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  1. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 503 E.S GENERAL ELECTIONS KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, By decree of his Royal Majesty, Aleskandr II, and the Lord Speaker, an election is called in the year 503 E.S., to elect to the Royal Duma its three Royal Alderman. ALDERMEN Three Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by popular vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Aldermen may only be of common descent and once elected will sit on the Royal Duma as a Boyar. For a citizen to nominate themselves for Alderman, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria: 1. Candidates must be at least eighteen years of age; 2. Be of common descent; 3. Be a citizen for more than ten years; 4. Have proof of residence within the Kingdom; 5. Of good moral character and in good standing; 6. Be a member of the Church of Canon; It is highly encouraged that ALL candidates make campaign posts and host public rallies to boost their chances of election! NOTE: You may still campaign while nominations are being verified. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Excellency, Otto Ludovar, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Count of Otistadt, Viscount of Sezwesk, Baron of Isaakev Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Countess-Emerita of Malkovya, Keeper of the Book, Lady Auditor of The Royal Duma, Secretary the Esrova Courts The Honorable, Timofei Petrovich, Lord Handler Hanseti-Ruska, Royal Alderman of His Majesty’s Duma, Master of The Pantry, Her Majesty’s Royal Fisherman, Founder of The Golden Rod Emporium, Local Fisherman of Valdev, Emperor of Fish, etcetera etcetera. . . ((OOC : CANDIDATES HAVE UNTIL TUESDAY 8 PM EST/12AM GMT TO RUN)) CAMPAIGN POST TEMPLATE Please include the following in your application: IGN: Character Name: Age: Place of Residence / Street Address: [Link to Campaign Post]
  2. TRANSCRIPT FROM 500 E.S. XLV SESSION OF THE KING’S DUMA FROM THE OFFICE OF LORD SPEAKER DUMA OF 9 TOV and YERMEY, 500E.S RECORDED AND ANNOTATED BY HIS LORDSHIP HENRIK AMADOR IN ATTENDANCE: Valwyck: His Excellency, Ser Arthur Gant Vidaus: His Excellency, Viktor var Ruthern Reinmar: His Excellency, Manfred Barclay Otistadt : His Excellency, Otto Ludovar, Lord Speaker Malkovya : The Right Honorable Anabel Colborn, Lady Auditor Novkursain : The Honorable Ser Walter Weiss Koravia : Lady Gwenyth Vilac (REPRESENTING) Verskaya : Her Ladyship Alyona Godunov Mondstadt : His Lordship Henrik Amador, Scribe of the Royal Duma Alderman Blackwood-Weiss Alderman Petrovich, Lord Handler His Excellency, Ser Audo Weiss, Knight Paramount; testifying Amleth var der Grendok, Armiger of Staff IN ABSENCE: Thurant : Absent Alderman Rayne : Absent Valwyck : LATE SESSION CALLED TO ORDER OTTO LUDOVAR: Before I start with my planned agenda. AMLETH v.d GRENDOK: Only three are absent. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: It's a Miracle! HENRIK AMADOR: Sigismund's blessing, surely. [Lady Palatine Roslin Baruch departs.] OTTO LUDOVAR: A prayer led by Fr. Amleth Grendok. Please stand, and bow your head for the prayer. AMLETH v.d GRENDOK: For the opening of session, we shall recite the Prayer of Saint Adrian, Patron of Chancellors, Lawspeakers, and Representatives. O Glorious St. Adrian, Patron of Statesmen, Chancellors, and Lawyers, Your Life of prayer and penance and your zeal for justice, integrity and firm principle in public and family life led you to the path of martyrdom and sainthood. Intercede for our fellow Peers and Lords, our Chancellor and our King, that they may be courageous and effective in their defense and promotion for the sanctity of human life, that they may deny all unholy deeds and see to the protection of our realm. Amen. [The gathered, standing or assisted, return the Amen call.] You may be seated. OTTO LUDOVAR: With only ten boyars present, I will remind the chamber that the majority set for this session is six. Lady Auditor. ANABEL COLBORN: Da, Speaker? OTTO LUDOVAR: If you would begin the proceedings for your inquiry of Ser Audo. ANABEL COLBORN: In my capacity as the Lady Auditor of the Royal Duma, I hereby summon ve Kossarowain [c. Knight Paramount] Ser Audo Weiss, if he could step forwards please. A brief diversion as an apple pastry is passed from Amleth Grendok to Lord Speaker; the pastry falls; related exclamations irrelevant to record and struck. ANABEL COLBORN: A pleasure to see you again, Ser Audo. I have a few questions to ask of you, in relation to the Knightly Orders, however I also gather that the Duma wishes to address the missive written by Lord Andrik Ruthern. AUDO WEISS: A pleasure to see you too, Auditor. If you would, he still does bear the titleage of Ser. I've little to say on the matter, for I consider it clear once looked at beyond a single perspective. However, I do wish to preface that the duel denied was based upon the actions he took of striking another knight's squire at the table. Ask what you will. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: You ought have accepted it. MANFRED BARCLAY: Good taste. Shame it landed on the floor [of the aforementioned apple pastry, presumed]. ANABEL COLBORN: Did I say Lord? My mistake - there are so many of these young Ruthern lords these days, it is easy to forget. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: Whose squire? ANABEL COLBORN: Forlati mik [c. Forgive me], Herzen Ruthern - I shall open for questions from the hall later. AUDO WEISS: I believe a deeper look is required, niet all duels are proposed on honorable grounds - there is little honor to regain in the matter. I've largely found that Ser Andrik has used duels to avoid correction, rather than to follow our traditions. - And the squire of Ser Mikolaj, Rickard. ANABEL COLBORN: Unfortunately Ser Andrik is unable to be here today as he is attending to important business, however he asked that I ask you some questions, Ser Audo. If a Knight Paramount refuses a duel from one of their knights, what example does this set to the honourable populace, squires, and other knights? WALTER WEISS: Perhaps then the example should be to duel for the right reasons. Striking a squire then asking to duel when you're rightfully chastised is nie grounds for honor. AUDO WEISS: A knight requires discernment along with other attributes. We should niet permit belligerence, nor the wanton disregard for the formality of a duel. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: The duel was issued for insult to his character, and questioning of his loyalty to the realm. As Ser Andrik said in his letter. 'Nie true knight upon this table' and such. ANABEL COLBORN: I understand that the hall is eager to question the Paramount; however, you will get your opportunity. WALTER WEISS: Because striking a squire that is not yours is an insult to his character, done upon him by his own hand. I fail to see how the responsibility falls upon Audo. ANABEL COLBORN: I see, skrali [c. Thank you]. The missive published detailing the incident also describes that you have been accused of cowardice in the past. Do you have any comments on this? [Ser Arthur Gant arrives for Valwyck.] AUDO WEISS: The duel was issued because he was told his actions had dishonored the table by striking another's squire - at least, he referred to such dishonor when returning through the doors. When I proposed to treat him as an equal at the table, he insisted he instead had no seat and that his presence there was merely of guestship - something I've not considered him until he decided such of his own volition. I take no joy in the way his status was treated. TIMOFEI PETROVICH [to Ser Arthur]: Your Excellency, you here to represent your wife? ARTHUR GANT: Have a guess. ANABEL COLBORN: Surely cowardice is nej trait for a Knight Paramount to display? TIMOFEI PETROVICH: I guess niet. AUDO WEISS: I do have comment: the delay he speaks of is my inquiry as to his reason for a duel. I find that taking the proper course is important, and I sternly disagreed with his stance. I find, rather, I was not permitted proper course. There were no seconds, nor discussions. There was nie seeking of satisfaction and he insisted on insulting me throughout. AUDO WEISS: There is nie cowardice in requesting understanding, nor in not resorting to wanton violence. ARTHUR GANT: You have refused my challenges as well, Ser Audo. AUDO WEISS: Actually, I never heard yours. ARTHUR GANT: I think you did. I threatened to kill you when you refused and you walked off. AUDO WEISS: That's niet a challenge - that's a threat. ARTHUR GANT: It was, aye. But I challenged you first. ANABEL COLBORN: Spasiba, Ser Audo. If the hall has further questions on this matter, it may wait until the end. I wish to move on to discuss your plans for the Knight Orders in the near and further future. KNIGHT, FROM POSTED GUARD: I apologize, but, may I serve as a witness for the situation? I will try to explain what I saw as objectively as I can. Even though I admit as a former squire I might have some bias, but I will try my best to stay objective. OTTO LUDOVAR: Next boyar who speaks out of turn will be removed. AUDO WEISS: If I recall, you came to my home when I was not present. If that is your proposal of the duel, then nie, Ser Arthur, I never heard it. The next I heard you proclaimed you would have dueled, but you had dropped it. ARTHUR GANT: I challenged you in the barracks. If you seek to call me a liar, I'll duel you in this [expletive] hall. - The good Lord Speaker's requested your silence. Shut your mouth. AUDO WEISS: Then I request proper process for the matter with seconds, Ser. I heard you wishes to speak to me alone; we never found time to meet, and you had dropped the duel by the time we got to speak. You never ushered[sic] a word of challenge. So if you so seek it - ai, we'll duel - and we'll do it right. ANABEL COLBORN: If we could avoid inciting a riot in the hall, Ser Audo. I wish to hear about any reforms you have in mind for the Knightly Orders. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: There will be no dueling interrupting this very session, Lord Marshal. Let us continue on with the questioning. ALYONA GODUNOV: If none of us are able to speak, I will take my leave. This is unproductive. Dravi, all. [Alyona Godunov departs.] OTTO LUDOVAR: Leaving your duties is not productive either. WALTER WEISS: You can't say a duel won't happen, Lord Handler. My papej has accepted his challenge. That is law. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: It can happen, but not here. His Majesty's Royal Duma shall not be interrupted during schedule. ANABEL COLBORN: I have been asked to question you about how you shall combat existing stagnancies within the Knight Orders, if you please - meaning nejt just the repopulation of the knightly table but a reform of its procedures. What say you? ARTHUR GANT: Go on and do whatever paperwork you need to do. AUDO WEISS: Ai - well - waking the order up from a slumber is one. We have already undertaken thorough investigation of the bej nikirala [c. endless winter] and have begun investigations into multiple dens of undead. As it stands, the process, too currently lays too vague and requires adjustment. The reputation of the knights within Haense and beyond has also slipped and is a focus of my own - as well as a reverence for our heritage. On this I've already taken to stocking our resources alone, for many years and we are already embarking upon excursions to fight beasts and the like. [to Ser Arthur] Find yourself a second. Meet me afterwards. [Ser Arthur departs.] OTTO LUDOVAR: Mark Valwyck as absent, Lord Handler. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: Will you mark the Godunovs absent as well? OTTO LUDOVAR: Ai. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Valwyck, Absent - Verskaya, Absent. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: Dobry, dobry. ANABEL COLBORN: Spasiba. In the interests of brevity, Speaker, those are my questions. May we conduct moderated debate on the remainder of the hall's questions for the Paramount? WALTER WEISS: Mamej! I must go in ten minutes! I'll need you to take my seat! VERONICA WEISS: Ordak. ANABEL COLBORN: Perhaps only a few questions. VIKTOR v. RUTHERN: I've a mind to see the Ser Arthur ready for his duel, and to work on my castle further. [Viktor v. Ruthern departs.] OTTO LUDOVAR: Vidaus absent. We will end questions there. I will not have my boyars walk over me anymore. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Very well. OTTO LUDOVAR: You are dismissed, Ser Audo. Roll call, Lord Handler. [Reinmar, Otistadt, Malkovya, Novkursain, Koravia, Mondstadt, Alderwoman Blackwood-Weiss, and Lord Handler are present.] AMLETH v.d GRENDOK: We still have quorum. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Eight Present, Lord Speaker - Five have either left their duties or have niet bothered to show at all. We may proceed at your leisure, your Excellency. OTTO LUDOVAR: Great- Lord Stafyr asked me to present his bill on his behalf. He was unwell. MANFRED BARCLAY: I wonder what has become of diligence with some. [Review of the proposed bill by Lord Thondorous Stafyr regarding construction of a door at the entrance to the presently open Duma Hall.] OTTO LUDOVAR: Has anyone have any comments? MANFRED BARCLAY: Not quite, the bill seems reasonable to me. ANABEL COLBORN: I do not think comments are necessary. GWENYTH VILAC: I’d be fine to vote, really. OTTO LUDOVAR: We will move to a vote. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Reinmar. MANFRED BARCLAY: In favor, I suppose. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Otistadt. OTTO LUDOVAR: Ai. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Malkoyova. ANABEL COLBORN: Da, please. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Novkursain Representative. VERONICA WEISS: Si. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Koravia Representative. GWENYTH VILAC: Da. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Mondstadt. HENRIK AMADOR: Ai for the door. Happy to help put it in, too. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Alderman Blackwood-Weiss. MARIAN WEISS: Da. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: And I vote Da - eight Da's, unanimous. As long as we can afford these renovations, which I am sure we can, I have nothing to debate. THE DOOR BILL OF 497 8 - 0 - 0 OTTO LUDOVAR: I have a bill to present to the floor as well. This bill is aimed to renovate an integral government building; Lord Isaak has pledged to fully fund this venture. I am open to questions and revisions. [Review of bill proposal for renovation of Valdev city hall.] TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Ah- dobry. The Kongzem surely thanks the Ludovars for the funds, I'm sure. MANFRED BARCLAY: I've a question – what exactly is envisioned with renovating the two Aulic offices within the hall? Do the current ones not suffice? OTTO LUDOVAR: There is a lot of empty space, which could be repurposed. ANABEL COLBORN: Provided it actually happens, I think it wise to do this. I assume that some proposed building plans have been drawn up? OTTO LUDOVAR: Individual offices for Kallestans would be a good change. We will draft plans if this bill is assented. MANFRED BARCLAY: Think we're as good as ready to vote. OTTO LUDOVAR: Then we will vote. - Reinmar. MANFRED BARCLAY: In favor. OTTO LUDOVAR: Otistadt votes in favor. Malkoyova. ANABEL COLBORN: Da! OTTO LUDOVAR: Novkursain. VERONICA WEISS: Si. OTTO LUDOVAR: Koravia. GWENYTH VILAC: Da. OTTO LUDOVAR: Mondstadt. HENRIK AMADOR: Aye. OTTO LUDOVAR: Alderman Blackwood-Weiss. MARIAN WEISS: Da. OTTO LUDOVAR: Lord Handler Petrovich. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: Da. RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY HALL 8 - 0 - 0 OTTO LUDOVAR: The bill is passed. With no more on the agenda, I motion to end this session. TIMOFEI PETROVICH: I second. OTTO LUDOVAR: GODAN bless and see you at our next session.
