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Posts posted by SteppeNomad

  1. A hoplite, his head heavy with his ordeals, he finally returns to be gathered once with his brothers in arms. To find those others engaged in great ritual. For vast wagh was coming.


    Engaged he had been, in the many separate circumstances. The trading of 'serfs', the taking of privilege by the tip of a spear, the training of new hoplites, elections, and the many battles his times take him to and from. He found himself once again, at peace, amongst the raucous fellows, and lads of this Black Symposium.



    "Oh how I yearn to bring my brothers so they too may take of vast glories so easily taken"


    "But this fight? You are outnumbered and outgunned?" spoke a slave


    "Yet not outskilled." He spoke as this slave was drained of blood


    Confident in victory despite seemingly jarring odds, those warriors in skins of glittering bronze stood alongside their brothers in arms. Glorious, beautiful, powerful Urukhiim warriors.


    Together they struck out not just to face enemies, but to fight brothers in great combat. May their weapons clash.


    And indeed, did his spear meet his brothers that day. Through the frontlines he saw Aki fall, though still he fought. As the tears ran down the face of the mask of his terrifying ancestor for the rest of that fight.


    Long did they spill the Blood Wheel under that crooked tree, those frontlines shifting as too did their formation. Effective and hardy, those heroes who stood besides him at the end of the fight? Those bronzed warriors? Truly worth their salt.


  2. The impoverished mercenaries of lubbas keep wish only to expand their minds. Yet they have not even been taught the library can just be visited by any, at any moment.


    Well, as long as they are a citizen of the great state. Still they weep at the sight of our laws, for they do not benefit those who do not benefit the state. If you want rights somewhere, you need to earn them.

  3. OOC (I have noticed a distinct interest in surging bronze age RP, and I would love easier ways for people to get into it. After all, we have a climate on the server that can encourage this kind of storymaking and rp! Believe me when I tell you, its a lot of fun, and I want to involve others easier!)





    - Kezt






    Bright Sun Shines upon the Silver Seas, and a ship of brazen heroes who embark and sail together, not just for simple gain, but the wealth and privilege taken. The glories had, and the legends forged. Over vast seas they sail in ships of painted sails, through difficult terrain they sprint, their grieves and shields of shining bronze glimmer in the sun, as truly those who wear them do as well.


    A traditional lifestyle for those who have the means to focus on the higher-aspects of life, and those who wish to be free to explore such, these ways are translated through all time. An echo never dissipated

    In those most ancient times, there has always been a brotherhood. A Ladliness that spreads throughout those who understand it. Loyalties, honors, and duty to ones self,  their brothers, and that which means to them. In their journeys to urge forth their desires, there are those who had always sought to take more. The labour for life is one that is only an illusion. Why should we fight to secure base life, with just the means to produce what you need? When TRUE life is one lived in ascent! Always rising, always gaining! The PRIVILEGE; the freedom and liberties to take what you need by the tip of your spear.


    And I have MUCH privilege.




    -Sailors gathered to secure what they need, these Lads are known as proficient sailors



    Piratical men first and foremost, they know what can be taken can be done in many ways. Trade, diplomacies, labours, leadership, trial, and the your spike. All of these, those who count themselves amongst their number are proficient in. There are always incentives for why those Akaleh Misthios are drawn to it, those ones who aver'krafehan. The gaining of wealth and heroic glories. To leave before you things that will never pass from this world. To pursue such ideal is to be followed by your brothers and sisters, for whom you always think of. May those who seek, have the gall to take.


    Great trade, and much wealth flows through their hands. For it is through their own trade and will that entire industries form. Desire for the things of abroad, and the protection of those things has always been a position to take as a Hoplite of the Akaleh Misthios. It is because of their piratical ways, and nature of always wanting to gain more prominence and privilege for themselves that occasionally their own individual power, wealth, and position can even surpass that of whom they are hired by.




    -Bronzed Lads inspecting the spoils of their victories


    A spirit of adventure and liberty always permeates the air around such people. Great individuals inspired to go forth into the world to create their legacies and stories, and with the force of personality and will to do just that. There are rigors and trials to become such an individual, but to even conceive of it as a possibility marks you as one of those spirits unconquered, unfettered, and unchained by the burdens others see themselves in. Locked into binds, and placed in owned land without the freedoms to stretch their arms. Truly to be a hero is to be free, and to be free is to live life in ascent.



