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Posts posted by SteppeNomad

  1. "Ahernan!" Spoke the Hyptos. A bright elf with a twinkle in his eye! Turning to face his opponent, he speaks to her in a tone audible throughout the chamber 


    "We all have heard of your accreditations in the field of scholarly study, math, and the studies of our astrological bodies who have much of an effect on our own life in El'cihi'thillin, and I commend you in your written works, yet these things seem to be your focus in your nomination for this position! In your nomination you spoke much of 'regular taxation' yet is this field not already governed by our most generous master of coin? You tell of the scarcity of our blessed silvered soils, and of the creation of subregions and lands beyond our isle." The Hyptos gesticulates as he speaks, accentuating his words for all to see! "Tell to us your vision of our gracious Motherland's future, where your five year plan lands us!"

  2. Striding before the Podium, the beautiful Mali'thill, tall, tan, and blonde a sharp contrast against the opponent of this debate. He wore a pure white chiton and a light blue himation wrapped around his form and held in his left hand which he held at an idle crook. A bronze leafed laurel on his head marks his position already amongst the state. He smiled brightly, a joyful expression that he shares freely with the audience! 


    "Dearest Mali'thill, the beautiful denizens of our most storied and blessed Motherland, our most beloved Citizenry; and all of those histories still represented. It is for you I stand here, and face such valiant adversary! It is for you I strike forth to deliver vast victories and for you I offer plainly the spoils of most blessed bounty! It is for you I represent our city-state, great Haelun'or well. For those who have not spent time out in the air amongst the city, I am Pamphilos of the Hyptos. 


    He yet smiled the sun's smile. The tanned Mali stood on the debate floor addressing the most beautiful of audiences, those Haelun'oric peoples. 


    "We are blessed people. I do come forth today before you all to offer examples as to this in my statements and wish for my debate to carry forth the feeling and intent. We are granted multiple infinitude of blessing and opportunity from the land, sea, and health. From these conceptions and realities I wish to extol a few of my own virtues and aspects, and like my opponent, and every Mali'thill with a silver soul, I am multifaceted!


    I am a learned 'Thill. One who has spent much time not just engaged with the lessons offered by the tomes of our most venerated ancient establishments, but the lessons of life and being! True is it that I am a philosopher. A 'thill studied in the many lessons of Larihei, but I am also a sailor, a warrior, a poet, and a practiced and shrewd friend of those beyond our cihi, gaining much privilege for her even in other lands and people's. 


    I offer my perspectives so others may partake of them. To progress with our blessings, to seek to refine them and accomplish great perfections, and to take more blessings, more privileges. This is a right of every Mali'thill. Through such base lessons of our silver philosophies, I have lead Mali of all walks of life to pursue our most basic lesson to it's fullness of meaning and intent.


    Health and progress! Ay'Larihei! Ay'Haelun'or Ay' our silver Citystate!" 


    With that, his practice of oration and speaking is flexed. He lets the moderator take it from there. 

  3. A Bronzed High Elf, polishing his crested brazen helm and spike smiles the sun's smile as he reads from the writing. "Ay'! The Cult of Malin is truly of the strongest of the ancestor cults I have ever seen. Not only does the ancestral veneration come naturally to our folk, The Mali, and it is because of our blessed lives we may accrue vast Kleos, vast spirit power we carry forth! To be around even while absent! It is true as well, many of these codes are strangely like those of Larihei who he so often denounces... To protect the purity of form and blood, to deny impurity of depravity, AND to pursue progress, seen as industry." Squinting at the words he looks again "I know not this bronze band, yet their lesson they have brought before many more Mali is a most ancient brazen lesson. True life is life in ascent." He keeps the missive in mind. Slipping it into the reliquary of the temple to his own venerated bearded ancestor.

  4. q0PL9fE.jpeg



    An Age of Consideration


    -For the Position of Okarir'nor



    'Lo! Do you see the sights? The stunning isle, our silvered state. Dressed in her marble splendor, The white mountains and the shining silvery seas. Her columns rise into the sky, her peaks and her towers stand above us in memorium of the times past, and the futures to come when one follows the primary directives of health and progress.


    And progress there must be! Our state has slumped with the malfunctions of inefficient Bureaucracy! With our empty cabinet, our effective democracy has become stagnant and lame! We must REBVILD the marble columns, the pillars of our citystate that hold up the most grand of ideals and purposes! Often do I see the inefficient management of our lands and resources, our people often go stuck in the streets without access to their homes and shops, and all the while, foreign jihadis race to claw at those who see our citystate as one of illminded pedants. I for one wish to see the lands of our youth well managed, so our gleaming cities stand firm. I accepted responsibilities, and already my office as Tilruir'Mali has been fully engaged with creating a state of peace and glory amongst the peoples and various races of our isle, yet I believe in expanding such effort, and seek to take this position as well!