  3. JURA I SZLATA ON THE STANDARDS, PRIVILEGES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF NOBILITY Issued by THE LORD SPEAKER In accordance with the wishes of THE CROWN Naf zwy 12th hag i TOV ag YERMEY i 481 E.S. Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION II. DEFINING NOBILITY III. PRIVILEGE OF NOBILITY IV. RESPONSIBILITIES OF NOBILITY V. STANDARDS OF NOBILITY VI. JURA I SZLATA RENDITION I. INTRODUCTION Va Birodeo ag Herzenav, With the migration of the Kongzem of Hanseti-Ruska from the realm of Almaris to Aevos, we find ourselves tightly packed inside the walls of our new home. It will take time before the Noble Houses of Haense may expand outwards into the surrounding land and erect their castles and walls. As Lord Speaker of the Lord’s Duma gracefully formed by His Majesty Koeng Georg I, I have taken up the duty of structuring a new Law of Nobility to be followed by the Houses of Haense who have received titleage by the Crown. This proposal will detail an objective definition of nobility, including both the privileges and responsibilities of titled houses, that establish the rules and regulations to each Noble House and its residing kin. With an objective Law of Nobility established, a subjective privilege will be granted to every House of Nobility the privilege to petition His Majesty for additional land by their keep, the option to erect farms, towns, and other personal structures that is outside what the objective laws allow. Finally, the proposal will end with a complete rewrite of the Jura i Szlata, the Law of Nobility, as it stands in the Book of Honour, following an objective set of standards for each title of nobility. These standards will guide the Noble Houses of Haense to greater noble standing, or bring to light an unnecessary holding of position and titleage that the Lord’s Duma may convene on and present to the Koeng. With the blessing of His Majesty and the Aulic Council, this proposal will be put forward to the Lord’s Duma for revision, or confirmation, and subsequently be applied immediately to the long-standing Book of Honour. II. DEFINING NOBILITY When defining what separates the Noble Class from the Common Class, the following are evident: - The Noble Class shall include he who holds a landed title and their lawful kin - He who carries the title of Baron of the Crownlands, and his kin, shall be granted a Manor to reside in by will of the Crown - Landed titles shall be those titles granted by the Crown to a Haeseni citizen, and that title shall pass unto his heir. - Titles without land shall be titular titles, granted to an individual by the Crown, and they shall return to the Crown upon the death of that individual, unless otherwise stated. Titles of Nobility within the Kongzem are detailed further in the Jura i Szlata - Matters of Regency, disownment, inheritance, etcetera are defined in the Jura i Szlata These self-evident definitions of Nobility will forever carry on through the Jura i Szlata and stand as the sole objectively defined difference between the Nobles and the Commoners. Further definitions between the Noble and Commoners are subjective, and not in accordance with the Law of Nobility. Under the STANDARDS OF NOBILITY, each ranked title will have a detailed explanation of the necessary efforts and contributions to the Crown and Kongzem by which a House may reach and maintain the proper titles granted by His Majesty. These standards will be in accordance with a House’s MILITARY ACTIVITY, GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT, COURT PARTICIPATION, and GENERAL PRESENCE. III. PRIVILEGES OF NOBILITY The Noble Houses of the Crown are given certain privilege as a reward for their dedication and contribution to the Crown and His People. These privileges apply to all Nobility as a whole, and stands as an objective set of laws that separate Nobility from the Common folk. The Privileges of Nobility are as follows: - The Privilege to sit on Duma - either Lords’ or Peoples’ Duma depending on titleage - The Privilege to own a keep with walls to host their kin - The Privilege to defend their land from invasion - The Privilege to settle taxable tenants on their promised land - The Privilege to employ a guard of retainers, of which are in service to the Crown first - The Privilege to host a family who shall dedicate themselves to the Kongzem in service of arms, politics, and all other aspects - The Privilege to petition to the Crown for additional land and/or property outside of their keep - The Privilegeto bear the unique heraldry of their House - The Privilege and entitlement to be executed by way of beheading - The Privilege to elect a Champion to fight on their behalf in a Trial by Combat - The Privilege to seek private audience with the Crown - The Privilege to seek position as a squire in the Knightly Order of the Crow - The Privilege to a Regent in the event a landed Lord is below the age of Eighteen - The Privilege to determine inheritance to titles and land with consent from the Crown These privileges apply objectively to all Noble Houses given titleage by the Crown. These privileges will forever dictate what Noble Houses can do in the eyes of the Law, and are not subject to change. Besides these objective laws, the Noble Houses are also held to subjective laws established by the Crown. These subjective laws can include, but are not limited to: - The Privilege to expand a Noble Houses’ claim of land by petition of the Crown - The Privilege to create additional structures - such as towns and keeps - on a Noble Houses’ claim of land by petition of the Crown - The Privilege to till farmland on a Noble Houses’ claim of land by petition of the Crown These subjective laws, of which are not completed in full, are for the Crown to decide upon a petition from a House of Nobility. These privileges are subject to change from Koeng to Koeng, and even during the same Koeng’s rule, if He sees it fitting to alter. In addition, these petitions allow for higher standing noble families to ask for more from His Majesty, including, but not limited to: larger keeps than other families, denser towns, and more expansive farms. These objective and subjective laws stand to uphold Law and Order in Nobility, and relieve stress from the shoulders of His Majesty, without seeing a need to change the Jura i Szlata with the coronation of each Koeng. IV. RESPONSIBILITIES OF NOBILITY The Noble Houses of the Crown are expected to carry out a list of responsibilities, or tenets of noble operation, as result of His Majesty’s will to give them titleage. These responsibilities apply to all Noble Houses, and the greater a Noble family, the greater the responsibilities. The Responsibilities of Nobility are as follows: - The Responsibility to forever swear to the Crown, and to protect its Life. - The Responsibility to forever swear to Hanseti-Ruska, and Her People. - The Responsibility to follow all laws of the Book of Honour, and adhere to any changes. - The Responsibility to defend Hanseti-Ruska, and Her People. - The Responsibility to fight for the Crown, and uphold its cause. - The Responsibility to summon the forces of your kin when His Majesty wills it. - The Responsibility to defend Hanseti-Ruska’s borders, and fend off all of Her enemies. - The Responsibility to advise His Majesty and seek the greatest outcomes for the Kongzem. These responsibilities apply to all the Noble Houses of Haense, and stand as objective law that cannot be changed, swayed, or debated. The service and protection of His Majesty and His Kongzem comes before a Peer and his kin - as it was His Majesty who graced said Peer with titleage, and granted his family nobility and land. V. STANDARDS OF NOBILITY In the current envision of the Jura i Szlata, the standards that Noble Houses are held to are far too vague and often left solely to His Majesty to decide whether a house is worthy of higher status, or deemed unfit and deserving of demotion. With an official establishment of a nobles’ Prvileges and Responsibilities, it is in our best interest to also lay the foundation of standards for each rank of titleage in Haense. Therefore, the newest rendition of the Law of Nobility will structure the standards of nobility based on four main categories: MILITARY ACTIVITY, GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT, COURT PARTICIPATION, and GENERAL PRESENCE. Each category encompasses multiple subcategories that further detail the numerous contributions a Noble family can undergo in deserving of titleage. MILITARY ACTIVITY - A family that contributes multiple loyal kin and tenants to serve in the Brotherhood of Saint Karl display ambition for the Kongzem’s safety and security. The more members of a House in the Brotherhood, the better. - The Knights of the Order of the Crow and Marian Retinue uphold the ideals of honour and chivalry. Though unlikely for there to be as many noble kin in knighthood versus the Brotherhood, a house with bountiful knights who represent the Crown is certainly a sign of a prospering family. - A noble house has the privilege to gather a retinue of house guards and levymen, of which must already be soldiers of His Majesty’s army. But, a notable size of levymen for a sole house boosts their readiness to protect the Koeng’s lands, and represent the power of a Noble House that his Majesty can always rely on. - Large numbers alone may show a family is about often, but if these numbers lack in a rally when called upon, then they are only for show. Houses that rally considerable numbers more often are the pinnacle of Haeseni might. - Besides the raids of other nations and settlements, often attacking on our soil, it is evident that there will always be forces outside of national jurisdiction, such as the Mori’quessir, or other abnormal and or ancient forces seeking the destruction of our people. The might and presence of noble peers and their kin to fend off these abnormalities produces light in an otherwise shadowed area of knowledge. GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT - A Peer’s involvement in Duma is paramount to the advisory of the Crown, and addressing matters of law and civil discourse before further elevation. Although a peer is granted the privilege to sit and participate in Duma, their lack of involvement and indecisiveness can affect how their dedication to the Crown and It's people are viewed. - The highest position in government is the positions on the Aulic Council that directly work with His Majesty on multiple facets of the Kongzem. Although holding an Aulic position does not grant favorability in a noble family, that which is accomplished while employed as an Aulic member will certainly benefit the family greatly. With so few Aulic Council members, it is not possible to dedicate an entire family towards one position. - Though, each Aulic Council does have offices or assistants of their own, capable of aiding that Aulic member with completing tasks for His Majesty much more efficiently. Noble men and women aiding the Aulic Council through tasks and projects displays their commitment to His Majesty’s government, and ensuring it operates properly. COURT PARTICIPATION - The Koena’s Court is the forefront of establishing Haeseni culture to all citizens and visitors. Through the guidance of Her Majesty, the efforts of nobility to assist in spreading the knowledge and understanding of various Haeseni holidays, cultural properties, and influences different families have as a whole on the city. - Along with understanding Haeseni culture, it is the task of the Koena’s Court and her trusted employees to host various events in and out of the city. These events can vary greatly, but what matters are the events hosted by nobles in the Courts, and how often these events are held with rather successful rates of participation, inspiration, and representation. - Though educating the common folk through cultural lessons and hosting grand events certainly has its merits, it is the skill with a quill that truly informs the masses. The multitude of missives and event announcements sent all across the city and realm are the works of talented writers in the Courts - and those authors and the families they come from are certainly kept in mind. GENERAL PRESENCE - The life of Hanseti-Ruska rests mainly on its people and their day-to-day lives within the city. The noble families are looked up to and respected by the common folk, and serve as inspiration to them. The active families who associate in the tavern, talk with the citizens and visitors of the city, attend church masses, and overall participate in city-wide hosted events are much more desirable than people believe. - There have been multiple cases in Human history where families have had multiple children - breaking numbers such as eight, ten, and even twelve. But it is not the amount of kin that spells success for a family, but instead the quality of the character of each individual person. A family of twenty with nothing special amongst them, almost copy-cat like behaviors, is ill-looked upon. But a family of truly individualistic characters is highly desired, and leads to the greatest outcomes of government involvement and military activity. - Among the choices of government, Koenas’ Court, and military, there are a variety of positions in the city that can be held by members of nobility. Work in the tavern, or even shops put up by noble families and run by their kin are methods of providing quality of life to the citizens of Haense, and display the hard-working efforts of nobility to work alongside their Kongzem and grow with it. With these standards applied to the Noble Houses, each titleage is expected to meet specific standards to achieve said noble ranking. The expectations of Duchies are more than Counties, and those of Viscounties are greater than Baronies. Below will establish the expectations of each Noble House, and the standards that Lord’s Duma will hold themselves to when deciding if a Titled Family should receive praise and promotion by His Majesty, or be demoted to an appropriate noble standing. The Noble Houses are expected as follows: Ducal Houses: - The highest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who stand at the pinnacle of inspiration to all nobles of Haense and the citizens of the city. These houses are expected to prove themselves in all categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: - Are active in the military beyond any reason of doubt. - Are involved in the government beyond any reason of doubt. - Are participating in the Koena’s Courts beyond any reason of doubt. - Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska beyond any reason of doubt. Comital Houses: - The second highest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have proven time and time again their commitment to the Kongzem and Crown. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least three categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: - Are active in the military, and stand to show their strength can be relied on by the Crown. - Are involved in the government and take up positions in different fields and offices. - Are participating in the Koena’s Courts more often than not, and aiding Her Majesty greatly in her endeavors. - Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska and offer their aid and services greatly to the city and its citizens. Viscountial Houses: - The middle standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have reached a status of true nobility and broken free of Barony. