obelisk. The small metal core in his hand was the moved, even if so slightly, within his palm. On the forger thoughts all the movement required for the leg; from the waist joint, the knee bending, the movement of the ankle and the motion of each of the toes; how each joint is flexible and up to where they can move without breaking. Being focused on the process, his runic gaze was fixed on the core.


    The runes on his golem eyes seemed to shine even if a bit brighter as he worked. The flow of mana moved uninterruptedly towards the core, seeming to flow in a way that seemed natural to the man "Earth" He uttered to himself, slowly standing up, stumbling a bit on the process, he held the core tightly and moved to where the arm was awaiting. Edvard placed the core on the prepared pocket for it, getting it fixed with ease.


    His hand hovered over the atronach arm, soon a rain of cyan mana started to pour over the whole limb. It soon started to look more akin to a sandstorm made of mana, one that limited the expansion of the mana within the plating. The plates seemed to shine for a second yet soon it faded... If something happened, was hard to know for now, but he lowered his hand and disconnected from the Void with a smile.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Creation of a Magegold Atronach Eye (Since it's new lore i hope this also serves a bit of a guide)


    Edvard arrived, slow steps sounding as he approached his student "Hello there" He greeted, leaving some magegold and a couple sapphires over the table. He motioned for the student to come closer "We'll be making an Atronach Eye today"


    Student nods and listens


    Edvard grabbed the magegold and connected to the Void "First we want a core, we'll start by using Alter shape to make a sphere... It's important to measure the eye sockets beforehand to know how big the eye has to be" Cyan mana sprouted from his hand and travelled to the Magegold, soon turning it into a small ball.


    Student nods, listens and repeats with the other magegold piece in the table.


    Edvard then grabs the shapphire and with the same Spell makes it encapsulate the Magegold core "This will offer a bit of protection to the eye module along with a bit of aesthetic choice" He speaks, referring to the layer of gemstone now present around the core.


    Student, again, nods, listens and repeats.


    Edvard then focused on the eye solely, the cyan mana engulfing the eye module and making it shine a bit "Now we enchant it with all the requirements to give sight back" His mana kept surrounding it for a bit until he deemed it was enough.


    Student repeats, now the two of them would have an eye each.


    Edvard then speaks again "This is a completed eye, of course we did not fashion it for anyone in particular but you'll have to do to make sure the eyes fit. Next step would be placing it within the eye socket and activate it near an Obelisk. This will create a mana line from the eye to the optical nerve, effectively giving the sight back"



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that? As i always say, i would contact them and see what happened, no matter if this happens within my lesson period or after they are done, in any case i'll try to find out if it was a mistake or on purpose. If it was a mistake i would correct it and if it was on purpose i would contact ST.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app. No

  4. image.thumb.png.db25b239dead50b98487609d0e6cf04c.png





    Issued on the 9th of Sun's Smile in the 54th year of our LORD


    With the new Procurator and Vice Procurator having taken a grasp on how the Office works, it seems fit that we start recruiting people to help us with our duties.

    From tax collection to stewardship, those who are over 16 years of age are encouraged to get an interview in order to become Clerks of the city. Reach out Sir Ephrem with a bird in order to schedule a meeting in the city of Atrus.



    HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Ephrem Kervallen, Baron of Tuvia, Knight of the Order of Saint Lothar, Inquisitor of the Canonist Church, Procurator of Balian






    Contact me via bird ECS1999 (If there's no persona called Ephrem send it to Edvard) or through discord EduardC11#9634


  5. Name of the Artifact:  Magnum Opus / Spellforge: Charge of the Burning Stag


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations: Yes


    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: ECS1999


     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: Edvard Kervallen


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items): Edvard and either some Voidstalker help (TBD) or a Tear    


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Edvard Kervallen and TBD


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A: 



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted): Since it's a spell, there's no MC item to represent it


    Effect(s) of the Spell:


    Base Spell: Charge of the Burning Stag [Tier 4] [Combative]: Conjuration and Fire Evocation made one; the birth of a majestic Stag surrounded in flames. A spell created to push, a charge of might and power.


    Fire Stag by 9baa13: Fantasy deer HD wallpaper download (besthdwallpaper.com)



    • It takes 5 (FIVE) emotes to cast the Charge of the Burning Stag (1 Connect, 3 Charge and 1 Cast).

    • This spell can be used at the very most twice per combat, if that was the case the mage would end up fainting due to  exhaustion after summoning the fire stag. So more often than not it will be used once, leaving the mage with half his mana pool.

    • The conjured Stag measures 2 meters or 6,5  feet from the nose to the tail and 1,3 meters or 4 feet in height so it is considered a Large creature by Conjuration Lore. Its antlers are one meter or 3 feet tall and wide.

    • The summoned Stag cannot be commanded by the mage, it will only run straight, reaching a maximum of 8 (EIGHT) blocks far in the Casting Emote, vanishing right after.

