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Everything posted by Barbog

  1. A stout, ugly goblin is seen hammering away from the back of an Olog, nailing a form to different posts. He hisses in pain as he strikes his own thumb with the hammer, before jumping off the back of the Uruk twice his size, and looks up at what he has posted. TU ALL DA URUKZ UV WHUM IT MAY KONZURN: If this missive finds you well, the Grand Philosopher Barbog, under guidance and permission from the Rex and the Dominus, has drafted a survey for the greater populations of the Iron'Uzg. We intend this to be your opportunity to speak your mind and present your ideas. We implore you to take the time to complete this survey and return it to Barbog. The future of the Iron'Uzg, and the Orcs as a whole, relies on each and every member. Let your voice be heard. Lup'Krug. Long live the Uruk-Hai.
  2. Moss just stares at one of the many missives posted around Myrine that read off these terms and demands. As usual, he can understand none of it, and just passes by to walk back to the tavern. In contrast, a short, ugly goblin sees the same declaration tacked up by the great notice board in San'Velku. He takes one look at it, sighs, and takes off for the forge. Wars like this were fought with weapons, not words... And by Gentharuz, he could make weapons.
  3. Barbog


    Barbog, or as he titles himself, Barbog the Most Great and Wise, is an... interesting gobbo, which some may argue is the result of one too many long days around the fumes and gases of many tinker-toys. Born into a minor branch of a clan forgotten in time as the runt of a litter, Barbog was largely neglected in favor of his more promising siblings. While certainly not resentful, as few orks are about such matters as tenderness, this set of circumstances drove him away from working with spear and sword, and into the embrace of tinkering and metallurgy. He believes that his passion for this alone is enough to merit himself respect as a tinkerer, even though his self-teaching methods left very much to be desired. Although he touts himself a man of words and higher thinking, a "filozofer" as he calls it, he is still an Ork, eager to test his strength and to spill blood like many of his brothers. Largely untested in battle, he was still enlisted at 13, the customary age for many Orks, and used his newfound position at the bottom as a starting point for his "deztinee". He conveniently forgets that the most famous of all Ork-kin are Uruk, and now and again entertains thoughts of proving himself as a Gobbgoth, even Rexdom. Knowing himself, though, these are casually dismissed as being "too small" for his greater purpose, which still remains largely unclear.
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