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least two categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: - Are active in the military, hosting a good number of members dedicated to the Crown. - Are involved in government offices, contributing to the forwarding nature of the offices of Aulic. - Are participating in the Koena’s Courts where able - offering aid in setting up traditional events and scribing notices and missives. - Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska, and attend multiple events and citizen gatherings. Baronial Houses: - The lowest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have piqued the interest of His Majesty and His Lord’s Duma, and have been granted the chance of rising into the ranks of Nobility. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least one category of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: - Are active in the military, holding a few positions of stature. - Are involved in government offices, assisting higher positions with their work and benefiting the nation. - Are participating in the Koena’s Courts and offering their aid to run events and fixing up schedules. - Are present in the general environment and are publically socializing with society. These expectations lay the foundation of what Nobility must strive for, and act as a guide for Lord’s Duma to refer to when discussing the titleage a House deserves. It is the responsibility of the Peers of the Noble Houses to ensure these new laws within the Lord’s Duma, and to hold one another accountable and present notable causes to His Majesty when necessary. VI. JURA I SZLATA RENDITION Law of Nobility JURA I SZLATA These words shall proclaim the standards, privileges, and responsibilities of the Noble class. The Noble Class I The Noble Class shall include he who holds the landed title and their lawful kin. II Landed titles shall be titles granted by the Crown to a Haeseni citizen, and that title shall pass unto his heir. III Let he who carries a title of nobility without land be deemed a titular Noble. IV Titles without land shall be titular titles, granted to an individual by the Crown, and shall return to the Crown upon the death of that individual. V Titles of Nobility within the Kongzem shall include: Grand Prince or Grand Princess | Hauchprinzen ludr Hauchprinzenas Awarded titularly to the Heir Apparent of the Kongzem. Prince or Princess | Prinzen ludr Prinzenas Awarded titularly to members of the Royal House. Duke or Duchess | Herzen ludr Herzenas Awarded to Houses of the highest merit whose contributions to all aspects of the Kongzem are beyond doubt. Count or Countess | Komit ludr Komitas Awarded to Houses of great merit who contribute remarkably to the multiple aspects of the Kongzem. Viscount or Viscountess | Vikomit ludr Vikomitas Awarded to Houses are of commendable merit who contribute actively to the Kongzem. Baron or Baroness | Bossir ludr Bossira Awarded to fledgling Houses in recognition of their contributions to the Kongzem. VI Nobility shall be referred to as ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady’, and the Noble holding the title and his spouse shall be referred to as: Grand Prince | Hauchprinzen Your Serene Highness | Vyr Haurazir Prince | Prinzen Your Highness | Vyr Hauraz Duke | Herzen Your Grace | Vyr Graiz Count | Komit Your Right Honourable | Vyr Kariavir Viscount | Vikomit Your Honorable | Vyr Kariav Baron | Bossir Your Lordship | Vyr Zaltry Privileges of Nobility VII All Nobility are provided the following: The Privilege to sit on Duma - either Lords’ or Peoples’ Duma dependant on titleage The Privilege to own a keep with walls to host their kin The Privilege to defend their land from invasion The Privilege to settle taxable tenants on their promised land The Privilege to employ a guard of retainers, of which are in service to the Crown first The Privilege to host a family who shall dedicate themselves to the Kongzem in service of arms, politics, and all other aspects The Privilege to petition to His Majesty for additional land and/or property outside of their keep The Privilege to bear the unique heraldry of their House The Privilege and entitlement to be executed by way of beheading The Privilege to elect a Champion to fight on their behalf in a Trial by Combat The Privilege to seek private audience with the Crown The Privilege to seek position as a squire in the Knightly Order of the Crow The Privilege to a Regent in the event a landed Lord is below the age of Eighteen The Privilege to determine inheritance to titles and land with the Crown’s permission Responsibilities of Nobility VIII All Nobility are responsible for the following: The Responsibility to forever swear to the Crown, and to protect its Life The Responsibility to forever swear to Hanseti-Ruska, and Her People The Responsibility to follow all laws of the Book of Honour, and adhere to any changes The Responsibility to defend Hanseti-Ruska, and Her People The Responsibility to fight for the Crown, and uphold its cause The Responsibility to summon the forces of your kin when His Majesty wills it The Responsibility to defend Hanseti-Ruska’s borders, and fend off all of Her enemies The Responsibility to advise His Majesty and seek the greatest outcomes for the Kongzem Standards of Nobility IX All Nobility shall be held to specific standards meant to gauge noble ranking X Military Activity Included, but not limited to, the involvement of Noble Families in the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, the Knighty Orders, House Guard affiliation with the BSK, and strong presence during times of rally XI Government Involvement Included, but not limited to, the involvement of Noble Families in the Aulic Council, the Offices of dependant Aulic positions, and Lords’ and Peoples’ Duma XII Court Participation Included, but not limited to, the involvement of Noble Families in the Koena’s Court, aiding in creating and hosting traditional events, and documenting and releasing missives and publications XIII General Presence Included, but not limited to, the involvement of Noble Families in the city involving citizen association, event participation, and presence in royal courts, church mass, etcetera XIV A landed Duke shall: The highest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who stand at the pinnacle of inspiration to all nobles of Haense and the citizens of the city. These houses are expected to prove themselves in all categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: Are active in the military beyond any reason of doubt Are involved in the government beyond any reason of doubt Are participating in the Koena’s Courts beyond any reason of doubt Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska beyond any reason of doubt XV A landed Count shall: The second highest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have proven time and time again their commitment to the Kongzem and Crown. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least three categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: Are active in the military, and stand to show their strength can be relied on by the Crown Are involved in the government and take up positions in different fields and offices Are participating in the Koena’s Courts more often than not, and aiding Her Majesty greatly in her endeavors. Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska and offer their aid and services greatly to the city and its citizens XVI A landed Viscount shall: The middle standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have reached a status of true nobility and broken free of Barony. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least two categories of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: Are active in the military, hosting a good number of members dedicated to the Crown Are involved in government offices, contributing to the forwarding nature of the offices of Aulic Are participating in the Koena’s Courts where able - offering aid in setting up traditional events and scribing notices and missives Are present in the general environment of Hanseti-Ruska, and attend multiple events and citizen gatherings XVII A landed Baron shall: The lowest standing nobles of Hanseti-Ruska, who have piqued the interest of His Majesty and His Lord’s Duma, and have been granted the chance of rising into the ranks of Nobility. These houses are expected to prove themselves in at least one category of Standards of Nobility, and in doing so: Are active in the military, holding a few positions of stature. Are involved in government offices, assisting higher positions with their work and benefiting the nation. Are participating in the Koena’s Courts and offering their aid to run events and fixing up schedules. Are present in the general environment and are publically socializing with society. Regency XVIII When a landed Lord is below the age of eighteen, a Regent, who shall be chosen by the late landed Lord or by consensus of the House, shall manage their affairs. Inheritance XIX Landed titles shall be held until the death of the landed Lord or until he abdicates from his title and duties. XX Landed titles and their land shall be inherited, whether after death or abdication: Firstly by the eldest child and their line, Secondly by next eldest child and their line, and so on and so forth, Thirdly by the eldest sibling and their line, Fourthly by the next eldest sibling and their line, and so on and so forth, Fifthly by the eldest relative in adherence to lineal ascent, and sixthly by resolution of the Crown or the Royal Duma. Or Through the means of a family’s culture approved by the Crown Disownment & Disinheritance XXI A disowned member of a House shall have all privileges, honours, and titles revoked as if they were born into the Common Class. XXII A disinherited member of a House shall remain of the Noble Class, but shall not be capable of inheriting any landed title. XXIII A Noble who behave as follows shall be automatically disinherited: Join the priesthood, Take a spouse who is not of a Noble House in the Kongzem or abroad without permission from the crown, Marry out of their Noble House without permission from the crown, Assume rank or office in a foreign nation. XXIV A Noble guilty of the following shall be automatically disowned: Swearing an oath of fealty to a foreign sovereign, Denouncing the faith of Canonism, Committing the crime of treason. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Carolus Ivan Colborn, Lord Speaker of His Majesty’s Lords’ Duma, Count of Malkovya, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Lord of Vorenburg, Protector of Scyflings
  4. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 472 SITTING OF THE XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 3rd of Wzuvar ag Byvca, 474 E.S. Session held on 12th of Tov ag Yermey, 472 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Herzen Ruthern Komitas Ludovar Komit Kortrevich (represented) Vikomit Colborn Vikomit Weiss (represented) Bossiras Godunov Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid IN ABSENTIA Herzenas Baruch Herzen Barclay Bossir de Pelear Bossir Bishop Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Wilheim Barclay: “Right, we'll make do with what we have. Duma is called into session, and the fifth sitting of the forty-fourth session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall begin. Quorum is reached, and we will now take any nominations for the upcoming Civil Orders those present may have.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Shouldn't the first entrants to these orders be those they are named for, Lord Speaker?” Patriarch Iosif: “No, the names for two of the Orders are people that lived hundreds of years ago. Ser Walton is the exception but I would say the fact the order is named after him displays more than merely being inducted into it.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “I've two nominations I've considered.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “How far are we to look back for nominations, then? I think it’s poor practice to name those that yet serve.” Patriarch Iosif: “We are aiming to only add people from no earlier than the reign of His Majesty Karl III.” Henrik Ludovar: “I believe- the missive said, no one passed the reign of King Karl.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Yes, okay.” Wilheim Barclay: “Indeed, and none who have already been inducted into the Order of Maya und the Lily.” Patriarch Iosif: “Indeed.” Alyona Godunov: “Who has been inducted into the order?” Wilheim Barclay: “The Vikomit Colborn may introduce his nominations. -None officially, yet.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Firstly, Borris Kortrevich for the Wailer Order of Arts. Secondly, Felix Weiss for the Walton Order of the Unyielding. I know the Order of the Lily has not been updated in full, so forgive me if I name someone in it that I was not aware of.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Nor have the last several entrants to the Order of Maya been recorded. Borris is the last.” Wilheim Barclay: “Sir Borris Kortrevih is ein Valtakossar - the last update to the Order. He does not qualify.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Forgive me then for the first nomination.” Wilheim Barclay: “Forgiven. What do the rest of the hall have to say on the matter of Felix Weiss as ein induction into the Walton Order of the Unyielding?” Felix Weiss: “Thank you, your Kariav.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “As good a man as any. What would vy say of his service, Vikomit Colborn?” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Since I was young, it was quite evident no man stood beside his Majesty more on pressing matters than Felix Weiss. His dedication to fighting the Inferi - and serving in almost every conflict known to Haense during his life - are more than enough to illuminate the unyielding efforts of the former Lord Marhsal, Felix Weiss.” Felix Weiss: “Thank you once more, your kariav.” Patriarch Iosif: “I think we are aware of the notable service of Lord Felix, do any object to presenting his name as a possible inductee?” Wilheim Barclay: “Seems not. Very gutt. - Anymore nominations?” Felix Weiss: “Ea have one.” Wilheim Barclay: “Go ahead, Lord Handler.” Felix Weiss: “Ea would like to nominate Her Grace, the Late Johanna Barclay to the Robertine Order of Merit. Her service to her Kongzem was unrivalled, either in her office, or in the battlefield. She gave me a job, and many others too when I first arrived. She saw people's strengths, adequately putting them in key administrative positions where they could flourish. Not only that, but the Palatial Office thrived under her tenure. It is true she gave up her own sanity in the end in dedication of her Kongzem, but even that is a good show of her dedication. Honestly, I could go on and on.” Wilheim Barclay: “That's so real. Do any in the hall have any problems with such ein nomination?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “I do.” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well. - Elaborate on such for those in the hall, Herzen Ruthern.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “I do not deny the late Duchess's good service. But let us not imagine she accomplished much more than what was expected of her. To serve as Palatine is a position that requires much dedication, but there are many who have done such to grander acclaim.” Felix Weiss: “Did you ever serve within her office as I did, Your Grace?