    • The charge of the Stag has a force akin to an Uruk, able to push individuals back and open a hole within military formations and shield walls.

    • The whole Stag is covered in roaring flames, able to leave second degree burns upon contact with exposed flesh.

    • Its antlers, while covered in fire, still keep all the properties of real antlers, being sturdy as bone and ending in rounded points, unable to pierce but able to stand its strong hits.

    • If struck by a thanhic weapon, charging against thanhic steel armour or being hit by a Null Arcana projectile or weapon the stag would vanish into nothingness, interacting with the metal as a tier 4 spell.

    • If struck with Auric Oil, the stag would find its charge reduced to 6 (SIX) blocks at most.



    Red Lines of the Spell:


    Base Spell: Charge of the Burning Stag [Tier 4] [Combative]




    • The user has to have mastered both Conjuration and Fire Evocation.

    • All general Conjuration and Fire Evocation Redlines.

    • Requires the mage to be standing during all the casting still to perform this spell.

    • The mage is able to, at most, wear leather gambeson while casting Burning Stag

    • With its strength, refer to Uruk lore (Core Race Lore - Orcs: Uruks - Racial Lore - The Lord Of The Craft), it is able to push a descendant up to the end of its charge (8 Blocks), if the charge ends, the individual will find themselves pushed 3 blocks back. If the charge is used against a bigger creature, it will be up to the discretion of the ST, ET or players running or playing said creature and the spell caster, being it during an event or not.

    • If the stag finds a military formation or a shield wall it will stop its charge upon impact, sending those it makes contact with three blocks back.

    • The motions and disruptiveness of riding a mount is enough to cancel out the focus required to maintain a summon, even if the mount is something you’ve summoned.

    • Cannot be enchanted.

    • Cannot be made Blue Fire or Combustive.

    • Requires line of sight and cannot exceed stated range.

    • For reference, using this spell twice would make the mage faint after the second use due to exhaustion. Even though it would NOT lead to a PK due to overexhaustion. With a good night of rest the mage should be fine to continue with his life.

    • If the stag were to hit against a wooden shield it would either break it or set it on fire. If the shield was made of metal it would bend it, most probably leaving it unusable.

    • Should the stag hit an individual wearing an armour it would most probably bend the metal where it hits, leaving bruises and probably breaking some bones. The flames covering the stag would not stick to the metal but would indeed burn any exposed flesh.

    • This spell is not affected or its emote count reduced by Incanter's Flow





    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Charge of the Burning Stag


    A  wondrous incantation borne of ancient Elemental Conjurations, crafted to elevate the art of Life Evocation to unparalleled heights. The Burning Stag, a potent amalgamation of scorching flames unleashed by a master Fire Evocationist and the noble, majestic embodiment of vigor and renewal, the Stag.


    This spell is not one to be trifled with, for it can only be wielded by those who have achieved mastery in both these esoteric arts. In it, we witness the convergence of the raw, physical power of the Stag with the unbridled ferocity and searing heat of Fire magic, a union that spawns a magnificent, fearsome creature of unparalleled potency.


    Behold the glory of its flames, which blaze with a myriad of colors, save for the elusive shades of white, black, and blue, without an escalation in the mana cost required to summon it forth.


    Gaze upon its ethereal frame, crafted of pure, searing flames, yet possessing the corporeality of a living, breathing stag conjured from the depths of Void. Truly, it is a sight to behold - a magnificent amalgamation of otherworldly energy and raw elemental might, woven together in an awe-inspiring display of magic.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: For now only Edvard will be able to use it


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.) Yes


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  6. Announcements of Tuvia




    Issued by the Barony of Tuvia on the 7th of Owyn’s Flame in the year 52 of our Lord



    Proclamation of Equal Power


    The Barony of Tuvia, signed by both the Patriarch and Matriarch of the House of Kervallen hereby declares, ex nunc, that the Baron and Baroness of Tuvia shall have equal standing and power within the House of Kervallen in Balian and within the Barony of Tuvia. All decisions within the family and within the Barony shall be made in conjunction with one another, acting together as one. Ex nunc, Baron Ephrem Kervallen and Baroness Callista Kervallen shall have equal responsibilities within the Barony of Tuvia. 


    Upon the death of the Baron, any and all responsibilities, assets, and authority within the Barony of Tuvia shall be given to the Baroness until her passing or until their heirs are of age.


    This proclamation shall remain in effect until the deaths of His Lordship, Sir Ephrem Kervallen and Her Ladyship, Callista Kervallen.  




    The Birth of Two Kervallen

    The Baron Sir Ephrem Kervallen and the Baroness Consort Callista Lucia Rose Kervallen proudly announce the birth of two of their own blood; they were delivered this same day safely by the Baroness within Tuvian lands.

