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Posts posted by ichigomaster98

  1. The Carrot King hopes this causes the carrot stocks to go up.
    The Norland King hopes this causes the horse market to flourish.

    The Maple King smells an increase in the demand of maple syrup. Wait, no, that is just maple syrup they smell.

  2. The Carrot King has grown to respect these once-Orenians, glad they represent the best of the Heartlanders.

    The Norland King signs the treaty, looking forward in anticipation to the coconuts and honey as well as being a step closer to world peace.

    The Blanca King looks forward to visiting again, despite the infestation of Kervallens.

  3. The Carrot King is too busy building a carrot ship to sail home.

    The Dragon-killing King is glad their ability to visit their wife's family is secured.

    The Norland King is glad for being a step closer to international peace, and the start of a new friendship.

  4. MC Name:



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    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  5. Completion of Campaign




    The Greatest Io In The World


    So it was in the 30th year of Iosefka Anarórë’s life that they completed their campaign, proving to both themself and their bloodline that they are worthy of owning their own life. A series of trials which are expected to take eighty or more years completed in a mere thirty years being unheard of in the historical traditions of their people, Iosefka has demonstrated an inhuman drive and luck seemingly divinely blessed.


    Achievements include:

    • Various titles gained through chivalrous acts.
    • Undefeated in duels.
    • Multiple successful defenses of Alisgrad against the Mori’s unending hordes.
    • Mori slain with bow from beyond fifty yards.
    • Eight Mori slain with a single arrow.
    • Two undead giants slain with spear.
    • Two withered demons slain with spear.
    • A necromancer and their army defeated in an hour.
    • A demonic cult’s castle sieged and razed.
    • Two islands rid entirely of bandits.
    • A dragon killed with a single arrow.


    Additionally, as an integral part of the campaign of their ancestors Iosefka has learned many skills and engaged in consistent introspection to divine their guiding symbols. These guiding symbols are symbols that have aided Iosefka on their campaign, and have shown their blessings during each trial.


    Guiding Symbols:

    • Sun - The Major guiding symbol regarding war, physical excellence, bringing ruin to enemies, and hatred for unnatural.
      The Sun has guided Iosefka with its radiance. In matters of physical fitness Iosefka is unmatched. In extermination of bandits Iosefka’s results were total. In conflict with Mori and undead Iosekfa has never known defeat. For these reasons it has become clear that Iosefka is blessed by the Sun.
    • Cat - The Minor guiding symbol regarding luck, timing, dexterity, agility, and senses.
      The Cat has graced Iosefka with its blessings including impeccable timing and divine luck in having the opportunities to accomplish their mighty campaign. Additionally with the blessings of dexterity and agility Iosefka was able to capitalize on the opportunities afforded.
    • Sword - The Minor guiding symbol regarding discipline, training, and offense.
      The Sword has blessed Iosefka with its aid in mastering various weapons to accomplish their campaign. With bow, spear, sword, and warhammer Iosefka has demonstrated the mastery required to defeat a multitude of enemies.
    • Stag - The Minor guiding symbol regarding forests, hunting, living one with nature.
      The Stag has blessed Iosefka with bountiful hunts, concealment in foliage, and plentiful supplies to not only survive but also receive an excess. Iosefka is seemingly never at a loss for wild rabbit and boar, and is always capable of running down even the flightiest of prey.
  6. The Carrot King grandpa grumbles grumpily.

    The giant slaying, Wither dunking, bandit killing extraordinaire prepares their armor. "I warned them not to kill him!"

    The Norland King reads over the missive, knowing he will support the man who had supported him all his reign until things are made even.

  7. The Norland King reads over the missive, furrowing his brows as he often does, then sets it among the ever-present stack of paperwork near him. He then begins writing summons to fellow Norlanders who may provide witness accounts. "Never a quiet moment."