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “I did not. Though, I do recall a long period where that office sat empty.” Audo Weiss: “Yet that was not her only role. She reinvented this city which is far more than most of her station achieve. And moreso, she did it without compromising her integrity, having competing allegiances and in a way that pleased.” Felix Weiss: “If you did you would know that her contributions ran deeper than festivals and reforms. Yes, her office sat empty late into her tenure due to her failing mind. It is the fault of the Koeng that she was not relieved. I speak only of her accomplishments before her regrettable…mental condition.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Reinvented the city? Nonsense. With respect - ea might espouse the many virtues of any man or woman you did not personally serve under. That does not make it true.” Felix Weiss: “Then I am afraid I must simply agree in your opposite direction, Your Grace.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Should we put it to a vote, perhaps?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “As is your right. Though I have yet to hear any significant change she brought about.” Audo Weiss:“The city streets are quite literally re-pathed because of her mind. And though I only knew her tenure in her later years, no palatine has matched her since. A vote is to be had.” Felix Weiss: “Yes. I second a motion to vote.” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “That was much the work of the Prinzen Marius. Who came after her.” Wilheim Barclay: “Motion to vote on Johanna Barclay being nominated for ein induction into the Robertine Order of Merit.” Vote for the Nomination of Johanna Barclay as an Inductee into the Robertine Order of Merit By the Office of the Speaker YES Komit Kortrevich Vikomit Colborn Representative Weiss Military Tribune Weiss NO Herzen Ruthern ABSTAIN Komit Ludovar Bossiras Godunov Lord Palatine Basrid The Nomination of Johanna Barclay as an Inductee into the Robertine Order of Merit has passed (4-1-3) Wilheim Barclay: “Any other potentially controversial nominations? We haven't long before a BSK expedition, so preferably one that may be controversial. The rest may be simply presented to myself or saved for later sitting.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “I've no more nominations for today.” Patriarch Iosif: “That line of topic does bring me on to my next candidate though. The committee that began this thought I should ask about the potential admission of Lady Johanna's successor.” Wilheim Barclay: “Prince Marius?” Patriarch Iosif: “Prinzen Marius for his tenure, I'll be it a short one, as Lord Palatine and the construction of Karosgrad's newest expansion.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Let us not forget his later instigation of the war in Petra, Excellency. On balance, I think the scales even out.” Wilheim Barclay: “Anything more to be said in Prince Marius' case?” Patriarch Iosif: “Anyone for or against wish to put a comment in?” Audo Weiss: “No. I think that bringing war to our doorstep is enough said, and how he was screaming and swearing with the Grand Princess in the square. Let alone, he barely showed his face during his tenure.” Henrik Ludovar: “He showed his face quite a bit to the Duchess of Petra.” Felix Weiss: “Mmm. The war did make it so that a Barbanov sits as consort of the Archduchy, though, no? Some wars can be advantageous to the Kongzem, even if they begin rotten.” Audo Weiss: “Yet I daresay that's not what he intended, father.” Felix Weiss: “Yes. True enough, son.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Happenstance is hardly worthy of praise.” Patriarch Iosif: “A vote then.” Audo Weiss: “Seconded.” Felix Weiss: “Yes, yes, yes, yes. I rescind my endorsement.” Wilheim Barclay: “Indeed. Well, we shall wrap it up for now, though do feel free to present any nominations to me later on. Duma dismissed!”
  5. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 469 SITTING OF THE XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 7th of Jula ag Piov, 470 E.S. Session held on 12th of Tov ag Yermey, 469 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Herzenas Baruch (late) Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Representative Kortrevich Representative Colborn Representative Weiss Representative de Pelear (late) Bossir Bishop Representative Godunov Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid IN ABSENTIA Komitas Ludovar Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Wilheim Barclay: “Right. Let's get this shite started. The fourth sitting of the forty-fourth session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now start! Quorum has been achieved.” - “We shall start with the only bill for today, Lord Handler Weiss' 'Propose City Ordinance' Bill of 468 E.S. The Lord Handler may start the discussion, if he wishes to do so.” Felix Weiss: “Ai! Though, I prefer the 'Keep Calm and Carrion' Act. “Fellow good and noble peers and members of the Duma! This bill is quite simple, and aims to make our beloved drink, Carrion Black, accessible to everyone, which will encourage patronage to the tavern, and of course give every man and woman a chance to enjoy one of the finest parts of our way of life! Spasibo.” Wilheim Barclay: “The hall is now open to unmoderated debate.” Josefina Barclay: “Why does this need to be made into law? Vy could certainly accomplish the same thing vyr proposing by discussing it with the tavern staff.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “There is no mention of a law change here, 'tis only a civil agreement.” Josefina Barclay: “Ah, yes. But still. The same thing could be accomplished through speaking with the tavern staff without putting it through Duma.” Felix Weiss: “It's more of a cultural acknowledgement rather than the policy of a building. It is a proposed civil ordinance, therefore must go to the Duma as we have nie sitting Maer. Unless my tomes are outdated.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “I suppose it comes down to how much carrion black comes in, and how much coin is made off of it, Lord Palatine. We do sell quite a lot of it daily.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Such is my understanding, Representative Weiss.” Patriarch Iosif: “I have no qualms with the intention but I will say that this is easy enough while I myself am the proprietor of the tavern on the main square. The majority of the time the tavern has not been run directly by the government and indeed there have been multiple establishments that sell the drink. Which is to provide one free everyday or is every such place to serve a free one daily?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “While the tavern remains state owned, I see no issue - As we have all been made aware, the treasury is overflowing.” Patriarch Iosif: “I in fact do quite often give away drinks free-of-charge and take the price upon my own coffers; I do happily I might add.” Felix Weiss: “Ah, the intention is that the state run tavern would be the one to fall under this ordinance specifically, as it is run at the pleasure of the Koeng.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Often the drinks are given away free of charge. I've no trouble with giving away a mug a day.” Patriarch Iosif: “And when it is inevitably not? I've no issue doing it now, I am merely asking in terms of the uncertain future of the tavern.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Such is a debate for the future, no? I see no good reason for the tavern ever to revert to private ownership, in truth.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “If it is just a civil agreement, the future of the agreement when the tavern changes ownership can be discussed at that time.” Felix Weiss: “Ai, of course.” Patriarch Iosif: “So be it. I've no further issues at this time then.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Motion to vote.” Aurik: “Seconded.” Aleksandr Kortrevich: “Seconded.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Seconded. - Fourthed or something.” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well. Unmoderated debate is over, and a vote shall begin.” Vote for the Proposed City Ordinance Act of 468 E.S. By the Office of the Speaker [Copy attached here] YES Herzen Ruthern Representative Kortrevich Vikomit Colborn Representative Weiss Bossir de Pelear Bossir Bishop Representative Godunov Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid NO ABSTAIN Herzenas Baruch Representative Barclay The Proposed City Ordinance Act of 468 E.S. has passed (9-0-2) Wilheim Barclay: “That was the only bill presented to me before this sitting, though does anyone have anything they may wish to bring up for discussion? Perhaps even just an announcement?” - “No? Very well. Duma dismissed.”
  6. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 465 SITTING OF THE XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 3rd of Vzmey ag Hyff, 466 E.S. Session held on 12th of Joma ag Umund, 465 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Herzenas Baruch Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Komitas Ludovar Representative Colborn Representative de Pelear Representative Godunov Bossir Weiss Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid Royal Treasurer Barclay (summoned) IN ABSENTIA Komit Kortrevich Bossir Bishop Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Wilheim Barclay: “Right! Let's get going, then. The third sitting of the forty-fourth session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall begin. 10 in attendance and 3 absent, Quorum is achieved. - We shall start with the summons of the Royal Treasurer. Your Excellency, stand before the Duma Hall, please.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “MY LORD SON, I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED, AND SO HAVE I COME BEFORE THIS VENERABLE ASSEMBLY!” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you. We shall begin with the questions Royal Inquisitor Gant presented me with to ask in his place. Your Excellency - what is the status of the Crown’s coffers? Would you say they are in good shape? - Present members, feel free to follow up any answers given with questions of your own - my station forbids me from doing so.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “WELL, AH, MY LORD SON, WE, AH, HAVE AN EXCESS OF ONE-HUNDRED MINA. - ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND, THAT IS!” Wilheim Barclay: “Any follow up questions from the seats? - No? Very well. Question Two - What are some successes you've seen so far in your tenure?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “WELL, MY LORD SON, I HAVE ENCOUNTERED A MOST PECULIAR ECONOMIC FOE IN THE FORM OF THE ACCURSED VAMPIRES.” Patriarch Iosif: “Suppose that answers question three as well then.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “I, MY LORD SON, HAVE WEAPONISED OUR WEALTH!” He clenched a fist. “I HAVE AMASSED THE MOST PROLIFIC BANE OF THE BLOODSUCKERS, AND ARMOURED OUR CAPITAL IN IT. WITH THE GREAT GARLIC EDICT IN EFFECT, NO DARKSPAWN SHALL REACH US HERE. IT IS MY HOPE TO INCENTIVISE CARPENTERS TO DISTRIBUTE ANTI-VAMPIRIC STAKES NEXT, FOR CITIZENS TO CARRY.” Wilheim Barclay: “Right. Question Three - What are some failures or concerns you’ve seen so far in your tenure, besides the increase in vampiric presence?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “FAILURES?! NARY A ONE, MY LORD SON. THE VAMPIRIC ATTACK ON THE KRUSEV ROAD LAST MONTH IS BUT PROOF THEY ARE POWERLESS IN THE CITY, AND TAKE REVENGE ON THE COUNTRYSIDE.” Wilheim Barclay: “Question Four - Would you say the expansion under the former king was overall beneficial to the treasury? Has the expansion of houses brought in more money and people living here according to our records?” Duma Spectator 1: “I’m an alchemist. I know the cure to Vampyric plague!” Wilheim Barclay: “Ah, good! Speak to the Treasurer after the sitting has concluded then.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “UNDERSTAND, MY NOBLE SON, THAT THE EXPANSION OF THE CITY WAS NO CHEAP ENDEAVOUR. IT IS MY MOST LEARNED OPINION THAT THE COFFERS HAVE YET TO RECOVER, THOUGH THERE IS NO GREAT DEFICIT.” Duma Spectator 2: “THE ONLY CURE IS DEATH!” Patriarch Iosif: “Do we know approximately when the coffers will recover from such? Should there be no unforeseen costs that is.” Wilheim Barclay: “Quiet from the stands, also!” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “AT THE PRESENT RATE?” Patriarch Iosif: “Mhm.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “PERHAPS SIXTEEN, SEVENTEEN YEARS? UNDERSTAND, NOBLE SON, THE COFFERS WERE OF SUBSTANTIAL SIZE WHEN HIS MAJESTY KING KARL, GOD KEEP HIM, PAID HIS LABOURERS.” Patriarch Iosif: “And we still have a very acceptable level. God is good. What was the next question, Lord Speaker?” Wilheim Barclay: “Question Five - What are your long-term plans for the office? Do you think there are areas to improve and how do you plan on doing such?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “HUZZAH!” MY SON, YOUR QUESTION INVITES ONE OF MY OWN, FOR I HAVE BROUGHT A PETITION BEFORE THIS ESTEEMED ASSEMBLY.” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well, present it before the gathered members.” [!] The Royal Treasurer handed the Lord Speaker a document, which the Lord Speaker read in silence. Wilheim Barclay: “Of course. We shall discuss it after the following bill, assuming no one has any further questions for His Excellency? - It seems no questions are wishing to be asked. Thank you for your time,Your Excellency. Du may go now.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “VERILY! MY THANKS, NOBLE SON! GOD KEEP THIS WISE ASSEMBLY!” [!] The Royal Treasurer leaves, though not before stumbling and almost crushing the High Seneschal and the heir to Venzia. Carolus Ivan Colborn: “GAH! YOUR EXCELLENCY!” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “SINCEREST APOLOGIES!” Patriarch Iosif: “Drats.” Wilheim Barclay: “The Royal Duma shall now discuss the 'Amendment to the Book of Honour Act of 465 ES', penned by the Weiss pair. Whichever of the pair wishes to do so may present the bill.” Felix Weiss: “Your time to shine, my boy.” Audo Weiss: “Yes. The bill today will aim only to change the age at which crimes can become punishable within the extent of the law to any given individual, moving the age of individual liability down from 16 to 12. At the present time, it has come to the notice of many that the influx of children has resulted in a decline of discipline which oft goes uncorrected. By reducing the age, we would move more power into the hands of our grand institutions to deal with any criminal behaviour.” Wilheim Barclay: “Was that all, Military Tribune Weiss?” Audo Weiss: “Yes, Lord Speaker. The bill itself is rather self-explanatory.” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you - we shall begin ein unmoderated debate.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “I myself have witnessed these children running riot, even interrupting military exercise, the last of which near caused the death of the Viscount Colborn.” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “Simply put it seems rather wrong for a child of twelve to be arrested for a crime, especially one that is not a big problem, perhaps the theft of a pen. Perhaps a clause should be put in to explain that this affects only more grievous crimes.