    Lady Estella Maria Tatiana Kervallen of Tuvia, heiress to the Barony of Tuvia and its holdings @Fawnytheturtle



    Lord Edwyn Evander Edvard Kervallen of  Tuvia. @LazyBacon220


    As per Canonist tradition, the newborn twins will be baptized in the Chapel of Saint Harald in Tuvia, to be welcomed in the family of GOD our Father and within HIS Holy sacraments.




    The Honorable, Sir Ephrem Kervallen, Baron of Tuvia, Knight of the Order of Saint Lothar, Inquisitor of the Canonist Church and Procurator of Balian.


    The Honorable, Callista Lucia Rose Kervallen, Baroness of Tuvia, Medico Anziano of Balian.



  7. Tuvian Purasangre

    The white thunder of the desert



    Issued by The Barony of Tuvia on the 22nd of Horen’s Calling of the Year 50 of our Lord






    The origin of the Tuvian Purasangre breed can be traced back to a significant event in the history of the Kervallen Family. Legend has it that the first patriarch of the family, Edvard Kervallen, was bestowed with a remarkable horse named Windfola by the Elven Princeps Minuvas Melphestaus of the Orenian Empire. Windfola was not an ordinary horse, but a magnificent steed of elven breed that was unmatched in elegance, manners, speed, and agility.



    Windfola and the mare trotting in the Balianite Deserts


    The gift of Windfola proved to be a momentous occasion, as it set the stage for the creation of the Tuvian Purasangre breed. Windfola was bred with a white and wild mare that was tamed in the warm deserts near Balian, resulting in the birth of the first Tuvian Purasangre foal. The breed quickly gained popularity due to its unique combination of the elven breed's grace and the desert mare's hardiness and resilience.


    Today, the Tuvian Purasangre breed is renowned for its speed, agility, and beauty. It owes its origins to the benevolent gift of the Elven Princeps and the astute breeding practices of the Kervallen Family. The Tuvian Purasangre is a testament to the power of collaboration between different cultures and the beauty that can arise from it.





    The Tuvian Purasangre breed is known for its exceptional versatility, a result of the perfect union of several remarkable traits. The breed's mental balance is unparalleled, providing a calm and composed demeanor that allows them to excel in various disciplines. This balance is further complemented by their harmony of forms, which is an integral aspect of their physical appearance. Their elegant and well-proportioned build not only adds to their beauty but also enhances their performance in different activities.


    Intelligence is another defining characteristic of the Tuvian Purasangre breed. They possess an innate ability to understand and follow instructions, making them an ideal choice for both novice and experienced riders. They also possess a natural curiosity, making them quick learners and adapt easily to new situations.


    Furthermore, the breed's willingness to work is an essential component of their versatility. They possess a tireless work ethic, enabling them to perform various tasks, from dressage and showjumping to endurance riding and ranch work. They take pride in their work and are eager to please their handlers and riders.


    In conclusion, the Tuvian Purasangre breed is an exceptional breed of horse that stands out for its remarkable versatility. Their mental balance, harmony of forms, intelligence, and willingness to work make them a breed of choice for riders and handlers looking for a horse that can excel in various activities.


    Physical Traits:

    • Head: Proportionate, of medium length and fronto-nasal profile from subconvex to straight; medium ears, very mobile, well set and parallel; slightly and discreetly domed forehead. Lively, triangular eyes with an expressive gaze.


    • Neck: Medium in size and length, slightly arched and muscled (in mares to a lesser extent), well set into the head and trunk and with abundant, silky mane.


    • Trunk: Proportioned and robust, with a slightly wide and prominent withers and a consistent and muscular back. The loin should be wide, short, muscular, somewhat arched and well attached to the back and rump.


    • Croup: Of medium length and width, rounded and slightly sloping. Tail born low and stuck between the ischium, populated with abundant, long and often wavy bristles.


    • Forelegs: Long, muscular, oblique and elastic back. Strong arms and well inclined. Powerful forearm, of medium length. Developed and lean knee.


    • Hindquarters: Muscular thigh, slightly arched and muscular buttock and long leg. Strong, broad and neat hock.


    • Movements: Agile, elevated, extensive, harmonious and rhythmic. Special predisposition for the meeting and the turns on the posterior third.


    • Temperament: The Tuvian Purasangre is a balanced and resistant horse, energetic, noble and docile, easily adapting to various services and situations. It is an animal that responds easily to the help of the rider and has a pleasant mouth, making it obedient and with a great capacity for learning.


    • Coloration: Always covered in pearly fur, Tuvian Purasangre are characterized by being completely white, including the tail and mane.



    Sir Ephrem Kervallen, Baron of Tuvia



  8. Alright so i am taking Ozymandias who had a previous Transfiguration MA, timewise he is Tier 5 but lacks the knowledge on Wards and Mana lines which i'll teach him so he can finally get his TA.


    His Old MA (You can see that timewise he is T5, just lacks two spells):




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