  8. The wall child continues crawling around inside the Redclyf walls, hoping to have a chance to say 'Hello!' if they would ever come back to their camp. The wall child begins to lose hope as they watch the bandits run back into the cave for the third... fourth time? It is hard to keep track.

  9. I have outrun many bandits, I have schizo'd myself into a barrel box with a couple friends from which I will never leave.

    We are safe in the barrel box, we have also pacified our local bandit who was attacking us through ant-based mini swarm tactics.

    Join the peasant peace militia today! We may be small, but together we may be many!

    I wish for all to be safe in their very own barrel box, and will gladly share security measures or be neighbors of people who wish for peace in a gated community.

    I do not condone attacking and camping people who wish to live peacefully or being toxic. Come be neighbors, we have 3 seeds and an emerald!

  10. Odin reads the note, frowning as he does. Odin never once considered Adalsteinn a fool, and ironically enough Adalsteinn's writings will likely be seen even far past the end of his own reign. Odin never did get that chance to tell Adalsteinn how well he did, properly at least, but he hopes Adalsteinn knew. Though Odin never got to learn much personally about Adalsteinn he considered him a friend, someone who will remain in his mind for the rest of his own life. Odin looks forward to reading the missives Adalsteinn writes for the All-Father some day.

  11. I saw myself in a lot of those screenshots, glad I could help as Boots and Odin, and excited to make even more memories next map!
    So many memories to list, but the one that comes to mind first is the dry dock. All of Norland coming together to build a massive dry dock encircling Dùnrath in a couple hours to keep out those pesky sirens. They say in some parts it's still there, under a thin layer of soil.
    Or the time I pushed a polar raccoon for three hours over the worst terrain to get it to the
    Anarórë clan house, it still lives in Dùnrath to this day.

    Or all the kind signs Soe left in my cow cave, most of which are still there.

    Or spending the brief time Boots was happy with his wife and daughters in Grenzstadt, playing hide and seek and burning himself on the oven to learn how to make cake.

    Or that time Boots beat Ciaran in his house right before Ciaran's wedding because Ciaran dared to marry Marta.

    Or that time we made a round robin in the garden, which I still have the item for.

    Or all those times with Beep and Boris and Borissa.
    Or that time Scatha hosted their self defense class and Boots tried his absolute best not to hurt Scarlet in training.

    Or Athena the blind librarian.

    Or those times playing chess with everyone.

    Or those nightmarish sign hunts which lead to many deaths (and the games of tag, which had so much death Herobrine himself showed up.)

    Or the dance at the foot of Fort Catherine, the first time Odin danced with Edyth, Odin still owes Marta a dance from then.

    Or Myrthe's attic event.

    Or that time Vunlea took Eilika and ran.

    Or that time... every other moment spent in Dùnrath, with everyone.

    There's too many times to list. Lots of good times, a few really sad times, but all memorable.

    The birth place of many things, and the burial place of many things. Dùnrath will live on though, in the hearts of the people who were lucky enough to experience it, and our memories.


    Sutharlainn, Anarórë, and Drakon continue on as Norlandic clans, and there may be some pretty nice coast line to come where perhaps Dùnrath can be reborn. Perhaps.
    Legally just a farm. Thank you everyone for being part of our shared memories, I hope one day we can all meet again in one place at one time as friends.

  12. The Laird of Grenzstadt finishes bolting and barricading the lower door of his mill, before moving upstairs to throw thick hide rugs against the windows and shooting ports to insulate against cold but be able to quickly open. He then ensures his stockpiles and armaments are still fully prepared. He moves to sit on the edge of his daughters' bed, and listen for danger, a loaded crossbow in his lap.

    The King of Norland moves from his usual station, the tavern, to the palace to help his people however he can and project a sense of calm order in this chaotic times.

    The Wall Child puts on their SEVA suit and sets out to brave the blizzard, finding this an excellent opportunity to train. The thoughts of one day being married and having fifty daughters keeps them warm in the frigid weather. Of course, their over-engineered suit also helps greatly.