    Always ready to set sail for distant lands on quests of great danger, these brave heroes embody their own personal ideals and individuality. It is together they fight, because together they win and strike out to take great glory.



    Wealth? Taken





    -A Glorious Hoplite in full Panoply


    The Akaleh Misthios believe in personal merit amongst brothers. It is believed one's wealth and status can be derived merely by gazing upon his demeanor and his Panoply(His full set of hoplite armor). It is a revered act, to gather the wealth and supply to create, take, or have forged the various pieces to a full set of bronzed armor. Polished with great care, these armors are at once a status symbol, protection, and their own subject of mythos. For each piece has a set for how it was gained by that warrior. Many conduct raids for the sole purpose of gathering wealth to forge a new shield or a beautiful muscle cuirass, but truly, the best armor or weapons are the ones gained and won through epic story. Something to be sung about in symposium for all time.



    -'Aheral hoplites clad in silvered bronze panoply






    Individually it is expected each hero to be a great warrior, but it is found the fighting styles of The Bronze Phalanx are powerful when formed in rank. Often times their formations are known just to themselves and their bands, but the truth of the strength in technique comes also from their choice or armaments and strategy. To stand behind a large shield, your spear in one hand, and your sword at your side, you stand ready to face many threats as a protected individual who holds great effectivity when you wield it well. Standing in a line your shield protects not just yourself, but your neighbor and those behind you. Your spike pushes forwards to take what is needed. To suffer a broken spear, or a position where it is unusable, many return to their secondary weapons. Sharpened leaf-shaped blades of bronze. Effective weapons, a symbol of strength and beauty.


    These weapons together are seen as tools and lifestyle. Tools to complete quests, and slay great monsters, and many men.



    It is MORE than common for such Akaleh Misthios to employ with them the auxillaries of similarly beautiful and free people. Or even to serve amongst those individuals as well. Their skills and ways of fighting almost always coming at a compliment of the Hoplite's way. The wealth that can be offered to these people, in the form of salt and treasures often allows for great communication amongst them.


    In fact, a bronzed warrior knows well the price of salt. For he is most often paid in it.



    There is a saying. A song that comes down from a great Philosopher-king. He spoke of the way of things.


    "This is my wealth: My spear and my shield. With this I trample sweet wine from the vine. With this I am called Master of Serfs. Those who do not choose to have spear and sword, and fine shield of polished bronze to protect them, all cower at my knee and submit. Calling me master and great King"

    Flashy Giant on Twitter: "This is sad and scary.… "

    -Mask of Anaxagoras, Hero King. Father of many Citystates






    An 'aheral elfess hoplite







    OOC: (If you are looking to try to get into some ancient era RP, either from a great citystate or as a piratical mercenary Mythic Hero, message me! Here or on discord! I have skins available to add too. Tyto#0435)


    If you have interest, put down your



    IRP Name:



  4. Reading the words of the pinned missive, a handsome sailor speaks with others unloading the fine goods off of his ship. "Such creatures as our beloved Beelots; who toil their whole lives for our benefits are protected with laws and the order of our beautiful society! Such a crime must be held accounted for. The punishment for being caught killing a bee should be hard labour in our salt pools, but for an outsider, even an impure to do so? AND be caught? I can scarcely imagine how many vessels of salt he must pay. The last recompense may need to be had... Should no salt be offered to the owner of the beelot"

  5. A hoplite straps his grieves on every morning to defend his citystate from the terrors of the deep. Donning his crested helm and polished shield, he stands stalwart! "The fish are below us, and shall remain! The accursed terrors, tainted by pollution shall not strike our city left I have a spear to stop it"

  6. vJ9iG97.jpg

    -Meanwhile, in the Frontier


    MY dearest 'Thill of our finest, greatest Haelun'cihi, I speak to you quite plainly.


    I return after great victory upon a foreign sea. SADDENED am I by the discourse I see! Of bickering not for construction, as the Law of Lads, but for the tearing down of others! Llirs! Listen to yourselves!





    Released have I, the prize, not once, not twice, but THRICE, in EVER increasing magnitude upon our fair city. The toil of my life, both at the tip of a spike, and the end of a net have granted me and my beautiful citystate great boon. Yet, in effort to protect our most SPLENDID SYMBOLS I have taken some of the my vast liberties afforded by our great state, and struck forth to protect the ways of my life, and my neighbors. I have given forth my spoils to our citystate, and will do so until my vision fails and I become inert.