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “The attack that left Viscount Colborn injured was of a third party that seemingly turned on the BSK forces, not a result of the foreign army at the top of the hill.” Duma Spectator 2: “I was there! There were about ten children getting in the way! If it was not for your meddling, we could've handled it!” Audo Weiss: “If I may, you cannot unroot a large problem by allowing small behaviours to slide. With the current extent of the issue, ea would highly recommend that all criminal behaviours be treated as what they are - criminal.” Emma Ludovar: “I do agree that children from an age of 12 should not be without punishment. However, certain methods such as execution or imprisonment do seem a bit harsh.” Duma Spectator 2: “WRONG!” Wilheim Barclay: “QUIET FROM THE STANDS! One more interruption and you will be escorted out!” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “None wish to see our realm's youth languishing in Brotherhood cells, but steps must be taken.” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “I disagree, allowing a child to make simple mistakes is natural, should one of my children make such a mistake I would deal with it myself. Should they interrupt a military exercise that is something entirely different.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “I'd much rather not see a child hung for a silly mistake, though more punishment is needed.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “I agree that there are punishments that should be served from the ages proposed today and upwards. But it does make sense that the punishment varies based on the crime and age of the criminal.” Roslin Baruch: “The children of Haense have been obstructing government and military business, and often cause greater harm to a situation than not. Their parents do little to prevent such behaviour, so why not allow the law to correct them? If you see a child be forced to serve even the littlest of sentences for their CRIMES, such as owing debts to those they do wrong, then they will feel obligated to change.” Felix Weiss: “Out of the previous ten criminal incidents within the city, five were done exclusively by children. That is half of the crime being committed in the city that we legally can not answer to. Breaking windows, using a ******* flash bomb on one of my men in the BSK, disruption, and vandalism. These are serious crimes.” Patriarch Iosif: “This is why I didn't have any. This right here.” Emma Ludovar: “Perhaps execution or imprisonment could be avoided. How would one feel about a behavioural centre, of sorts?” Josefina Barclay: “I agree that the age should be lowered, but perhaps instead of punishing a child of twelve under the fullest extent of the law, an array of mitigated punishments based on age be decided, so whilst they would not have entirely too severe punishments, they would indeed still be punished. No one wants to see a child hung.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Half the crime done by children. Where are the Ferrymen!” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “As is already the case in our Courts, all circumstance is accounted for.” Roslin Baruch: “Nobody has spoken of a child hanging. They have spoken about penance for their CRIMINAL activity.” Patriarch Iosif: “A re-education centre. That sounds lovely.” Duma Spectator 2: “THE DUNGEON!” Roslin Baruch: “Who would manage a child behavioural facility? We do not even have a functional educational system.” Audo Weiss: “As with the current state of things, petty thievery does not constitute an execution. I would remind all that the bill did not aim to shift what is defined as punishment under the law, only make it applicable to younger ages. An entirely different bill would be required to re-define punishment.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “To speak of limitations on punishment is redundant, such already rests on the Justiciars.” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “Then deal with the serious crimes. My point is that those should be dealt with, but you should also remember that these children shouldn't be punished for mistakes. This should be written with the intent of rehabilitation, seeing as the children are our future.” Josefina Barclay: “The Church, perhaps?” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Do we have the people to offer rehabilitation..?” Duma Spectator 2: “PERHAPS YE SHOULD BEAT YER CHILDREN, ADULTS OF HAENSE!” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “If we don't have the people to offer rehabilitation, why alienate the youth?” Felix Weiss: “Yes. No one wants to hang a child. But if one commits assault or vandalism, they should be held responsible for their actions! A twelve year old should know that it is wrong to throw a rock into someone's window. If they do not, then their parents have failed them, and it is time for the state to step in and issue corrective action.” Roslin Baruch: “Or, just force the children to repent and offer their services in exchange for petty crimes, and severe punishment for assault and the like. You would not send a sixteen year old to the church for assault, you'd punish them with the law.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Make them pickup trash!” Wilheim Barclay: “Guard, escort the lad out of the hall.” [!] The spectator is escorted out of the hall. Emma Ludovar: “Mistakes are one thing. Vandalising and breaking and entering should be punished.” Roslin Baruch: “Yes, I agree with Lady Ludovar.” Patriarch Iosif: “Rehabilitation was a joke. They are children at the end of the day and will mature with time out of these impetuous antics.” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “Yes, then why punish children, if they will simply mature.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “Sending them to shadow under knights or clean the walls of the Church sounds like reasonable punishments for lesser crimes if a young child were to commit them.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “We are talking of crime. Petty mistakes are of no relevance.” Felix Weiss: “Yes, but until then, if you break the King's windows, and assault the King's men, then you answer to the King's laws.” Roslin Baruch: “Acts of criminal nature and obstruction of government affairs are not mere jokes. They should receive punishments. You would not reward a child with being graced by the Knight's presence for crimes.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “To serve The Order of the Crow should be an honour.” Carolus Ivan Colborn: “It is not gracing them with a Knight's presence. It is leaving it to the knight to determine that punishment.” Roslin Baruch: “Or, allow the King and Courts to decide.” Felix Weiss: “Well said. Yes, The Knights are where virtue is rewarded. They are not a daycare for spoiled brats.” Patriarch Iosif: “I understand the need for punishments of some form for children who go well beyond the line of what is reasonable given their youth. Could we not change the age down as proposed and trust that our courts have the wisdom not to execute a child, hmm?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Yes, regardless, the Duma does not decide how to punish criminality. Such is the domain of the Courts.” Roslin Baruch: “If you worry that the courts would execute a child, then the courts are the issue. Not punishment.” Emma Ludovar: “I would like to motion to vote then.” Felix Weiss: “Yes! Seconded.” Roslin Baruch: “Thirded.” Audo Weiss: “Fourthed.” Francisco Javier de Pelear: “Blatantly archaic views. This sort of legislation needs restrictions on it, you can't go around punishing children for every little misdeed via a trial.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Is Atilan Bishop still one of those court people?” Patriarch Iosif: “No.” Audo Weiss: “Nie.” Josefina Barclay: “He is not.” Wolfgang de Vilain: “Bah! I think the courts are fine then!” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well. Moving to a vote for the 'Amendment to the Book of Honour Act of 465 E.S.’. Unmoderated debate has now ended.” Vote for the Amendment to the Book of Honour Act of 465 E.S. By the Office of the Speaker [Copy attached here] YES Herzenas Baruch Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Representative Ludovar Vikomit Colborn Bossir Weiss Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid NO Bossir de Pelear Representative Godunov ABSTAIN The Amendment to the Book of Honour Act of 465 E.S. has passed (8-2-0) The Bill was given royal assent immediately by the Crown, with the change that he who is under sixteen will be judged and punished proportionally to his age. Wilheim Barclay: “Now, for ein bill presented to me by His Excellency, the Treasurer, during this sitting. The Merchant's Guild Bill'. Due to the suddenness of this bill, those present shall have a few Saint's Minutes to read and collect their opinions on the bill.” Patriarch Iosif: “Is 'the Carrot' part of his legal name?” Josefina Barclay: “Probably, Your Excellency.” Wilheim Barclay: “When one is known by a certain style for so long, inevitably they'll embrace it, Lord Palatine.” Patriarch Iosif: “I don't think I know his actual family name.” Wilheim Barclay: “He was ein Alstreim at birth. - We shall now move to unmoderated debate.” Duma Spectator 3: “As a merchant I have a fair question, will there be guild dues on top of taxes? And if we do not join the guild what are the consequences?” Wilheim Barclay: “Is His Excellency present?” Duma Spectator 3: “I don't see His Excellency...” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “It seems a wasted effort to discuss this without him.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “I - AH, YES, NOBLE SON.” Wilheim Barclay: “Would you by chance be available to devote a bit of your time towards this discussion? Bills are typically discussed only when their author is present.” [!] Bossir de Pelear is replaced by a member of his family, referred to as Representative de Pelear in the following vote. Ser Vanhart Barclay: “AHEM. YES, LORD SON.” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you. Feel free to sit amongst the members of the Duma if you wish.” Patriarch Iosif: “I will ask the question on behalf of the person who called out from the stands and then my own. They asked if there would be additional taxes for being in the guild and what happens if they refuse to join said guild.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “NO, MY PALATINE. THE BILL CLAIMS NO SUCH THING. I WOULD PETITION THE DUMA TO MANDATE ALL TRADESMEN TO JOIN, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE BODY'S EFFECTIVENESS.” Patriarch Iosif: “Or they may not trade in Haense? I am not making a judgement, just wishing to clarify for the people.” Ser Vanhart Barlay: “THAT WOULD BE THE INTENT, PALATINE. THE BODY WILL BE ILL-SUITED TO REGULATE TRADE OTHERWISE.” Patriarch Iosif: “Mhm, mhm. I will let others ask questions before asking another.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Shall members of the Guild be permitted to trade outside the realm?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “THEY SHALL, LORD.” Emma Ludovar: “What of merchants of other nations who want to trade within our borders?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “THEY WOULD REQUIRE TO JOIN.” Duma Spectator 3: “I see. one more question from me, what are the incentives mentioned as well as the 'trading rights'? Will I be allowed to be the only fortune teller or is there something I am misunderstanding?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “'TIS A MATTER TO BE DEFINED THROUGH DISCUSSION AMONG THE GUILD, BUT YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK.” Patriarch Iosif: “Just at the end here you mention 'Resolutions'. Speaking by them, delivery by them, and vote on them. What are Resolutions?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “VERILY, PALATINE. SIMPLY CONCENSUS. ADVISE. SO ON AND SO FORTH.” Patriarch Iosif: “Ah I thought so. I've no more questions.” Josefina Barclay: “Would members of said guild have a way to prove so to the stewardry?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “HOW DO YOU MEAN, LADY DAUGHTER?” Patriarch Iosif: “Presumably certificates or a badge of sorts containing the Treasurer's seal would suffice.” Josefina Barclay: “Indeed. It would be easier for my office and I if we had a way to keep track of members.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “I DO THINK THAT NECESSARY, LADY DAUGHTER. I SEE NO NEED FOR IDENTIFICATION - 'TIS A MATTER I, AS LORD-TREASURER, CAN OVERSEE.” Amity Ionna de Pelear: “Would your name need to be on the stewardry?” Audo Weiss: “Would you allow the membership of those who hold stalls? If I recall, when you wanted to meet with traders you only listed owners of shops, yet stalls are the most frequented venue of commerce.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “NAME ON THE STEWARDRY, LADY? ALL MERCHANTS ARE DOCUMENTED BY MY LADY DAUGHTER IN THAT REGARD ALREADY.” Josefina Barclay: “I would still like a list, or something of the sort, in case evictions must go through, or if taxes are brought up by the guild.” Amity Ionna de Pelear: “Not entirely.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “ADMITTEDLY, LADY, I HAD ORIGINALLY THOUGHT TO OMIT MERE STALLS, BUT NOW I THINK IT PRUDENT TO DISCUSS THIS AMONG THE GUILD, IF FORMED.” Audo Weiss: “I - I’m not a lady.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Would only individuals join in Guild membership? Might I register a trading company?” Amity Ionna de Pelear: “What if a shop is owned by multiple people? Would that multiple be within the guild then?” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “I THINK IT FAIR IF A TRADING COMPANY ELECT A REPRESENTATIVE, MY LORD AND LADY. AS IS, PROPERTIES ARE REGISTERED UNDER A PRIMARY OWNER, AND SO I WOULD PROPOSE THE SAME SYSTEM.” Patriarch Iosif: “If we've no more questions? I motion to vote.” Ser Vanhart Barclay: “BY WAY OF FINAL REMARK, MY LORDS. TIS MY INTENT AS TREASURER, THROUGH THIS BODY, TO END CONSTANT UNDERCUTTING, TO RESTORE TRUE PRICES, TO PUNISH SLOTHFUL MERCHANTS, AND NURTURE INDUSTRIES.” Felix Weiss: “Seconded.” Audo Weiss: “Thirded.” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you once again, Your Excellency, for your time. You are no longer required and are free to leave the hall if you wish. We shall move to a vote on the 'Merchants' Guild Bill' of 465 E.S.” Vote for the Merchants' Guild Bill of 465 E.S. By the Office of the Speaker [Copy attached here] YES Herzenas Baruch Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Vikomit Colborn Bossir de Pelear Representative Godunov Bossir Weiss Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid NO Representative Ludovar ABSTAIN The Merchants’ Guild Bill of 465 E.S. has passed (9-1-0) The Bill was given royal assent immediately by the Crown. Wilheim Barclay: “Very well. Do those gathered have it in them for one more matter? The Lady Justiciar requested the Duma discuss the nomination of Lord Haus Weiss as a Royal Jovenaar, though I understand it is getting quite late.” Amity Ionna de Pelear: “This should not take too much longer though, si?” [!] Two of the sitting members, namely Representative Barclay and Representative Colborn, whether due to sleep deprivation or otherwise, begin to have a bare-fist brawl within the hall. Wilheim Barclay: “Seeing as two of the members have gone insane and have started beating each other, I shall assume it is too late to continue. The nomination of Lord Haus Weiss will be the first matter discussed at the next sitting. Duma dismissed.”