    Already have I pursued this effort fully. In assisting the newcomers to our isle in locating homes, granting and organizing tours of our isle, bringing forth and hosting delegations of outsiders, and showing them great welcome


    My contributions to the state grow every day, for it was I who brought forth the wealth delivered by the Beelots, not once, but TWICE! Striking forth to deliver great goods and wealth for our people through monumental trading voyages, I have ALREADY established embassy in foreign lands, where our ways and advanced laws will be respected. Gaining great friends, and allies. Representing el'cihi'thillin well, I believe our stewards and guards must be trained to RECEIVE. Not just turn back delegation. I seek to work closely with the treasury so as to make the efforts of moving in more of an ease, and to work close with the Okarir'san, so even our lands in foreign territory will be protected and guided.


    My experiences are MANY. I travel abroad, yet always, even upon foreign seas or other soils, my heart and mind rests in our mother cihi. Deeply understood I am with the cultures of foreign peoples, and in their presence on our island, respect is always offered within fully our laws.



    Know it is true, so that we may grow and prosper, we must effectively manage our resources. Homes, land, goods, and allies both abroad and at home. My efforts, combined with my current position as Tilruir'Mali, further will include:


    -Beautification of our holdings, vassals, and colonies in foreign lands

    -Assigning capable Mali'thill with the duties required to further ease the integration of newcoming elves and would-be citizens to their quarters, or roles in the society while culling the chaff and removing those no longer residing in the citystate.

    -Gathering of regular tax, and further denominating land usage on our island, and in our holdings beyond.

    -Enhancing the experience of visitors through touring and integration of the various offices with the efforts of pleasing guests!

    -Accepting and easing introductions of keys and permissions where they are needed to ensure the businesses and establishments in and around El'cihi, and our glorious isle can actually reach where they need to go!!











    Maehr’sae Hiylun’eyha! May our progress be Unhindered!

  5. A beautiful bronzed hoplite shakes his head hearing about this injustice. 'The noble Krugmenistanis, no matter their skin color deserve the fullest of respects given. Their advanced laws and culture have much to share with all. To think the barbarous ebon elves would deny such a colorful people just because of their NATURAL RACIAL CURSE shows GREAT IGNORANCE. Truly, perhaps they would stand to learn something from more enlightened elves. The silver Citystate ALREADY has many fine Urukhiim who take the privileges and rights of citizenship. Earning it as any should. I speak for my 'aheral and 'thill comrades that the racism of imperial elves remains firmly in their ghettolike citystate' 

  6. A tanned PATRIOT sheds a tear at the thought of it all. WOE are we, the blessed citizenry, who suffer the fact. We are blessed peoples, but to restrict our rights instead of promote them? What makes us higher than the lessers who serve their oligarchs and dictators even through great terrors of will imposed on them, and the people gain nothing. We must hold the vote. Mali who does not participate in politics is only half a Mali. 

  7. To show to the world our style, our fashion, and our prowess. Truly! The advanced fashions of the silver city accomplish such! To compliment our already beautiful forms, and show off our masteries of material, ephemeral, and eternal. The togas of our most ancient past represent us and the personal progress of each 'thill! 

  8. OOC


    IGN: DeepDarkSamurai


    Discord: Tyto#0435


    *The criers wail and a missive passes through to the ears of an elven hoplite in far off seas. Already an experienced gladiator in the pits of Krugmenistan, he goes forth to challenge his fellow Lads for the belt!*




    Name: Terrifying Elven Hoplite


    Race: Mali'thill


    Is there any cause, code, brotherhood or institution which you wish to support or otherwise represent in your fight for the Champion’s Belt?: Ay' our Akaleh Misthios The Bronze Bulls, and my own personal KLEOS! 

  9. Another great son of Larihei perished today. Oh to know the truth amongst the foes, to feel the heart and weep. For each loss of elven life is a loss to the world. 


    A wise statesman, a wise soldier. To die in defense of our sacred state... An act most righteous. May you meet your ancestors in the next life, and may the end of our enemies come by the torch 

  10. My fine serfs of wheatfield, the sign of heavy toil knows his brow, yet still he walks amongst us though touched by sun and the headbutt of rams. 


    Obviously quite enlightened are his revelations. If even the serfs are able to see how the dwedski conspiracy is not even a conspiracy. Actively, anyone in their society not seen as part of the dwarven elite is relegated to worker servitor caste in this dwedski wealth caste system. Ever wonder why only dwarves can join the legion to get pay, benefits, and rights? Ever wonder why even becoming an honorary dwarf does not grant you the same rights? 


    It's a conspiracy. They want tax you to nothing and be happy about it

  11. A speaker in the forums continues "The Urukhiim of Krugmenistan with their Enlightened ways wish to show unto the masses a fact that should help those who question, understand the nature of their reality. After all, is their faith truly in the maker? Or is it simply the Canon. An order In place to direct will of man. The spirits, as embodiments of a truth of reality one can face, endure, explore, and understand, are present not just in the spirit world, but in this metaphysical one as well."