    It was I, who sparked these words that have come to divide us, it was MY message which was misheard.



    -A hoplite returns from victory, gathered to speak of thought


    Gather I will, to our gracious Forum, and speak of the truths of things. I invite my dearest 'thill, my most blessed neighbors to come and hear my words. For if it is recompense? I wish my words heard. Words of a one on long Odyssey to benefit his great state.












  7. cOGdXW8.jpg

    Before Our Silver Forums




    Gathered we are, here in our great forums, where song is sung and slots are played. I offer to those who listen, my service.

    I am a Mali of the community, through my spike I have given you sweet honey from the source, and reached forth to bring many gifts and wonders to Haelun'or. I dream of a vision that all of Haelun'or benefits from. It is thanks to our blessed lives, and the Toil-of-no-Toil, The LEISURE that we may focus on all the aspects of High-Life. Arts, philosophies, sciences both natural and super, Athleticism and health. All these aspects of ourselves are subject of ever increasing perfection. There is a common saying. That it is better to be a warrior-poet than simply one or the other.



    Enjoying The Fruits of our City, The Symposiast is free to gather amongst comrades with our vast leisures



    The Iron Temple



    -'The Lads' Gather To Heft Biggly



    I labor, hours so as to show my beautiful neighbors of our most splendid state the ways of The Iron Temple, this branch of which, I have been spearheading. Moved am I by the efforts displayed by those Truly Beautiful mali'aheral who reach forth to grab with their hands and sculpt their forms into works of art, finer figures, more blessed than can be represented in any marble carved by the most skilled hands. We are beautiful people, why wouldn't we work out? It is a place to gather, where silver tongues and bodies are tempered, and truly, all live in ascent.




    -A pair of coconuts are spiked on the bar


    And no longer can excuses be made, I have perfected a tool to offer resistance to even the most voidally drained Magician so they too may enjoy max toneage. My Warlock Weights!

    Truly, we are most blessed for the freedoms to pursue arts





    -A Hoplite Returns to his Marbled Citystate After Winning Glories


    It is often I return from my voyages over the sea, where I represent haelun'or well, and strike out great benefit and privileges. When I come across those silver seas, I often I witness the greatness of Haelun'or, of our mother city, and yet I know there is more that can be done. It is why, come before you to speak, so as I can offer you my service, oh Citizens of Haelun'or, as ElOkarir'Mali!


    It is my greatest honor and greatest privilege to serve our great Mother-City, Ay'Haelun'or! Ay The Republic!


    -Pamphilos Callidora of The Hyptos

  8. A blonde 'aheral philosopher reads the missive from the docks of his beautiful citystate after picking it up in a voyage. "Truly, it is the folly of man, who creates this situation for himself. He spends his life in mere toil, building the kingdoms of others, working helplessly to gain position in owned space. When in truth, the degeneration of others, as signaled by the crass backhanded ways to achieve power now; through background politic, rumor, and various scheming diplomacies, is in fact a marker of a stagnant state. Where man cannot stretch his arms without interfering with the affairs of others. With no great challenge, man does not live in ascent, just a state of stagnant degeneration and perversion. Mere life. Not ascendant life. Yet he still craves to gain, and you already know what he will do for it in a perverted society"

  9. The ferrymen? Simple violent jihadis. It is good the Urguanistanis culled them rightly. Like ants, the dwarves swarm from their tunnels in great mass. Truly there is no hope for those who engage them in their own citystate

  10. (Part 1 of a couple part mythic epic about truly ancient times)




    Na Yallir Na Prenu Talar'Asul






    The scene is set, A silver moon rides the sky, straddling a sublime city of purest marble and finest construction. The beautiful Mali'aheral, with their poets-a-canter, and maiden song singing, living their lives of plenty. Blessed are they, who dance amongst her white columns, sweet smells rise, and great friendships struck. In this scene, a symposium of comrades. The brothers few, who share with each other boasts and beratements, laughter, and love, gifts offered freely to one another. Together they strike out and make the night their own. Gathered they did, as the blessings flowed freely as gifts of their splendid lives. Salt and Fish from the sea, Fruits and Nuts from the hills, Sweet, sparkling Wine from the Vine. The Symposiasts gathered together for great intent, as these were the times where tongue is tempered in the ring of philosophy and debate.


    "What is the way to live?" The bronze-haired 'Aheral asked, his hand grasping only the juiciest grapes.