  7. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 464 SITTING OF THE XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 6th of Msitza ag Dargund, 464 E.S. Session held on 6th of Tov ag Yermey, 464 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Komitas Ludovar Representative Colborn Representative de Pelear (arrived late) Bossir Bishop Bossir Weiss Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid IN ABSENTIA Herzen Baruch Komit Kortrevich Bossir Godunov Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Wilheim Barclay: “Right! We shall now begin the first sitting of the forty-fourth of His Majesty's Royal Duma. We are one above quorum, and this sitting may proceed. As you are all hopefully aware, the Duma has been asked by His Royal Majesty to devise name suggestions for three Civil Orders to replace the Order of Maya and the Lily. Before we discuss any suggestions from those present, I wish for you all to read the document left by Royal Inquisitor Gant, on his personal suggestions, and give your inputs on them if you have any. I wish to also state that no suggestions will be shot down before being presented to His Majesty, however the thoughts of said suggestion from the present Duma shall be presented alongside it. So, do any present members have anything to say on the suggestions?” [Copy attached here] Aleksandr var Ruthern: “I must admit to finding it difficult to care as to the nomenclature.” Felix Weiss: “I personally like Inquisitor Gant's suggestions. There was a lot of history and research put into his ideas, and appropriate choices were made for such high honors.” Wilheim Barclay: “Does anyone have any of their own suggestions?” [!] Two non-members are noticed sitting within the hall. Wilheim Barclay: “I'm afraid you'll both have to leave the hall. Only members of the Duma may be seated.” [!] One of the non-members promptly leaves the seating area of the hall. The other seems zoned out. Aleksandr var Ruthern: “These are each old names. There is value in our history, yes - but to most they will mean little.” Wilheim Barclay: “Would you have any more modern names to suggest instead, Herzen Ruthern? Or perhaps any suggestions not tied to the name of someone?” Audo Weiss: “I would say the suggestions are fine as they are, though I would also propose to suggest that the re-naming really only serves to make understanding the reasons for being awarded in everyday conversation more obtuse.” Felix Weiss (to the zoned out non-member): “Boy, did you not hear the Speaker? Get up, and watch from the stands.” Bishop Iosif: “I find all the proposals fine additions. Perhaps though as alternatives for the civil order of arts something named after Otto the Tarcharman or Dietrick van Jungingen. - Dietrich, rather.” Non-member: “Sorry, I have been blanking out.” [!] The hall is now cleared of non-members. Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Ailred is a more recent military hero. Steelheart. Though I think it best that we shy away from the noble families. Such orders should be the aspiration of any common man, no?” Wilheim Barclay: “You make a good observation, Herzen Ruthern. - Does what you're holding contain suggestions of your own, Bossir Bishop?” Aurik Bishop: “No. Merely something for my son.” Emma Ludovar: “I tend to agree with the Herzen var Ruthern here. We should shy away from noble names and look towards commoners who have made a name for themselves in these feats.” Audo Weiss: “The order is for anyone to achieve rank in but the use of commoners may be more favourable. However, having an achievement for military honour seems to undermine the point of it being for non-militant civilians.” Bishop Iosif: “The Buck Dirtgrub Order of Military Honours. These are three seperate orders, Lord Weiss. That one is specifically for military honours.” Felix Weiss: “He means that it is a civil order of military honours.” He said. “Bit confusing, considering those two things are opposites.” Wilheim Barclay: “I believe it is just a civil order as the title granted by it is a civil one, rather than a military one granted by the Order of the crow or Marian Order, yes. But, do we have any further suggestions by present members? We have yet to hear any other names put forward for the Civil Order of Merit?” Felix Weiss: “In my time here the only person I knew that would display great merit would have been the late Johanna Barclay. But if the objective is to stray from nobility, then perhaps not.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Why not Celestine? Of the NGS.” [!] A distressed child then walks into the hall, detailing a large spider attacking a group of children. Gradually, Bossier Weiss, Military Tribune Weiss, Representative de Pelear, and Bossir Bishop leave the sitting to assist, leading to a number of present members below quorum. Bishop Iosif: “Celestine of the NGS oversaw the most stagnation the society and museum ever saw.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Who then, Bishop Iosif?” Emma Ludovar: “I believe Gustaf Sigismund could also be a consideration for the order of the Arts.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “We no longer have quorum, Excellency.” Wilheim Barclay: “It appears that with the departure of Representative de Pelear, Bossir Weiss, Military Tribune Weiss, and Bossir Bishop, we are below quorum, indeed. Duma shall have to come to an end.” Bishop Iosif: “Shall we postpone this topic until next time?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Wise, I think.” Bishop Iosif: “I will prepare a shortlist of suitable alternative names for the orders in the meantime.” Wilheim Barclay: “A good idea, Lord Palatine. We shall continue this discussion at the next sitting. Duma dismissed.”
  8. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 463 SITTING OF THE XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 6th of Msitza ag Dargund, 463 E.S. Session held on 6th of Tov ag Yermey, 463 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Herzen Baruch Herzen Ruthern Herzen Barclay Komit Ludovar Komit Kortrevich Vikomit Colborn Bossir de Pelear Bossir Bishop Bossir Godunov Bossir Weiss Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid IN ABSENTIA None Wilheim Barclay: “Right! This first sitting of the forty-fourth session of His Majesty's Royal Government shall hereby commence. With a perfect thirteen in attendance, Duma has reached quorum, and we shall move to the first matter. We shall begin with nominations for this term's Lord Handler. Are there any in attendance who wish to nominate themselves.” Felix Weiss: “I'll do it if no one else wants to. Wouldn't be the first time.” Wilheim Barclay: “Are there any others? - No? So be it. With no competition, Felix Weiss is the Lord Handler for this term.” Felix Weiss: “Wooo.” Felix Weiss has been selected as Lord Handler for the XLIV session of His Majesty’s Royal Duma. Wilheim Barclay: “Next, we shall move to Royal Inquisitor. Are there any who wish to nominate themselves, besides Lord Handler Weiss?” Otto Gant raises his hand. Wilheim Barclay: “Any else? Would anyone like to nominate another member of the Royal Duma?” Annette von Theonus raises her hand. Wilheim Barclay: “Right, we shall have a vote this time. I shall allow the two nominees the opportunity to give a short speech, if they wish.” Otto Gant: “Who's first?” Wilheim Barclay: “We shall begin with Lord Regent Gant.” Otto Gant: “Alright. Well, august members of the Duma, Ah merely wish to serve out one more term as Inquisitor, as I felt I did not get to call forth all the councillors I wished to in my brief stint last term. We held the Justiciar's office accountable, but I feel there are questions to be answered with the Treasury and the Envoy office, that'd be all.” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you, Regent Gant. Royal Alderwoman von Thenous, it's your turn to speak.” Annette von Theonus: “I know many here do not know me, and my abilities, but I just want to make sure that those who need to be will be held accountable. How are we to do our jobs if we cannot bring out the truth in others?” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you, Royal Alderwoman von Thenous. We shall begin the vote, so.” Royal Inquisitor Vote for the XLIV Session By the Office of the Speaker OTTO GANT Representative Baruch Herzen Ruthern Representative Kortrevich Vikomit Colborn Bossir de Pelear Bossir Bishop Representative Godunov Bossir Weiss Military Tribune Weiss ANNETTE VON THEONUS Representative Barclay Representative Ludovar ABSTAIN Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Lord Palatine Basrid Otto Gant has been selected as Royal Inquisitor for the XLIV session of His Majesty’s Royal Duma. Wilheim Barclay: “We shall now move to the sole bill of the day, Bossir Bishop's 'Vassal Action Bill'. Bossir Bishop, du may address the Royal Duma.” Aurik Bishop: “For the pleasure of the Duma I will keep it brief. This bill simply adds a new section to the nobility section of the Haurul Caezk; restricting the vassalage of the Crown from publicly practicing any opinion contrary to the crown with any political entity the Crown has formed an opinion upon. It is made with the intent to be a constant and permanent reminder to the Noble class to keep solidarity with the wishes of His Majesty. Any questions?” Wilheim Barclay: “Thank you, Bossir Bishop. We shall now move to unmoderated debate.” Aurik Bishop: “Woohoo.” A short silence fell upon the hall. Aurik Bishop: “Shall I motion to vote?” Bishop Iosif: “I believe the Haurul Caezk already has provisions for these. On the matter of housing darkspawn and such - Dark Witchcraft is already a crime and we have a statute for contribution which that would fall under.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Yes, the matter is one of good sense. It need not be written into law.” Aurik Bishop: “That can be removed. I just wanted to make sure that was in there somewhere.” Felix Weiss: “I believe this to be a bill that only would put into writing what is already what most consider common sense. However, I’m of the opinion that it is best to not leave such things up to interpretation. This bill aims to solve that. I see no issues with this bill.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “The Crown is the law in Hanseti-Ruska.” Bishop Iosif: “Similarly, the next two are just treason. To act against the Crown.” Aurik Bishop: “Interesting you say that.” Lillyana: “I agree with Lord Weiss.” Audo Weiss: “While I too share the opinion that such things are common sense, not all are endowed with an equal understanding of common sense. As such, it is a necessary precaution to codify these tenants so that no ambiguity ought to be left.” Aurik Bishop: “Nevertheless, it is not exactly or explicitly stated anywhere in the Haurul Caezk that nobility is restricted from holding contrary opinions to certain nations based on the opinions of the Crown. Indeed, many houses hold ill will toward some polities Haense is in good standing with currently.” Bishop Iosif: “The way it is written just falls under treason. 'Actions contrary to those of The Crown'.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Any who look upon such in our lawbook shall think the Peerage inept, it is a waste of words.” Bishop Iosif: “Similarly the proposed XXVI addition is just the punishment and crime for XXV, they would be combined into one.” Lillyana: “I agree the two can be combined. About the phrasing - perhaps 'actions that do not stand with the agreements of the crown' would be better?” Bishop Iosif: “I motion to vote.” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Seconded.” Wilheim Barclay: “Very well! We shall move to vote.” Aurik Bishop: “Perhaps you all have a different interpretation than I had when writing this. When I say that nobles shouldn't be friends with the crown's enemies, or enemies with friends, I don't just mean taking military action or holding secret meetings. I mean small, personal things, like holding shop stalls, organising marriages with houses of that polity, encouraging conflicts of interests and other such. I could go into more detail, but perhaps the bill ought to just be reworded.” Vote for the Vassal Action Bill of 463 E.S. By the Office of the Speaker [Copy attached here] YES NO Representative Baruch Herzen Ruthern Representative Barclay Representative Ludovar Representative Kortrevich Vikomit Colborn Bossir de Pelear Bossir Bishop Representative Godunov Bossir Weiss Royal Alderwoman von Theonus Military Tribune Weiss Lord Palatine Basrid ABSTAIN The Vassal Action Bill of 463 E.S. has failed unanimously. Wilheim Barclay: “Are there any matters any members of the Duma wish to raise at this moment in time?” Aurik Bishop: “I thank the duma for their advising, and will set to re-composing the bill eminently.” Felix Weiss: “I only need word from the Palatine to begin quarantine measures to snuff out this plague before it swells too high. And I'd recommend bringing in physicians from our allies to do so.” Bishop Iosif: “Find me after and give me all your information on the matter. I will converse with the King on the matter and we will decide our steps moving forward.” Felix Weiss: “Yes. Thank you.” Wilheim Barclay: “Any other matters to discuss?” A short silence fell upon the hall. Wilheim Barclay: “If there are not, very well. This sitting is now officially adjourned!”