  12. A beautiful bronzed elf, who despite relation to the teachild finds it quite A revelation to see just how purposefully obscured the reality is from their perceived truth. Though never has he ever heard of this Myriad. Unknown fame and unknown glories. Wondering of their beauty; He looks to his own band of Bronzed Heroes, and he thinks. What is it called when an armed band of warriors arrives to force your government's hand? Surely, a truth will come. Revealed at the tip of a spike. Spear or pen.

  13. florence-piazza-della-signoria-palazzo-v



    An accomplished wrestler, poet, and musician tells dialogues amongst those gathered in the forums, returning from yet again another great voyage of taking. It is moments like this, when one has the time to be amongst fellows and cultivate the skills of oration and speaking may one's stories flow.


    Once there was an ancestor of mine. A great Wizard-king, who; in this antique time, traveled deep into the heart of the great Krugmenistani deserts to find for himself knowledge on the perfect society, This desert, where great bloodsoaked pyramids were erected by the powers of the ancient Uruk priestkings. Pharaohs raise them from sunblasted desert at the power of spirits and slaves. It was at this time he spoke and engaged with the shamans who were revered in this land. They told him that their records, ritual, and oral history preserved much lore the Mali had forgotten. What? Us, forgetting?



    -The modern Krugmeni still worship and follow the same ancient spirits, but many have been supplanted


    Twelve thousand years before, in these antediluvian times; the shamans said. Haelun'or had been a great city. The ancient Haelun'orians had performed many noble deeds, but their most famous exploit was the defeat of the ancient empire of Acalantis. The Acalanti, the shamans said, came from an island in the west and had conquered much lands of the valah and bortu continents of the north AND the south. However, the Haelun'orians repeatedly defeated them, by the hands of great individual champions. Not long after, they lead a war to separate the empire from its resources, and as a consequence, liberated the continents. Not long after this victory, the shamans say, both ancient Acalantis and ancient Haelun'or were destroyed by terrible floods and earthquakes. However, Haelun'orians survived by fleeing into the mountains where they founded some of their greatest cities, but Acalantis was destroyed utterly.


    How is it that us beautiful 'thill could have forgotten such histories? Such beautiful stories of those lost lands? The ancestor asked.


    The shamans only spoke what they knew. Yet he understood... Our histories are sometimes picked up after great calamitous monument.





    A golden temple


    Acalantis, one said, was founded by Ahe'Nautes, the Lord of The Sea. He had eight sons who each had eight kingdoms. To the eldest son he gave the greatest kingdom. One where water and fountains of blessed golds flowed freely from the stones and around the metropolis, and the fertive vast grasslands spread all around, flooded for their uses. It was quickly adopted as their heart, their greatest city, and thusly capped with a grand temple. In times of war, Acalanti chief kingdom could muster a navy of 1200 ships, and an army of over a million beautiful elves. Each of the eight kingdoms were near equally populous and powerful. The eight kings of Acalantis always kept a truce amongst each other and knew power. Gathering every few years, sacrifice bulls to the pantheon, and confirm their alliance. The Acalanti grew steadily in wealth and might. In time, however, it became corrupt. The spirits convened in a great council... and... They let the chosen survive.


    The Wizard-King understood the implication.





    -Oh Acalanti, we shall honor you, your histories lost and forgotten, honored, with our weeping


    Truly, he could but think, as such events having transpired, and him having witnessed them by means of proper ritual, the mind of the Wizard-King was opened to understandings. Truly, it was plain to see how such a role in the time-period, and the event... Seeing the fall would traumatize our peoples. The ancient superstitions around gold, the sheer reverence that must be held for ancient lores, and the pained loss at seeing such a culture, an enlightened society, even one as their enemies, become destroyed by forces beyond their power. This swift destruction of our greatest adversaries, but yet our greatest brothers. The loss of all their ways, all their knowledge, yet it goes to show the ways such a state may fail. To the corruption and degeneration of those such societies, and the doom that befalls those who repeat the most ancient of sins. Showing what befalls those who fall to despairing states of corruption and the war, and the inability to act on it. On purpose, did our ancestors, the winners of the war, the survivors, decide to forget.





    -Ahe'Nautes offering his greatest city to his eldest son, 12000 years ago






    Ay'Acalanti, your memory but nearly lost.


  14. Truthfully, the blessed beautiful Mali and Men who wear their armor and shields of polished bronze, even called from the land by forces beyond their reasoning, still earned much Kleos. TAKEN but not for their wrong, but for the FEAR and AWE inspired by them. For each one is an individual. Each one is a HERO





    -A mask of a terrifying bearded elven ancestor lay abandoned after the elves were taken by the skydaemons

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