    "To be free of worry, far from battle, and the prater of lessers, where you have chance to cultivate" An 'aheral responds, his feet hiked as he drinks watered wine from the amphorae

    Another interjects, drizzling his comrade and himself with oil "That may be part of it, but truly one lives best when he is challenged" His wrestling partner returns as they lock together in a grapple. "I must not be living to the fullest then!" she exclaims before pinning her opponent.


    As the others drank their water and wine, the young 'Aheral, Son of a beautiful mother, bronzed by the blessed rays of the sun, his body molded by honor-heft in The Iron Temple, and mind enforced by the great teachings of venerated Mali'aheral scholars drank from his own cup of sparkling wine; then spoke again. "Why aren't you, then?"  Crossing his legs as the Symposiasts gathered there in the sauna listened on with furrowed brows. "You all gather here almost every night, we eat from our fine plates, we sup from silver chalices and bronzed mugs. We heft big weight, and we clash many lyres, and orate many poems. Our slaves toil for all our needs, and we simply take as we please, bounty from the sea and isle. You say to be challenged is good, but at the same time wish to be free from harm? What is challenge with no risk? With no reward?  Mere homework!" Enraged, the 'aheral symposiasts assaulted him with insult after insult, each one her curtailed, like knives off a shield. They all had the same core. "Well then mister bronze elf, why don't you go do something challenging then?"


    "Well lets go then"

    He laughed, the symposiasts, drunk on pure wine, did not think they would need to be proving the weight of their words, but they still accepted the challenge anyway, as these sorts of friends do. But when the morning rose, splaying itself out beyond that silver horizon and the waves were perfect to cast away, only him greeted that dawn, his shield of bronze polished, and his cuirass lined with silver laurels. He went about the silver city, and every chance he could, he reminded his friends about their weak word, and wimpish sensibility. Enraged again, the insults flew, but finally, the comrades relented, knowing that he was right.



    There is a saying in the islands of the Mali'aheral

    "I hate the symposiast with a good memory"



    Each of these Mali'aheral were obviously members of esteemed bloodlines of Haelun'or, and as such, benefited from the privileges of that. Obtaining quite easily what they wished, and gathered what was necessary. From polished shields, and arms so beautiful they would make a dwarf cry, even the food for the journey was a thing that not only nourished body, but soul as well. Oh, to be provided for my the fruits of your bounty, the labor of no labor, and to wear it proud, as we are blessed men. Each of them, clad in their heavy bronze with tied and filigreed with silver, and the blues of their crested helms. Each one a champion of mind and body, pure blood and pure spirit. The girls smiled finally having the saunas to themselves again, and then, the comrades set out on a ship of painted sails away from their mother island, yet it was good.



    One of the key features that distinguishes an 'Aheral sailor from lessers is their patience and ability in long journey


    Together, through these vast and silvery seas, the comrades knew many great songs and tale, they spoke legends of stars and light, but the lights ahead a manner of elf weeks into the voyage spoke more to them in that moment




    ((Heres the first post of an 'Aheral Mythic Epic of a great Warrior-Poet and one-day Hero-King! If you wanna read more check out my other posts on The Hyptos, a bloodline of heroes.))


  11. On 1/20/2022 at 12:07 PM, sashimichopped said:


    An actual full-blood Akritian, a descendant of Holy Sir Theophilos Komnenos-Arianites - Who went by the name of Filippos Komnenos-Arianites heard the words of Vasileia. "TI STO DIAOLO! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY PEOPLE!?! ELVES AND AKRITOS? NEVER! MY FOREFATHERS WOULD ROLL IN THEIR GRAVES! GOD. PLEASE. NO."

    And roll they have, as the great Anaxagoras likely put them there. Father of MANY 'Aheral colonies, founded them by putting many akritian citystates to the flame. Taking the best islands for our kind. Lost are they, the old Men and Dwarves of Ancient Akritos. Only the remnants of the states untouched by conquest of piratical 'Aheral hoplites remained. Their pillars toppled, their forums trod underfoot. These remnants took inspiration from great elven architecture and laws, and the eternal glimmering marble of our great 'Aheral colonies!


  12. A proud sailor reads this missive and smiles in recognition before a day spent out over silver seas. A labor that is not truly a labor, he merely exists as normal and provides for the state.


    "Oh sweet Mali'aheral, Limited are we not to one such profession, one such disposition. We are beautiful people, and specialization is for lessers."

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