  9. XLIV SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA OFFICE OF THE ROYAL DUMA Issued and Confirmed by His Majesty King Georg I 6th of Tov ag Yermey , 463 E.S The XLIV Session of the Royal Duma is hereby called into session by His Majesty, King Georg I of Hanseti-Ruska and the Aulic Government. Members of the Royal Duma shall include: 1. Herzenas Roslin Baruch @kaylaa 2. Herzen Aleksandr var Ruthern @Demavend 3. Herzen Wilheim Barclay @Fionn__TWG 4. Komitas Adele Ludovar @DearConnorMurphy 5. Komit Matviy Kortrevich @MapleSunflower 6. Vikomit Baldrum Colborn @Kaladin Stormblessed 7. Bossir Cesar de Pelear @Javert 8. Bossir Aurik Bishop @Lomiei 9. Bossir Sviatoslav Godunov @poki 10. Bossir Felix Weiss @SethWolf 11.Royal Alderwoman Annette von Theonus @TaytoTot 12.Military Tribune Audo Weiss @Frostdrop1 13.Lord Palatine Iosif Basrid @Nolan_ Upon the first sitting of the new session, the Lord Speaker shall select a Royal Inquisitor from amongst the members of the Royal Duma. Following this the members of the Royal Duma shall elect the Lord Handler amongst themselves in a vote overseen by the Lord Speaker.
  10. SPEAKER’S DECREE ON THE 462 E.S. ELECTION KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE LORD SPEAKER Naf zwy 6th i Tov ag Yermey, 463 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, For long, it has been clear to those more perceptive of the Royal Duma that the state of His Majesty's Government has been one of depreciation. Since the transition to Almaris, and the times of Lord Speaker Igor Kort and the Triumvirate, the number of elected seats has reduced from seven (four Tribune, two Royal Aldermen and one Grand Maer) to four (two Royal Aldermen, one Grand Maer, and Military Tribune), yet despite this, while those aforementioned seven had no shortage of eager subjects to fill them, the recent seats, with the exception of Military Tribune, have struggled to even pull the need for proper elections. In the 454 E.S nomination period, run by the now King Georg I, only two subjects ran for Royal Aldermen, filling them by default, while the Grand Maer went unused for the entirety of the term. In the recent nomination period, the same but worse has afflicted the Royal Duma. Only one subject has nominated themselves for the available Royal Aldermen seats, while the Grand Maer once again saw no nominees. This deterioration of interest in the Royal Duma has long been noted, however little has been done by Kings of Yore to mend such an issue, due to more pressing matters throughout their reigns. With the more inward focus of King Georg I, however, the opportunity has now presented itself for the issue to be worked upon. It is due to this development that the Lord Speaker does hereby decree: I. -That the sole nominee for the available Alderman seats, Firress Annette von Theonus, shall be granted one of the available seats to serve as Royal Alderwoman for the entirety of this upcoming term. II. -That any future interested subjects of either remaining seats may make a petition to the Lord Speaker, detailing their reasoning for wishing to serve in His Majesty’s government, along with any goals they have for their time in the respective position. Gathering signatures from the public is highly encouraged, to show the hopeful member of the Royal Duma holds the support of the Haeseni people. III. -That the Lord Speaker and His Royal Majesty shall soon begin reforms of His Majesty’s Royal Duma, in order to breathe new life into the institution as well as to properly outline the powers of the members of government. Wer Rastet, Der Rostet, His Excellency, Wilheim II Barclay HRSTSR, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen and Freimark, Baron of Freising, Sigradz and Madvon, Lord of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, Neuberg and Rozenfeld, Chief of the Haeseni Reinmaren Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  11. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 462 E.S GENERAL ELECTIONS KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, By decree of his Royal Majesty, Georg I, and the Lord Speaker, an election is called in the year 462 E.S., to elect to the Royal Duma its four officials, the Royal Aldermen, the Grand Maer, and the Military Tribune. Nominations shall be open for two months, and citizens of the Kongzem are encouraged to fulfil their civic duty to their country and both nominate and vote in the coming elections. ROYAL ALDERMEN Two Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by popular vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Royal Aldermen may be of any birth, common or noble. Royal Aldermen are expected to produce at least two bills during their tenure. GRAND MAER The Grand Maer of Karosgrad is elected by majority vote to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska in the Office of the Lord Seneschal and assume the duties of management of the city’s social institutions, assisting in growth of the city’s business and economy, and bringing city wide events to Karosgrad. This role is vital and important to the city, and its abilities depend on the office holder as well as their desires to shape the city to its betterment alongside sitting on His Majesty's Royal Duma. MILITARY TRIBUNE The Military Tribune is selected from among all Oathed members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, to be responsible for giving voice to the military institutions of Hanseti-Ruska within His Majesty's Royal Duma. The Military Tribune is elected via closed vote within the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. As such, they are not required to submit their nominations publicly; instead doing so through communication with the Lord Marshal. For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria: 1. Candidates must be at least eighteen years of age; 2. Candidates for Grand Maer must be a documented resident of Karosgrad; 3. Candidates for Royal Alderman must be documented residents of Hanseti-Ruska; 4. Candidates must not have a criminal record; 5. Candidates must not be a titled peer, consort or regent; 7. Candidates may only nominate themselves to run for one office; 8. Candidates cannot bribe potential voters, or otherwise purchase votes; 9. Candidates are prohibited from putting up any signs for their campaigning process on private property without given consent, doing so will result in a hefty fine. 10. Candidates for the Military Tribune must be an Oathed member of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. It is highly encouraged that ALL candidates make campaign posts and host public rallies to boost their chances of election! NOTE: You may still campaign while nominations are being verified. Wer Rastet, Der Rostet His Excellency, Wilheim II Barclay HRSTSR, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen and Freimark, Baron of Freising, Sigradz and Madvon, Lord of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, Neuberg and Rozenfeld, Chief of the Haeseni Reinmaren ((OOC : CANDIDATES HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY 6 PM EST/11 PM GMT TO RUN)) CAMPAIGN POST TEMPLATE Please include the following in your application: IGN: Character Name: Age: Place of Residence / Street Address: Position: (Alderman or Grand Maer) [Link to Campaign Post]
  12. SPEAKER’S DECREE ON THE 454 E.S. ELECTION KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE LORD SPEAKER Naf zwy 4th i Vzmey ag Hyff, 455 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, As some of you certainly recall, the XLII Session has suffered greatly, both in the election period, in which no candidate ran for Grand Maer, and subsequently as we found ourselves engaged in conflict with the Inferi and other issues, which made scheduling more impractical than it was before. We intend for this next period of the Duma, as we head into the Tuvmas season, to continue on as planned. The Inferi have been quelled, and scheduling issues should as such be less prevalent. However, one issue that is maintained from the last Session, as we head into the XLIII Session, is a lack of candidates to sign up. With this in mind, I as Lord Speaker so do decree: I. That no election need be held, and that the seats upon the Royal Duma shall be filled by the following: Royal Alderwoman Adelajda vas Ruthern. Royal Alderman Atilan Bishop. Grand Maer Roui de Melphestaus. May God bless these elected officials, as we head into a new Session of the Royal Duma. As an integral institution in our Kingdom, it shall, like our ethos, continue to endure. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Serene Highness, Georg Sigismund, Grand Prince of Kusoraev and Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma.