  13. The Grand Norlandic Horse Race King prepares his boat, adding a layer of siren blubber that will be sure to give him an edge.
    The Norland King takes a momentary break from his immense paperwork to read up on the Norlandic history archives to give himself an edge for trivia.

    The, uh, Finding King travels up and down the Norlandic countryside touching grass, memorizing rocks, and looking for possible hiding spots of both plushies and mories.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Llir said:

    I've been reading all of your replies, thank you all for your feedback and drawing attention to these issues. I see two main concerns being outlined:

    1. How prebuild land selection was decided for next map (and rather, who didn't make the cut).
    2. How activity currently works.

    I'll start with the first -- the list we have right now is not final, though it contains 15 nations/settlements, and 10 lairs. We based this list off of solely activity numbers for settlements/nations, and individual audits for evidence of RP for lairs. I see basing this off of the raw numbers alone was a mistake, and consideration should have been given to every group who didn't automatically make the cut. I am committed to finding a solution for the halflings, please reach out to me on Discord ASAP @NotEvilAtAll/@Hearth.


    Onto the current system... the purpose of activity should mainly be to flag dead settlements for staff, so the land can be freed up for other groups to use. Activity is a necessary evil to prevent land exhaustion and ghost towns, though I realize that this system has had major issues:

    • Too strict requirements, especially for smaller groups who may very well generate great RP, though aren't constantly on.
    • Difficult for staff to maintain, leading to inconsistencies this map as the system was neglected from time to time.
    • Discourages traveling outside of your home region.
    • Creates a gamey culture around activity that goes against key aspects of our Mission Statement.

    These are not issues we want to bring over to next map. I know the current system sucks, and needs to be changed. These are all points we have been discussing for months in the map development meetings, and have plans to remedy for 9.0. Many of the ideas I've seen have already been considered, and I am glad to share some details on the system design for next map:

    • Activity will be monitored on both a persona's realm association, as well as your current location. These two factors will be tracked independently and both considered when making decisions on evictions.
    • The baseline activity threshold will be lower on average.

    • Activity will not be required to maintain additional tiles, this will only be a mina cost.
    • All manual steps required in the tracking of the data will be removed, replaced with an automatic system that removes both the dependency on staff doing weekly spreadsheet work and potential biases (note: any final decisions on evictions will still require staff approval, there will be no auto-evictions).
    • The strike system will be removed in favour of tracking a rolling average.

    These are just some central details for the system; much of it is still in work and the concerns raised in this thread will be considered as we prepare a final draft. The central point we've reiterated again and again in our map development meetings is that we want to remove the gamey and punishing aspects of the system. What we implement for next map will be fair, flexible, and easy for us to amend should it not be achieving its goals. This is key to having a fun and successful 9.0, as;


    Aligning with our Mission Statement must come before the numbers game.


    And that cannot wait until next map, that must happen now. Effective for the current weekly activity cycle, I'll be taking the following measures to prevent any further repercussions due to the system for the remainder of this map:

    • Activity strikes due to failing to meet 1% for settlements and 3% for nations activity requirements are suspended.
    • Nations downgrading to settlements or losing tiles (aka 'Nation Diminishing' in the current system) will no longer occur.
    • Activity data will still be collected and sent to PROs, though this will only be used for:
      • Determining final ordering for prebuild land selection for next map.
      • Flagging truly dead settlements for eviction. The numbers will just be an indicator and we'll perform a manual audit for eviction decisions. If there is consistent roleplay, you won't lose your settlement.

    I hope this information can help alleviate some concerns, and allow everyone to roleplay without thinking about activity for the remainder of our time on Almaris.


    Please feel free to reach on Discord (Llir#5410) if you would like to discuss any of this with me personally. I will keep an eye on this thread, though find having direct conversations to be more productive when discussing details of systems like this.

    Based! A hopeful step in a good direction.

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