  13. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 454 E.S GENERAL ELECTIONS KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, By decree of his Royal Majesty, Karl III, and the Lord Speaker, an election is called in the year 454 E.S., to elect to the Royal Duma its four officials, the Royal Aldermen, the Grand Maer, and the Military Tribune. Nominations shall be open for two months, and citizens of the Kongzem are encouraged to fulfil their civic duty to their country and both nominate and vote in the coming elections. ROYAL ALDERMEN Two Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by popular vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Royal Aldermen may be of any birth, common or noble. Royal Aldermen are expected to produce at least two bills during their tenure. GRAND MAER The Grand Maer of Karosgrad is elected by majority vote to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska in the Office of the Lord Seneschal and assume the duties of management of the city’s social institutions, assisting in growth of the city’s business and economy, and bringing city wide events to Karosgrad. This role is vital and important to the city, and its abilities depend on the office holder as well as their desires to shape the city to its betterment alongside sitting on His Majesty's Royal Duma. MILITARY TRIBUNE The Military Tribune is selected from among all Oathed members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, to be responsible for giving voice to the military institutions of Hanseti-Ruska within His Majesty's Royal Duma. The Military Tribune is elected via closed vote within the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. As such, they are not required to submit their nominations publicly; instead doing so through communication with the Lord Marshal. For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria: 1. Candidates must be at least eighteen years of age; 2. Candidates for Grand Maer must be a documented resident of Karosgrad; 3. Candidates for Royal Alderman must be documented residents of Hanseti-Ruska; 4. Candidates must not have a criminal record; 5. Candidates must not be a titled peer, consort or regent; 7. Candidates may only nominate themselves to run for one office; 8. Candidates cannot bribe potential voters, or otherwise purchase votes; 9. Candidates are prohibited from putting up any signs for their campaigning process on private property without given consent, doing so will result in a hefty fine. 10. Candidates for the Military Tribune must be an Oathed member of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. It is highly encouraged that ALL candidates make campaign posts and host public rallies to boost their chances of election! NOTE: You may still campaign while nominations are being verified. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Serene Highness, Georg Sigismund, Grand Prince of Kusoraev and Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma. ((OOC : CANDIDATES HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY 6 PM EST/11 PM GMT TO RUN)) CAMPAIGN POST TEMPLATE Please include the following in your application: IGN: Character Name: Age: Place of Residence / Street Address: Position: (Alderman or Grand Maer) [Link to Campaign Post]
  14. TRANSCRIPT FROM THE 445 SITTING OF THE XLII SESSION OF THE ROYAL DUMA From the Office of the Lord Speaker. On this 7th of Joma & Umund, 445 E.S. ROLL CALL IN ATTENDANCE Representative Baruch Representative Ruthern Representative Barclay Komitas Ludovar Representative Kortrevich Representative Morovar Representative Colborn Bossir de Pelear Royal Alderman Stafyr Royal Alderwoman Ruthern Military Tribune Weiss Palatine Barclay IN ABSENTIA Royal Alderman Gant Georg Kusoraev: “Great. Let us begin. We've reached quorum. We will start with the quick decision as to who shall be Royal Inquisitor. Royal Alderman Stafyr, would you accept the position?” Arthur Stafyr: “Oh, uh… Aye, I would! My thanks, your Serene Highness.” G. Kusoraev: “Very well, the Royal Alderman Stafyr shall serve as Royal Inquisitor. Next, for the matter of Lord Handler. Does anyone care to put themselves forward for the position?” Cardinal Nescia: “I nominate Lady Ludovar.” G. Kusoraev: “Does the Komitas accept such a nomination?” Adele Ludovar: “If voted in, I hope to guide the green through a transitional period. I accept.” G. Kusoraev: “Is there anyone else who would like to nominate themselves, or someone else?” Aleksandr var Ruthern: “Komitas Ludovar serves already as the Justiciar, I would nominate the Alderwoman Ruthern.” Elia Colborn: “I nominate Arthur Stafyr.” Cardinal Nescia: “He already has a duma job.” A. Stafyr: “I decline the nomination. One job is enough for me, but thank you Elia.” G. Kusoraev: “Does the Alderwoman accept her nomination?” Adelajda vas Ruthern: “Yes, I accept.” G. Kusoraev: “You've got another minute to nominate others or yourselves.” Johanna Barclay: “I nominate Felix Weiss, if he accepts.” G. Kusoraev: “Military Tribune?” Felix Weiss: “I would accept - if chosen.” G. Kusoraev: “Excellent. We shall make this a simple matter. I will call the roll, and you shall vote for either Komitas Ludovar, Alderwoman Ruthern, or Military Tribune Weiss. Understood?” Lord Handler for the XLII Session Decreed by the Lord Speaker KOMITAS LUDOVAR Komitas Ludovar ALDERWOMAN RUTHERN Representative Ruthern Royal Alderwoman Ruthern MILITARY TRIBUNE WEISS Representative Baruch Representative Barclay Representative Kortrevich Representative Morovar Representative Colborn Bossir de Pelear Royal Alderman Stafyr Military Tribune Weiss Palatine Barclay Military Tribune Weiss shall serve as Lord Handler for the XLII Session. G. Kusoraev: “Next up. Hey. Aurik Bishop. You here?” Aurik Bishop: “Yes.” G. Kusoraev: “Please come and present your letter to the Royal Duma to those present. I will have a copy given to them, but it would be my pleasure to hear you speak on the manner.” Iosif Basrid: “Is it the Bishop Elevator Act 2.0?” Cardinal Nescia: “No, no, it must be the Ginger Rights Edict.” A. Bishop: “To His Majesty’s Royal Duma. Ich am ein mand vell known for his long winded justifications. But here most reverently for the sake of time and understanding I will not speak far past plain simplicity, but as is said, 'of what is great, one must speak greatly, or remain silent.' I have no intention of silence. It is my observation that little effort but the status quo has been upheld to maintain the dignities of Nobility; and that recent shifts in our society have inclined the noble class to believe themselves no higher than the common man. In so doing they insult the memory of their most esteemed and established ancestors, and make the titles of their sons and daughters diminish in worth by the year. By virtue of stories and writings from men and women of the recent past, I have come to not only attain some knowledge of their mistakes, but understand the results of them; naturally the more important of the two. From such I have drawn this conclusion; it is plain to see, and naturally concluded, that when the structure of society is undermined by the expansion of its highest class… the foundation of the common populace becomes too thin, and the entire structure collapses. This can not be more clear than in the display of Sutica, Savoy, and Oren, who all in turn, flouted the dignity of their nobility, undermined the necessity of the larger common class, and were subsequently brought to ruin. My mentioning of this, is not at all trivial, nor is it lightly applied. For how much stronger was the Empire of Oren so many years ago, to whom our kings gave their oaths? And how will you ignore the descendants of those Imperial bloodlines, who are presently humbled by the same common station that the actions of their fathers lowered them to? It is my hope that you among this chamber will attempt in the utmost to preserve the honours of your fathers and sons. That you will stay your legally-binding blade from slicing into pieces the good of the commoner class; and refrain from the perversion of their peaceful und stress-free lives with the sole-focus of equality among our King and those he chooses to call his PEER! It is my greatest fear overall, that one day, my children will not know a Haense whose King to swear fealty to, will not understand what circumstances - brought about by the folly of their ancestors, led to the destruction of the greatest nation to ever raise walls and banners upon any of God’s land. That is all. Thanks.” G. Kusoraev: “Are we ready to move on?” Cardinal Nescia: “Yes please.” G. Kusoraev: “To ah… Debate.” Cardinal Nescia: “Most certainly.” I. Basrid: “I think the decline and collapse of Oren and Savoy had more to do with terrible, excommunicated schismatics who continued pointless wars that nit picky details about their nobility.” G. Kusoraev: “Well, well, let's start with a bit of moderated debate. Raise hands if you want to speak, or something of the sort. Though. Though.I would like to first hear from the Palatine.” Cardinal Nescia: “I demand a debate on how stupid moderated debate is.” J. Barclay: “The purpose of the Nauherzen is to allow a middle ground between commoner and barony. It has been a heavy precedent for years that Nobility ist extremely hard to get. This process takes years, as it rightfully should. However, there must be something done to encourage these efforts to continue as it drags on. The point of the Nauherzen is to show aspiring houses that we see their efforts, and that they're achieving something. This position will not be handed out on a whim either.” G. Kusoraev: “Alright. Debate is now unmoderated. Go on.” Maeve Morovar: “Could we have a cap size put to this.. New title?” A. Ludovar: “So …. Alderman …You believe that the Noble class should not think themselves the same as the common class, however … You also feel that the commoner class are being oppressed … ? Uh.. I don't believe that I understand whose side you are fighting on. The rights of the Peer or the rights of the Commoner?” A. var Ruthern: “Let us not imagine this decree to be anything more than a bid for populist approval. The illusion of advancement that shall leave us with nought but empty estates when the son proves less able than his noble father.” A. Bishop: “Exactly.” A. Stafyr: “I do not see why you hold such an issue with this proposal, I ask of the Duma, which comes first? The chicken, or the egg?” Cardinal Nescia: “Work must be put into enriching the commoner class.” M. Morovar: “I feel as though this will do more harm to the Barons of Karosgrad than good to the people.” A. Bishop: “I believe you misunderstand, Lady Ludovar. The commoners are not being oppressed in the least. And indeed the Noble class should not consider itself equal to the commoners. If that was the case, they should share their homes and farms with the citizenry freely.” A. Stafyr: “Patriarchs may sometimes spend their entire lives striving for nobility, only to lack the opportunity to prove themselves. They wear themselves unto exhaustion until their families are caught in an infinite limbo.” Cardinal Nescia: “Not trying to speed up the foolish removal of good educated intelligent commoner families from their commoner roots.” A. var Ruthern: “Then let them fade into obscurity, as the house of Stafyr did.” A. Stafyr: “Surely rising families, such as the Bishops among others, deserve a chance to prove themselves for higher things?” A. vas Ruthern: “I see no reason why there should be an added level below that of nobility. Gentry was already put in place and hardly used so why is it that we add something else that will not be used again?” Cardinal Nescia: “The commoner class will collapse further, and less commoners will be able to take up the positions of Alderman and Maer as they're supposed to.” A. Ludovar: “But you are still niet being clear. You present conflicting arguments.” A. var Ruthern: “Perhaps it has become difficult for the honourable lord to remember those struggles, being so distanced from them.” Cardinal Nescia: “If we keep trying our hardest to remove commoners from their nests and drag them into nobility the moment someone manages to have youths that live past their fifth winter.” J. Barclay: “Cardinal. Nauherzen are not on the duma, they will still have to run for Alderman to have a seat.” I. Basrid: “That's what happens when you put [REDACTED] in charge.” Cardinal Nescia: “I know!” A. var Ruthern: “Yes nobility is in a line, in the blood. Why dilute our already messy pool of titleage when we've many other ways to reward good service.” Cardinal Nescia: “But the Alderman seat is meant for commoners.” A. var Ruthern: “Can anyone in this hall truly tell me we've some shortage of nobles ambling about?” A. Bishop: “I believe we can get quickly past the issue of commoner houses rising in status, by granting them gentry status There are many privileges the Koeng can grant to lesser Houses in recognition.” F. Weiss: “I would agree - populism would be an issue should such a precedent. Nobility should be made of sterner stuff. Nobility is not earned, it is granted - only by the Crown. It should not be boiled down to a mere popularity contest.” Cesar de Pelear: “Was this not meant to be a moderated debate, or did we move to unmoderated?” M. Morovar: “Giving them gentry status. What are we Oren now?” A. Bishop: “We did, sadly, Viceroy.” Cardinal Nescia: “The gentry class must be defined if we're to keep using the term so often.” I. Basrid: “We've had gentry for hundreds of years, what are you talking about?” A. Ludovar: “Gentry status is assigned to Knightly families, as the Haurul Caezk says.” A. Bishop: “We are trying not to be Oren. That is why we ought not to expand our already bloated nobility.” C. de Pelear: “Sorry, I am having a hard time keeping up with everything with everybody speaking all at once.” A. Stafyr: “What kind of rewards? Point to them, and tell me what they are. Because as of this moment, I see them to be very few.” A. vas Ruthern: “Da, what Iosif said? Why add another level when we could simply use the Gentry class? It was put in place and simply forgotten about.” A. Stafyr: “We speak of the commoner class, yet the commoners often go without representation in many of this nation's institutions.” Cardinal Nescia: “That's because most things in Haense revolve around nobles. So everybody clamours for nobility.” J. Barclay: “This is the Gentry class, Lady Ruthern.” A. Stafyr: “They are forbidden from partaking in courtly positions. Often, alderman are installed by the larger houses.” A. var Ruthern: “Did we not just now select a commoner to stand as Lord Handler?” A. Bishop: “There is already a gentry class, one that has been neglected of definition or acknowledgement by the Societal structure for decades.” A. Stafyr: “And as our Royal Inquisitor.” Cardinal Nescia: “And most commoners just disappear as soon as a noble family has a new child.” A. Ludovar: “Alderman positions are taken by the noble Houses because no commoners show interest.” A. Stafyr: “An extremely new development.” Cardinal Nescia: “I think it's some sort of strange black magick.” C. de Pelear: “Because commoners feel hopeless running against established noblemen in political elections. Granted, I do agree that we should not bloat our nobility with fancy new titles.” A. Bishop: “We must then give commoners something else to want than nobility. Give them something to do.” A. Ludovar: “Viceroy, I think you mistake cause and effect.” Cardinal Nescia:: “We must make a resolution stating as a Duma our opposition to this new weird title.” Duma was cut short due to the raid by Acre upon the Kingdom of Balian.
  15. SPEAKER’S DECREE ON THE 444 E.S. ELECTION KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE LORD SPEAKER On this 8th of Gronna and Droba, 444 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, Admittedly, it is unfortunate for the elections to the Royal Duma to have been overshadowed by the beginning of the Lifstala. Though, the results of the nominations for this election have been nothing but disheartening to witness, where the Royal Duma has so far as the past is concerned been able to man itself appropriately and according to its designated composition, such is no longer the case. As it stands, there have been three nominations, all of which were for the position of Royal Alderman, with one of the nominees being underage. No one has nominated themselves to stand as Grand Maer for the coming Maer, something that our bitter disappointment in cannot go undisguised. While the option of extending the nomination period, in the hopes that more people would in due time nominate themselves, it is my fear that these nominations may not appear, especially with Lifstala ongoing, and as such do not view this as a viable option, as it could lead to an extensive suspension of the Royal Duma. With this in mind, I as Lord Speaker so do decree: I. That the seat upon the Royal Duma usually afforded to the Grand Maer shall be filled by a Royal Alderman until the next electoral term. II. That Adelajda vas Ruthern shall be granted reasonable exemption from the eligibility criteria, as due to the debuts of the Lifstala, she will be of age once the term begins. III. That no election need be held, and that the seats upon the Royal Duma shall be filled by the following: Royal Alderman Raul Freeman Royal Alderman Tearlach Gant Royal Alderwoman Adelajda vas Ruthern. It is my hope that, despite this setback for the coming term of the Royal Duma, that we may nevertheless go ahead into a prosperous and diligent period for one of the Kongzem’s oldest institutions. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Serene Highness, Georg Sigismund, Grand Prince of Kusoraev and Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma.
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